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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Techno...any suggestions?

  2. iliketurtles

    Nets Press Conference at 3:00

    What happened to Jefferson?
  3. iliketurtles

    Worst Decisions?

    They didn't get Hogan. They didn't get Flair. They didn't get Bret. They didn't get Goldberg. They didn't get Steiner. They didn't get Nash. They didn't get Hall. They didn't get Sting. They didn't get Savage. They didn't get Jarrett. They didn't get Luger. They didn't get Hennig. They didn't get Piper. They didn't get Funk. They didn't get Steamboat. They didn't get Sid. They didn't get Bischoff. And on and on and on... Whether it was obvious reasons or financial reasons, they couldn't get WCW. As Bischoff said when he debuted in the WWE, "they got the waterdown version of it." Could the WWF have saved face? Hell yeah. They could of made Page and Booker two huge stars, but instead they just figured that WCW was useless and to kill it off. They tried to save themselves by having WCW/ECW remerge and Austin/Angle join the Alliance, but everyone knew it wasn't the same. The WWF gave up before the angle even started. The reason the InVasion angle didn't work is cause the WWF didn't care enough.
  4. iliketurtles


    I've got a theory/spoiler... Do you think it's possible that this show is taking place on...Howland Island, or at least around it? I'm watching Unsolved Mysteries this afternoon and I noticed about the whole Amelia Earhiert situation (which I’ve completely forgot about since the show started) and the location of her disaster, and the location of where they want us to believe LOST is taking place. Here’s my thinking: -The bodies that were found…male and female (Fred Newman and Amelia)…had been there about 50 years (which would make chronological sense) . The others (whoever is on the island) placed their bodies in the caves. There has been theories that both Fred and Amelia have been seen, ALIVE, in an island called Saipan...about 2500 OFF COURSE OF WHERE THEY WERE SUPPOSELY FOUND in Howland Island! -What Boone and Locke found…could that be her plane? -There’s something about the Island that makes planes and boats loose their radar and controls…and they have to crash. There’s also something weird that causes the weather (the water) to be unordinary. There ya go…that’s all I’ve got for now.
  5. AWWWWWESOME opening segment. I thought Orton was eh but really picked up his promo with the "Thumbs up...Thumbs down" thing. Really enjoyed watching this one. That would of been pimp if they had gone with Orton/HHH/Batista on Raw. I wish they showed the footage of the Angle/HBK staredown from the Japan Press Conference...bah. That's too bad to hear about Dinsmore...maybe if he comes back from his injury he'll have something new to do with his character. Maven just isn't cutting it in the ring. Lousy match vs. Shelton. Really thought the inverted Sharpshooter finish for Edge was pimp...he should get rid of the crappy spear and use that with the Buzzkill DDT (or whatever the hell it's called), along with the submission. LOVED the "You Screwed Bret" chant, in Florida of all places. Then the acknowledgement of it..that was awesome. Definately got the vibe of HBK vs. Edge at Mania (but of course we all want to see Angle vs. Michaels, heh.) God, the Kane/Dean chokeslam sequence and waiting for Snitsky was HORRIBLE. And don't care anything about Snitsky/Kane...didn't care about it months ago either. I always enjoy the Benoit/Jericho tag team action...thought the ending was solid, as well as the match itself. I can't believe Hemme is getting paid $250,000 to run around to a song that talks about how the idiot walks. What a waste. I changed the channel so I'm not sure whath appened...nor care. Great...another random big jacked guy on Raw is coming soon...I've heard good stuff about Chris Masters in his dark matches (even though that doesn't mean shit), so give him a shot I suppose. But the whole Lex Luger bodybuilding gimmick isn't going to work anyways, so whatever. I've pretty much lost my faith in him already. BENOIT vs. JERICHO in TORONTO next week? Hellz yeah. No pyro for Randy...ha ha. Idiot. Batista vs. Orton...don't care...we've seen it enough. JR's overblown reaction was annoying as hell at the end, but whatever. OK Raw...but forgetable as usual.
  6. iliketurtles

    Benoit vs Jericho

    I'm just going to watch to enjoy the match...it's easily the only appealing thing next week on Raw. And considering it's in Toronto, crowd will be into it. If something comes out of it, cool. If not, just have a good finish...that's all I ask.
  7. He only comes out when they're in the West Coast And Florida.
  8. I don't mean to post during Raw...but Rock is SO coming out right now. Edit: That's a big negative.
  9. iliketurtles

    The Triple H Celebration Thread

  10. iliketurtles

    Celtics could hold firesale soon

    If you're referring to the Big Fundamental, you're smoking something if you think he's ever leaving San Antonio. Don't be a party pooper.
  11. iliketurtles

    Celtics could hold firesale soon

    PG: Banks, West SG: Davis, Allen SF: Reed, WALTAH~!!~!~ PF: Jefferson, Perkins C: Duncan I'd trade the rest of the team (Pierce, Payton, Welsch, Steward, LaFrentz, Gugliotta, Blount...I don't care.)
  12. iliketurtles

    Celtics could hold firesale soon

  13. iliketurtles

    New Jack at Raw

    New Jack... WOW. ..WOW. That's retarded.
  14. iliketurtles

    Do you believe Athletes

    They all want money.
  15. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    Thanks brotha.
  16. iliketurtles

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    I was going to use this as my sig but because it's too big and I don't have a server to upload a resized image of it...here ya go:
  17. iliketurtles

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Oh my god. That would be of been fucking crazy.
  18. iliketurtles

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Oh my god. Wow. Mania is giong to suck.
  19. iliketurtles

    NFC Wild Card Playoffs

    I missed it...what did Moss do?
  20. iliketurtles

    CSI: Las Vegas

    Well, I just finished the 2nd season on DVD...great stuff, thought the last episode was blah but it was certainly interesting to see them foreshadow the entire season about Grissiom's earing problems...I highly suggest this DVD box set to anyone looking to get into this show. I won the 3rd season on EBay so I've got that to look forward next...yee haw.
  21. iliketurtles

    CSI: Las Vegas

    I watched "Cross-Jurisdictions" and despite my total lack of interest for CSI: Miami, I thought it was rather brilliant about how they debuted all the characters on this episode to start that new show by having a case that involved both cities. Though I haven't watched CSI: Miami before, I thought it was cool how they showed the clash of styles the two investigation units have. CSI: Miami has the newer, savvy technology with more of a street smart sense to all their members while CSI: Las Vegas is much more of a thinking, intellectual, deep thinking group of people. It would be pimp to ride around in one of those Hummers for your work, however.
  22. iliketurtles

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    I'm going to get together with a few friends and get it. Elimination Chamber better go at least 45 minutes cause that's all I care about seeing. I'm guessing they'll surprise us with Edge winning the title tonight. Honestly don't care about anything else on the card, so really Elimination Chamber or bust. But I think the crowd will make up for some of the suck...they're going to go crazy for anything.
  23. iliketurtles

    Jets vs Chargers AFC WildCard Game 1

    What a sloppy played game. But a good one.
  24. iliketurtles

    Best PPV of 2004?

    Mania 20 cause it's the best DVD they've done for any event they've ever had. And for obvious reasons as well. Rumble 2004 I want to get but I'm not hot on paying full price. I got Bad Blood 2004 cheap so I picked it up. I wouldn't really suggest much other than Mania.