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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Six Years Ago Today...

    I had a dentist appointment this morning and it hit me. Wonder if they'll do anything at the beginning of Raw...doubt it. God rest his soul.
  2. iliketurtles

    Time Magazine's "All Time 100 Movies"

    Finding Nemo? Huh?
  3. iliketurtles

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    I thought they were going to have Austin join JR and Lawler at the commentary booth when he was doing the GM stuff in mid 2003 or so, but they went with the Coach instead. I think if he does a series of house show matches doing referring and stuff and he does come back on TV, I think they should seriously consider him joining the booth on Raw. It would definately make things original.
  4. iliketurtles


    Holy shit. FUCK.
  5. iliketurtles

    UPN moves Smackdown to Friday Night

    I haven't watched SD much in the past year and now is even more reason not too. They need to move it off of UPN.
  6. iliketurtles

    CSI Finale

    I haven't watched much this season (catching up on Season 2, 3, and 4), so some of it was confusing to me. But overall? Absoutely. It's will make you yell at your TV, as it did to me.
  7. iliketurtles

    Best Smackdown 6 Match

    I might as well say it because someone has too, but the Smackdown Six stuff is overrated. Let me stop and say...all the matches they had were excellent. Not taking anything from that away. From the late Summer to the Winter of 2002, these guys had a roll of great matches. The only problem that takes a lot away from it was that it got so damn stale that they weren't special and memorable to anyone other than us hardcore wrestling fans. It got so repetitive that by the time Armageddon game around, the fans all sat on their hands for Benoit/Guerrero. Paul Heyman and the writing team just exposed it so much that it got blah. The Angle/Benoit stuff in early 2003 was really good, but I think a little bit was taken away from that because they did it so much. With that said...I'd probably have to go with Benoit/Angle at Rumble 2003 just because it had such an impact on me because I saw it live in Boston. I have most of the 6 did on tape in late 2002, so I go back every once in a while and watch how week in and week out they would go and have great matches. I do respect them for that.
  8. iliketurtles


    We still don't know the deal with Jack's marriage. So he's still got some story to go with.
  9. iliketurtles


    Then she's probably the next character to get killed off.
  10. iliketurtles


    That was the best episode ever. Sawyer telling Jack about his father and turning babyface (so to speak) was the best segment ever. I almost, almost shed a tear. Matthew Fox is great. Amazing stuff. Best TV show ever.
  11. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

  12. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

  13. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

  14. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Isn't it kind of late to be going to commercial? It's 10:59. I know they give them til 11:05 most nights, but still.
  15. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    This has to be the most pointless main event they've done on Raw for a long time.
  16. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    We're clear. Around 10:30 I asked myself "Why am I watch this Raw? It's horrible.'
  17. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    What the FUCK?
  18. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Raw is Horny Fuckers
  19. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    I still can't believe they brought Vis back and are pushing him. And it's been what? 6 months?
  20. iliketurtles

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    It's not going to happen, but the only way I really want to see Austin on TV is him wrestling. The past 2 years has really taken away from his character. He was fine when he came back and up to his match at Mania 19, even the first few weeks of him being GM was okay...but right around this time exactly two years ago, it really got stale and started to take away from his character and it obviously hasn't recovered yet. If it's something different and original, I'm for it. If it's him just beating up people for no reason and drinking beer and giving people Stunners cause thats' all he can do, I'm not exactly sure if the world needs that. Again.
  21. iliketurtles

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Oh my god. Bischoff at an ECW show?
  22. iliketurtles

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    Is it just me or does the quality of this DVD fucking suck? There's this annoying line on the top of mine.
  23. iliketurtles

    Judgement Day

    The only hope for Booker at this point is to go back to Raw for the title. But they already ruined that 2 years ago.
  24. iliketurtles

    SNL Review

    Celebrity Jeopardy was the funniest thing they've done on SNL in like...forever. That was hilarious.