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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Worst WWE PPV you've ever ordered?

    Bad Blood 2003, easily. The only constructive thing that came out of that show was a cool video package the next night on Raw to "Headstrong." And that was it. Vengeance 2004 was pretty weak as well. I remember getting it with a bunch of the guys and they were playing poker instead of watching Benoit/HHH.
  2. iliketurtles

    The 2005 Rumble

    Definately ordering the Rumble as it always is a great show and considering all the rumors going on... ...who the hell knows what's going to happen tonight.
  3. iliketurtles

    WWE to sell unreleased theme music on iTunes

    Johnston's still with the company, I believe.
  4. iliketurtles


    Bump for those who haven't seen this, considering Brian put a lot of time into typing this out...I'm sure I shouldn't be the only one benfiting from his advice.
  5. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    "Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon, Trish Stratus, Stacy Keibler and Shawn Michaels were all in Japan earlier today to promote the 2/4 and 2/5 TV tapings at the Saitama Super Arena (which is Pride's home base). They did a Michaels vs. Angle face-off., but not sure if that will lead anywhere. Tickets go on sale tomorrow." Dave Meltzer with the report...let's hope this goes somewhere other than a photo-op.
  6. iliketurtles

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    I love that every single year for the Rumble, everyone always talks about how some big star is going to come back as a suprise entrant in the Rumble. I thought the best they ever did for a surprise return was with Big Show in 2001 cause NO ONE saw that coming. I'd love to see Lesnar or Rock come back as a surprise entrant (with all the rumors going around, it definately would fit) or Austin/Foley/Hogan, who all still have good realtionships with the company and seem to be rumored for doing stuff soon. Rumble is easily the best match they have in pro wrestling. It's great. I hope someone big comes back just to mark out crazy. I'd put my money on Lesnar.
  7. iliketurtles

    Ex-Red Sox pitcher missing in Venezuela

    EL GAUPO??????????? NO!
  8. iliketurtles

    Various Articals on the WWE

    I guess they weren't good enough to meet Triple H and Chris Benoit, and get first row seats. I mean, come on. I thought the Rock article was really well done. I thought he had cosmetic surgery for his chest and not his stomach, however.
  9. iliketurtles

    Joanie on Stern

    That was fucking embarassing watching as a wrestling fan. Pathetic.
  10. iliketurtles

    Joanie on Stern

    Imagine if your Triple H watching this. Jesh...I'd be embarassed.
  11. iliketurtles

    Joanie on Stern

    "Whatever it's WWE, Titan Sports, MSN.com...when you get your royalty check from Vince McDick, I need a billion dollars." LMFAO
  12. iliketurtles

    Joanie on Stern

    This is pathetic. "Do you do cocaine?" "Of course...I love it. Everyone else always does it when I'm around."
  13. iliketurtles

    New Jack signed by WWE

    That could actually be intresting. Cena/New Jack wouldn't be pretty, but then again maybe it should be that way with the way they are going if they do this angle.
  14. iliketurtles

    RAW World Title changes at houseshows

    Orton needs to lose the match with HHH, get fired by Bischoff mid-show, hired by Teddy Long, then attack the Undertaker in his casket match. Then enter the Rumble as a SD competitor and start a feud with Taker for Mania.
  15. iliketurtles

    What sport calls

    "Swing and a ground ball, stabbed by Foulke. He has it. He under hands to first. And the Boston Red Sox are the World Champions. For the first time in 86 years, the Red Sox have won baseball's world championship. Can you believe it?" -Joe Castiglione on WEEI 850 AM, October 27, 2004. Joe Buck's call will always stick in my mind as well, considering everyone in America was listening to it when he said it and it's probably the main reason I'll remember him in 50 years.
  16. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    Ah. I hate that. They need to do the draft like in the middle of the summer or something. People will get the Rumble, watch Raw and SD, get Mania, watch the draft, and then stop watching. It's been like that for the past few years and at this rate, it's going to keep up at that pace.
  17. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    Trips has more passion in pro wrestling than Rock does. You can't lie on that one. You've both said that "wrestling is his life", so I'd say that's his passion. And actually, Triple H was gone a majority of house shows and sometimes TV for about 3 months or so, but he still was able to mix both into his scheudle. I'm not surprised Rock is gone for now. It's all about the money.
  18. iliketurtles

    Will WWE change the design

    Freddie Mitchell also did it yesterday with the Gold Belt. I hate the Smackdown title...they need to bring back the 1998-2002 version of the WWF title and use that one.
  19. iliketurtles

    CSI: Las Vegas

    I've watched CSI off and on for the past two years...mostly because I started following it when it was on after Raw in late 2002. I'd say in the past four or five months, I've really started to follow and understand what's been going on the entire five years the show has been on the air watching repeats on SpikeTV and also CSI: Weekends. I just spoiled myself last week and bought the Season Two DVD Boxset for 50 bucks (used)...I'm almost finished with it and absoutely love it. I'm looking on EBay now to buy Season 3, then more than likely 4. I've seen the majority of 1 because of the repeats on TV and it doesn't seem as interesting as it is now. I watched the new episode last night on CBS with the Sherlock Holmes deal...certainly intresting to see how the characters have evolved from 2000 to 2005, and their positioning on the show. I haven't seen a thread about CSI here for a while but I just wanted your thoughts and opinions on the above questions. The episode that really caught my attention was "Ellie" with Warrick in charge of the CSI division, as well as Brass having a major personal part of his character...it just felt like this episode was monumental and had a purpose. I think Brass is great. South Bostonian (who plays from Jersey) that takes no crap and Paul Guilfoyle is an awesome actor. I don't think there's one person that doesn't like Grissiom...William Petersen plays a CSI like he was meant to be. Same with the Robert David Hall. And by the way, I'm not talking about the ripoffs. I'm talking about CSI: Las Vegas. Any contribution to the thread is appreciated.
  20. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    I thought they only did the mini-draft last year because "it all began again." That made sense. I doubt they are going to do it as a re-occuring theme, but it's possible. I just think that would make it too predictable...I'd rather see trades then a set lottery every year after Wrestlemania.
  21. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    Huh? What draft?
  22. iliketurtles

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    Pats win by 3 TDs.
  23. iliketurtles


    I love how Bellichek got the trophy from Brady and he's like...uh...that's nice.
  24. iliketurtles


    I think this year's playoffs says different.