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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Not a fan of Vince McMahon?

    Oh, I can put this in the useless thread/ I don't usually go in that thread so you can delete this topic if you want.
  2. iliketurtles

    Not a fan of Vince McMahon?

    Whoa, did this post get fucked up or something? Anyways, came across this and figured some of you mind find it entertaining. http://www.klng.com/professionals/professi...id=000002039003
  3. I'm surprised this didn't happen with Michaels after the last few years earlier.
  4. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    So did anyone listen to their Super Bowl show?
  5. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    Man, this show is awesome. We need more of it.
  6. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    I watched the Byte This episode these guys had a couple months ago and it was really entertaining. They make a good team. I love when Michael Cole makes fun of the storylines and how WWE reuses them every 6 months.
  7. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    This show must go on. Just to have random ex-WWE employees call up and talk about how screwed up things are. And for Tazz to just swear crazy.
  8. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    From that clip you posted, this seems entertaining to me.
  9. iliketurtles

    Number one contender tournament on RAW

    HHH over Flair, Big Show, and RVD. I'm guessing.
  10. iliketurtles

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    I need to hear Michael Cole say fuck.
  11. iliketurtles


  12. iliketurtles

    Kurt Angle T-Shirts

    Why can't it just say "WRESTLING MACHINE" on the front and "KURT ANGLE" on the back? And forget all that other stupid stuff.
  13. iliketurtles


    Such an awesome episode. My favorite part is when Locke turns the cradle over and goes "Happy Birthday Claire." I'm all "Yeah, Locke is the biggest babyface on this fucking island.'
  14. If they exploited Owen's death then that would add more fire to the lawsuit by the Harts. Eddie's different though with the "natural causes" thing.
  15. iliketurtles

    Smackdown Spoilers for the Febuary 3rd Show

    ENOUGH WITH EDDIE. Jesus. I mean, I understand them doing the whole Rumble thing with Rey and that was cool stuff and all, but this is just getting absurd.
  16. iliketurtles

    Very good Kurt Angle Interview

    Very good interview. It makes me feel good everytime I hear about wrestlers finally being aloud to be themselves. The one's who are the most successful are always allowed to do that.
  17. iliketurtles


    I agree with him to a point. The Season 1 had such an impact that I can tell you each and every episode and what happened in order, for the most part. This season is just all jumbled too me. The first episode was solid. And it's great and all we are finally finding out answers to questions and stuff but I don't know. I had with what they've done with Sayid. He's pretty useless at this point. Kate/Sawyer is fine, Hurley/Libby is fine...Charlie/Claire I do not give a shit what happens. Rose/Benard would be a lot more appealing to hear about then that. Jack/AL is okay but whatever. I've got a bad feeling Locke is going to turn on us, and everyone would fucking hate that. And I think if Jack turned everyone would hate that too. I can see the "Kate's with the others oh my god" twist at some point in the season and that wouldn't be that bad. But it would be cool as hell if someone in the group has been a spy for quite a bit of time, and someone we know and wouldn't expect. I've been also semi-dissapointed in the monster to a point because I don't think it's the same vision that they originally chose to have when they first had the Pilot eaten by it. I think that it will pick up soon, but Season 1 was better than this Season. And I also think that with all the success and publicity the show got it's starting to go in more of a corporate direction and I think some of the stuff they put on TV is what ABC thinks is good, and not Damon. And it probably doesn't help JJ Abrams isn't really involved with the show anymore on a regular basis.
  18. iliketurtles

    Triple H promo on Rey Mysterio

    I'm all set with this as long as Rey eliminates HHH at the Rumble to win the whole thing. Cause that would just kick all kinds of ass.
  19. iliketurtles


    Charlie's episodes have been some of the most boring and useless yet. This was no difference. It was okay, but just really lackluster. I liked Locke knocking out Charlie.
  20. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I wonder if Austin's going to blow it up.
  21. iliketurtles


    You guys know who the head Other quoted? Alvar F'n Hanso. That's awesome.
  22. iliketurtles


    Awesome episode.
  23. iliketurtles

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    Not a surprise.
  24. iliketurtles

    Undertaker unhappy because of his HIAC match?

    That's pretty messed up.
  25. iliketurtles

    Kennedy on Byte This

    Anyone have a review or anything?