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Everything posted by EMAXSAUN

  1. Okay, so look here. The main event and the opener were good. At least there is a new wrestler in Knox, although the Kelly segment went on for way too long, but at least there is an actual angle in it now. The Dremer/Show feud I think could go somewhere and be interesting. The still need to move the show to other arenas though because if the Main Event had taken place in a smaller venue with just ECW fans, the crowd would have added a lot to the match. This is still a step in the right direction though, and hopefully things really get swinging once SNME is over.
  2. Yeah that main event was horrible. That was one of the best free TV matches they have had in a while. I can't see how anyone would say this episode of ECW was bad. It was the best one out of the 3.

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Yeah I thought there was another one before SS as well.

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    When is SNME again?

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Yeah...don't get me wrong, I love RVD, but he needs to drop the belt soon if they are going to really try to establish ECW as it's own brand. The thing is, they need to move ECW to it's own tapings. RVD's reaction tonight was not good, and if they keep doing the double shows with SmackDown!, it isn't going to improve any because most of the fans there are WWE fans.

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Some others things they could do is have Edge screw RVD to keep Edge in the title picture, make it a 3-way where RVD and Cena pin Edge, or do some double team thing where Edge and Cena pin RVD, and there is a disputed finish, and at SS its edge vs cena for the title, with edge coming out on top, playing heel, and cena keeps chasing him. nonetheless, whatever happens, rvd needs to give a heated speech about being screwed after the match and then he will completely defect to ecw, and maybe sabu can come in there too and go bullshit on some people.

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I do think that RVD will lose tonight, BUT, I think this is how they have to do it: A lot of people thought that RVD would lose at the PPV, thus ending the cross promotion, but honestly, having RVD win the title at ONS (with Edge's help and Heyman making the 3-count) and then losing it on his first title defense would honestly make RVD and ECW as a whole look really weak. So by letting RVD get a clean win over Edge last night (in a great match nonetheless), gives ECW and RVD a much needed boost, because an ECW wrestler beat a WWE wrestler, and retained his title on a WWE PPV. Now, in terms of tonight, RVD will have to be screwed out of the title in some crazy ass way, possibly a ref screwjob, tons of run-ins, anything really. After the match RVD gets on the mic and says "fuck this, I am done with WWE and this sports entertainment bullshit, you can see me defending my ECW WORLD TITLE on Tuesdays from now on", or at least something to that nature so it will give a big push for the ECW TV Show tomorrow night, and thus also ends a lot of the WWE cross promotion with the ECW TV Show, as well as not having RVD look horrible since he beat Edge clean last night, and lost tonight via screwjob.

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    i thought it was a fine ppv. the 3 way was really good imo.

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Foley vs Flair was pretty bad. Well true, but Foley did say that he was going to have a stinker or a match. :-p

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    The PPV really only had 2 bad matches, being Eugene's and the Kane/Kane match. Other than that everything was decent to good. The 3 way was awesome, angle vs orton was good, and edge vs rvd was great. I see RVD losing tomorrow in some fishy way. But at least he won tonight.

    ECW's return to the ECW Arena - Live Results

    I have heard that it was amazing from someone who was there live. It sounded like a real blast in front of an awesome crowd with intense heat.

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    That is great news considering the NBA finals. Hopefully shows continue to get better each week.

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread


    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Yeah...this show was tons better than last week. It is obvious that they have either learned/heyman had more input. Also I noticed a small "she's a crackwhore" chant during the main event.

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    I hope tonight is a huge slap in the face to who decided to book this, because it was not Heyman. Look here: If you are going to run the show on the same time as SmackDown, good god, at least do it after. And this is only if you have to. ECW needs to run smaller venues. They NEED to. If they can't due to time issues they NEED to run AFTER SmackDown, not before. Dim the lights, and at least try to make it have an ECW vibe. I don't see what's so difficult about doing that. Yeah, there are chants...they could have it on a little bit of a delay. Honestly I am going to wait until after Vengance, but honestly they really need to hype of next week's show, because they just LOST the entire old school ECW crowd with that garbage. Hopefully they tear themselves away from WWE after Vengance and the title situation is resolved, but honestly, I am not optimistic right now. /end of rant

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    You're right. It was getting out of hand. I'm only stooping to the level of people like Rudo, Angle-plex, & Loaded Glove. Those people started the ridiculousness. I'm merely defending the people they are insulting in the way they insult. Yeah I know it wasn't you that started it...it was more Rudo being extremely sandy and spiteful for whatever reason/

