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Everything posted by EMAXSAUN

  1. Hi Guys, What do you think of this blog I put together - http://www.dumbview.com/blog/ So I have been trying to start up a small video site with just dumb/funny/stupid videos on it, just for fun. I have a bunch of categories and a bunch of videos on the site already. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips or suggestions regarding the site. The site is - http://www.dumbview.com/, and I just updated it with a wrestling section - http://www.dumbview.com/wrestling.php - check it out! But seriously, if you guys have any videos/categories that you think should go there, please let me know, or any overall suggestions/comments, thanks!

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    Hey Bob long time no chat, where did you get re-directed, just right from the blog page? Where did it re-direct you to? It takes a few seconds and then it redirects you to a site to meet black people. This displeases me, since I do not want to meet people like EHME. Thanks, that is the last thing I want. I have ads running through a company called WidgetBucks and I feel like that is the culprit. Hopefully this will be fixed by tonight, sorry about redirecting people.

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    Hey Bob long time no chat, where did you get re-directed, just right from the blog page? Where did it re-direct you to?

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    I've been posting at this forum longer that you have, so lick my balls

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    lol now i know you guys are just mesin and i do have some wrestling stuff on there, like - http://www.dumbview.com/blog/2009/01/23/si...t-blooper-ever/

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    if there are re-directs for real i need to sort these out because i simply made a site of funny videos that i liked, i haven't been able to see this on my own computer though

    What do you guys think of my blog/site?

    Are you serious? That should not be happening...

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Here is a fan cam of the incident - http://www.dumbview.com/blog/2009/02/09/ww...saulted-by-fan/

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    wow...when i first read about Benoit passing I was saddened, now I know I will never be able to watch one of his matches again.

    Sonata Arctica

    Any fans of the Finnish Metal band Sonata Arctica? I have personally been into them since 2000, and they have their 5th studio album, Unia, coming out at the end of the May. Anyone else into them?

    Sonata Arctica

    I've seen Sonata twice live so far, one time in NYC and one time near my college in Rochester. I am going to try to make the NYC show for sure. Their new album got leaked and it is very interesting but good overall and I will defiantly buy it when it is released.

    Sonata Arctica

    Cool, I know their style of music is not for everyone, but I hope you like it.

    Sonata Arctica

    Oops, my mistake. 2000. But for real, anyone else into them?

    XPW is being revived?

    I don't think Black is involved in this. But woot XPW yay. <3

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi -- 4/3/2007

    That main event was great.

    WSX pulled from air next Tuesday.

    MTV always cancels shows. They start up a show, don't advertise it that much, it gets shitty ratings, they bail on the project. Clone High anyone?

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    Yeah, it looks like lashley botched the finish here, because RVD was ready to go and then there seemed to be some sort of miscommunication as RVD stood on the top turnbuckle as he was going to go for the splash but then lashey got up. It was weird. Lashly sucks. end of story.

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    Lashley can't speak, and needs a mouthpiece. When he was going around outside the ring he had a heel look on his face like he was going for a chair. Then RVD hits him with a springboard and the match is over? Lashley just looks like a giant pussy now. At least at ONS2 when they ended the Sabu/Rey match, it ended on an extremely cool spot, not this week ass shit.
  19. interesting...nothing with Striker?


    I had no problems at all getting my Wii set up to my wireless router, both at my college apartment and at home for thanksgiving break. Huzzah. Also, my friend's Wii came with this circular plastic plate, mine didn't come with one though...wtf is it? So i played Red Steel for like 4 hours last night, the controls were hard to get used to at first, but now it's awesome and the game is really fun IMO. What is the default sensitivity setting for the Wii? 3? I haven't really messed with it at all but I noticed some of the controls for a few minigames in Monkeyball don't control very well. Anyone tweak them at all or have any advice for sensitivty settings? Thanks.


    I love my Wii. I set it up to my wireless network at home (thanksgiving break for 2 weeks, thanks RIT!), and did some software updates. I got Red Steel, Monkey Ball, and Zelda. I will probably pick up Rayman sometime soon too. I set up the Wii on my parents' nice HD TV, but I am still using regular cables, it still looks really nice though. Onto the games, Wii Sports is really fun...also not much of a fan of the boxing one, but the other ones are good, and bowling is fucking awesome. I realized I had the settings on the Wii set up wrong and it was listing the sensor bar as above the TV, but I actually had it placed below it, and after fixing that, everything felt a lot better. Playing Zelda was great, but I haven't cracked into it that much. Red Steel, while it took a little bit of time to get used to the controls, is so much fucking fun. I love the use of the built in speaker with the reloading and the control scheme in general. Monkey balln was also really fun. I even bought some Wii points and downloaded Sonic 1 just for fun, and messed around with seeing how well it ran some GC games of mine. The Mii channel is awesome too. I really like the whole interface that Nintendo made. I actually played bowling and tennis and baseball with my mom, and it's true, she hates games, but she had a blast on the Wii. <3 Wii.
  22. i actually liked the show this week.


    a thread of high-res images: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=119261 zelda and mario look especially amazing. the graphics are actually lot better than i was expecting.