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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Huge Fight at College Football..Clemson

    I just saw the football shuffle....crazyness. They just showed the footage from the football game and basketball game from last night on Fox News.
  2. iliketurtles

    Huge Fight at College Football..Clemson

    I just noticed the College Football thread with you guys talking about it...I figured it's worthy of making another thread. For those who saw the game, do you know exactly how it started up?
  3. iliketurtles


    They are showing the fight on ESPN right now.
  4. iliketurtles

    Huge Fight at College Football..Clemson

    If I were you guys I'd turn on ESPN 2 because I have a feeling they will be showing it again soon.
  5. iliketurtles

    Huge Fight at College Football..Clemson

    Lou Holtz was right in the middle of it all trying to break it up, too. What a way to go out.
  6. iliketurtles


    I've already forgotten most of the specifics of the incident, but didn't Bertuzzi come out of nowhere, totally unprovoked, and sucker punched an unsuspecting player? A few months earlier, one of the Colorado players hit one of the Vancouver players so it was pretty much pre-determined something was going to happen. Bertuzzi had a motive.
  7. iliketurtles


    Indefinately, and effective immediately. You wont be seeing them play basketball for a long time.
  8. iliketurtles


    CNN is reporting Artest, Jackson, Wallace, and O'Neill all got suspended indefinately. So is ESPN and Fox News.
  9. iliketurtles


    I've never seen Sportscenter cover a story this long.
  10. iliketurtles


    Just watched the entire fight on Sportscenter, then they slowed down the riot to show what exactly was happening. Unbelivable. There's going to be fucking people in DEEP shit for this. I mean, deep fucking shit. Fans, players, whoever. Unreal.
  11. iliketurtles


    That made me fucking laugh my ass off. You're the man. Anyways, I just watched some clips of this on Sports Center...this is fucking insane. NBA's image is easily going to be killed. Interest will go up, definately, but man. Fucking nuts. I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, soccer riots is one thing but riots in sports in America is basically unheard of.
  12. iliketurtles

    The HHHonk

  13. That was good. As far as Bradshaw...I love the gimmick, but not as WWE Champion Main Eventer. He's a mid card attraction, not the fucking main part of the show.
  14. iliketurtles

    X-Pac & Chyna sex tape sold.

    LOOOOL Laughing Out Out Out Out Loud? You need some medicatation for that stuttering. LAUGHING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUT LOUD. I think.
  15. I never was a huge supporter of the Rock. I liked Rock in 1998 when he was in the Nation, and I marked for him every once in a while from 2000 until he left in 2002. I certainly didn't like him when was against Hogan at Mania 18, and the majority of the rest of the time during his big babyface run. I thought he was a sell out too when he left for movies, but that was far from the truth...he was being smart. When he got squashed by Brock Lesnar at Summerslam 2002, I was really happy. I remember watching Raw X and thinking...jesus christ, they need to do something with this guy. When he came back in 2003 as the greatest heel...ever. The time period from a few weeks before No Way Out 2003 to Backlash 2003 (which I was fourtnate enough to be at to see Rock) was probably the greatest, short period of time that any wrestler has ever gotten over as a heel...and everything he did worked with a charm. I had always said that he was a better heel than face, but he was so good as a heel that he turned into a babyface during this transformation period. I've been a huge supporter and fan of him ever since.
  16. iliketurtles

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 11/18/04

    So I'm guessing the US title is vacant.
  17. iliketurtles

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 11/18/04

    Puder's promo was HORRIBLE.
  18. iliketurtles

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 11/18/04

    That's a main event that's somewhat interesting. Now give me a good Angle match and I'm down for Armagedon. And man, Eddie doesn't wear lifts in his wrestling boots or anything...he looked about 3 inches shorter in those sandles.
  19. iliketurtles

    X-Pac & Chyna sex tape sold.

  20. iliketurtles

    ABC apologizes for steamy Monday Night intro

    I thought the commercial was funny, but I'm 18 so I know the deal...it's the same with wrestling, as we all know. Kids shouldn't be seeing this stuff, etc. I think it would be hilarious if they did a LOST skit next week with the defensive line or something of the Patriots on the island. Possibly being "the others/carriers" (You'd understand if you saw the show last night.) as a joke.
  21. iliketurtles

    Spurrier to coach South Carolina?

    They just confirmed it on Cold Pizza and they are going to try to get Spurrier on the show in the next hour.
  22. iliketurtles


    What was the deal with the elephant trunk?
  23. iliketurtles


  24. iliketurtles


    Just watched the tape and all I can say is what the FUCK was that? That was by far the most confusing show yet and I've got about 50 million more questions I don't understand. First off: Hurley was awesome as usual. Jack giving his usual serious talk..."Things could be worse." "How????" And making a golf course? Brilliant. Sawyer's becoming one of their own I guess...so much for the enemies. Intresting to see how Ethan and Locke know each other. Now, onto the major shit: Where is Alex? What was that drawing Sayid looked back at, and then took? Danielle, the french chick, was shipwrecked on this island? The black rock? The carriers? The others? Why didn't Sayid ask about where they were when they shipwrecked? Now that we know who Alex is, we know that he's going to become a character. Really intresting to see the Sayid flashbacks. He's got fucking BALLS. And whatever he was looking at the end of the show leads me to believe it was the thing. This fucking confused the hell out of me. I just don't fucking get it and it pisses me off because I know we won't have any answers anytime soon. I didn't leave this show with the "I can't wait til next week" feeling...more or less "I want some fucking explaniations." I am going to be watching this show again and again and again to try to figure things out.