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Everything posted by EMAXSAUN


    ROH Final Battle 2003

    I'm going to this show, taking the NYC Bus Trip.

    Sonata Arctica

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone else listened to Sonata Arctica. They are a power/speed/melodic metal band from Finland and they are pretty talented. Check them out at http://www.sonataarctica.info/ and http://www.citylite.net/ Anyone else a fan?

    fucked up video i found


    COD 5 Results

    Well we finally got everything hooked up and the show should be starting soon, which means the PBP will be starting soon. The first update I have for you is that we got enough tacks down here to get a little over 1,000,000!!!! RadioTerrorist came up to me and informed me about this at 6:30. CZW Cage of Death V is now beginning!!! A ten bell salute was just given to the Wall, and the national anthem is about to begin the evening of ultraviolence. A kick ass opening video was just shown on the big screen to start the show off with a bang. The video compared The Messiah to Hitler and the Hi-V to the Third Reicht. The video went through and showed highligts from the Invasion, to Repsect, to the hangning, to the current. An excellent video to start the show!! The first match of the show will be dark and it is a three way tag team match. Jude and Niles Young vs. Dahmer and Kastle vs. DJ Hyde and some new student that I did not catch the name of… There were some nice spots in it though. There was a lot of stiffness from DJ Hyde and Dahmer though. The chops on the outside had the crowd roaring in "Ooh"s, and the finisher was just vicious. Cory Kastle nailed the CK1, and then picked Niles Young back up and put him in a piledriver position onto Jon Dahmer on the top turnbuckle. Dahmer gave him the Move of a Thousand Maniacs standing from the top rope!!! The crowd gave a huge ovation for this one as Dahmer and Kastle got the win in this one. The next match is a four way between GQ, Rick Feinburg, Christian Wolfe (?), and Shun the Kabuki Kid (the little Japanese kid with face paint). The start of this match was very back and forth and random. The most notable things included some stiff kicks from the Kabuki Kid, and a nice top rope dropkick from GQ. However, the match started to speed up when GQ tried to take control of the match. He tried press slamming Shun, but Shun reversed him and stiff kicked him to the face. Then Christian tried getting in on it, but got some kicks from Shun, followed by a hard Tiger Driver. Shun the Kabuki Kid pulled Christian to the corner and gave him a nice senton splash for the three count. After the match, Feinburg tried to get on the mic and talk, but Dahmer ran down to the ring and gave him the Move of a Thousand Maniacs just to keep him shut up. Following this, without music, EC Negro and KC Blade came to the ring to announce that the Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz were officially in the building (that match is next). To start this one off, Rebel cut a heel promo on the Philly crowd, on Frank Talent, etc. Berk and Barr started this one off and it was madness for the first few minutes, with the action taking place on the floor and around ringside. After everyone finally got on the apron, this match was begun with EC Negro and Nick Berk. Negro worked Berk in the corner and wore him down, eventually tagging out to a returning Greg Matthews. Matthews kept the advantage for a few minutes over Berk, and then tug out to Rebel. Rebel got in the ring and gave Berk an elbow drop, dancing much like Road Dogg Jesse James did. Rockin Rebel did not stay in long however, as he tug out to EC Negro. After about five more minutes of abuse on Berk, Barr finally got the tag in and started clearing house. Berk and Blade started working on the inside, leaving Barr for the three others. After Barr was taken out of the picture, Rebel and Matthews double teamed EC Negro. Rebel held Negro up high, allowing Matthews to run off the ropes and diamond cut Negro for the three count. Your winners, Rockin Rebel and Greg Matthews. The next match will be Derek Frazier vs. Sabian vs. Jimmy Jacobs (who was accompanied to the ring by Becky Bayless) This match started off very back and forth, with some nice high flying action to open the match. Derek Frazier was in the advantage early in the match though after he gave Jimmy Jacobs a stiff kick to the head while Sabian was twirling him in an airplane. After some more back and forth suplexes and reversals, Derek Frazier set Sabian up for a very nice top rope 450 on Jimmy Jacobs when Frazier gave him an inverted DDT suplex. Sabian got a very close fall on Jacobs. Following this though, Sabian took Jacobs to the other corner