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Everything posted by EMAXSAUN


    Ok Wildside Fans

    I care about INDY WRESTLING. The reason I came off so heated was because, you acted like a total jerk off to me because I liked XPW and defended them on this board. I didn't personally target you or anything, you just started picking fights with me because I liked the product. The reason people didn't bash you back then was because of that Fact that XPW is for the most part hated. Because of this no one jumped on your case. But now you are bashing products that people actually do care about, products that you have seen none or little of. I didn't pick this name because it was incomprehensible, this name is the AOL screen name I have used since I was about 13 years old. When AOL first came out you could only have one screen name per account, so I shared one with my mom and brother. We just decided to combine our names. My name is Ethan, my brother's name is Max, and my mom's maiden name is Saunders. = EMAXSAUN. Get it? I admit that XPW has done some stupid things. Even when I defended them in my posts on this board I admitted that, but you are so wrapped up in these little flame wars that you seem to miss those posts. About the Buck Naked match, everyone with half a brain knew they wouldn't be actually Buck Naked, because the show would have been shut down as a result. Most fans didn't come there expecting to see actual nudity, and if they did, than they are extremely dumb. If you want to talk about things that XPW has failed to deliver than look at CZW, they were supossed to have an unsantioned match at the last show, and instead we got a barbaric display that was said to be the most disturbing event in the history of Viking Hall. Or maybe when Wifebeater said he was going to have his last match in Delaware, only screw the fans who drove to that show by having another match. Or the PPV that CZW said they were going to have. I could go on and on. I like CZW, I like them a lot, but they do stupid things too. Point is, everything you have mentioned are angles and internet crap that you have read. Just like with Wildside, you are bashing a company that you have seen none, or little of. You admitted to knowing jack shit about indy wrestling, and have only seen Wildside on some crappy internet webcast, so you will never be taken seriously as a journalist, at least at this forum. Read above. Here is one for you. I DARE you to go and buy the DVD XPW: Hostile Takeover, and watch it without bias. It is $10 US. Just watch the show, and put aside what you have read about online and the politics. Just watch the show for what it is, a wrestling show. Notice a trend here? Maybe because its true. No, he didn't, and get some new material, this Rob Black stuff is getting old. I leave with a quote from Netslob: EXACTLY. I couldn't have said it better myself. I like XPW, you don't, get over it. This thread isn't about XPW, I only mentioned it to prove a point, that you bash companies having seen little or none of the actual product. You were really fucking mean to me whenever I would post XPW results or mention XPW at all. Who the hell are you to tell me not to like a company? You did that to me when I mentioned XPW, and you are doing just that with Wildside on this thead. Again, I quote Netslob: - Ethan, EMAXSAUN

    Ok Wildside Fans

    First of all, You didnt start anything, Its morons like Lucharesu619 and Examsun with their "No, Rob Black is a saint, who DIDNT have Messiah's thumb cut off, DIDNT want to feed a dog to a snake for a publicity stunt, etc, etc, Rob Black is a hero" They are a disgrace to Indy Wrestling Fans like you Jay Onto Wildside Fans, who, lets not forget, one of which wished CANCER on Hat Guy from the ECW Arena. And I'm the one giving Indy Wrestling a bad name??????? Nice Review of FWA/ROH Frontiers of Honor, btw, Although I hated Styles/Jonny Storm First of all, I have been at college, I rarely ever post here anymore, I'm too busy. Don't you dare mention my name in a thread where I haven't even posted once, asshole. Straight up, you are in idiot. Your arguments have always been stupid, and bases on little, if any, actual information. If you want to bash a company, watch more of the product, but until then keep your mouth shut. And Spell my dam name right, please. EXACTLY. SO all the times you bashed XPW you were basing it off of what? oh, thats right, stuff you heard from the Net! No matter what they did, even if it was good, you would still bash them. You are a disgrace to journalists everywhere and a waste of sperm.

