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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Where should WM XXI be?

    I'd SO love to see them do a Summerslam at Fenway Park...I would for Mania, but there would be a foot of snow on the ground. As for Mania 21...Georgia Dome would be sweet.
  2. iliketurtles

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Austin is the only one who should be able to do it...because he's the most popular guy on the Raw roster. Everyone else you have a valid point.
  3. iliketurtles

    Summerslam 03 Match Qualities

    This is all very good points...but I still want to watch the match again because I thought it was really good when I saw it live, but then again a bunch of people were over and I can't say I was paying attention the whole match.
  4. iliketurtles

    Summerslam 03 Match Qualities

    I've always liked the Mania match....but SS seemed to be that much better. I dunno...I'm still mixed. I think Mania had the more emotional and momumental match...but this was the better wrestling match. And the crowd was into this one more. I dunno...it's mixed...I guess I'd have to see the SS match before I give a final person opinion.
  5. iliketurtles

    Summerslam 03 Match Qualities

    Brock/Angle was ****1/2...and that's taking off the interference. The rest I don't particular care about too much. EC was NOT ***...more like *1/2, and that's not counting the finish.
  6. iliketurtles


    Bad Blood over Backlash? I don't get that...there's not one good thing about Bad Blood. I was one of the few who thought it was decent. Really, Rob? I'd like you to tell me what you liked about it...because I've honestly tried to take the time to think of something good that came out of it and all I could think of was Steiner's leap of death.
  7. iliketurtles


    Bad Blood over Backlash? I don't get that...there's not one good thing about Bad Blood.
  8. iliketurtles


    I thought most of it was just recycled stuff from Mania/Vengeance, to be honest. 4 Way was good...but it's nothing we haven't already seen. Lesnar/Angle was loads better than Mania. EC SS 2002 was better then SS 2003 by miles. Everything else has been done before Raw/SD the past year. Still a decent PPV...I think I'd go Vengeance, Mania, Rumble (I was at it), No Way Out, Backlash (at that too), Summerslam, Bad Blood.
  9. iliketurtles


    Yeah...the whole room was in laughter/shock with Coach...it just came out of NOWHERE.
  10. iliketurtles


    I enjoyed everything up til the finish...that really left a sour feeling in my mouth. Angle/Lesnar was awesome.
  11. iliketurtles


    Main event was horrible....first one blew it away by miles. As for the finish? Let's just say the whole room was unbelivably pissed off. Maybe it builds up too HHH vs. Goldberg @ Unforgiven? Where I'm sure HHH will go over from there.
  12. iliketurtles

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    What a fucking JOKE of a main event. HHH has no balls whatsoever.
  13. iliketurtles

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    Before I go...LOL @ Taker.
  14. iliketurtles

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    I'm going to go with....double DQ in Lesnar/Angle....Rhyno wins....and Jericho is the new champ of the world. I'm off to my friend's watching Summerslam...later.
  15. iliketurtles

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    I want them to be already Chained into the chamber as it lowers... That would be sweet ass sweet That would be so funny/awesome at the same times. They'd have to stand up there for fucking 3 hours...ha.
  16. iliketurtles

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    Having them outside is SUCH a nice touch.
  17. iliketurtles

    best ppv ever

    My exact same sentiments are like Barron's on Mania 17...it's the single greatest professional wrestling show ever produced. It was, at that time, the instant moment where wrestling had become an all-time high ever (yes, 2000-Early 2001 was the single most popular time ever for wrestling. How can I back that up? WWF made the most money ever during that time period than any other time ever...and also produced unbelivable wrestling shows every night. NWA 1989 = WWF 2000.) The thing about Mania 17 it had everything. Drama, awesome wrestling, awesome buildup, that special feel to it that you knew it was a big show, a shocking ending, etc. It was basically all the work the WWF had done during 2000 and thrown all in one show that night. It also represented the last time the WWF seemed to care about putting on a mega awesome show like that because WCW had just gone out of business (using the theory that competition was what made the WWF so great)... And people will still talk about Mania 17 for years...marks and smart marks both. Not to mention there was 68,000 people there.
  18. iliketurtles

