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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Eddie Guerrero's character.

    Now don't get on me just yet...I'm not talking about storyline wise. I'm not talking about all the stuff with Rey and Dominik and the wives and all that shit. Ever since Guerrero's turned heel, he almost seems to be remotivated of sorts. We all know about how he couldn't handle the pressure as the big babyface WWE champion and ever since he dropped the belt, he was getting pretty bland. But ever since he's turned, it's a total difference in my opinion. His mannerisms are really great for a heel such as slowly stopping and staring when he comes to the ring, always with a total unintrested look and even pissed off/depressed state of mind, etc. His promos have so much more vigor and intensity that you really want to hate the guy. His delivery and consistency seems to be on target and plays the character as if he's in his own world. I read in an interview with Mick Foley comment on this as well and how much he's enjoyed Guerrero's work the past 4 months, so I figured I'd make a topic. Foley's always said the best heels should always believe whatever they are doing, whether right or wrong, is the right thing to do. As retarded as some of the booking has been, I believe Guerrero's done an excellent job of that. So what do you think? I think Angle's character the past few weeks as the most intense and pissed off son of a bitch is going to rival it, but I believe Guerrero's character is the most interesting to watch at this time.
  2. iliketurtles

    Eddie Guerrero's character.

    He's very similar to his 1997-98 character in WCW, except on a bigger level now. Maybe it's because I haven't really seen Eddie do this stuff in a good 5 years it's a lot more intresting to watch, but in the same token he did just off a long period as babyface. And when I ask the question...I mean compare to the current other characters now and not just from the past. It maybe rehashed, but I look at it more enjoyable than any of the other bland/stale characters they've got going on.
  3. iliketurtles

    Hurricane Katrina

    Hey, here's an idea. Get the fuck out of New Orleans.
  4. iliketurtles

    Current pictures of past wrestlers

    Sting looks like Warrior.
  5. iliketurtles

    Will The Pepsi Plunge Be Seen On WWE TV?

    I still have this weird feeling he's going to debut as a new member of Evolution with someone like Brent Albright or someone else from OVW.
  6. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    If they start Evolution again, they need to have two/three brand new faces. Like, for example, when Team Angle started. No one heard of Charlie Haas or Shelton Benjamin, but using Angle's overness, they got over by association. I hear Triple H is all about CM Punk, so I don't see why not bring him in the fold. Take someone from OVW like a Brent Albright so put him in the mix. If Flair ends up back with HHH, then yaay for everyone.
  7. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I think Big Show's being misused right now. We all know what he can do because in the first half of 2003, he really stepped his game up on Smackdown and was a big part of that show. I think they could have him do that on RAW. They just need to be more consistent with him, which has been the problem with his character for the past 5 years. He's either a funny good guy, a monster bad guy, a serious good guy, a tweener, etc. And Snitsky is useless. I know Vince might love the guy but he has absoutely no business being on TV. He's horrible in the ring. He's horrible on the mic. He's got a horrible body to look at with all that embarassing steroid body acne. He's got no redeeming qualities. He should be on HEAT until they cancel that show and then just fire him. Like, I'm understanding they want to make new stars. That's fine and dandy, but like someone said, they've just got all these guys who are totally green and aren't ready to to be TV...basically throwing shit to the wall and seeing what sticks. Another thing of note is obviously how lousy the tag division is. It could be at the worst point it's ever been. It's in desperate need of a boost. I think Cade/Murdoch will be a quick fix for a while, but other than that...there's no hope. The Heart Throbs are a joke. Tyson Tomko and Renee Dupree doesn't even make any sense. I don't mind Hurricane/Rosey as tag team champions. It's just that they don't do anything with them. The one thing they had somewhat going was Stacy as their manager and then they pulled the plug on that one. They've got all this established talent that's doing abosutely nothing right now including Kane, Eugene, Rob Van Dam, Shelton Benjamin, Tajiri, and Triple H (even though he was extremely stale so that's understandable why he's been off TV)...they need to take the crap out and put some of these guys in places to help improve the show. I could see all guys getting makeovers as well, and that's fine. Give them something fresh to do, but don't just not use them.
  8. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I think it's safe to say WWE is in a transition period. I think this whole past year has been one big transition period to be honest because there as so much building to Wrestlemania 20, we got it, and then everything kind of fell really flat. Wrestlemania 21 is one of the most forgetable Wrestlemanias already. Not because it was a bad show, but because it was already doomed because it followed Mania 20. I think the move to USA and Smackdown to Friday Nights (even though I've totally given up on that show until Lesnar comes back) ends the transition and they kinda start over again. I would hope the days of Randy Orton getting pushed as a World Champion good guy are over, but pushing Carlito/Masters as main event bad guys...that's not exactly going to set the world on fire either.
  9. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I have no idea why, but I enjoyed the show tonight. Despite some of the rehashed angles (Flair getting beaten down and blooded in the locker room by an unknown person, Edge/Hardy going through the stage), I thought they worked for the story and I have no problem with it. Some of the production and image of the show seemed a lot more fresh to me, for whatever reason. Some different camera angles, etc. The commentary was a lot better than usual and Lawler was a lot better than he has been in the past months. The booking seemed more balanced and equaled out instead of everything just cramped in and being too predictable like the past, I dunno, two or so years have been. There wasn't really any segment that I was particularly bothered by and I thought everything they went to accomplish worked. I thought the Cena/Angle segment was solid, and it didn't make Angle look like a coward near the end. The bait and switch of the Masterlock Challenge didn't exactly bother me because that wasn't much of a selling point in my eye to watch the show cause Masters isn't a draw. I thought the main event was slow but I liked Flair coming out at the end, even though he'll more than likely turn on Michaels at some point like the 23 other times he's foreshadowed turning face and then turned back heel, and he'll probably join back up with Triple H when he gets back on TV. I didn't particularly like the finish of the main event and the show, but that was more so because I'm not exactly a big fan of Chris Masters and it seemed kind of abrupt. He's got to go to Heat or something. If they are trying to replace him for Jericho's absense...10 Chris Masters' clones can't duplicate a Chris Jericho. I think after Edge gets done with his program with Hardy and Angle/Cena do there thing, Cena/Edge is going to be the next program we see. I also wouldn't particular be offended to see Kane/Cena in a program (assuming Kane comes back as a heel), though the match would suck balls, it would be something new. They do need to feed Cena some new big named heels the next few months if they want him built up for Triple H at Wrestlemania, because that's the money match he's got in 2006. Good show, however. I'm intrested to see if they are going to do things for Unforgiven, or if it's just going to be a filler PPV like most PPVs are these days.
  10. iliketurtles