    CZW Redifined

    There are pictures from the hanging at brutalbutchershoppe.com, they are fucking disturbing. everyone said that the show was good, except for the angle and trent winning. it is supossed to be redefined and trent fucking wins? that pissed off the fans. and from what i have heard the angle at the end was so disturbing that many fans said it was the most disturbing thing to take place in viking hall, and some female fans literally got sick. this is going to make czw's attendance drop. great czw drew 400 for this show. next show will draw less because of the shit that went down at redefined. czw's booking is sometimes retarded. redefined was a make or break show for them, and it fell in the middle. suposedly the wrestling was good, but retarded booking and disturbing shit aren't going to make the fans want to come back for more. its funny how czw drew 400, and at the last show in viking hall it was 250-300. but when xpw was drawing those numbers everyone shit on them. but here the czw fans are saying, "ooooo the attendance doesnt matter, its the wrestling that counts." well, this is the same thing all the xpw fans were saying when xpw drew 400, but czw fans were like oh 400 sucks. well eat your fucking words.

    The 1inch Hates.......Thread

    *sigh* How could you possibly start this thread thinking that it wouldn't start a flame war? I have been reading your posts for a while and honestly, you have no clue what you are talking about. Yes, you used to bash me for liking XPW, and you have come out on this board saying, "I really hate EMAXSAUN." Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we? I remember posting a while ago on this forum about how I liked XPW, and I was saying how I got into them, etc, and explaining that I was from New York City and just got into them one day online. Some people from this forum were like, "I really don't like them or Rob Black," or "they suck", so I defended XPW, then you come along and say, "I bet you were there when Vic Grimes nearly killed himself." I said, "excuse me I am from New York City, how could i possibly attend an XPW show?" You never responded. You just assumed, you made a fucking arrogant statement like that and when I asked for your response, you said nothing. Now, being that the thread was about XPW people didn't really take notice of that statement, or care for that matter, but lately they have noticed that you FUCKING ASSUME SHIT, just like you assumed that I was there for Vic Grimes falling off a scaffold, or assumed that I only wathced XPW and had all of their action figures, when in truth I go to many wrestling shows like WWE, XPW, CZW, ROH, and 3PW, but you seemed to ignore that fact. How can you call yourself a journalist when you base Wildside off of one episode? I know you hate Rob Black, but how much XPW have you actually seen? Just like JustJoe2k5 said, XPW improved a TON when they were in Philly, but you still bashed them anways, without seeing the product. I'm glad people are finally seeing you for the idiot you truely are, because you have acted like a total jerk off to me since you came to this forum, and you are finally getting what you deserve, jackass.

    Fuyuki Promotions?

    Hey, im in Japan right now, and I got a list of shows going on, and the one I can make is Fuyuki Promotions. I have never heard about it. Can anyone tell me anything about them? Thanks.

    If they were to release Heyman

    maybe CZW could hire him as head booker

    My Blackout Story

    So today im leaving work, and i just get out of the elevator and all the lights are out. I walk out into the street and I see thick black smoke pouring out of a reactor by where i work. I don't know the extent of it, people think that just this reactor caught on fire. I try to get a cab, but to no avail. I see if the subway's running, but nope, they are all shut down. The busses are crammed like bags of marshmellows. I have wasted a half an hour trying to get on a cab or a bus, and it is now 4:30, so I figure, fuck it, I NEED to get home. I walk. I work on 14th street on the east side, I live on 89th street on the west side. I had to walk 75 blocks to get home. I got home at 8. The only reason I can type this is because I am on a laptop, because there is still no power. It's hot, im tired and a have a fucking wedgie rash now because I had to walk for such a long time in this heat. Fuck you blackout!

    My Blackout Story

    eh not really, i heard some stuff for a sec but nothing else, while i was walking uptown people were actually helping each other out and stuff, there was very little looting going on.

    ROH This Saturday Night

    Tough luck, you piece of Philadelphia piece of garbage. I am from New York Dumbass

    ROH This Saturday Night

    i was going to go to this but now i cant

    1Wrestling.com reviews XPW PayPerView!

    the ppv was fun. i liked it a lot. the reason there wasn't any philly stuff is because this is volume 1, i think volume 2 is in october.


    heh, i dont remember. its some show in the palace in hollywood. they do a little make out thing in the ring. its pretty old. i think some of it is on the ppv. another reason why i am ordering. and dynamite1980 i dont know what footage is on it. hey, you were at the pittsburg show? i saw some of that. xpw drew a pretty big crowd for it too. heh, i liked some of the matches, i thought it was a decent card.


    i didnt think mine was either, but i called and they are getting it. it is on indemand. anways i think 14.95 + 2 free dvds is a great deal anways. just pick hostile takeover and fallout, 2 awesome philly shows. you cant go wrong.


    Check the preview, the PPV is like that but longer. Should be good.