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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Bret Hart column

    McMahon was going to make Hart the head booker before everything starting happening with Shawn. Triple H knows his stuff and is the position to do something about it, but he's not Steve Austin or Bret Hart when it comes to wrestling knowledge and I think he'd even admit that.
  2. iliketurtles

    Bret Hart column

    "Keeping it real" is no doubt the best title for this column...pretty cool stuff that they can maintain a "friendship" after all these years. How cool would it be to see Steve Austin and Bret Hart hunting? That's crazy stuff.
  3. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    I'd think you're ticket idea could work, but I think if you split it up wise enough, people would just stick around all day to see both shows. You could do the first portion from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and the second portion from 9:00 PM to 12:00 Am. In the meantime, you could have a Pre-Game/Post-Game show at 8:00 PM...talking about what happened on the first half, and what's going to happen on the second half to the television audience (assuming we are on TV.) Only problem is...people may boot after the first show and/or not go to the first one and just to the second one...but I think if you were able to split the cards up enough, it would work. Have the entertainment/spotfest/wrestling equal in amount on both shows, so that way you can't say "I just want to go watch the wrestling" as opposed "I want to see the entertainment." I'd hate to see empty seats during the second shows because people are pooped from the first one. Examples...Bret/Angle main events the first portion....Hogan/Austin main events the last portion. Obviously, you're going to want to stick around and see both.
  4. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    You could do 13-15 matches in four hours. Not every match is going to be 30 minutes. Do you really want to see some dream matches go that long?
  5. iliketurtles

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    Definately. They seem to provide commentary for the match and make it seem important. They make wrestling matches seem like a sport and competition, like Tazz analyizing Angle's creditentials and amateur moves he uses during his matches. JR and Lawler are just worried about what's going to happen later tonight and the fans need to buy tickets and merchindise.
  6. iliketurtles

    2004 PWI 500

    As he should be. Um, care to explain? Shelton got pushed more, more exposure, and had better matches than Charlie had this year. And I'd go out and say he's a better wrestler than Haas, and that's not taking anything away from him. Who's going to get rated higher? Someone wrestling Triple H on the main event of Raw, or someone wrestling a meaningless tag match with Rico on Smackdown?
  7. iliketurtles

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    He never seemed to be the type of person who respectively debated politics on a scale like he did last night. I mean, any of us can debate politics, if we are right or wrong. There's a difference if you are doing it with your friends, or are doing it on ABC News Now and he's probably not that type of person while Foley sounds like he is. I'd rather see Bradshaw debate in methods of how to make money then politics. And if he didn't do as part of his character, then I'd say he's a very arrogant person.
  8. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    Probably 15 at the max. Figure Wrestlemania 20 had 12, but fucking stuck so many people in those it seemed like 30 matches.
  9. iliketurtles

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    Um, okay? All I read was that he hates Democrats, bashes them, and Bush, Arnold, and Republicans are great. I can do that if I wanted too. The only discussion he made without trying to bash someone in that article was his views on healthcare. Again, politics aren't his strength...stocks are. Big difference. And I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about, thank you.
  10. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    My Wrestlemania Card (in no order at all): Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle (Doesn't matter what time period for either) Chris Jericho (1999, Heel) vs. Ricky Steamboat (1987, Face) Hulk Hogan (1985-1987, Face) vs. Steve Austin (1998, Face) Chris Benoit (2000) vs. Dynimate Kid (1980's...doesn't matter) Shawn Michaels (1996, Face) vs. the Rock (Early 2003, Heel) Dean Malenko (1998, Face) vs. Eddy Guerrero (1998, Heel) vs. Rey Mysterio (2002-2004, Face) Bulldog (1992, Face) vs. Owen (1994-1997, Heel) RVD (2001, Face) vs. Randy Savage (1987, Heel) Mick Foley (Early 2000, Face) vs. Brock Lesnar (2002, Heel)...Street Fight. Triple H (2000) vs. Killer Kowalski (Doesn't matter when) Ric Flair (Heel) vs. Bruno Sammartino (Face, Doesn't matter when for either) The Outsiders (1996, Heel) vs. LOD (Whenever, Face) New Age Outlaws (1998, Face) vs. Edge and Christian (2000, Heel) Undertaker (Late 2003, Face) vs. Vader (1993, Heel) That's all I've got for now.
  11. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    That's certainly intresting about Rock in early 2003, but I think he was bound to get laughed/cheered at whatever he did eventually, but I can see how he contributed to it.
  12. iliketurtles

