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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles


    How about Just WHEY protein? That stuff has made me more lean.
  2. iliketurtles

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    I'm not getting the show, but where ist he show taking place and in what arena?
  3. iliketurtles

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    I like how at the 0:08 mark, the cow is just saying "Mooo" as in "Hello." At 18 seconds, it sounds like they just stuck something up the cow's ass.
  4. iliketurtles

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    It originally didn't have cows...but obviously it does now. I don't fucking get it, but that's ok.
  5. iliketurtles

    What Would YOU Do?

    Me either. Me either. Me either. ...just givin ya shit, man
  6. iliketurtles

    What Would YOU Do?

    But it's also twice the costs to put on those two shows, so I don't buy that it was a damn good October for the WWE. Actually, they also had a very successful tour of the UK. And I don't work in the financial department of the WWE, but I'm assuming the costs for running both PPVs will be smaller than the money made from concessions, merchindise, and buyrates. Probably one of the best financial months in years. Remember...if they are making money, it's a successful quarter for them. Even if the angles are fucking horrible and TV is boring.
  7. iliketurtles

    What Would YOU Do?

    Here's my thought on the ideas of PPVs...No Mercy and Taboo Tuesday did 2 of the lowest PPVs buyrates of all time. But if you put them together, they did over 300,000, and that's DAMN good for October. So you're losing way too much money to stop with the extras PPVs as of right now. If the buyrates start to go under 100,000 for these PPVs...then you start thinking about it. But I'd say you are good for a few more months with the extras PPVs.
  8. iliketurtles

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    I wish his Judgment Day 2002 got released on Anthology. Simple, but bad ass.
  9. iliketurtles

    What Would YOU Do?

    These would be some of my ideas (off the top of my head): I changed my thoughts...these are all ideas WITHOUT the brand extentsion ending and working with what we got right now, as of November 2004. Yes, there is rumors of the brand extentsion ending...but there was rumors of that 3 years ago when it started. There is STILL money left to be made is this extentsion... -Heavyweight Titles, Tag Titles will be unified. Titles are meaningless and they need to have credible champions with less belts floating around. When was the last time we've cared about the Tag Division? Late 2002. That needs to be fixed. I can't even remember who the tag champs are on either brands. I've a proposed Tag Title feud as well...read that below. -Too many new guys have been developed on both shows and it's too much for the audience to handle. Look all the ones that have been this year: Johnny Nitro, Mordecai, Nathan Jones, Matt Morgan, Carlito, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, Heindirench, Eugene, Christy, Garrison Cade, Gene Snitsky, Simon Dean (Soon To Come), The Arab guy (Soon to Come), Tyson Tomko, Akio, Sokada, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, and probably more I've forgotten. I mean...seriously. That's fucking insane. How do they expect the audience to actually care about these guys? It's too overwhelming. Most of them failed, too. They need to cut on making new stars and focus on the stars that are established right now. -Have Booker win the Smackdown title from JBL at Survivor Series to start a feud with Kurt Angle that will end shortly before Wrestlemania. They had great matches in the summer of 2001, and this feud never really got jumpstarted. JBL's a failure at a main eventer player, and needs to be in a more realistic position: the midcard. Booker also may not be around for so such a long time, so it would be nice to give him one more big run. -Build to a Shawn Michaels vs. the Rock program. Michaels has a few good matches left and I believe these are two of them. The Rock is good for a short term program going into Wrestlemania, and the odds are that HBK/Rock is only going to be able to happen for so long until it's no longer a dream match for the fans. -Have Edge and Christian join Evolution, and build to a Benoit/Jericho vs. E&C feud going into Wrestlemania. It will immediately gain intrest into that brands title going into Backlash. Edge and Christian are both heels, and the idea has been foreshadowed to the fans. Evolution is short on members, and this would gain new intrest in that stable as well. You'd have the possibility of Evolution vs. Benoit/Jericho/Orton/Tajiri/Benjamin feud going into Wrestlemania. -Have an Elimination Chamber on Raw. This is the type of match that people only expect on Pay Per View, but do you realize what it would be like to have on a live Raw? Instant fan interest. Have Bischoff announce it the night after Armageddon or something so it gives enough time to promote it and slow build to it. Prehaps the first Raw of 2005...and use the Elimination Chamber to promote the Evolution vs. RAW feud. This would also be a good time to promote the Pay Per View in P.R. -Make Smackdown become live. It's at it's worst for ratings, the interest is in the shitter, it's treated as the 2nd tier show to Raw. That can't happen...they need to be on the same level if both are going to succeed. It's more money to produce live, but it's more intrest that could be created. -Bring Shane McMahon back to manage any newer superstar on Raw. Shane's got a lot to offer, but not as a wrestler trying to defend his mother's honor like last year. When he was paired up with Benoit and a few other guys in 2000, it was kind of cool to watch. Maybe even have Shane join up with Evolution, but that might be a tad too much. His efforts could go towards someone who needs it, but make sure the guy deserves it. Example...Heyman (great manager) going with someone like Heidirench. He's no Brock Lesnar, as the fans can tell. More to come...if I get time. But for now, that's all I got...in about a 15 minute time span, lol.
  10. iliketurtles

