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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Yankees/Red Sox chat thread

    Wow, that's two calls he's blown. Beautiful.
  2. iliketurtles

    The OaO Smackdown thread

    I fast forwarded that stuff. I'm guessing I probably watched 10 minutes overall of the entire show after I was done fast forwarding.
  3. iliketurtles

    The OaO Smackdown thread

    I was out, so I taped it...fast forwarded most of it. Notes: They killed Vis. Damnit. I hate how they always go half ass on a new Smackdown. They always seem to just go with new music, opening, and graphics...but that's it. They just need a total make over. Austin looks weird as hell without the goatee. He looks a lot skinner too. Cena's rap was weird...you'd think Rock would of come out right after or something. Enjoyed Angle's promo..they should give him more. Noticed Hogan wasn't referred to as Hulk Hogan, but Hollywood Hogan instead because the Marvel deal expired, AND they also edited out "Hulk", too. Still dont' understand Big Show as face, but I still don't understand a lot about WWE these days. Another forgettable wrestling show.
  4. iliketurtles

    More politics and power struggles

    Shane is only in his 30's, right? I ask because he does have pretty noticable grey hair. And Vince won't leave, guys. He'll be in charge of the company til he's dead, and that won't be anytime soon.
  5. iliketurtles

    Wrestlemania XXI Press Conference

    There's no reason why they shouldn't do Rock/HBK at Mania. Angle/Taker has good potential...but I guess you really have to see where things stand around November and January. I can see Austin being back by the Rumble.
  6. iliketurtles

    Bossman passes away

    You know what's weird? How guys like Jake Roberts and Marty Jennety are still alive. I really don't know what the explaniation is.
  7. iliketurtles

    Bossman passes away

    I was stunned at first, but not Owen levels. Was he into drugs at all? I wonder if painkillers for his knee might of had something to do with it. You just don't die at 42 years old just because it was your time and you stop breathing one night. Really bad news to hear...this has just been one of those weird nights, and I guess this caps it off.
  8. iliketurtles

    Scummiest Wrestling Stories

    "There was a rumor going around a number of years ago about Big Vis forcing HBK to use his tongue as toilet paper. " YES! I believe about 90% of the shit is just fake rumors, though. "It was before a live taping of monday night raw and big Vis hadn't been seen all night. Well Vince Mcmahon is in his office doing paperwork when Shawn Michaels busts in, which was odd because at this time Michaels wasn't even on the active roster. He was still playing up his neck injury angle at this time. So anyway Michaels busts in and tells Vince he just saw Viscera on the hood of a limo snorting the longest line of cocaine he'd ever seen in his life. This had to be a big freakin line of cocaine cause you have to assume Michaels had seen some big ones in his life. Vince is outraged instantly, but before he can say anything Vis walks in Coked up out of his mind. Michaels then proceeds to just say "ain't that right vis?" Viscera in his cocaine voice replies "yeah... thats right shawn." Vince stands to his feet and tells Vis he's fired on the spot. So it was right back to the 3rd ring of hell, memphis wrestling, for Vis. Fans never even got a fairwell match. " That had me dying.
  9. iliketurtles

    Smackdown spoiler for the main event

    That's awesome about Hogan/Boston/Fourth of July. Instead of posing with the hair, Angle should of posed with the gun. And Viscera brings the awesome as always.
  10. iliketurtles

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    I just would of had Kane move out of the way of the chair shot. It explains it self.
  11. iliketurtles

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    Bret, with Angle and Benoit VERY short behind. But, if you were talking about The Rock Early 2003 mode...then him by far. I could watch that shit til the day I die.
  12. iliketurtles

    Best and Worst Bret Hart matches

    It was just stupid shit. I remember him wrestling Disco Inferno, Van Hammer, a bunch of stupid people on TV. I don't think they ever did Bret/Jericho or Bret/Malenko, which is a damn shame. That was one thing Bret agreed with McMahon...and that's when Vince told him he wouldn't make it in WCW because they don't know what to do with Bret Hart because they were so fucking stupid when it came to wrestling.
  13. iliketurtles

