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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles


    That about sums up the last 2 games for the Patriots. And if the last two games are any sign, they are going to destroy the Eagles. Now if the NHL started back up and the Celtics didn't suck.
  2. iliketurtles


    I love Deion Branch.
  3. iliketurtles


    Super Bowl, here we come.
  4. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    You kind of answered your question before you asked it. I'd much rather see HBK vs. Angle than somerandomnewguythey'veshoveddownourthroat vs. HBK with Michaels jobbing. Ditto with Angle. I don't think it would be...it would be an awesome tag match that's never happened, and you finally put E&C back together which is what people want. All four guys have no direction going into Mania and you could easily get a program going by having Edge lose to Shawn at the Rumble and Christian losing in the Rumble quickly. You could have both guys want to get back together to be successful as they have in the past. And the history is already there with Christian/Jericho. And Benoit/Jericho as a tag team.
  5. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    Thank you god. I now have something to look forward to at Mania. Now...(in this order)... JBL vs. Cena (US Title) Eddie vs. Booker Orton vs. Taker Benoit/Jericho vs. Edge/Christian Batista vs. HHH (Heavyweight Title) Angle vs. HBK (WWE Title) Throw in Foley, Austin, Rock...I could live with that. I think it would be kind of cool if they brought back the King of the Ring tournament and threw it in at Wrestlemania. Definately a way to elevate new guys in one night, on an even bigger stage than it originally was.
  6. iliketurtles

    Bubba Ray Speaks

    It's kinda sad when I didn't even know the Dudleys were gone.
  7. iliketurtles


    DYNASTY...that's all you can say.
  8. iliketurtles


  9. iliketurtles


    Pats aren't fooling around, brotha.
  10. iliketurtles


  11. iliketurtles

    Match with Most Crowd Heat EVER

    The moment Hogan kicked out of the Rock Bottom and Hulked up... I've never see anything like that. EVER.
  12. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

    Jesus Christ. That's some big time money.
  13. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

    Reading the topic about the Rock and his contract, I was talking with a friend about how wrestling contracts work. So if you can contribute anything to this thread...feel free. I know that Hogan made some crazy amount of money in his prime for main eventing Wrestlemania...specifically against Savage at Wrestlemania where he made over a million dollars (I'm not sure on the amount) for just that one match. I know he made $250,000 for his match vs. Vince at Mania 19, and he thought that wasn't enough and left the company in June of 2003. I've also heard that both Lesnar and Angle made $1,000,000 for their Wrestlemania 19 match. I've heard about $25,000-50,000 a year is the average development contract, but I may be mistakened. I'm sure more of you are more knowledgable about it then me, so just random tidbits would be cool. Thanks.
  14. Just a reminder...and for those who don't know as well.
  15. iliketurtles

    CSI: Las Vegas

    CSI...the original one is based out of Las Vegas.
  16. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

    Jesus christ. That's going to be a hell of a read. Thanks. Well, you make at least $150.00 for wrestling on a house show. And at least $50.00 for a TV taping. Steiner/HHH @ Rumble 2003 said differently. I wonder if they put that in there after Owen died. Interesting read.
  17. iliketurtles

    CSI: Las Vegas

    Just got the 3rd season on DVD...so far so good. Here's also a good website for CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY http://members.aol.com/JRD203/csi.htm
  18. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

    A few questions...I'm assuming he's got a one year, million dollar contract because there's no way in hell they would sign him for 4 years and $250,000 in case he flops. Big Show...didn't he sign a 10 year, 1 million dollar downside guarenteed contract? Mark Henry has the same one I think too. This is from an old PWInsider.com thing:
  19. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    Rock was stale in 2002, but when he came back in early 2003...it revolutionized his entire character. People went from booing him back to cheering him again just because he did such a good job. I can see Rock coming back for one last big run in about 10 years after movies, and then going back to movies again. It would be logical. I think that the wrestling business is going to get worse over the next 5 years, but I think that by 10 years from now that it's back in a boom period. I think that has a lot to do with Rock...he'll be around if its' good, but if it's bad...fuck that shit.
  20. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

