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Posts posted by EMAXSAUN

  1. Here are some more in depth spoilers from someone who was there:


    Tazz and Joey came out to ringside. They're starting really early. Most of the people still coming into MSG.


    Heyman comes out with his cops and nails a fantastic heel promo. Paul E. was cheered at the beginning and turned them huge. Big heat. Great promo. Sabu comes out, gets through the cops, tackles Heyman. Cops jump Sabu. Heyman announces Sabu vs Big Show for the title, Extreme Rules, tonight!


    RVD beat Hardcore Holly via DQ when Test, Mike Knox, Stevie Richards attack Van Dam. Sandman and Dreamer make the save. Heels all get caned. Sandman canes Stevie, Dreamer hits DDT, RVD hits 5 Star Frog Splash.


    CM Punk beat Shannon Moore. Punk very, very over. Good match. Looked really stiff. CM Punk chants in effect.


    In the back, Kelly Kelly comes onto Punk, but is dragged away by Mike Knox. So, Heyman gets to program the best from OVW against the best from DSW. I like Heyman's thinking in this.


    Rene Dupree defeated Balls Mahoney after Kevin Thorn & Ariel got involved. Ariel has cut her hair and looks like 50's pinup Betty Page.


    ECW World Champion Big Show pinned Sabu in an Extreme Rules Match. Heyman and the cops at ringside. Excellent match. Slow, but hard hitting, excellent, with big crowd heat. A lot of the crowd had gotten to their seats for this one. And it was really heated. 3 broken tables, some cool chair spots. Heyman animated as hell at ringside. Sabu was excellent selling for Big Show. A really good title match.

  2. I really enjoyed the show. Having the shows in smaller venues is amazing, and just that alone makes the product seem different than other WWE produced television. I wish that Raw/SD would tape together like they did this week, and let ECW do it's own thing on Tuesday nights. That way they would eliminate a whole day of taping, which was the reason for ECW being live after SD anyways. Regardless of that though, the show was good. I enjoyed the first two matches a lot, and the main event was just great for crowd reaction. You'd think that the higher powers in WWE would have realized what they were getting themselves into when they booked that match though. They had to have known that the fans wouldn't react well to it. I am so glad that Punk made his debut tonight where he would be super over, it will make other fans cheer for him, and makes him look like a star, too bad he didn't use AFI though, although the music he came out to was still decent enough anyways. I wonder if they will ever try to extend the show out to 2 hours, they would be able to do so much more. It's really hard to do a 1 hour live show. Like ECW on TNN was just a compilation of tapings, they should do something like that. Well, that is what I thought, hopefully RVD returns next week, and maybe they can build to some more interesting stuff in the following weeks. After the trial run is done maybe they should consider doing the smaller venues though, if they actually want to make ECW look different at all, it really helps make the show better, even if the product isn't the best thing ever.

  3. I actually think this came across pretty good on TV.


    They had wrestling. The actual two stupid segments of Kelly/Knox, and the Sandman/random Jobber got put into one angle. The actual pacing of the show was a lot better. They actually are trying to develop storylines and characters now (which they should have done from the get go), AND there was actually a TON of crowd heat for basically everything tonight. Also the Heyman thing in the beginning was good and hopefully will lead to Dreamer brining it "back", or something. And I thought that Shannon Moore was good :(, so I thought it was cool that he is being added to the mix. The only negative thing tonight was the 3 min Credible/Sabu match...they really need to just let ECW matches go Extreme if they need to, that's my only real gripe here, but that isn't going to change anytime soon.
