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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Eddie Guerrero Q & A

    I didn't like how half of it was in character and the other half wasn't.
  2. iliketurtles

    NBA Playoffs

    Now we got a game.
  3. iliketurtles

    Wrestling Title Prestige

    WWF Heavyweight Title used to be THE fucking title. Like, it felt special. It was a big deal when the title changed hands. Being the "WWF Champion"...that's like the coolest title name ever. Now the WWE title is a joke and the Heavyweight belt doesn't feel special.
  4. iliketurtles

    SNL Review

    Ferrell is on tonight? Man, this is going to be funny.
  5. iliketurtles

    Best Career Revival?

    Hogan in 1996 AND 2002. Can't forget his comeback to the WWF when everyone figured he was done after the whole Russo deal in WCW. Michaels in 2002 as well. I never thought he'd still be wrestling today. I figured he'd be back one more time and that was it.
  6. iliketurtles

    Cena's new video

    I like the video. I'm happy for Cena. All the fame and stuff...he earned it.
  7. iliketurtles

    Some guy found Area 51

    Interesting. To say the least.
  8. iliketurtles

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    Angle is great. He sprints out of the ring to go have sex.
  9. iliketurtles

    Daivari works out with Benoit...

    Shawn "Khosrow" Daivari posted on his web site that when he was in Europe, he wanted to train with Chris Benoit and Rob Conway and they warm-up by doing 500 Hindu squats. He said the average person can do 20 before cramping. I'd guess the average person could do closer to 100 on their first try, but they'll be hating life at around 60. Anyway, he got up to 325 to 400 and couldn't walk the next day. Well, you are supposed to build up slowly. He said he couldn't bend his legs on the Raw show, but with the adrenaline, he still worked the tag match. He said he pissed red, puked five times and pissed a Dr. Pepper color. He found out he had broken down muscle fibers in his legs to the point they got into his kidney and was pissing it out. Da Meltz. Directly from his website: You know the drill...I'm sorry...just don't expect these often I guess! Mania was awesome! You should know what happened by now. I've become an active wrestler in the WWE roster it seems. I hope I haven't disappointed anyone yet. Now I'm gonna tell you a quick horror story about myself in Europe. Chris Benoit and Rob Conway warm up before the matches by doing free standing Hindu squats. They usually do about 500 a piece. It took them some time to build up to that many. The average person can do about 20 before cramping up. Someone in decent shape can do about 75-100. I wanted to give it a try so I went for it and I did about 400...the last 75 were total crap with me using every ounce of my existence to get back up so I'll say 325. The next day I couldn't even walk! I was so sore and tense in my legs that I couldn't bend my knees past 45 degrees, and as the day went on my range of motion got less and less. Two days later was RAW and I couldn't even bend my legs at all! Don't ask me how, because I don't know, but adrenaline is a crazy thing and I ended up working a tag match which you saw on TV. I hobbled back to the locker room and took a piss and to my amazement it was red. The next day I was in even more pain and sick as hell. I puked about 5 times. I was managing Mohammad and got through another day. Came back to the locker room and my pee was blackish-brown. Like Dr. Pepper. Gave a sample to the doctor and he ran some tests on it and got back to me the next day turns out the red then eventually black was the actual muscle fiber in my legs! They had been broken down so much they traveled into my blood stream got to my kidneys and I ended up pissing it out. That's why i was so sick. Now I feel better after a couple days, just legs are really sore. And that was my trip to Europe! Sounds fun...
  10. iliketurtles

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    Well, this is the first time I've watched SD since...at least Wrestlemania. Anyways, thought Eddie's promo was really strong...and Angle's? Glad to see they've got something good for him to do. *SACRASM*
  11. iliketurtles

    Luther Reigns released

    LMAO.. That made me spit my water all over the computer screen.
  12. iliketurtles

    Luther Reigns released

    Re-hire him. Now. Great interview. And I had no idea that WWE took away the right to have First Class seating. That's fucking ridlicious.
  13. iliketurtles


    That was awesome. While some characters, like Kate, have become attatched to certain individuals since the crash...mainly because she knew she had a fresh start... You've got Sawyer. Get me the fuck out. Such a badass. And you knew the way she reacted she so wants him.
  14. iliketurtles


    UGH. Just when you think they're going to let it out of the bag with the situation with Kate, they just throw a fucking curveball. Alright episode, but definately another filler until the next 2 weeks which will make or break the show. Who else was waiting for Jack to show up out of nowhere during the segment with kate in the flowers in the hospital? Okay, the plane belongs to Kate's long time friend, and also the man she loved. When he died, she was at the wheel when he was shot by the police officer. This took place in Iowa, as we found out from the conversation they had when they dug it up earlier that night. Now, how in the living hell did the plane end up in New Mexico at the despoit box
  15. iliketurtles

    Luther Reigns released

  16. iliketurtles

    Rico retires

    Ladies and gentleman, one of the most misused pieces of talent in the history of professional wrestling, Rico Costantino. I also met him in July of 2002...great guy.
  17. iliketurtles

    Former WWE Writer Chris Kreski Passes Away

    Short people, Tall people, People with glasses. Bottom line is, I'll whip all your asses...Thank you very much!
  18. iliketurtles

    Former WWE Writer Chris Kreski Passes Away

    Wow. Not the news I expected to hear today. Definately not good to hear.
  19. I was watching a clip of Undertaker debuting on SD against Benoit and Angle and I swear to god I'm totally stumped as to what the storyline reason was. I know it was between Summerslam and Unforgiven. Other than that I don't remember. Thanks to anyone.
  20. iliketurtles

    WWE Smackdown House Show report

    No, it was waaaaaaaaaay too late for me to be posting.
  21. iliketurtles

    Daivari works out with Benoit...

    If you do squats enough with your leg routine, over the course of time, then they aren't that hard.
  22. iliketurtles

    Why did Undertaker leave Raw in late 2002?

    Okay. So pretty much the answer to this thread is "No reason." I think we did more thinking about this then they actually did booking it.
  23. iliketurtles

    Why did Undertaker leave Raw in late 2002?

    So did Taker beat HHH instead on that Raw?
  24. iliketurtles

    Why did Undertaker leave Raw in late 2002?

    Here's what I recall: Night after Summerslam 2002 was at MSG, Kane came back...HHH beat Taker with the help of Brock, and then Brock left for SD. Next week was when HHH got the Heavyweight belt for the first time. I then remember his feud with RVD and stuff... And I don't remember how Lesnar/Taker at Unforgiven came about, though. I remember that pretty well. I was there in Boston when he came back at the Rumble. I'm talking about before that. I also remember the Big Show trade, but this was before that too so that had nothing to do with it.