    Jericho, Big Show, Radicals and Regal

    Don't ask where I heard it, but I think Big Show was actually suppose to be called Big Nasty. I never got why they just didn't keep calling him The Giant, or "The Big Show" Paul Wight. I remember the nWo beatdown with Nash on Giant, but not what Bischoff said.
  19. iliketurtles

    Abdullah v. Hogan

    I think the more appropriate question is did they ever wrestle because I can't think of one time they may have. Was Abdullah in Memphis around the time Hogan was?
  20. iliketurtles

    Excellent Comedic Performances

    Since there's so many excellence performances out there, I'll just go with the most recent one: Bernie Mac in Head of State. I was dying. And Will Ferrel in Old School..
  21. iliketurtles


    I haven't had one problem since buying it back the day it came out.
  22. iliketurtles

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    This should probably go in fantasy booking..but no one reads that section anyways. Alright, after what we saw on Smackdown with that awesome beatdown on Gowen and then the reaction by Cole/Tazz...Lesnar is now no longer a tweener-heel like he was when he first turned. He's a fucking monster heel now going in Summerslam. Here's what I'd do with him: Obviously, if they are gunna do Lesnar/Angle III at Mania XX then I believe they should "blow their load" (so to speak) on this match coming up. I think that what will happen is piss off the fans, but will better advance the program. Have the match go into an all out brawl the first few minutes or so and it gets back in the ring. I think they should just start going nuts at each other until it's the point where the ref has to call for a Double DQ (so Lesnar doesn't have to job, Angle won't lose the title right off, and the better match will be saved for Mania XX). After the match, Lesnar goes fucking nuts and starts destroying EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. I'm talking about Angle, the SD refs, other officials & suits from the back, the SD ring announcer, the bell ringer, Tazz (or Cole), and have it basically come to the point where Lesnar has to be taken down by security & over 10 cops or so (Over exaggerate...it makes Lesnar look like a monster even more) and arrested. You can do this because it will be the last match for the Smackdown side of things for the night, so you won't need most of the SD people for the Elimination Chamber (main event). I'll go rahter quickly with what you do...Angle goes onto Eddie (who loses the US Title to Rhyno) for the WWE Title feud & Brock moves onto destroying the SD roster one by one every week (Orlando Jordan one week followed by Undertaker the next, Tajiri, Kidman & Mysterio in a handicap, and Ultimo). Doing it this way, you'll have enough time because you've got 2 months before the PPV so every week Brock goes through everyone, but has no main enemy. Until he's beating on (whoever) after a match when... ...Chris Benoit rushes to the ring and takes Lesnar DOWN and slaps on the Crossface (Not your typical Crossface, we are talking about ala Jericho Judgment Day 2000) when Lesnar does the unthinkable after a few moments. He taps, taps, taps. The crowd would go INSANE and Cole/Tazz can have a collective orgasm at ringside and they can replay it, and replay it, and replay it. But the key is since it wasn't a match, it doesn't count (Taking this from Benoit/Angle @ Mania 17, but it still works). The feud goes onto No Mercy, and then a blow off @ Survivor Series. Benoit can become an instant mega babyface again and Lesnar is already established as an asshole, unstoppable heel and the matches these 2 guys would be classic. Just a matter of it happening, I guess.
  23. iliketurtles

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    I'm guessing Matt Hardy chose that match.
  24. iliketurtles

    PWI 500

    HHH @ 2??? I thought it was suppose to be the BEST wrestlers in the world. Not the guys that were champions.
  25. iliketurtles

    "Hollywood" Hunter Hearst Helmsley

    I think this helps out everyone. HHH loses the title to someone, takes off for a while, and comes back...hopefully with a recharaged motivation. Well, something needs to happen because I think we all can only take so much of him anymore.