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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. It's the same thing with JFK. Forgive me for being descriptive and crude, but you literally can see his brains blown out when he's shot, yet he wasn't pronounced until well after he was at the hospital...and everyone knew he didn't have a chance. Whether it's a sign of respect or something else, that's usually how it works out with high-profile deaths. It's like if Barry Bonds went to go catch a flyball, hit the wall, broke his neck, and instantly died. Do you think there going to stop the game, empty the place out, and have an investigation as to why he died and how that wall was unsafe for Major League play? Fuck no, they'll cart him out as quick as they can. I mean, you realize they could of easily put the yellow caution tape around the ring (and how eeriely ironic with Owen that would of been) and turned Kemper Arena into a crime scene. Think about that one.
  2. iliketurtles

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    It is? Source, please and thank you.
  3. There was some controversy regarding one of the people they hired to do the stunt, who had claimed he did the Sting stunts in WCW. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I remember hearing that the guy lied.
  4. iliketurtles

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    I was wondering the same thing. USA has been hurting since WWE left. They would be foolish not to take them back.
  5. iliketurtles

    How much did HHH rip off

    I think the problem is people are assuming by Trips taking some stuff from Douglas, it means they are a like. HHH is in a different league than Shane Douglas. As much as the internet can bash his brains in, it's stupid if you say otherwise. Wrestling wise, promo wise, drawing power wise, crowd reaction....EVERYTHING. Trips has a lot of people beat in a lot of different ways. But I certainly can see that he could of taken a few things away from Douglas to add to his character. And hey, more power to him. You've got to get your ideas from somewhere.
  6. iliketurtles

    Austin/Owen Friction

    I read somewhere once that HHH was reading off cue cards, but I think it was from someone ridlicious. And as much as you guys get on Bret about the screwjob thing, imagine being in his shoes. I would of been openly pissed off as much as he was. The guy can't get his brother out of his contract to come with him, and then he's dead within a year and a half after being depushed when they could of made him into next level of a superstar?
  7. iliketurtles

    Austin/Owen Friction

    Same with Paul Bearer, who also made comments on the show itself.
  8. iliketurtles

    Austin/Owen Friction

    He didn't go to Pillman's funeral either. It's really hard to tell the whole situation with Austin and Owen. I think any bitterness Austin has towards Owen was gone after he passed away. I mean, Austin could of been the one that broke his neck and died after the piledriver.
  9. iliketurtles

    Christy Hemme on Howard Stern

    And WWE thinks by having a dress code will improve company image. They sometimes are so caught up in their own bullshit it's disgusting.
  10. iliketurtles

    More new DVD info

    They couldn't resist the alliteration. They've changed the date and moved it to November, so it's going to get higher buyrates. They've learned their lesson from putting on a weeknight PPV...the same night the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees have a ALCS game, which took away a shit load of people.
  11. The ambulance was being used to tape a Vince McMahon segment where he was being carried out IIRC I thought the same ambulance was used for the Vince segment...so it has nothing to do with Vince. It has to do with at an event an ambulance is stationed at, it's required to have a replacement ambulance arrive to take the place of the ambulance that is leaving with a patient. And that makes total sense...because it's possible that something else could of gone wrong there and someone needed an ambulance just as bad as Owen. Also, as far as the CPR goes...it's standard procedure in these types of cases. You just don't come upon a scene like this (in front of 15,000 people) and go "Well, he's dead." I think at the time the doctors and paramedics wanted everyone to think Owen had a chance (or they would of pronounced him in the ring) so they did the standard procedure of revival treatment. It's like that with alot of high-profile deaths.
  12. But those people didn't fall 70 feet. Everyone will talk about this or that...look, bottom line is this. When a human being falls 70 feet, unprotected, you're going to die. Even if they saved him, he would of been in a coma and died hours later from complications. And the comment about the paramedics being actors instead of real EMTs is kind of absurd...I think it's mostly stuff Martha has said out of agony and pain because of the loss of her husband.
  13. iliketurtles

    Super Detailed Smackdown Spoilers

    Bret got booed? Am I missing something?
  14. iliketurtles

    Christy Hemme on Howard Stern

    Give her another 250,000.
  15. iliketurtles

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    Kurt Angle vs. Marty Jennety on Smackdown? I'm there.
  16. This is wrong because Owen gave a thumbs-up to the crowd while being stretchered out causing them to clap and mildly pop. My grandfather still has the tape somewhere in his massive dresser of wrestling tapes. I don't know about that one.
  17. iliketurtles

    Hilarious wrestler stories.

    I heard a story about during a huge snow storm in Toronto (I think?) Edge, Christian, Jericho, and I think the Hardys were stuck in the hotel not doing anything cause everything was cancelled...I guess they all got bored and jumped out of the window into this huge ass snowbank outside without their shirts on or something. Don't ask where I heard it from.
  18. This site has been around for years, I'm surprised most of you guys haven't seen it. I haven't read Martha's book, but I heard it's got a lot of details on it...I had not heard that about the WWF's trainer before. I don't think he's employed with the company anymore, but I may be wrong.
  19. iliketurtles

    We Want Matt!

    I hope it continues cause it Matt Hardy would get the biggest babyface pop ever if he came back.
  20. iliketurtles

    Angle/HBK Feud

    I thought the 1996 thing was awesome...I loved Angle's promo tonight. It was money.
  21. iliketurtles

    We Want Matt!

    I'm honestly wondering if they did that because of the whole SLUT thing. Considering the real slut just got involved in the angle.
  22. I thought it was OK.
  23. iliketurtles

    We Want Matt!

    Fuck Lita. Now I REALLY want Matt back.
  24. iliketurtles

    We Want Matt!

    "Edge Betrayed V1" This stuff is great.
  25. iliketurtles

    Wrestlemania Tickets still available?

    After they figure out the setup of stage, aisleway, ring, etc...they usually release more tickets for sale.