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Posts posted by EMAXSAUN

  1. What a fucking show. This was the best TOD yet. My brother's first CZW show too, and what a fucking introduction to CZW for him.


    For all you attendance marks, I would guess something a bit over 600.


    On to the matches


    Arsenal vs. Ninja: This match was great. Ninja and Arsenal were both awesome, and this was a great deathmatch because it involved a lot of actual wrestling and good death match psych I thought. Some sick spots too.


    Gage vs. Ruckus: This match started pretty slow but was pretty decent one it picked up. I mean Ruckus was wearing like 3 shirts, lol. But not really anything to write home about.


    Knoxx vs. Eddy: Meh, this also started slow, but Eddy did a great heel job here, not wanting to take the weapons, etc. A lot of bumps into thumbtacks.


    Wifebeater vs. Pondo: This was a quick match but had some sick shots.


    Necro vs. Phantom: This was like a legit shoot fight with Phantom getting all kinds of fucked up, it looked like he was bleeding through his mask. Just a crazy ass brawl all over the place.


    Cash vs. Bailey: this was fucking awesome. Cash really impressed the hell out of me, and took a lot more than I thought he would, he has really come into his own. A fucking sick, and great match.


    Eddie vs. Arsenal: This was sick. Eddy squeezing his hand and having blood shooting out of an artery was surreal. Eddy is a crazy motherfucker, and personally I think Arsenal deserves a lot of respect because he was definetly on his A game tonight. What a hell of a fucking match. MOTN.


    WB vs. Bailey: This was another fucking awesome and sick ass match. I didn't catch the supposedly sick ending bump but I will have to check the tape.


    Necro vs. Gage: This is the one match that really didn't stand out as much as the rest. it was decent but again nothing to write home about.


    Main Event: Crazy shit everywhere, with some sick spots, but it started to rain so it seemed like they had to cut it a bit short but the end bump was all worthwile. I will say that I wanted Necro to win, because beater has already won before (TOD1), but that didn't take away from the match.


    Overall, this show was amazing. Really, from top to bottom, the best TOD so far. Some matches were took sick for words, and nothing was bad at all. Just a great show. thank you CZW!!

  2. Wasn't he getting a huge push in WCW as Jason Jett before WCW going under? And why wouldn't WWE sign him?


    WWE did sign him. He was even the HWA Champion (while under a developmental deal) if I remember correctly.


    His four singles matches in WCW before they went under were all pretty good. He has a lot of creative spots that enduce good crowd interaction/reaction. His couple of matches in ROH were pretty good too. My guess is he just decided to leave wrestling behind because I haven't seen his name anywhere (besides his website where he makes tights).

    yep, I remember his match from WCW Greed I think it was where he fought Kwee Wee and and told the crowd to hush down and then played possum to trick Kwee Wee to go to the top rope and try a move, but then moved and hit his finisher. it was a great way to let the crowd interact with the match and really got the kids involved.

  3. I'll stop being pessimistic about the board when 1InchPunch loses internet access.



    Wait, its, Dave O'Neill, Journalist... :lol:


    Really Dave, you made fun of me in the days when I was a huge XPW fan, and they were still around, and people agreed with you and didn't give you any trouble because of the fact that they hated XPW, but now people are seeing your true colors. Someone ban this asshole please.

  4. Yup..I hope they wait a little while before the next one though, to make it mean something.


    You guys watch anything good on the way? We got stuck with 2 eps of MLW TV, some of the TPI 03, and a decent Mutoh comp on the way back.


    I'm glad our streamers worked well.

    nope, we voted on videos but everyone was so tired that we just decided to not watch anything. what did you watch on the way over? we watched cage of death 5, which was fantastic.

  5. Emax..what bus did you end up being assigned on? I was Bus B.

    I was on A, Mike's Bus.


    Rob came on our bus and told us the same thing that he told you guys, that the Japanese wrestlers loved it, and they wanted to come back...he also mentioned that they wanted to do a ROH show in ~JAPAN~!

  6. Which stop you using Emax? I'll be using the Queens one. Everyone is planning on bringing streamers for Muta, try to bring some if you can so they can be passed out to everyone.

    im getting on the manhattan stop with my brother, because i live in manhattan and the bus location is an easy 5 minute train ride from my house. ill get streamers, i did that for death by dishonor as well.