    Interesting question via Meltzer

    I think Hogan/Andre as far as overall, but for modern day I'd say Hogan/Rock (Wrestlemania 18), Bret/Michaels (SS 97), or Taker/Mankind (KOTR 98)
  11. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Is it just me or does the production and the overall image of the show seem...I dunno, a lot more fresh tonight? Sure they are rehashing some story writing and the such, but it's still somewhat different.
  12. iliketurtles


    Has anyone seen the clip of Locke/Kate/Hatch from the Season Premiere? Crazy shit.
  13. iliketurtles

    40 year old virgin

    Just got home from it...that movie was f'n hilarious. Better than Wedding Crashers.
  14. iliketurtles

    WWE News on Dudleys, Wrestlemania Box Set, Angle

    Angle divorcing his wife really, really surprises me. She probably couldn't take it anymore of him putting his health in jeopardy.
  15. iliketurtles

    Mick Foley talked about coming back to Raw

    Anytime Foley does an interview it is a great listen, and this is no difference. Thanks for posting.
  16. iliketurtles

    Chris Jericho to TNA?

    I think it's a work. I believe Jericho will start back up at the beginning of 2006 with WWE once his Fozzy tours settle down. There's no reason for him to go to TNA. He's probably just trying to get people talking.
  17. iliketurtles


    Let me just point out how the Season 2 trailers for all the characters are fucking insanely bad ass.
  18. iliketurtles

    Smackdown Spoilers

    YES. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a fucking great segment. And looking at the main event results...who the living hell did Jordan piss off? He's getting totally buried.
  19. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Dude, this is fucking hilarious. I love having Big Show and Carlito do an angle where they both agree to go back to Carlito's bedroom, then Shelton Benjamin comes out of nowhere and kicks him in the head. And I died with the Jim Ross stuff. That shit is hilarious.
  20. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Man. That didn't take long.
  21. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Man. Watching this show tonight makes me understand why Jericho wants out.
  22. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    Torrie Wilson just turned heel. This is truly an historic night.
  23. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    I'm sorry but I'm confused by the logic in this. Oh wait, it's the Divas. They don't count.
  24. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

  25. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

    I think Jericho has been resigned for longer than that. I think he's just going on a hiatus because he has concerts planned for the next few months.