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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles


    I think it's seriously possible that the plane crash for Government purposes. That everyone on the plane was a sacrifice, for the greater good. Everything on the island is an experiment. Just like a mouse trying to get out of a maze. How fucked up would it be if the end of the series in years to come is when one of the characters finally figures out the secret and their killed off? I mean, I don't see the ending of the show them being rescused and going back to normal life.
  2. iliketurtles


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4733535018&rd=1 I might bid on it. Then eat it. www.driveshaftband.com Check out that site...fucking weird.
  3. iliketurtles


    It really was a fantastic ending. I thought it dragged, but the last 15 minutes are really perfect. I mean, I DO wish they gave us a little bit of what the Hatch is, but I guess we got all we need to know for now. And the Hell theory isn't far off...that's crossed my mind before. Now, you know that scene from the Pilot that was posted with the explosion and the black thing? The thing about this...wasn't a guy sucked into the engine which caused it to blow up? But clearly something more to it then meets the eye. Maybe the "monster" did take the plane down.
  4. iliketurtles

    WWE Jukebox for June 2005

    At first I thought this was actually on the website and you just added to the list. Which would of been fucking funny. But yeah.
  5. iliketurtles


    Ha, for whatever reason, I get Radio-Canada and they are replaying LOST in French...All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues.
  6. iliketurtles


    Once the screen goes away of the chart loading, click the numbers. The site is going really slow cause I don't even think it's completed yet. And it's probably getting overloaded.
  7. iliketurtles


    Danielle's map: http://boogadave.free.fr/LOST/danielles_map.jpg
  8. iliketurtles


    Are you talking about the pink script? Crazy. Did you read about Charlie at the bottom/
  9. iliketurtles


    It's registered to Disney so it's legit. If you click on the seating chart with the numbers 4-8-15-16-23-42, it plays that promo.
  10. iliketurtles


    Guys, have you just heard about this new site that was created? Edit: THIS IS FUCKED. Season 2 Trailer (Don't click if you don't want too): http://www.oceanic-air.com/_swf/egg_promo.swf FUCKED UP. It's really slow, but everyone on the Fuselage is creaming their pants right now. http://www.oceanic-air.com/
  11. iliketurtles


    Sad to say, I was and am still thinking the same thing. They definately could of given us more of what was in the hatch and not spoil it all. I mean, we still know (though no one else does) that Locke did see light come from the hatch. Even a small glimpse of what's exactly in it. All we know now is that it's just a straight tunnel straight into the Earth and not round and full of space.
  12. iliketurtles

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    I'm really liking the way they are going with Jericho's character right now. Him basically doing everything other than focusing on wrestling, while not only true in real life, seems to be the way he's going right now. We all know Jericho's been stale for the past few months so this definately could change things around. I'd even like him to drop to the Y2J gimmick and go total "I don't give a crap anymore" and loose his love for wrestling. Maybe even have him like miss a few shows because of some lame excuse when he's suppose to be tag partners with someone. He comes back the next week "Oh, I forgot...yeah whatever." It could set him nicely up with Batista for a feud down the road if they revamp his career. Thoughts? I'm all for this.
  13. iliketurtles


    Definately. It seems like ages ago that Jack was hanging out with Vincent in the forest. It does feel like a lifetime as far as this show goes...basically telling us how good it really is. My only, only fear is that they bit too much then they could chew for. Will we ever know exactly why the plane crash? What the numbers mean and why it brings these people together? Who are the Others? Why the fuck was there a polar bear on the island? Why can't anyone pick up the transmission on this radio tower near the Black Rock (which we never saw)? What the hell is really in the hatch? What happened to the tail section of the plane? What is the damn monster? I do have the feeling they are going to go down the route of "Okay, they got the hatch open. Now it's time to figure out how to get IN the hatch." Consideirng the ladder was destroyed (from the explosion...maybe, but I doubt it.) The most frustrating part of this show is you get answers, but it just leads to more questions. There's definately a loooooot of stuff to cover in the next season. Hopefully we get more answers then they gave us this time around. I wish they gave us more tonight as far as answers. Maybe like what Kate exactly did, or why Locke was paralyzed. Something simple and important, but not too revealing of the whole show.
  14. iliketurtles


    Really reflecting back on it, and I'm sure I'll re-watch most of the episodes this summer, but I think it's safe to say from where the show is now and when I thought it was going to be when I saw the Pilot. Man...I couldn't have even predicted what it turned into. I mean, damn. Also, major credit to them for having basically everything spot on in the flashback at the end when they boarded the plane. You know that they filmed this months after the original taping of the plane crash and it really was perfect as far as outfits, who sat where, etc.
  15. iliketurtles


    Turn on Jimmy Kimmel. Garcia is on.
  16. iliketurtles


    There's some rumor already going around that during the Kate/Hurley segment talking about 23, the time was 9:23 PM. I didn't notice it, but still. That's pretty cool for a surprise.
  17. iliketurtles


    Yeah, but Danielle didn't know that, she thought they wanted Claire's baby Right. That's why she was so dissapointed.
  18. iliketurtles


    'The others said they were coming for the child, the others said they were coming for the boy.' This is what Danielle said. Again...they never wanted Claire's baby. They wanted Walt.
  19. iliketurtles


    Dude. YES. That was fucking AWESOME.
  20. iliketurtles


    Ethan was with Danielle trying to protect the baby from the others? Damn...seriously, this is some deep stuff.
  21. iliketurtles


    The ending with everyone on the airplane...that was some cool shit. Jack and Locke looking at each other...hoooooly fuck.
  22. iliketurtles


    I don't think they ever wanted Claire. Or the baby. I guess they wanted Walt the whole time. And is Ethan, was he with those other guys?
  23. iliketurtles


    We have to assume that those 3 were either with Danielle on the ship and that blonde was Alex or I don't know. I don't fucking know. Holy shit. If they fucking killed off Sawyer I'm going to fucking FLIP THE FUCK OUT.
  24. iliketurtles


    The scene out to sea... Holy. Shit. I mean seriously. I fucking sat in my chair flipping the fuck out.
  25. iliketurtles

