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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    If that match had a clean finish with the ankle lock...I'd have no problem giving that over ***1/2.
  2. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    "You Tapped Out" chant....that's awesome.
  3. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    That match was great...the pyschology with the traingle hold from their Boston SD match back in July of 2002 was really a nice touch....and the buildup was great. And what a shit finish.
  4. iliketurtles

    WWE Interest in TNA Guys...or not

    AMW has gotten A LOT better since they first were in TNA. Might not be the greatest tag team in the world, but they aren't the worst.
  5. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    AND ANGLE DOES THE SAME THING! AWESOME BUILDUP. Seriously...for a match that's JUST happening after one week...these build-up interviews rule.
  6. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    Great Taker interview/promo. Makes the match feel more special.
  7. You've got No Mercy 2001, Vengeance 2001, Rumble 2002....I'm sure there's more from Raw/SD, but I can't remember. But what's your favorite? Despite not seeing Vengeance for a while and seeming to like Jericho using the Rock Bottom instead of the Breakdown as the finish...I'll go with No Mercy 2001.
  8. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    Keith just makes it a weekly thing by saying TNA is great, WWE sucks...even if it's oppoiste of what the show was really like. He doesn't even try anymore...that's why I barely read him and when I do, I just quickly glance over what he says.
  9. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    To be honest, I only read Dames so I'm not justified saying that about Metzler. Then I'm not sure what he thought was so great about it. *shrugs*
  10. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    Juvi/Sabin just seemed way too unrealiastic to me. I just don't how, especially after wrestling matches before, that those guys can go out there and counter, after counter, after counter. Also, those guys keeping a quick pace despite hitting big moves (not selling the moves) And the finish was retarded...Juvi does everything and the kitchen sink to Sabin and he kicks out, but Juvi falls to one move.
  11. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    I enjoyed the 1 year anniversary much better. I dunno, maybe the fact it was taped really got me not as motivated to say it was a great show...but this show just seemed to fall short. I will say I thought War Games was a huge dissapointment...You'd think we get the classic, old-school NWA War Games and not some more hardcore 2003 version. That's what makes no sense...they talk about how much they are into tradition and stuff...yet they totally change War Games around.
  12. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    I was thinking of Bret playing possum when I saw Ted do that...but he should be much more established so the fans don't react like that was a botch. Juvi/Sabin WASN'T THAT GREAT! The CONSTANT countering was really stupid (it got old...fast) and the ridiclious ECW pinfall like segment...IN THE END OF THE MATCH. That sequence is used at the beginning to get a cheap pop from the crowd and to start to build up a match...not near the climax of it. Oh, and Juvi kipping up was really stupid. I think Metzler is just saying this stuff because he wants to say as much as he can good about any company other then WWE. Sure, a few things were good....but it was mostly short, short matches with a few long & boring matches for a show no one is going to remember.
  13. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    I thought tonight was fair...short, spotfesty X Division matches and Wargames was a huge clusterfuck because of the weapons and the one ring/one cage. And the opener made no sense whatsoever, but that's okay.
  14. iliketurtles

    Teddy Hart is great

    Juvi/Hart was one of the biggest spotfests I've ever seen. The number of counters was beyond ridiclious. Hart was impressive, though.
  15. iliketurtles

    GTA to Xbox

    So BOTH GTA games are going to XBox? Yaaaay!
  16. iliketurtles

    Favorite Jericho vs. Rock match?

    I never thought that highly of the "I am not a joke" promo either. I remember watching it and being like "That's nice...". Jericho putting his hand right in the Rock's face and saying Just Bring It on SD before No Mercy was CLASSIC. CLASSIC.
  17. iliketurtles

    Trouble with Lesnar & Brock's Match

    Brock could of used the Ankle Lock. And I thought the Hogan Killer was actually credible.
  18. iliketurtles

    Favorite Jericho vs. Rock match?

    I think I like No Mercy the best because the crowd was 50/50...from what I recall, Vengeance was more or less Pro-Rock, but HOLY SHIT when Jericho won the WCW title....as was I. And even though Vengeance/Rumble had psychology from the No Mercy match.....and Rumble had the "I am not a joke" promo...No Mercy had the whole "I will win the big one" angle to it. And about the finishes...I'm mixed on it. No Mercy had Stephanie coming down with the stupid chair...but Jericho debuted a new finishing move that instantly became over, even if he ended up not using it often. Vengeance had the Vince interference...but Jericho winning with the Rock Bottom was gold. Rumble had the interference, ref bullshit, and the cheating pin...but giving Rock a lowblow, hitting his head into the unprotected turnbuckle, school boying him WITH your feet on the ropes is just classic Flair. I still think No Mercy is still the better of all of them.
  19. iliketurtles

    NHL '99 Question for PC

    Excuse me...David Bowie...not Billy Idol.
  20. iliketurtles

    The One & Only RAW 2 Thread!

    Something tells me this game is going to suck worse then Raw 1. I hope they prove me wrong...but I dunno. I've got my doubts.
  21. iliketurtles

    Sid Vicious Interview

    Sid is a smart guy...but he does make some comments that are just stupid...like the workrate comment. I wouldn't mind him coming back that much, I suppose. I dunno what they would do with him. He'd probably have a big return, shitty match with someone like HHH, then fuck around the midcard like Steiner.
  22. iliketurtles

    Your camera's are under our control

    You can't even bring your OWN personal camera in? I swear they are begging people NOT to go to the shows....that's not even counting the product at hand. Edit: I don't get why you can't even bring a camera in. The sight of camera bulbs flashing during big spots is classic and does help add effect to a match...stupid, stupid, stupid.
  23. iliketurtles

    What is your favorite WWE PPV theme of 2002?

    I liked Superstar too...but I think having Tear Away took away from the value of it as well. And I'll change my vote and say definately Adrenaline...one of my favorite songs...ever.
  24. iliketurtles

    Your camera's are under our control

    This media ban makes no sense. So if they have someone like Tyson again, are they just asking the media NOT to cover it? I swear that when Jericho says "Monkeys, roll the footage."...he isn't lying.