  21. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    I think the biggest mistake was when Vince told Rock to just use WWE as "his backyard." Obviously for financial reasons he's not going to bother with the WWE, but I dunno. If I was in that situation (and I'd probably stay single cause a good portion of relationships in entertainment and sports turn to crap), I'd probably be true to where I came from and try to still make movies and work with the WWE. Again, as much as everyone loves him here, Triple H was able to do that in late 2003. It's just a matter of where your passions are...and Rock's passion isn't certainly wrestling anymore.
  22. iliketurtles

    Contracts with the WWE

    I'm assuming paper as well, but that might just be a rumor from Metzler too. It would be interesting to read about what Austin made in merchindise sales in like 1998-2000...must of been insane amounts of money. I remember hearing a rumor about Raven and how he makes more money by wrestling indies every week then when he was in the WWE and I guess that makes sense with what business has been like the past few years, and if I recally they only gave him one t-shirt during his entire run. One final question...for TV, specifically Raw or Smackdown, is there one equal pay for everyone or is it more varied like the PPVs because I'd imagine that not only is it required, but with how storylines come about, sometimes it doesn't matter if you're in the first match or the last match on Raw/SD.
  23. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    Hey, I'd be entertained watching him play Scrabble... I see your point concerning his health, but considering Rock's track record, he's always been able to keep himself in tip top physical condition and I don't believe that it's any different since he's been doing movies. And the main reason the majority of wrestlers get injuried is because the wear and tear on their body from wrestling five-six nights a week, and Rock wouldn't necessarily fall into the catagory. I didn't say have him wrestle 'every single week', but absoutely, freak accidents like that could happen that could cause a major concern with his action flicks. He could still do run-ins and promos and such, with the occasional match every month or so. I mean, the Austin character from 2003 would make sense with him, except I wouldn't spend a portion of it having him just beat up random mid-carders (like Garrison Cade and La Resitance), much simliar to what Austin did. I'm sure with some thinking WWE could find him a role that would make sense on a part time business...hell, give him his own Highlight Reel on Smackdown or something to that nature.
  24. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    Yeah but considering he doesn't even have a lead role in Be Cool...it's not like he was filming/promotion/production stuff every single day. He's down in some island now filming Doom so obviously that's not going to work out with wrestling...but you gotta think, he could of at least shown up for house shows more often on the West Coast and have a 15 minute promo or 10 minute match...certainly isn't going to kill him. And they could of flown him out to Raw more often. I'm not saying make him work a full scheudle and do movies on top of that...but at least make an effort. Triple H was able to do that in late 2003. It's stastically proven in wrestling that if there is a huge name like Rock or Austin or Foley or Hogan...when there is promotion prior to their apperance, both TV ratings and ticket sales go a lot higher than normal shows. With Rock it's gotten to the point where it's like "Okay, they are on Southern California and/or Miami so he's going to show up." Fuck...if they should do a show in Chicago or Boston or something...fans should be thinking "That would be awesome if Rock showed up tonight" instead of not even thinking about it...or thinking "Well, he's definately not going to be here." It doesn't matter if they made him a WWE Spokesperson (like Michaels in 2000) or special ref for matches or I don't know...some stupid reason that would make sense for why he's on the show every once in a while, but at least on a basis of not every six months doing pointless segments. Or have him come and do a dark match or something for a crowd if he's not going to have a big role on TV...I don't know, just anything. I remember reading about he LEFT during the show after he did the Diva angle, I'm sure he had a flight to catch...but damn, talk about not giving a crap and no wonder, he's got good reason to the way he's used. He could give a flying fuck...same with the rumored JBL/Rock match...god, if that happens, disaster is written all over it unless he can come up with a miracle. Being predictable is what kills this company and when they try to change that, they do it in the WRONG manner (I don't even have to start with this.)
  25. iliketurtles

    Rock leaving WWE?

    Me too. It's not like they couldn't fly him out to Raw at least for 2 times a month.