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Posts posted by EMAXSAUN

  1. I thought the show was a lot of fun, I went to the TOD last year too, and I thought both of them were equally as good. The only parts of this show I didn't like were Brain Damage's matches, and I thought the student battle royal was waaaay too dangerous. Overall it was a fun show though.


    I took pics, and I also capped a few clips (which I asked about before posting, and they are cool with them being up there).




  2. Barber, we are cool and all but that piece of "jounalism" is shit, and so is the DOI. I'ts really great you have your retrospective up there because I do enjoy it, but let's face it, the DOI is biased, and is a thrid rate wrestling site to 1wrestling, pwinsider, the torch, and yes even pwbts. The Mic (the writer of this "article") even went on to repost it again as a column but basically just repeated the same thing again. DOI is horrible, and their message board is even worse.

  3. Free Fall is a decent show, but you're much better off with Liberty or Death, Redemption, Hostile Takeover, or Baptized in Blood 2. Although if you watch Grimes/New Jack from that show knowing that Jack legit wanted to kill Grimes that night and that if the ring hadn't been moved three inches closer to the hard camera earlier that day, Grimes would almost surely have died by hitting the concrete, the match may be worth 7 bucks alone, its up to you. Kaos' Gauntlet match was good. Evan Karagias and Psychosis had a decent match if I recall. Juvi/Monsco de la Merced was a decent lucha match. I can't remember anything else from the card, though.


    Freefall isn't really decent, lol...its borderline decent.


    As a fellow XPW i can see how this show is...okay at best.


    The FreeFall match is just a bunch of brawling till one big bump...but man what a bump.


    The Kaos guantlet match is pretty good.


    The Karagis/Psicosis match is okay.


    How can you say the Juvi match was good? Juvi was so fn lazy in it and Monsco de la Merced flat out sucks. Juvi ends the match with the sloppiest Juvi Driver I've ever seen.


    Get Liberty or Death, Hostile Takeover, Fallout, and BIB2.

  4. I actually wonder if some of these releases are worked and they are planning on putting together a short ECW run.


    Actually, I was thinking the same thing. If WWE let the public know about these releases too, and then in a couple of weeks Raw is in Philly, the "fired" superstars invade with Paul Heyman and we have ourselves, like you said, a short ECW run.


    Yeah, because, Maven, Haas & Jindrak were such huge ECW alumni. ;)


    well, they don't have to be all ECW alumni.


    haha, I wasn't serious about all of that, but come on, they could do some stuff with some of the superstars for sure:


    Dudleys - ECW mainstays

    Charlie Haas - a great wrestler and could be used for it

    Jackie Gayda - a woman that they could use for it

    Dawn Marie - ECW valet

    Maven - could be a great heel for it

    Shannon Moore - would be awesome, as he is great a great talent

    James Yun (Akio) - see above

    Billy Kidman - see above

    Spike Dudley - ECW mainstay


    I'm just being a stupid mark now. :lol:

  5. I actually wonder if some of these releases are worked and they are planning on putting together a short ECW run.


    Actually, I was thinking the same thing. If WWE let the public know about these releases too, and then in a couple of weeks Raw is in Philly, the "fired" superstars invade with Paul Heyman and we have ourselves, like you said, a short ECW run.

  6. Wow, what bullshit.


    Morgan may not have been that great but he was in big angles at least, so now he is just going to drop off without any explanation?


    And the DUDLEYS! WTF? At ONS they were so hot, and Bubba really looked to be in top shape. wtf is going on here?

  7. Because WWE made the decision to use this Thursday's Smackdown to continue the ECW storyline.  Check out WWE.com to see for yourself.


    Yeah, while RAW had some ECW storylines on it as well, it looks like they are following up the ECW PPV on SD. I mean in the RAW preview there was no mention of ECW, but in the SD preview they mentioned what the fallout would be. So maybe they are thinking about making SD/Velocity an ECW something or other, who knows. They used a lot of ECW wrestlers on HeAt though.