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    I never read his columns or watch him on the Media when he's on. I saw him once on Fox News and he was talking about stocks. And he wrote a book about stocks, not politics. I don't think polictics is his main strength.
  13. iliketurtles

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    I think it's because they are making too many new stars at once. I understand that losing tons of guys like Hogan, Austin, Lesnar, Rock, Foley, Nash (useless but a name), Goldberg (useless but a a name) etc. on a full time basis is a big loss and you have to full their shoes, but why can't you use the guys you have over right now and put them in the main event scene (Jericho anyone?). Why should I honestly care about Batistia vs. Randy Orton IN THE MAIN EVENT on Raw? Look at 1997 and tell me the 2 new stars that worked. Rock. Austin. Granted, they both debuted in 1996 and the WWF didn't need to make nany new stars at that time, but they didn't shove Austin down our throats and he just evolved over time. Rock got shoved down our throats and turned into a great heel and that's what WWE tried to do with Orton...except it didn't work and Orton has the Jeff Hardy heat (girls are the only ones I hear cheering him when I see him on Raw.) But look at all the new guys... Why do I care about Colon? Stinsky? Mordecai? Suzuki? Luther Reigns? Mark Jindrak? Orlando Jordan? Simon Dean? Garrison Cade (from earlier this spring with his push with the Coach)? The current La Reistiance who have held the fucking titles forever (Granted they are both from 2003, but they are still new and unintresting)? These are all 2004 creations that were/are set in line for a big push. I'll be perfectly fair. The only one that worked was Shelton Benjmain. They had the thing going with Eugene, but they killed that character by pushing him way too much when they thought just because he was over, he could main event. You can only stuff these new guys down your throat, all at once, before the crowd just doesn't care.
  14. iliketurtles

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    If he had his cowboy hat and WWE belt with him, you'd know he did it on purpose. He never seemed to be that type of guy who debated politics. He knows how to play the stock market, but not politics. I'm not surprised with Foley..he's one of the smartest guys on the roster. It's just too bad that this could of been something to show to people that WWE isn't full of loud-mouth losers, but Bradshaw seems to keep it going.
  15. iliketurtles

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    If I could make changes, I would of split up the 3 way with Guerrero/Hart/Benoit, Bulldogs/Rockers, Rock/Savage, and RVD/Warrior Turn it into: Chris Benoit vs. Dynimate Kid Shawn Michaels vs. the Rock Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero Bulldog vs. Owen RVD vs. Randy Savage Warrior vs. Don't care. Bret/Angle, Hogan/Austin, and Steamboat/Flair is what I agree with the most.
  16. iliketurtles


    I don't think he's really fallen. He's always done theatre/movies/stuff like that.
  17. iliketurtles

    Chris Candido signs; to work for OVW

    I wonder if in the contract, Candido got crack.
  18. iliketurtles

    Smackdown spoilers

    So let's see...people were pissed they were saying a "Death" comment on Raw about Kane and it had to do with Owen...now they did this with Heidenriech that is going to make people pissed.
  19. iliketurtles

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    I think people are just trying to find some way this angle is controversially affending just so it will end. Cause at this point, ANY excuse that will cause a lot of people to talk about how much the angle is disgraceful is probably a positive. I mean, does anyone in this thread seriously enjoy the pregnancy thing that's been going on for months? Honestly, no sarcasm. I'll check back in a few hours just for kicks cause if you do honest enjoy it, I'd like to know why.
  20. iliketurtles

    Major Miscommunications With RAW
