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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Bret Hart column

    Just watch Bret's feud with Austin. I wouldn't really say their I Quit match was family friendly. And Stampede wasn't always family friendly, as wildpegasus said. I think there's a possibility of it still happening...but I don't see it with Shawn Michaels still around, and HHH in charge, but you really never know.
  2. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot. He also accidentally took time off between Royal Rumble 1994 and Summerslam of that year because he forgot to update his 1993 calendar, thinking Rumble 1994 was the middle of August. True story. That makes no sense...I don't understand what you mean. I'd think he would know it's in January or do you care to clarify?
  3. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot. Yup, you are right. I thought it was odd he wasn't at No Mercy but main event Unforgiven, then came back before Survivor Series. Maybe he just likes to hunt or something and it's that time of season.
  4. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    Quick, on the fly prediction...who thinks Hendirech is going to cause Taker to lose?
  5. iliketurtles

    Bret Hart column

    Intresting stuff there, Loss. I'm more intrested in the backstage stuff like what possible storylines there were thinking of taking place one day as opposed to that other thread with all the gossip on wrestlers. You should have your buddy make one and talk about stuff...or even you could post it. I think the main reason Austin left was because of jobbing to Lesnar when Austin wanted to do a bigger program with him in the future. It would of been awesome to have done Eddie/Austin and Benoit/Austin programs for the rest of 2002 instead of the shit Raw turned into.
  6. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    Glad to see they are still using the No Mercy song from two years ago. Smackdown may suck, but at least the video packages are still watchable. Almost makes me want to get the show.
  7. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    I'd really like to see a Scotty 2 Hotty (face) vs. Shawn Michaels (heel) match...after seeing those 2 brawl during the show of the Draft Lottery. Glad to see Jindrak has worked the moveset.
  8. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    I guess Jindrak's Lex Luger gimmick got dropped.
  9. iliketurtles

    Your favourite WWE PPVs.

    I think a lot of people don't consider where they were for the show, and just focus on ratings of matches. No doubt being in Safeco Field was fucking awesome compared to a regular 15,000 person arena...and it definately added a better feel for the show. I think people give Angle/Lesnar a lot of crap because of the botched ending, but that didn't really hurt it much for me. Rock/Austin was no Mania 17...perhaps even maybe no 15, but it was good and you did feel like it was it. Austin kicking out several times to several Rock Bottoms' had a lot to do with it.
  10. iliketurtles

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    I think Cena/Booker is going to have to be really, really good in order to have a point in the series. I'm not watching the show, but why do I have the feeling Taker is going to lose and come back in a few months as Biker Tiker?
  11. iliketurtles

    top 10-20 bad angles in WWE/WWF

    Can you repost this topic with a little bit more organization with your information and better presentation? Anyways, I think everyone will agree that Katie Vick was the worst angle in the history of the company. They made it a major part of their TV in late 2002, and while all along they KNEW it wouldn't bring in viewers and make money. I still don't understand what the point of it was, and considering they never talk about it, neither do they.
  12. iliketurtles

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Well then. Shows you what I know about the National League, lol.
  13. iliketurtles

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Now, come on, we could get a rematch of that thrilling 2002 ALCS. I can't remember a single thing that happened in that series. I don't even remember anything about the post season other than Giants vs. Angels in the World Series and the Angels won. And the Angels upset the Yankees. That's it. What a crappy way to end the 2002 season. And what's up with the Marlins and Cubs? What the fuck happened to them this year?
  14. iliketurtles

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Kinda loses its luster a bit, since Pettitte has been done for the year for a while now. Really? Damn. That must of been the part of the summer where I didn't pay attention to baseball. I lose intrest halfway through the season. What happened to him?
  15. iliketurtles

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    And if the Sox do end up blowing it, again, I want to see Yanks vs. Astros. That has potential to be crazy with Pettite and Roger.
  16. iliketurtles

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    ALCS won't seem the same without Yanks vs. Sox. Obviously I want to see the Sox win it all, by going Angels-Yankees-Cardinals (or Braves). I'm still not over from having the possibility of a Red Sox/Cubs World Series that was five outs away last year.
  17. iliketurtles

    SNL Review

    Affleck as the DJ was fucking hilarious, and the guy doing Bush isn't as funny as Will..and the guy doing Kerry is fucking great.
  18. iliketurtles