where Derek Frazier was on the top turnbuckle. Before Sabian was able to throw Jacobs into the corner however, Huss ran up the turnbuckle, kicked Derek Frazier in the chin (sending him to the floor), and then fell back, catching the head of Sabian for an inverted slam (Jacobs has a name for this move, I just cannot think of it...). This was enough to get Jimmy Jacobs a huge three count to win this match and set the crowd into a nice ovation. The next match is the Ironman title match!! After a few minutes of delay from Acid, this match was finally started. Acid began to downplay to Rave, laughing at him and slapping him. After Trent tried to slap Rave again, Rave reversed him and turned it into an arm drag. More reversals followed, with some headlocks following these. This pattern continued for a few minutes, as both men seemed to simply be warming up. 15 minutes remained. After the 15 minute mark, the match began to speed up quite a bit. Trent Acid slid onto the outside and crawled under the ring. Rave went out and looked under the ring for him, but Acid tricked Rave and came out the perpendicular side, allowing Acid to attack Rave from the back. Acid then used a chair on Jimmy Rave on the outside as he took Rave all around ringside. Acid propped Rave against the guard rail and got on the apron. From here, he moonsaulted on Rave quite nicely! After hopping onto the PA Athletic COmmisioner's table to get a quick cheer, Acid through Rave back into the ring. After getting back in the ring, Trent backdropped Rave, and knocked him down for a minute. Rave got back up and was able to think quick enough to dodge a Yakuza kick. Acid was able to take Rave down to the mat, and quickly, he ran to the corner, sprung off the corner and leg dropped Rave for a three count. Acid is winning one to nothing. Ten minutes remained. More back and forth reversals from both men continued. Rave then tossed Acid over the top rope, and sprung out to him as Robby Mireno warned everyone of the five minute mark. After getting back in the ring, Acid came off the top rope towards Rave, but Rave would have none of it, catching Acid and putting him into an armbar. Acid quickly evaded it, but Rave locked it back on in the middle of the ring and the crowd loudly chanted "tap". Acid did, and this score was tied up at two as the three minute mark approached. Rave then picked Acid back up and gave Acid a backbreaker, follwed by a german suplex for a two count. One minute remained as Rave attempted a pinfall. Thirty seconds remained now. Trent Acid nailed a vicious Yakuza kick to the chin of Jimmy Rave. Trent Acid attempted the pin, but only got two. He attempted another pin, and as the clock counted 3, 2, 1, Acid only got a two count. Robby Mireno came on the mic and said that since Rave did not win, this match was a draw and Acid is still the Ironman champion. As Acid was entering the backstage, Jimmy Rave got on the mic and told Acid to not start something he could not finish. Acid came back midway. Brian Logan got back on the mic and said that the fans came here to see a finish, and that was what they were going to get. If Acid did not finish the match, he was being stripped of the title. Acid said that he can’t lose the belt due to a DQ, so he was out of here. Acid walked into the back. Logan said that if Acid was not in the ring by ten, he was giving the Ironman belt to Rave. At the count of seven, there was still no Trent Acid. However, you could see on the big screen that Acid was sneaking in from the back, as Rave and Logan turned their attention to the entrance way. As Dewey played dumb, Acid slid into the ring behind Rave, and rolled him. Thinking he would get the three count, he was stunned when Rave kicked out. The bell was rerung, and following this, eight rollups pursued. Rave almost locked Acid into the armbar, as the crowd stood onto their feet. They chanted tap, but Acid escaped it. Rave then nailed Acid with a stiff boot, and Acid was knocked out. Rave pounced ontop of Acid, covering him, and getting the three!!! Your new Ironman champion, Jimmy Rave!!! After Acid lost his title, oddly enough, he started dancing to "In Da Club", and the Hi-V came to the ring. Messiah and Kashmere cut a heel promo on Zandig, the fans, etc. He said that all they cared about was money, and that Hi-V is going to take CZW to places never before seen. Zandig's music qued, and came out from the stage and walked the scaffold to the edge, just enough so that he was looking down on Messiah and the Hi-V. Zandig said that Messiah is a stupid mother fucker for underestimating him and Team Ultraviolence. Zandig said there was indeed a sixth man to Team Ultraviolence and the people will be shocked when they find out who it is!!! Zandig