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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. Stephanie McMahon will be going to the OVW tapings tomorrow night which no doubt has added pressures and incentives for everyone in that promotion. The pressures have taken on added meaning with the recent talent releases. Da Meltz. Edit: Sent, not send. EDIT: fixed title - Nik
  2. iliketurtles


    Just as a fun thing to pass the time...who is your favorite character on LOST? It's too hard, but I'll go with Jack with Locke/Sawyer a close tie for second.
  3. iliketurtles

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    I dunno about Gerwitz.
  4. iliketurtles

    Warrior to sue somethingawful.com

    I like how "Chris Lewis" types and talks JUST LIKE WARRIOR.
  5. iliketurtles

    Molly Holly released

    A lot of people say she shouldn't even be in the wrestling business cause she's such a nice person.
  6. iliketurtles

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    Not to boss people around and even though it's cool, you probably should put a spoiler tag on that first sentence.
  7. iliketurtles

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    Holy shit. They actually brought them up as MNM and not some other stupid gimmick...awe yeah.
  8. iliketurtles

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    Albright is great. MNM could make the tag team division intresting again, immediately. Thanks Nik.
  9. iliketurtles

    Molly Holly released

    Good for her standing up, if that's the case.
  10. iliketurtles

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    He was out with an arm injury for like 2 months. And his return match was his quad tear. I don't remember where I read it (I almost want to say it was from Sean Waltman) that the match actually wasn't suppose to happen and it was a last minute decision to run it on Raw and Nash wasn't ready to wrestle and blah blah blah.
  11. iliketurtles

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    And the only reason they told Davey Boy that was because Michaels was refusing to job and they needed an excuse. Since Michaels has come back I've given him the benefit of the doubt he's changed his ways (and I respect his ability a lot more), but man. He did some damage in his time that's unforgiveable.
  12. iliketurtles

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    Would you mess with the guy? Look at him. If he wasn't a wrestler he'd probably go kill people for a living.
  13. iliketurtles

    Carolina Championship Wrestling Results (4/9/05)

    Jeff 'Unover' Jarrett.
  14. iliketurtles

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    He probbaly got caught up in everything and someone swiped it.
  15. iliketurtles

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    It's kinda funny you went on that rant and it had nothing to do with why Shawn Michaels was right. Let alone anything to do with Shawn Michaels.
  16. iliketurtles

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    After karma bit him in the ass when he got thrown on the casket at Royal Rumble 98 and nearly ended his career.
  17. iliketurtles

    This week in horrible t-shirts

    You noticed it doesn't say "Are you talking to me?" Cause it's trademarked. Hence "Are u talking to me?" and "R U talking 2 me?" It was original with the Hardy BoyZZZZ, but now everyone's going to even have a worse perception on how smart wrestling fans aren't.
  18. iliketurtles

    This week in horrible t-shirts

    Isn't that the same A they use for Angle's new shirt.
  19. iliketurtles

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    He was dead in the water after they pulled the plug on him and Tajiri. But this really doesn't make any sense.
  20. iliketurtles

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    Amazing stuff. As far as that comment about the Sharpshooter spot...I think it's Cornette. It's obviously someone who trusts and knows Meltzer as well. This is from Meltzer's report of what transpired which lead up to the screwjob: Now, I've always wondered who those two were. Jim Ross is one of them by process of elimination, and considering he's put Bret over huge since the incident and he was the one to call Foley after it happened...Ross wasn't enjoying this experience. If Cornette was the one who planned out the spot, then my guess is Patterson is the other one. He always had a great relationship with Bret and he probably didn't want much to do with it. That's my guess.
  21. iliketurtles

    Warrior goes insane at UConn!

    This guy is FUCKING NUTS. I love how he doesn't even talk about the kid schooling him, which caused everything to start with. That entire article is basically him caught up in his own bullshit. Round 2, here we come.
  22. iliketurtles

    Warrior goes insane at UConn!

    That was pretty much the point where he lost it. I wish I could of seen the Q&A.
  23. iliketurtles

    Warrior goes insane at UConn!

    I don't respect someone who goes around to colleges and tells students of Arabic decent to "Get a towel" and "Queering won't make the world work". It's because he's got nothing better to do. And thats' the truth. I have a feeling the guy who wrote that first hand account is actually Warrior.
  24. iliketurtles


    Anyone else think Jack is turning heel soon? The whole "I am going to save you" line at the beginning reallllly made me wonder. I think he's going to go fucking crazy and everyone's going to turn on him. And the look on Sawyer's face with the baby? He's going to be the new good guy. Like, by Season 2. He'll be everyone's favorite character. Sayid sucks now. This whole Shannon storyline isnt' doing anything for me. Hopefully that will change next episode.
  25. iliketurtles

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    Dave says he isn't fired yet.