    Edge's new theme

    You're right. He changed into Jericho-lite. Pretty much. Ever since late 2002, you could tell that's what Christian seemingly became.
  11. iliketurtles

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    It's not. The real one he uses is on the Smackdown vs. Raw game...you can clearly tell the difference.
  12. iliketurtles

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    Eugene is actually using this version as of last Monday night. Oh, I missed it. I take back what I said...the version Eugene used up til last Monday night wasn't the one released.
  13. iliketurtles


    Thanks Brian for all your advice...I've saved it onto computer and will definately use most of it.
  14. iliketurtles


    In the previews it looks like they go after Sawyer cause he's stashing Shannon's asmah inhaler and wouldn't give it back when she has an attack. ...that too.
  15. iliketurtles


    That was a pretty cool extended preview. I'm looking forward to the next show with the possibility of new characters. And knowing more about Sawyer is definately worth it. I think the last two episodes weren't as good as the others, but I think Confidence Man will be one of, if not, the best so far.
  16. iliketurtles


    I think that the reason Sawyer is going to get the shit kicked out of him because they believe he's the one who knocked out Sayid. I agree that it was kind of weird Sayid looked fine in the next episode in the previews (maybe what they previewed was at the end of it, thus giving him enough time to recover?) Then Kate will come to Sawyer's rescue...thus leaving the question of who knocked out Sayid. I can see the guy's complaint of losing intrest but it's all about development and slow build. Hopefully we won't be let down. Check out ABC right now...they are showing replays of the last 2 episodes.
  17. iliketurtles


  18. iliketurtles

    Where to exchange opened games?

    Wal-Mart doesn't do it. If it's open, it's yours. Same with Best Buy, Target, FYE, etc. If you open a video game, you can't return it unless it's defective...and only then you can just get the same game that you bought for. Your best bets are E-Bay (which I actually broke even on NHL 2k5 which I bought for $20.00 and hated it, sold it for $20.00), Gamestop (Expect half the price you paid for it.), or EB (Same deal as Gamestop).
  19. Here me out, here's my rant. I could go into a long rant about why and how much Smackdown still sucks these days, but I don't think that anyone would disagree or bother reading it because anything related with "Smackdown" is deemed "stale" and "boring" because, well, it is. I have barely watched Smackdown this year, but I try to keep up with Raw (It's no longer a priority to watch wrestling on Thursdays and Mondays.). So I tried watching Smackdown tonight and since I'm writing this during the show, you can tell the show's not really gaining my attention. One of my main issues right now is Tough Enough, mainly because it's taking up so much time on the program. Similiar with the Diva Search, as most of you said already. Not saying I'd rather see other shit they would have put on instead of Tough Enough, but yeah. Obviously, giving 1 million dollars is pretty outrageous, but at least it's making the competition more interesting. At least until the WWE fucks it all up. First and foremost, do they expect these guys to be super athletes? Do you really think most of the guys in the WWE currently could do the stuff they are making these guys do in this year's Tough Enough competition? It's not realistic to a fan's perspective. Look at tonight's episode for evidence. Kurt Angle bashed EVERY SINGLE wrestler in the Tough Enough competition, including a UFC guy. Thus, burying their credibility for even winning the contest either way...but of course, WWE believes that WWE > Than all other atheletes...at least in their mind, and only in their mind. Later in the broadcast, he's buttering up to Carlito. Does that make any sense what so ever? You think Carlito would go out and do that shit the other guys were forced to do and actually do it? What has Carlito done, "on screen", to pay his dues as they've constantly told these Tough Enough kids. It's such a contridiction. I could get into about how they had a segment of telling the guys to NO SELL a bodyslam from the Big Show last week, but first and foremost I didn't watch it, so that ends that. The company might deny it, but as a fan who has considered getting into professional wrestling, it's so obvious how much of a joke this company is becoming. Firing guys like Rico when he always gets great heat, both face and heel, at house and TV shows...and could go in the ring. Sure he's "old", but he's better than most of the slobs they have including the current WWE champion. I understand the logic in building new stars but they've shoved certain guys down our throats this year that has not only backfired but the characters ending, but losing viewers to an all new low for Smackdown on UPN. I still would like to know why I should care about Carlito, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, Heindreich, Orlando Jordan and the other new stars they've shoved down our throats. And JBL is still champion? Ahh..ha. Hey, he's a great character but that doesn't mean you make him the flagship for the fucking show. I'm hoping Booker gets the belt, even as a transition champion for Angle over the winter, just because it would be loads better than the crap they have had for the past year. I noticed one fan had a sign tonight..."Come Back Brock." At least that would be a start. Thanks for reading.