said that since Hi-V suspended him, he is going to suspend them on this cage and make them all die!!!! He said the show is about to be turned up and around into full blast now!!! The next match will be a three way for the number one contendership at the Ironman title. Tony Mamaluke was evidently unable to make it to the show, so now it is just B-Boy vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Hero. This match started off very back and forth, with all three men reversing the other. About five minutes into the match however, B-Boy started to take control with a neckbreaker, followed by some stiff kicks to the back of Chris Hero. This gave B-Boy a two count. B-Boy picked Hero up, and the two exchanged right hands. Alex Shelley got up following this, jumping on Chris Hero’s back. With Shelley on Hero’s back, Hero walked right over the laying down B-Boy. After Alex Shelley and Chris Hero fell backwards, B-Boy got up and just started to viciously jump on the back of Alex Shelley!! Chris Hero was first to get up, and he delivered a swinging neckbreaker to B-Boy. Hero then attempted to piledrive B-Boy, however, picking him up from his feet. He was unable to quick enough, so Alex Shelley jumped up and stiffed Hero in the face with a kick. Hero got back up though a minute or so later, and stiffly piledrove B-Boy for a near fall. Chris Hero then nailed some chops on Alex Shelley, knocking him to the mat. Then Hero kept the advantage, leg dropping Shelley three times. B-Boy then took Alex Shelley and powerbombed his head on the top turnbuckle (talk about stiff!!!). Chris Hero sprung out of the opposite corner following this, and clotheslined B-Boy to the mat. Hero and Shelley decided to work together following this, as Shelley picked up B-Boy by the feet and held him there, so that Hero could give B-Boy the Hero’s Welcome. Both Shelley and Hero piled ontop of B-Boy, but still, B-Boy only allowed them two!! After B-Boy nailed a stiff brainbuster, Alex Shelley put Hero in the corner and imitated B-Boy, giving Hero a Shining Wizard. Out of nowhere, B-Boy popped up from the corner and nailed Alex Shelley out of the ring with a Shining Wizard. After Shelley was out of the ring, B-Boy gave Hero a real Shining Wizard for a three count!! Chris Hero was eliminated from the match! The next match will be the much anticipated, ladder match!! Before the match started, Zandig came down to the ring and said that Deranged and Azrael are stuck in some small show in New Jersey that has a 150 fans in it. Zandig wasn’t sure what was going on with them. Nonetheless, your two “CZW boys”, Ca$h and Joker were prepared to show you a fucking awesome ladder match!!! (The absence of Deranged and Azrael may be for the better, who knows ). With three ladders at ringside so far, this match was about to begin. This match started off immediatley with the use of the ladder, as Ca$h threw it to Joker from the apron, and continued to spring into the ring and dropkick it to the face of Joker. Minutes later, the match was taken to the outside where Joker suplex Ca%h onto the ladder which was propped against the guard rail, completeing bending the ladder in half. Joker then laid the ladder between two chairs and put Ca$h laying on the ladder. Joker then put a chair on the stomach of Chri$ Ca$h, and went inside the ring to the top turnbuckle. Joker sprung from the top rope to the floor and pressed with both feet onto the stomach of Chri$ Ca$h. Back inside the ring, Joker brought the huge ladder. Joker threw Ca$h onto this a few times, and then after propping the ladder onto the chair, Joker went to the top turnbuckle (sitting position). Ca$h sprung up quickly however and threw the ladder up to Joker, catching Joker's head in the rung. Ca$h sprung upto the top turnbuckle and drove Joker's head (inside the ladder) right onto the chair!!! The crowd erupted for the second time, and not the last for sure. Following this, Chri$ Ca$h placed the smaller ladder in between a rung of the bigger one, and propped the bigger one against the top turnbuckle. Ca$h put Joker on the top turnbuckle and looked to suplex Joker, but Joker reversed it and chokeslammed Ca$h onto the smaller ladder that was sticking out from the rung of the big one!!! The crowd erupted with a holy shit for the third time!! Following this, Joker went to the ringside floor and set up two chairs, and put a smaller ladder ontop of them. Ca$h began to climb the big ladder inside the ring, but Joker knocked him off. Joker then went to climb the ladder with Ca$h laying in the middle of the ring, but it turned out that Ca$h was just playing with Joker's mind. Ca$h sprung up quickly, and with the second smaller ladder, Ca$h knocked Joker off the big ladder to the ringside