    Yeah, I knew that he wasn't a prisoner at the time but the way his attitude has been and the way he said it...maybe he was a well-known criminal from the past that he figured everyone knew about on the plane, but they were just misjudging him as the guy with the handcuffs on the plan...and not a criminal from the past. That's the only thing I see coming from it. Theory on the letter: Wife/girlfriend just broke up with him...maybe they even have his kid and his life is falling apart which is why he's so bitter and arrogant at first. If they use my theory, maybe this particular female friend said she would wait for him once he got out...but found a new man instead.
  19. iliketurtles

    Your favourite WWE PPVs.

    Summerslam 2002, Wrestlemania 18, Wrestlemania 19, Backlash 2003 (was there), Royal Rumble 2003 (was there), Vengeance 2003...that's just quickly off the top of my head. For whatever reason, I wasn't that excited about Wrestlemania 20 (I actually had some other stuff happening that distrcated my attention), but after I bought it on DVD...I appreciated it more. TV hasn't been very good the past few years, but the PPVs are always good stuff (except for this year since Backlash, which was the last enjoyable PPV).
  20. iliketurtles


    I thought the guy who was overweight was really good (I don't know names yet.)
  21. iliketurtles


    I've got a couple of theories (and I haven't seen EVERYTHING yet, but here's what I'm thinking): Something is up with where they are, and that's what makes me the most intrested. They are 1,000 miles off from where they where suppose to crash land (I think?), so as the Pilot said "They are looking in the wrong place." Something is up with the fact that for whatever reason, any transmission that goes out of there calling for help can't bee reached. There's Polar Bears, yet they have summer time conditions? Again, the most intresting part of the story is exactly where they are. Something about the Iraqi guy: How did he seem to know what the numbers meant when he was listening to something that was an airplane? I'm guessing because when he was in the Republican Guard, he flew planes. So here's my crazy theory...Does anyone else other than me think that he was suppose to highjack the plane? Again, I don't know what the original route of destination was so I can't really say what possiblity there was for doing so, but I'm getting that vibe. "We are all in this together now..." The monster: Anyone getting the feeling this is just like Predator? I mean, the body on the tree...skinned eaten from the bone. Maybe because of their location, this is some type of Yeti. The girl: She's got to be in for murder. After the Hick admitted that he was a prisoner (which I don't think he's lying), he made a comment about how he knew these type of girls, and she said something like "No you don't" after she took the gun away. Another thing I thought was intresting was she didn't know how to unload it, which makes me think she didn't use a gun when she committed her crimes. I'll think of more when it comes to me.
  22. I thought it was really intresting and I'm looking forward to Wednesday night. It may seem like too many twists and turns for some people, but I love it because it kept me on my seat. I didn't expect the girl to be the one who was the convict and I thought when the Iraqi guy said that he served in the Republican Guard when the guy asked him what force he was in was GREAT stuff. Stuff I'm looking forward to knowing: What's the deal with the girl, what's the deal with the guy who shot the bear, what's the deal with the older guy playing Backgammon, what in the fuck is on that island (16 years of a constant may day call from a French girl???), and why are polar bears there? I really enjoyed it.
  23. iliketurtles


    I just got done watching the 2nd episode (I think)...not sure if it's the first one or second one but here's what I saw: I thought it was really intresting and I'm looking forward to Wednesday night. It may seem like too many twists and turns for some people, but I love it because it kept me on my seat. I didn't expect the girl to be the one who was the convict and I thought when the Iraqi guy said that he served in the Republican Guard when the guy asked him what force he was in was GREAT stuff. Stuff I'm looking forward to knowing: What's the deal with the girl and her criminal background, what's the deal with the guy who shot the bear, what's the deal with the older guy playing Backgammon, what in the fuck is on that island (16 years of a constant may day call from a French girl???), and why are polar bears there? I really enjoyed it. This is the only episode I've seen so if this is the 2nd one, could someone please let me know how I can get a hold of the 1st one cause I'm really into it. I missed the first half hour of it but I have a question: Where did this flight leave from and where was it going?
  24. iliketurtles

    Anyone watch "Lost" on ABC tonight?

    I love it when I make the effort to look for a new topic and when I do, this happens. Whoops.