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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    They should do some crazy ass match with Jericho/Benoit on Raw...like hardcore Texas Death Match or something original with those two. Remember when Malenko/Benoit wrestled each other on Nitro in jeans and tapes fists in a Last Man Standing match? Thats' what I'm talking about.
  2. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    When Benoit and Jericho don't even care about the match they are in, you know the show fucking sucked. I already forgot what happened on the show. I'd probably leave after that crap, forget staying around for Smackdown.
  3. iliketurtles

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    I wonder if they'll do an Iron Man.
  4. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Next week looks enjoyable... ...but GOD Raw was shit. Especially that main event.
  5. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    JR just said Hulk Hogan.
  6. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

  7. iliketurtles

    Ask Al Time

    The replacement for Bellhorn is what I'm hearing too after this season.
  8. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    What the FUCK. Why are Benoit and Jericho mad at each other? I know thats' what they wanted to do with the end of the match, but they should of saved it for next week to do the feud. Like have them ask for a rematch No DQ or something next week and shoot the angle then. That was the worst Benoit/Jericho match I've seen in years.
  9. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Yeah, that move is nasty. He basically sets the guy up for the Edge-O-Matic but falls to his knees right into the other guys' back. It looked crazy.
  10. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    I've got to get this off my chest...FOGHORN LEGHORN? And holy crap, they could SO do the Benoit/Jericho vs. Edge/Christian build-up for Mania tonight by having Benoit/Jericho win the tag titles. Oh yeah, last time Benoit/Jericho won the tag team titles...they were in San Jose. Nice.
  11. iliketurtles

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Quick tidbit...Rock is still in the opening for the Raw video. And the ropes are black for the first time and forever on Raw. That is all...enjoy Raw everyone.
  12. iliketurtles

    Breaking News: Lex Luger Arrested

    Yeah I third it. This guy is a fucking idiot. What's next? Is he going to report that the car belongs to Miss Elizabeth? AND THE PLOT THICKENS
  13. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Raw 2 was HORRIBLE. I hated everything about it other than the create a superstar option, especially the entrances. That was the only thing that came out of it. Everything else was shit. Career mode was such a waste of my time...I played it so much, despite it being retarded. I gave up on the game in like my 3rd or 4th season when I was trying to become Undisputed Champion and I had a match vs. Eddie Guerrero at Wrestlemania. Trish Stratus, for some reason, ran in, match turned into a double countout or some stupid shit, and SHE WON BOTH BELTS. I couldn't believe and I haven't played the game sense...that was like a good 6 months ago, if not longer. I've lost faith in the XBox and WWE, but if they CAN JUST TAKE THE FREAKIN NO MERCY CONTROL SYSTEM AND MAKE IT WORK, then I'll buy it. Seriously, jesus christ. It pisses me off they can't get the gameplay correct.
  14. iliketurtles

    Ask Al Time

    Do you think the Red Sox will trade Hanley Ramirez now that they have Renteria for 4 years? Intresting Q&A...good read.
  15. He's also known for being no steroids whatsoever and everyone goes to him for advice on supplements, workouts, shit like that. One thing about Glen Jacobs is he's always been in fantastic shape. I especially remember when he came back the night after Summerslam 2002 in MSG on Raw...he looked awesome.
  16. iliketurtles

    Lex Luger Arrested

    BAD LUCK? This guy is scum that abused everything he had that was given to him and that's why he's in the shape he is now.
  17. iliketurtles

    So was the Rumble finish botched or not?

    Considering they were moving so fast, it was hard to see who hit first until slow mo, but Batista definately hit first so techincally Cena should of won. When the match was over and they almost immediately raised Batista's hand, I figured that would be the finish. Batista going over the top rope really doesn't look planned at all, or they didn't time it right or something. Looks in incredibly odd looking. And the fact EVERYTHING weird that happened after that like Vince blowing his knee out by trying to enter the ring (making Nash's quad tear look like a heroic injury), having the match restarted to have it go nearly 30 more seconds...weird stuff. It would be intresting to see if they do anything with it tonight.
  18. iliketurtles

    Cruises...what's the best?

    Holy crap. That was quick. I'd like to go to Mardi Gras sometime, but this cruise will more than likely be the Carribean.
  19. iliketurtles

    The OAO WWE Royal Rumble 2005 Thread

    What was so good in July?
  20. iliketurtles

    The 2005 Rumble

    How much did it cost to get all 3?
  21. iliketurtles

    Match with Most Crowd Heat EVER

    And when Austin and Rock both came out. I'd say that the mood was pretty damn somber and depressing, and not one of cheering or booing. It's honestly a really boring show (with good reason), but extremely unique at the same time.
  22. iliketurtles

    Worst WWE PPV you've ever ordered?

    It's like a freaking religious experience when I watched it the first time. The long entrance was so much better than the shorter one. I can't stand he doesn't use it anymore. He's used his Volume 4 theme more than enough.
  23. iliketurtles

    Worst WWE PPV you've ever ordered?

    Hey, at least you got the debut of the greatest entrance ever.
  24. iliketurtles

    Match with Most Crowd Heat EVER

    Raw is Owen had a lot of crowd heat? I don't know about that one.