floor, cracking the smaller ladder that was propped against the two chairs. After a few minutes, these two crazy men were back up again. Chri$ Ca$h went all the way back to the back and got a second bigger ladder. Ca$h propped this in the corner, laying on the second rope. Joker and Ca$h got ontop of this and Joker gave Ca$h a huge snap suplex, erupting the crowd again in a huge holy shit!!!! However, this is not enough to keep Ca$h down!!! Ca$h got right back up and Ca$h Flo'ed Joker onto the edge of the ladder!! Chri$ Ca$h went outside the ring following this and got a table! Ca$h opened the table in the middle of the ring and put Jokert ontop of it. Ca$h climbed all the way to the top, but so did Joker. Joker and Ca$h exchanghed fists at the top of the big ladder, but Joker decided it was enough, and he Joker Drivered Ca$h from the TOP OF THE BIG LADDER through the table!!!!! Joker gained the three count following this, with the crowd loudly cheering and chanting CZW! In a matter of seconds, Zandig and the CZW medic were down at the ring to see if Ca$h and Joker were okay. In a few minutes, both men were able to get to their feet!! Joker and Ca$h then got one of the longest and loudest ovations I have heard in a VERY long time. Zandig said that you will not see a better ladder match than this anywhere!!! One thing is for sure, Chri$ Ca$h keeps his promises!!! This was by far the match of the night so far! I'm not sure how, or if it is even possible, but Ruckus and Sonjay are now going to attempt to top the incredible match we just witnessed as they duel for the Junior Heavyweight title. Ruckus and Sonjay started this one off with a lot of reversals and lockups. Sonjay and Ruckus started to work with some quick action, and the crowd gave a huge applause with this. After some more quick action, Sonjay Dutt sprung over the top rope onto the apron, and sprung back onto the top rope from the apron, looking to spring back into the ring via a dropkick, but Ruckus cut him off and dropkicked the middle rope, causing Sonjay to fall on his gut. Ruckus then whipped Sonjay into the corner and tried for a Razzle Dazzle, but Sonjay moved, and threw Ruckus into the opposite corner. Following this, he proceeded to Razzle Dazzle the Dazzler himself, Ruckus. Sonjay then locked ont he standing submission onto Ruckus similar to the one that he did to Ruckus at Beyond the Barrier in October of 2002. After Sonjay started to lay off, thinking he had control, Sonjay whipped Ruckus against the ropes, but Ruckus was able to handstand it into a springboard, knocking Sonjay to the mat. Sonjay was right back up following this, and he german suplexed Ruckus to the mat. This gave Sonjay time to climb the turnbuckle and elbow drop Ruckus from the top rope. Sonjay thren picked Ruckus up and sat him on the top turnbuckle. Sonjay got on the top turnbuckle as well, though, he was standing. This allowed Ruckus the opportunity to low blow Sonjay, giving Ruckus temporary control of the match. Ruckus stood up and gave Sonjay a huge sitout driver from the top rope. Ruckus picked Sonjay right back up and put him up as if he was going to powerbomb him. In the powerbomb position on his shoulders, Ruckus airplaned Sonjay, dropped him down a bit, enough for him to bounce off the top ropes, allowing Ruckus to spin the powerbomb around into a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Ruckus picked Sonjay back up, and sprung him against the ropes, catching him, putting him up into another powerbomb position, but throwing him up, diamond cutting him on the way back down. All of this was not enough to keep Sonjay down however. He saw the Jr. Heavyweight title in his grasps. He knocked Ruckus down with a hurricarana, and went to the top rope. Here, Sonjay gave Ruckus the Hindu Press, only getting a two however. A minute later, out of nowhere, Sonjay fell to the ground, took the big man off of his feet, and rolled him up for the three count!!! We have a new Junior Heavyweight Champion, and that man is Sonjay Dutt!!! The Cage of Death and the one million thumbtacks will now be setup, so this should be a 20 minute intermission. The cage of death is setup, the one million thumbtacks are in the middle of the second ring, there are eight tables around ringside, and the weapons in the ring include: a cactus, a trash can, two fences, a table, chair, and a box (along with a few things that are out of my view). The rules of this match are simple. The most men to make it from the COD onto the scaffold and back onto the stage is the winner. The participants start on the stage however, and must walk across the scaffold and get into the cage. Only then are they allowed to go back to the stage to claim victory. Zandig called Robby