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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Survivor Series Match

    My head's going to fucking explode at these matches about how much trainwrecks they could be.
  2. iliketurtles

    Smackdown Spoilers for 11/10

    The one big streak that's left in wrestling that would give someone that next step to a whole different level would to be the guy who beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Edge is the hottest heel in wrestling, but he's not an ICON yet. If he's the one who beats Undertaker and becomes the one with the new undefeated streak...I don't see how storytelling can get any better. And the fact they've never touched each other in a singles feud...You need a credible guy to beat Undertaker, not some OVW jobber or spotmonkey that's put on TV too soon and CAN'T get over. That's like saying that HHH should of never feuded with Foley in late 1999-early 2000 cause "he didn't need the rub." Having some idiot beat him...that just ruins the streak. Edge is legitimate enough to be considered as guy who beats Taker. Taker's also good for one last run on Smackdown for part of 2007 I believe, and he'd give the rub to another guy who beat him for the title. Batista/Taker is as good as your going to get man, and the fact they haven't feuded yet and it's fresh. Unless if you go with Taker/Benoit, there ain't much on Smackdown for "WM matches." Sorry. Batista needs a heel turn. His face heat, at the way he's going, won't last until Wrestlemania if they think that. And the reason is fucking simple...he's been frustrated with his performance since coming back (so it's kind of a worked shoot...) and he's changing his attitude and did what he had to do "To get his title back."
  3. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Oh my god. WWE divorced Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.
  4. iliketurtles

    Scott Hall interview

  5. iliketurtles

    Smackdown Spoilers for 11/10

    THey need to have Batista win, then turn heel, Undertaker wins Rumble and Batista beats Benoit at Rumble, Taker/Batista at Mania with Taker getting one last title shot, win it, drop it to someone over summer 07, take a break, come back and feud with Edge (who will then be something like 8-0) and lose the streak to him at Mania 24 and retire.
  6. iliketurtles

    Spoiler Alert

    I've honestly been going into my tape archives back 4 years ago when I used to complain about wrestling, yet it was 500 times better than what it is now.
  7. iliketurtles

    Spoiler Alert

    RAW fucked up my post too.
  8. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw #702 Thread (November 6th)

  9. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw #702 Thread (November 6th)

    Long-Term booking? Jesus.
  10. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw #702 Thread (November 6th)

    I like how all the old time wrestling fans are sitting to the left of the ringside area tonight. Sign Dude, Pink jacket dude and his wife.
  11. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Someone needs to loose the 50 Cent attire and buy a treadmill.
  12. iliketurtles

    The Office, Season 3

    You know he's going to hook up with Jan again.
  13. iliketurtles


    How don't you like Terry O'Quinn on set? Here's my take on everything: My explaniation is Yemi on tonight's episode, along with the other hallucinations Eko had was the smoke monster. When he first looked into it last season, it registered flashbacks from Eko's past and left him alone. It wasn't his time yet because he still had work to do in the hatch, which is what the Island told him later on in the season through Yemi again. Hatch blows up, all there's left to do now is for Eko to repent his past sins. He refuses, monster kills him off. This brings up the question why did it kill the pilot in the first place? The whole "We're next" line is up in the air because it looks like Eko (..or is it the monster?) has quite a bit to say before he dies. I also think the shot of Eko and his little brother walking off shows that they are now back together again and maybe it was Eko's destiny to demise at some point soon...which is actually what he kind of foreshadowed in his monologue right before his death. One big thing that someone else mentioned his the fact how they are making the second season look even more pointless at this point. All that was is the advancement for the hatch and the ultimate demise of it (with alot of unanswered questions) and also the advancement of the Others and Ben. My only problem with all this...how the fuck do you realistically explain it?
  14. iliketurtles

    ECW Spoilers for 11/7/06 Tapings

    I hope Punk busts into his Homicide impression.
  15. iliketurtles

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Shit, even if I weren't a wrestling fan I'd watch if there was a decent chance K-Fed gets his ass kicked. Plus, Federline cuts a damn good heel promo (relative to most of the rest of the roster). I think this should be a wake-up call for WWE as far as when you get big publicity, don't follow it up with CARLITO VS. ROB CONWAY.
  16. iliketurtles

    The Office, Season 3

    Rock on dude.
  17. iliketurtles

    ECW Spoilers for 11/7/06 Tapings

    Can they even fit the Elimination Chamber in the arena running the PPV?
  18. iliketurtles

    OAO "Holy shit, Kurt Angle is in TNA now" thread...

    Let me point out once again the awesomeness that is the entrance of Kurt Angle.
  19. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Well according to WWE.com it might be Rey Rey.
  20. iliketurtles


  21. iliketurtles


    Apparently there's a big rumor that next week episode... and it might be . But what really is fucking shocking me is that some people have heard it's going to be...
  22. iliketurtles

    The Office, Season 3

    Can someone make a GIF of Dwight throwing his fist in the air when the fire trucks come?
  23. iliketurtles

    700th RAW thread

    Why is he getting a call from his broker at 11:00 PM on a Monday Night?
  24. iliketurtles

    700th RAW thread

    Flair should bring out legends with him every week.
  25. iliketurtles

    700th RAW thread

    This is fucking hilarious.