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    The name calling as gotten a little out of hand here. (Looks at S_D and Rudo)

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    Seriously, the show was fun. I did like last year's show better because of the nostalgia, but last year's ppv and this years ppv were completely different show, but this show had some good matches as well. Tazz/Lawler was pretty much what I was expecting, although I would have liked to see it go a little longer. Orton/Angle started out extremely slow and I really wasn't expecting much from the match going into it, but it eventually built to be a pretty good match. FBI/Crazy & Tajiri was an awesome match, even though it wasn't as good as the Mikey & Tajiri/FBI matches in the same building. It was still a lot of fun though. Rey/Sabu was tons of fun, with a sick spot to end the match. At first I didn't like the no contest but it was really the best thing they could do in that situation. Foley & Edge/Dreamer & Funk was a total crazy, brutal match. Really was tons of fun. Tanaka/Mahoney was very dissapointing to me. I couldn't believe Tanaka lost to a chairshot after he had taken so many in past matches. Really short match that needed more time to be any good at all. Cena/RVD was a decent match with an amazing amount of crowd heat, and dispite the finish, it was something that they needed to do booking wise...I am eager to see how this pans on on Raw tomorrow as well as on how Tuesday's ECW broadcast comes across. Yes, it was dumb to have generic music for Sandman, especially when they used the real song for the ppv last year, and yes Eugene being in it was dumb, as the JBL promo was pretty pointless, and yes, the Tanaka/Balls match was completely underwhelming, but that aside this was a fine show and again, one of the better ppvs of the year, and I personally feel if people thought it was horrible, then they need to get off their high horse for a second, because this ppv was absoultely fine, and there is no point in geting worked up about the new ECW, especially since the ECW broadcast hasn't even happened yet. Just my 2 cents.
  19. So I take it that some of the shows are going to be before/after SD, while some will be smaller venues? I think personally they should just nix the bigger arenas and then the ECW roster will have a smaller workload. Maybe they are just running the bigger shows to see how many people on a larger scale are actually internested in ECW?

    SHILL - Clothing


    E3 2006: The Thread

    Wii is going to have 27 games playable at e3 tomorrow. THAT IS INSANE.

    E3 2006: The Thread

    No problem, wasn't trying to pick on you or anything, just thought it would be a good idea to explain how the chart worked since it took me a bit of time to understand how they formatted it as well. Sony WAS good for gaming, they provided a solid alternative. They aren't anymore, they're too far up their own asses. Did you see Kutaragi's expression and posture when he unveiled that "incredibly innovative" controller? I was just praying some brave journalist (or Reggie) would leap onto the stage and tackle him. Hah, as was I. Seriously, that controller "innovation" still irks me. Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by: Having a weak ass press conference (with the exception of FFXIII and MGS4). Charging Ass Tons for their consoles. Cutting down the $500 "deal" version to a point where it defeats getting a ps3 in the first place, and making 2 different versions of the console, even though originally they stated they were only going to make . Ripping Off Actual Innovations, with the Wii Controller being blatant. I seriosuly hope Sony gets some huge backlash from the gaming community for this one, because that is just horrendous. Especially watching that guy playing the flight game, it looked like they slapped that Wii-ness onto the controller at the very last minute, and I don't know how games are actually going to be able to use that, because you still have all of the regular controller buttons as well.

    E3 2006: The Thread

    I know it can never even come close to the same, the only things I can see that being useful for is vehicular control (racing, the warhawk game they showed which really wasn't following his motions that well.) I'm just completely outraged they would even attempt it. It's the principle of the thing. Exactly, it is the principal. Even though it is a "tilt-sensor", they totally half-assed it, and I don't see how they are going to be able to get that to work with their controller which already has a lot of buttons on it, whereas with the Wii, the gyroscoping is the only thing for it. Also, that conference has nothing that interesting, so I can't justify dropping $600 for that.

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    That is exactly what I wanted. They are going to need to generate hype for ECW before they actually secure venues, so taping it prior to SD will do that. And once they have a timeslot, it will be authentic. This is perfect. I'm soooo hyped for this.

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    I thought that WWE was in contact with the old venues that ECW ran in? So, ECW is going to have ONSII on PPV in a smaller venue (Hammerstein), but then run bigger arenas after that? I think ECW should just run smaller arenas, and if they absolutely NEED to run before or after SD, it should only be temporary, and then after that, go back to the other venues.