Mireno to come to him. Mireno did, and Zandig said that he needs Mireno to give the mic to someone with talent, like Dennis Shock! Dennis Shock then walked out, as a PISSED Robby Mireno cried his way to the back. Johnny Kashmere then came out, though, he entered the ring first. Zandig said that the has to come on the scaffold first, like he did, and like everyone else must. Kashmere came out wearing a helmet, and knee pads, elbow pads, etc. The two men started this match with some back and forth brawling on the top of the cage. Zandig pushed Johnny Kashmere down the scaffold towards the ring. Zandig and Kashmere landed inside the ring when "In Da Club" cued up and Messiah and Trent Acid entered the stage and made their way to the ring. This match was a three at one at this point, when B-Boy's music qued up in the arena. In the ring, Messiah and Acid threw Zandig against the wooden fence, breaking it in half. Before B-Boy could enter the ring, Messiah told him to wait on the stage. B-Boy did as he was told. Suddenly, an unknown music hit, and the sixth man for Zandig's team walked onto the scaffold.....NEW JACK!!!!!! After a huge ovation, New Jack got in the ring and got all of Hi-V to back off of Zandig! Finally, Zandig was getting some help….or so we thought. Out of nowhere, New Jack began to beat the hell out of Zandig, using a staple gun against Zandig inside the ring!! Zandig was being slaughtered inside the ring!!!. Finally, some aid for Zandig began to come out as Lob ran to the ring, followed by Ian Knoxx. Lobo bypassed B-Boy, still on the scaffold, and ran to the ring. Knoxx fought B-Boy though, repeatedly slamming B-Boy against the steel cage on the scaffold until it broke and B-Boy went flying into the 1m thumbtack ring!! Ian Knoxx then used the extra piece of fencing that was now hanging to swing down and elbow drop B-Boy!! Following this, all the men of the match started to come out and there was simply havoc everywhere!! The last man to enter was the Wifebeater. (Now take into consideration that 12 men are fighting and the events I am about to list are in somewhat nonsequential order). Trent Acid yakuza kicked Ian Knoxx from the suspended cage all the way to the ringside floor through a table!!! New Jack jumped from the scaffold of the COD to Ian Knoxx on the floor!! Trent Acid threw Nick Gage off the suspended cage and into the ring of tacks!! After being figure foured on the COD scaffold by Johnny Kashmere and Dewey Donovan, Lobo picked up both Donovan and Kashmere and put them on his shoulders in the DVD position. Lobo DVDed both Kashmere and Dewey off the scaffold to the ringside floor through four tables, two stacked!!!! Wifebeater was hung by a steel chain by Messiah and Adam Flash from the COD scaffold!!! They pulled him up with the chain a few inches off the ground!! Following this though, Wifebeater got up and was able to sidewalk slam Adam Flash from the suspended cage to the 1m thumbtack ring!!!! After all of these bumps (plus others that I may have missed..remember, there are 12 men fighting), everyone was scattered everywhere. There were men fighting around ringsides, in the 1m thumbtack ring, and in the COD. With Zandig on the stage, Nate Hatred and The Messiah were beating Nick Gage to hell in the ring. They opened a table and a bag of thumbtacks. Hatred and Messiah poured the tacks all over the table and climbed to the scaffold with Gage. On the scaffold, Nick Gage, Nate Hatred, and The Messiah began brawling. Zandig began screaming "No, Hatred No" at Nate Hatred. Hatred turned his back on Hi-V at this point, as if he had woken up and realized reality. Gage and Hatred began to beatdown on The Messiah at this point! They both picked up the Messiah and press slammed him from the top of the scaffold into the ring and through the thumbtack table. Then, with both Hatred and Gage staring at each other, they embraced and it looked as if we had the H8 Club reformed again!!! At this point, Nick Gage and Nate Hatred both got back inside the ring and beat The Messiah up until he was pretty much unconscious. The bell was rung, because there were no Hi-V members that could stand. Your winners were team Ultraviolence!!!! After the match, all the members of team UV got into the ring, Zandig gave a little speech about how the disease known as the Hi-V has now been wiped out, due to the reformation of the H8 Club!! Also said, Zandig made the match for next month: Zandig vs. New Jack in an ultraviolent street fight!! Also, starting next month, a strong style tournament would be beginning!! That is the end of this fucking awesome show. If you do not get the tape or DVD of this one, you are NOT a CZW fan. This show was incredible, and a must own for any wrestling fan!!!!

