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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles


    Yeah, I knew that he wasn't a prisoner at the time but the way his attitude has been and the way he said it...maybe he was a well-known criminal from the past that he figured everyone knew about on the plane, but they were just misjudging him as the guy with the handcuffs on the plan...and not a criminal from the past. That's the only thing I see coming from it. Wife/girlfriend just broke up with him...maybe they even have his kid and his life is falling apart which is why he's so bitter and arrogant at first. If they use my theory, maybe this particular female friend said she would wait for him once he got out...but found a new man instead. That's my theories on Sawyer from a while back...and it looks like that I might be right about the prisoner deal.
  2. iliketurtles


    I don't understand why they start off episodes saying "previously on lost" when it's been a few episodes since the certain scene took place. SAWYER MACKING ON THE GIRLS! SAWYER SEX SCENE!
  3. iliketurtles


    Damn, I'm actually home for the first time to watch this new episode (I got out of EMT class early.) This has potential to be the best one yet...I can't wait to find out about Sawyer.
  4. iliketurtles

    Smackdown spoilers for the 11/11/04 show

    I am going to go out on a limb and say I am 98% sure that the friend will be Paul London. And Pepe was murdered by Norman Smiley. But that doesn't mean there can't be a Pepe Jr.
  5. iliketurtles

    Smackdown spoilers for the 11/11/04 show

    Not the night before the PPV. No one complained when Eddie was on this past week...as far as what I've seen. I'm more surprised that Cena's back already. I thought he was going to be out til the Rumble or so. Must of been a short movie... I bet Chavo's friend is his fucking horse from WCW. Pepe or whatever it was. And I'm not going to even get in Tough Enough. How making out with Mae Young makes you "tough enough" is waaaay beyond me.
  6. iliketurtles


    No kidding. I must check that out.
  7. iliketurtles

    Biggest announcer overreaction ever

    No Way Out 2003. Austin kills Bischoff...JR's reaction. The entire room (about 5 of us) watching that PPV fucking DIED laughing. I mean, on the floor, rolling laughing.
  8. iliketurtles

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    He was ANOTHER guy that people within the company like and consider has good work ethic. What is their logic in firing these guys?
  9. iliketurtles

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    And he also signs for everyone and anyone. Did they just read this thread when posting that on their news site? I mean, including myself and the majority of the website, we've said the exact same thing about Rico. Almost word for word. By the way...they let Linda Miles go a few months ago. She went back to OVW and got into it with a bunch of people and that was it.
  10. I don't get it, but I like Tomko out of the bunch of new guys lately. I think if he can get more work on the mic, maybe he might come through. But he's still green in the ring.
  11. I don't understand why they would have such a shitty show to follow a pretty solid opener. I mean, I can see why they did it on TV to bring in viewers which is probably what it did...but the fucking crap they put on after that? I bet people just fucking turned away. This is going to be like one of those ratings that start out low...build high...then DIES by the end of the show.
  12. iliketurtles

    Dave Wannstedt resigns as Dolphins coach

    Dolphins should sign Ricky Williams as their new head coach. Practices would become pot-smoking parties. And if you didn't show up to the game on Sunday, that's okay. Everyone knew the team was going to lose anyways.
  13. Bah. I meant superior. I was pretty pissed off when I was writing it. Watch the segment where Tajiri gets beaten down, and Snitsky gets right up in Triple H's face. Triple H should of gotten right back up in his face, but he didn't. Why the hell should Snitsky be an intimidating force for Triple H?
  14. Notes I took during the course of Raw: I can't believe they had Gene Snitsky punt a baby. I can't believe they just had that segment that made Gene Snitsky look inferior to Triple H. God this company is fucked up. I can't believe how retarded and boring the segment with Simon Dean was. I can't believe they are really fucking doing this 9/11 Arabic angle. Who the fuck is the new girl interviewing Edge? This show doesn't offends me in many ways...but it does as a WRESTLING FAN (Remember HBK saying the same thing about the necropholia angle in late 2002 on Raw?) What an embarassment this show was to watch. How they think this will create intrest into the Pay Per View this Sunday is beyond me. The only thing I enjoyed about tonight was watching Edge's entrance and the Benoit WWE.com promo they had. And Batista staring at the WWE title was a nice touch. But that all added up for about 3 minutes. Oh well...at least I channel surfed the entire show to ease the pain. I just want to forget this show ever happened.
  15. iliketurtles


    Nice! So I'm channel surfing and on Fox, they had an episode of Becker and guess who was on? Jorge Garcia aka Hurley. I looked at IMDB afterwards and it noted he's been on the show a few times in late 2003. Cool stuff.
  16. This is the type of show where the Rock needs to show up and give this guy the Rock Bottom.
  17. Can this Raw get any worse? I guess they decided to use all their efforts on Orton/Batista and will never ever have wrestling again. This Raw is horrible.
  19. I like how they didn't show the footage from Tough Enough with Puder/Angle.
  20. TOMKO! Nice. We want Vis, though.
  21. That promo with the bloody Benoit was fucking AWESOME. They need to do that more often. Benoit ending the promo saying he has no fancy catch phrase for him, but going to straight the point was so cool.
  22. iliketurtles

    Carlito Carribean Cool injured

    I wonder how they'll play this up on TV. They should surprise the audience and Long should give both teams time up until the match to announce their partner. Could have potential if they find the right people. That would be awesome if they got someone on Raw to be on one of the teams...that could maybe start the SD vs. Raw feud if they are going to break up the brands.
  23. iliketurtles

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Hell, bring fucking O'Haire again. It's Smackdown April 2003 all over again!