    Top 5 Biggest Wrestling Pops of all Time

    By the way, I'm judging all of these by what I saw on TV...not in person. Hogan hulking up at Wrestlemania 18 is by far the loudest I've ever heard a crowd when watching wrestling. I still mark out when I watch it. Watching Bulldog/Bret's finish at Summerslam 92 is magical. I'm glad they edited out Vince/Hennan talking on commentary after the sunset flip on the VHS and they just have the crowd doing the talking...well, cheering, rather. I love the reaction of the fans when Jericho beat HHH for the WWF Title in Penn State. One guy in the front row flips out so much that he stands up on his chair and starts pumping his fist. AWESOME stuff. Austin's Mania 17 entrance is crazy. As soon as the glass breaks, the place (67,000 f'n people) goes fucking bonkers. The finish to the Over the Edge 1998 Austin/Foley match is great markout stuff. They wrote that PERFECT and by the time Austin counted to three, the crowd was beyond controllable. Triple H returning to Raw...the moment he appears on the stage is the loudest I've ever heard it at MSG for a wrestling show. Hogan beating Shiek MIGHT tie it, but it's close. Sting beating DDP on Nitro at the Tacoma Dome (I think?) in 1999, but lost it back to him later in the night. Either way, crowd went nuts. I remember RVD coming back at Guilty as Charged 2001 to face Jerry Lynn...and his pop was MASSIVE for ECW standards. I mean, the camera does a wide shot and the crowd is off the charts, and they all start singing his song instantly. Man, those were the days when he was mega-over. Jericho's debut in the WWF was big, but not the biggest. It does give me the goosebumps the most, I think. In my opinion, the most heat at Canadian Stampede is in the 10 man itself. The entrances are good stuff, but I get more of an adrenaline rush at the part when Bret is beating Austin down in the corner, and they go to a wide shot of the ring and the camera is literally SHAKING because the crowd is so loud. Crazy stuff. Austin got fucking unreal heat in that match too. The loudest I ever heard it in person was in July of 2002 with the tag title match with Edge/Hogan vs. Billy/Chuck in Boston. Hogan coming out to Real American was so fucking awesome...and when they won, crowd was insane. They REALLY toned it down on TV, which they always do and it sucks that they do.
  14. iliketurtles

    Best and Worst Bret Hart matches

    And that sig of yours, BHK, is so weird/freaky/sad. Man. Hard to believe, huh?
  15. iliketurtles

    Best and Worst Bret Hart matches

    Even though it's not in his Top Ten best, I'd say his Survivor Series match with HBK is actually pretty good. Sure, everyone was focused on everything other than the match itself, but it's an intense brawl. I don't think Bret's ever had a bad singles match. I mean, I'm talking negative stars. Obviously, if you look at some of the shit WCW put him up against, it might be possible, but I don't think it happened to the point where one of his matches weren't unwatchable. I'd say his worst match was against Sting at Halloween Havoc. You knew Bret wasn't Bret anymore. He never did that shit as a heel in the WWF and he got over 10 times more than in WCW. Bret doesn't have to use weapons to beat his opponent, he just out wrestles them and WCW seemed to not understand that. Then again, a lot of Bret Hart fans think that his career pretty much was over when he left the WWF...so I guess if you are asking Best/Worst Bret WWF Matches: A lot of classics, not many DUDs. Best/Worst WCW Bret Matches: Bret/Benoit Owen Classic (best WCW match, by far)...and a lot of other stuff that was so pointless/bad that I've erased it from my memory.
  16. iliketurtles

    Buy Warrior's belt.

    I laughed my ass off for the wrong reasons at stone_monolithic's feedback in Warrior's profile on E-Bay: Ultimate Service From Excellent Seller,Glad To "oWn" something of Mr.Warrior's If that isn't corny, I have no idea what is. What losers would pay this much money to by something from him? Warrior even gives feedback: "Warrior Ebayer. Quick Pay. Clear Communication. Intense to do deal. Awesome!" I'd hate to see what negative feedback would say from him.
  17. iliketurtles

    WWE Global Warming Tour: Melbourne (2002)

    I heard they didn't put Angle's match with Test on because Angle got such a babyface ovation. I downloaded Rock/Lesnar/HHH and thought it was pretty good...I liked the HHH/Lesnar stuff.
  18. iliketurtles

    New Smackdown GM?

    If anything, he should be there longer. ANOTHER SD GM shows how unorganized and unprofessional the brand is, and that's just on TV.
  19. iliketurtles

    Viscera speaks his mind.

    As much as I hate people who are mean to Vis, I will admit I laughed my fucking ass off. Trenchcoat = TRASH BAG.
  20. iliketurtles

    Viscera speaks his mind.

    Good idea, but they might as well just go all out and give him a 3 minute Desire piece.
  21. iliketurtles

    Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda get engaged

    Damn Charlie Haas. No more lonely nights for him.
  22. iliketurtles

    Viscera speaks his mind.

    I can't believe he actually spoke too Anthony Cali. Vis already graced us with his apperance on Thursday, and now he's doing interviews to us little people? God. Among. Vises.
  23. iliketurtles

    WWE News

    Again, Mysterio can still do his entrance...so that's where Gangrel will more than likely do it.