    Punk'd cancelled

    Maybe MTV should AIR Clone High Again. That would rock.

    COD 5 Results

    Well Barber, at least you admitted to being wrong and being harsh on me by thinking that I was talking about the NOI thread, which makes absolutely no sense, considering that the title of my thread is "COD 5 Results," and NOI happened over a month ago. Secondly, I made the new thread because they were full results, and it was a long post, the other thread was just people's comments, with barely, if any, results at all, and I thought that making new thread would get people's attention because the other thread lacked the complete, even quick, results. What is wrong with you? When have I made "asinine judgements" before? And why are you comparing me to you? If someone double posted the RESULTS exactly then yes, people should complain, but look at the two threads, the first one is a hype thread with no posts of results at all, just what people thought. It was a completely different situation then me double posting results that had already been posted. The other thread, HAS NO RESULTS, just a few quick snippits. If I had double posted the results exactly people would have complained, and I would have realized it, but they are two completely different threads. And saying that you are more of a regular here than me is just bs, I am at college now, I barely post online at boards at all, in fact, I rarely moderate the one I work for (wtfboards.com). This is what I'm talking about. I said that you shouldn't act like a moderator, its not up to you to decide or criticize me for "what is in the board's best interest", let the moderator do that. If you had just said "its a double post" or something along those lines, I would have accepted it, but the way you replied was distasteful. I took each of the PBP posts, (which were seperate posts btw) and compiled it into one post for the board because I thought people would appreciate seeing results, because before I posted them I saw that the other thread was more of a thoughts and opinions thread, there were no actual results, and from having the PBP on a new thread, more people read the full, in depth PBP and could form a better opinion of the show from my thread. I did all that, and the first response to it is your running your mouth. You are incredibly immature.

    COD 5 Results

    Ummm...actually, YES, it DID have indepth results like this and it DID put all the posts from czwfans together into one long thread. No, it didn't, not like this one, I read through that one, and there were links to the live PBP, but the other thread had NO posts from Ryan Smith, the guy who did the PBP. And the last time I checked you weren't a moderator here, so stop acting like one.

    COD 5 Results

    From what most people from CZWFans said, it was one of the best clusterfuck matches EVER. And they said it was amazing. I am getting the tape when it comes out for sure.

    CZW Cage of Death 5 this Saturday in Philly!

    Go to the czwfans board and read what people thought of the show, from the results it sounded awesome from top to bottom and from everyone's reviews it sounds like one of the best CZW shows this year.

    COD 5 Results

    the other thread didn't have in depth results like this. I put together all of his posts from czwfans and put it into one long thread, jeez.

    CZW Cage of Death 5 this Saturday in Philly!

    Yep, those are richie's pics, but look at the name on the URL , hehe thats my server. I don't know, I am going to wait until I see WHACKS pictures as well, and see the video tape. It does look like a lot though.

