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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Strange Wrestling Exits

    Steve McMichael getting bleach thrown in his eyes on Nitro in Feb of 99 by Hogan, never to be heard/talked of/seen from in WCW again. I think another one would obviously be Candido and IMPACT from yesterday afternoon. Another one would probably be Bret's last apperance in WCW. Trash talking Goldberg as Steiner beat him down on a Thunder episode. What a way to end his career. Hogan's WWF exit at the KOTR 93 was pretty strange. Almost surreal.
  2. iliketurtles

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    If you guys wanted to go, consider the wake. Funeral service would probably be a bit much. I'd obviously call them up before though.
  3. iliketurtles

    Good weight training plan?

    Actually, we had a thread about this a few months ago. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=61348
  4. iliketurtles

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    I guess what comes so shocking is the fact that a lot of people expected him to die a few years ago but seemingly he's cleaned up his act and because of a surgery recovery gone wrong, he's dead at 33. When I first heard the news, I thought he ODed on the pain pills from his broken leg. Can't help but feel so down even though I was never a fan of the guy (because I never watched him much.) Especially reading what CM Punk had to say kind of hit me hard.
  5. iliketurtles

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    What a surreal ending. Seriously...wow. You can literally be here one day and gone the next. Just like that.
  6. iliketurtles

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    This is so fucked up watching. Impact, that is.
  7. iliketurtles

    Batista's REAL age?

    I don't get how someone can say you are in your prime at the age of 19 when you clearly don't have the experience of someone at least 25. Prime is 28 to 35 generally in wrestling.
  8. iliketurtles

    Edge perfected....the Sharpshooter?

    He probably thought Edge was going to do his verison of the Sharpshooter, and then as someone said, once he did the Crossfade, JR caught on.
  9. iliketurtles

    Batista's REAL age?

    You guys seem to forget Batista didn't get into the wrestling business until 32-33 years old. He doesn't nearly have the wear and tear of someone like Benoit who is the same age.
  10. iliketurtles

    HHH's WM 21 entrance

    No comparison. Mania 17 was much, much better.
  11. iliketurtles

    Best and Worst Wrestling Books

    Foley's "Have A Nice Day." By far the best.
  12. iliketurtles

    Can Venis' Career Be Saved?

    I thought the Chief Morley thing was better than what he's doing now.
  13. iliketurtles

    WWE PPV buyrates from 2001-2004

    Wow, I never knew Wrestlemania 19 did THAT bad. It will always be one of my favorite shows, but I can certainly see why lots of people don't talk about it.
  14. iliketurtles

    Christian is OVER

    Christian is insanely over. Awesome.
  15. iliketurtles

    Wrestlers You Thought Would Never Turn Face/Heel

    I never thought Austin was going to turn heel again.
  16. iliketurtles

    What is the WWE?

    It can be alot of great things, but it isn't. I really don't see the sense and talking about it (though this is discussion board...) just because it's not like it's going to happen anytime soon. Until they have the politics cooled down, the morale up, and put the right people in power, everyone is going to be complaining how much the WWE sucks and nothing is going to be new. They focus more on characters instead of performers. You can't be yourself anymore, and that's how guys like Austin, Rock, HHH became who they are...by being themselves. It's been like this since they bought WCW. Remember JR proclaiming that "Booker T...HE'S NO RIC FLAIR!" Thats' their mindset for the past 4 years. They shove people like Batista and Cena down our throats EVERYWHERE in the media, and it's going to be someone like Christian that accidently becomes the next big thing. You hear about Jericho admitting he's stale......watching Austin at Mania and realizing he's stale...Cena's act is stale...Eugene is stale...Edge is beyond stale...It's not particular guys. It's just that WWE = stale. Period. Talk amongst yourselves.
  17. iliketurtles

    What is the WWE?

    I think the WWE doesn't have an identity. They are just literally there. Nothing controversial, nothing amazingly intresting. People say they are in a down period, but they are making $$$. That's all that matters. Until those numbers are in the red, WWE is going to be what it is. I also believe one of the main problems is the brand extension. They don't even try to make it seem like they are two different companies. And that's why it hasn't worked as well as it could of been. They needed to do WCW one company and WWF/E one company. Raw vs. SD is just not believable, especially when they constantly put over the fact it's WWE WWE WWE WWE WWE. A company more worried about wearing suits and ties then what is being produced to the public. It's not going to change either, for a long time. I'm talking years.
  18. iliketurtles

    The many forms of the F-U

    I still don't get why Cena just doesn't use the Protobomb for his finish.
  19. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    I like how it says some users may experience.
  20. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    What baffles me is they don't have someone that opens the game before it hits the stores and actually sits down and plays it. "Hey, XBOX Live won't work...hmm." NOPE. Total idiots.
  21. iliketurtles

    Geek Squad

  22. iliketurtles

    Need a pic of Y2J...

    I'd check his bio on WWE.com.
  23. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    My friend got it and we played for a while (like 5 hours) and despite all the glitches and slow loading times... note about career mode: The Evolution beatdown at Summerslam when your guy is US champion is clearly the coolest thing I've ever seen in a wrestling video game. And then Bischoff takes you under his wing after SD gets rid of you. I stopped playing when it was time to face Andre, but right around Summerslam it really is awesome to play. And Bischoff talking to your guy about Bret Hart had me marking out. "This is the only place he'd agree to meet you." JEEEEEEEEEZ. Vince/Park in Calgary/1999 ring a bell? I'd pay 10 bucks for the game, 20 at most.