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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    Then DDP lost to Sara Undertaker the next night on Raw, took off for a month to get dental work, came back with his stupid gimmick, hurt his neck vs. Bob Holly which supposely "ended his career", and now I guess he's back in TNA trying to live a 1998 feud with Raven. Again...WWE killed that guy's career. No reason either.
  2. iliketurtles


    I think that the previews have definately foreshadowed a Sawyer/Kate realtionship as they got swimming together...and Jack is becoming much like Sawyer in his character. And Sawyer is turning babyface. Which is what we all wanted anyways. This show still brings the awesome...I frigging can't wait to find out what Kate really did and what Boone/Looke saw. And about 500 more questions that I don't have time to mention.
  3. I could care less about Team Terrorist vs. USA BAH GAWD~!*%^, but it will be interesting to see how they build up the Elimination Chamber because that's easily the only thing that's making me attracted to buying the PPV next Sunday. Anyone else enjoy watching CSI? I remember I used to watch it back in late 2002 after Raw and got hooked...I should probably started watching it on CSI cause I only watch the ones on SpikeTV and the late night CSI Weekends on like at 12:30 in the morning on Saturday and Sunday. Alright, I'll shut up.
  4. iliketurtles

    Dream Matches in the WWE (or wrestling in general)

    Well, since Viscera vs. Benoit already happened... Bret/Angle Austin/Hogan HBK/Rock HBK/Angle HBK/Lesnar Lesnar/Austin Lesnar/HHH Bret/Vince (like I need to explain) Rock/Rey...oh come on, you'd all love it. Bret Hart vs. Brock Lesnar would of made the Kevin Nash series of matches with Bret look like shit.
  5. iliketurtles

    Can somebody tell me when these face/offs happened

    I've seen that pic before...it's obviously after April 2002 when they debuted the new Raw set and after Hogan came back in the Yellow and Red. Maybe the show where Austin came out and gave Flair the stunner to help Hogan win. I think it was in Toronto...I forgot what the main event was but I bet if Austin was in it, then that's where your pic came from (after air, after Austin's main event match.) I think if Austin and Hogan ever wrestled, it would depend who is heel and who is face. 1987 Hogan vs. 1997 or 2001 Austin, or 1997 Hogan vs. 1998 Austin. I'd put the face over.
  6. iliketurtles

    Just Bought 10 WWE DVDs..

    Bad Blood is somewhat watchable but Vengeance was one of the most boringest PPVs ever.
  7. iliketurtles

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    Definately. RVD in 2001 was fucking SET. They could of taken a million dollar angle (WCW vs. WWF) that was botched, and created a huge star out of it in Rob Van Dam. But we know what happened.
  8. iliketurtles

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    DDP. He was the only big star in WCW that came over (Booker T was second, DDP was more over) and they buried him completely over the summer of 2001.
  9. iliketurtles

    Just Bought 10 WWE DVDs..

    Bad Blood 2004 was good, and Rebellion and Vengeance 2002 are the only other two DVDs that stick out that are worth buying. I'd sell the rest on EBay.
  10. iliketurtles

    Paul Heyman Released

    What did he want you to major in? I'd assume some sort of communications/television/screenwriting. Media Studies.
  11. iliketurtles

    Paul Heyman Released

    That's a pretty cool story Dames.
  12. iliketurtles

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    I don't think it's fair to say that he never would of been as big of a star as Rock or Austin either. Actually, that's pretty absurd to be perfectly honest. On what grounds do you think Jericho never could of been a major superstar, moreso than he is right now? I think it's safe to say in his prime Jericho had better wrestling matches than Hogan and more outgoing chrisma than Austin. When he debuted on Raw, he didn't get an upper midcard ovation or reaction in his promo with Rock...he got a main event, superstar push all the way to the moon. He instantly could of taken Austin's place on the roster as a new big superstar since Austin was on his way out for surgery. If they only kept it up instead of going from Rock to Road Dogg to Chyna, we wouldn't even be having this converstaion because Jericho would be selling out movie theatres right now and being on TV talk shows across the world. And Triple H still could of been fucking huge, but he just would of had to sharen some of the big heel heat with Jericho and obviously that wasn't in the plan. Basically replace Big Show in early 2000 with Jericho. And I KNOW that would of gotten more interest. Do I think Jericho would of made more money then Hogan and Rock have? I never said that. And I don't know if he would, but we can't sit here and say "No, never". Anything's possible.
  13. iliketurtles

    Maven's Theme?

    I didn't realize they were the same band cause it sounds like two totally different songs except the guitar. If you listen to both Tattoo and Memory, the lyrics are not the same.
  14. iliketurtles


    I think the only characters we've actually seen on the plane have been Jack, Locke, Charlie, Rose, Boone, Shannon, and that's it. Sawyer did say he saw Sayid on the plane with his hands under a sheet, but we haven't seen that. Hopefully they have more clips from the airplane crash that they filmed last March.
  15. iliketurtles


    Huh? I don't seen him behind Jack. Locke and Rose are the only two other clearly visible characters.
  16. iliketurtles


    They probably haven't discussed the 4 other episodes with anyone yet. They haven't even taped the 15th episode yet.
  17. iliketurtles

    Maven's Theme?

    Big Mother Thrasher (I think) - Tattoo.
  18. iliketurtles


    I have no idea what you mean. What direction would that be? I think it's all safe to say that a lot of the little details in the show are there for a resaon. These writers are pretty methodical with storylines and adding in clues and puzzles to foreshadow what's to come. The first episode, in the first minute, Jack wakes up, looks around, and all of a sudden Vincent comes out of nowhere (in perfect condition), and takes off. I've read that the writers have 4 seasons already written, so I'm assuming that they have an ending as well. I honestly think they are going to someone how relate the ending of the show with Vincent and Jack.
  19. iliketurtles

    Paul Heyman Released

    I'd say that pretty much defines the WWE writing team. At least this scumbag booked entertaining wrestling.
  20. iliketurtles

    Paul Heyman Released

    Happy New Year.
  21. iliketurtles

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    Jericho. Never would of been a star in WCW and has been a pretty big one in the WWE...even though he could of been bigger than Austin and Rock in late 99, but they kind of messed it up.
  22. Isn't Smackdown going to look retarded without the same setup it does now...instead with the Raw setup? Oh wait, no one watches SD.
  23. iliketurtles

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    On WWE.com, they basically have the same article but no mention of Keller.