    Help With Ric Flair DVD-Rip I Downloaded!

    just run the image file using daemon tools

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    funny, i head that there were 1200+ people at the show and many people thought it was awesome

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    you didn't like Jerry Lynn vs. Juvi? I thought that was the best match on the thing, easily, with the Sharkboy match second. Well, heres the thing, I bought the VHS copy at an XPW show, so I didn't get to see Lynn Vs Juvi, because it was from a different show, it was a bonus match on the DVD, I'm sure it was XPW's way of making up for a shitty show in Exit Sandman. It was probably good.

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    I'm an XPW fan, but this show was downright terrible. Shark Boy vs Chetti was the best match on the dvd and it was like **1/4 maybe But for someone to say, that XPW is "usually worse" is just stupid, because Exit Sandman was complete shit, and anyone that knows XPW knows that there are far better shows that that.

    How do you...

    Vegas Video is good for the PC, windows movie maker blows. I use imovie on my mac, its hella easy and powerful.
  17. I get back from college just in time for this show, I'll probably take the NYC bus trip.

    Is DSL gonna get faster....

    at college i have a dual oc3 connection. nothing compares

    Awesome, Maximos gone from MLW

    Ummm...why wouldnt I? The guy not doing the crediting here is Mike. You learned? Your flaming me in this very post. EMAX, u didnt need to post that response. You had no part in the discussion and instead jumped in to add to the several vs. one offense. Your testimony has no part here b/c of the immense # of flaws in it. Youre doing the same thing your criticizing me for doing. Barber, all I was poiting out was that you brought this upon yourself. Mike wasn't even mentioned in this thread, only a news story of his was, but you went off and ripped on him. You started the flame, so don't say that he is the one doing the flaming here. Mike doesn't lurk thesmartmarks.com forums looking to pick fights with people. Look at his post count, its like 18. Mike wouldn't have posted a response to you if you hadn't done that in the first place.

    APW-LA results: tons of former XPW workers

    in XPW, Rizzano would take a ton of abuse. Anyone see him in BIB2??? it was nuts!

    Awesome, Maximos gone from MLW

    Screw that moron, Mike Johnson. I broke that in my column on NHB three weeks ago. Having met him, I can truly say that he's a moron on the net and in reality. Barber, Mike is one of the nicest guys I have met in person, and runs better bus trips than ANYONE. He gives the fans more than what they paid for, and really cares about them, and is a nice guy to everyone, even the annoying guys that sit next to me. He also is one of the best reporters on the net, and you could have at least said, "i broke that story," but you FLAMED. it was uncalled for. one more thing, I have tried to help you Barber, when people were being mean to you online I was always trying to support you, but this is nuts. You get into flame wars all the time now, and for what purpose? you contradict yourself all over the place, saying how you aren't flaming but you were the one who said in the first reply to this thread, "Screw that Moron, Mike Johnson." you get yourself into deep shit all the time and sometimes i wonder what the point is. it seems like you love starting crap. when i have been involved in flame wars, especially on this message board way back when it was still based on the EZboard engine, at least i had a point. i used to try to force feed xpw down peoples throats when this board was still an ezboard, but i was a lot younger then, and i learned. you havent. im still letting you use my pictures of outside viking hall for your viking hall story if you give me credit for my work. just stop the flames, since you were banned from czwfans and xpwtv all you have done is flame. why? furthermore, here is proof that mike is a nice guy: the day that the bus trip to TOD II was cancelled, i took a greyhound to the show, then got stranded in whilmington, delaware, and had to take a taxi to dover, and didnt even have enough money to get in, and they let me in for free. i told mike about my day and he felt so bad that he was going to make it up to me on the next trip i took with him. also i went to roh with my brother and he had never been before and would probably not get to go again for a while, and mike promised that he would get him a justin credible autograph the next bus trip i went on. mike doesnt have to do that, but he is a nice guy. its funny how you are the only one who says mike is an asshole and disses his cred, when the rest of the net thinks hes awesome, and thinks the exact opposite of you.

    CZW Events On DVD

    I guess someone saw Rejected

    CZW "Uprising" Thread

    that STINKS. Kashmere has been with CZW for a LONG time, and was a great worker, an awesome heel, and cut great promos.