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Everything posted by CheesalaIsGood

  1. CheesalaIsGood

    Fiscal Conservatism at work

    They don't spend MY money either. I'm a tax cheat.
  2. CheesalaIsGood

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I did. Which is too bad cuz I would have liked to see Burchill work a whole match rather than just clips. Oh well, no big deal. Thanks for posting anyway.
  3. CheesalaIsGood

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Well, here the script. Take it for whats it worth. Seems legit tho. http://scripts.cgispy.com/newsboard.cgi?ac...m=2&user=script Its a good read.
  4. CheesalaIsGood

    Stephanie McCleavage From The Hall of Fame

    Her teeth seems bigger too. Jaws of death! I'd still the shit out of her too. Damn, I am a man-whore.
  5. CheesalaIsGood

    Has anyone here applied/wanted to work for WWE?

    Hell, I would love to be a writer/booker for WWE as I would think many in the IWC would. Honestly, I don't think a smarky type would do too bad at it. I scan messageboards all the time reading peoples ideas about what they think should happen and showing alot of good booking sense. Not that anybody could ever expect to get a job via an MBoard. Still, with all the good ideas floating around you'd think some of the writers, wrestlers, and WWE employees looking for reactions to their product would skimp a few boards and turn it into something. We ARE fans afterall!
  6. CheesalaIsGood

    Man arrested after giving cops money that smelled

  7. CheesalaIsGood

    Teacher Smokes Pot and Drinks w/ Students

    Sounds like typical behavior to me. Been there done that. Cept, I didn't rat anybody out. Party on.
  8. CheesalaIsGood

    Best Video Ever

    "Just" Radiohead. If they told you what the guy laying on the ground really said... you would lay on the ground too.
  9. CheesalaIsGood

    The Pope

    Hmm, a religion has a problem with homosexual pedophiles. So, the solution is to SUPPORT homosexuality more? Yeah, that makes sense. -=Mike You're equating homosexuality and pedophilia together far too much. No. I'm simply stating that the pedophilia IS homosexual in nature. A sexual relationship between two males is, you know, homosexual by definition. If it were priests and young GIRLS, it'd be HETEROSEXUAL pedophilia. And I said pedophiles were pedophiles because they're gay --- where? I simply pointed out that the pedophilia is HOMOSEXUAL (between TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX). Which is undoubtedly and unquestionably true. You'd think that one would have been mentioned by now. -=Mike On this issue, I'll leave it to the expert. Thanks for clearing this up Mike.
  10. CheesalaIsGood

    The Pope

    Boy, I hope so.
  11. CheesalaIsGood

    Ethics DELAYed

    When they start pulling guns on each other maybe I'll turn on C-Span. Til then COURAGE!
  12. CheesalaIsGood

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    Oooh, you got me. Too bad about that point of view. Better luck defending it next time.
  13. CheesalaIsGood

    Wrestlemania Predictions Thread

    Here are my predictions for what I think WILL happen and what I think SHOULD happen at the granddaddy of them all. Post yours too. J HHH v. Batista: SHOULD HAPPEN: Batista crushes HHH by beating him to a bloody mess ala The Road Warriors and the Midnights. Not a squash mind you, but a severe beating that HHH has had coming for a long time so the haters can watch him suffer "for his sins" so to speak. WILL HAPPEN: Sorry HHHaters, but the favorite son is going over. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena come out after winning the title from JBL earlier in the night so the crowd goes home somewhat happy. It is very true though that since there aren't any strong enough heels to challenge for the gold HHH needs to hold onto it for awhile longer. JBL vs. Cena: SHOULD HAPPEN: A blow away match were Cena goes over. Cena has shown good timing in getting the crowd to pop for him as has JBL in getting his heat, but neither guy seems to really have what it takes to win over everybody with that 4 to 5 star match we expect from guys playing at this level. WILL HAPPEN: A decent match that will get good amounts of undeserved heat from the crowd and impress no one. Cena still goes over. I'm thinking a face off with Cena and HHH somewhere during the show might spark a fight after the Batista loss. Angle vs. HBK: SHOULD HAPPEN: Angle makes HBK tap to the anklelock in a match that goes 25-30 minutes somewhere just after the middle of the event. Angle deserves this win. Being that this really isn’t the main event it isn’t going to get the 35 – 40 minutes smarks are really hoping for. WILL HAPPEN: I’m thinking they are going to go with Angle picking up the win. The promo on RAW this week seems to indicate that the finish will come down to the anklelock. Seeing as though they showed so many of the tap outs in the past they seem to have it in mind. But I am expecting this to be match of the night as are most of you I’d assume. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: SHOULD HAPPEN: Jericho should win this as they never followed up on his promo months ago where he talked about somebody "being in the title scene not named H-H-H." Besides at this point HHH owes him and eventually he’ll have to do business with Jericho. No better time like the present. Could be a show stealer, but whether or not it is might depend where on the card it is. If later in the night its chances are good, earlier not so much. WILL HAPPEN: Shelton will get the duke here which will no doubt undermine his IC title reign and make no sense as he can afford a loss here. The rest have no real chance as Kane, Christian, and Benoit are in limbo and Edge won’t be rewarded for walking away with a friends’ girlfriend. Undertaker vs. Randy Orton: SHOULD HAPPEN: Taker jobs to the RKO in a match brutality wise, should rival Ortons Foley match. Orton needs to be rebuilt as a heel more than keeping Takers streak alive. WILL HAPPEN: Taker jobs to a weapon shot after multiple RKOs (and no doubt a run in or two) that either get no sold or just doesn’t get it done. Orton isn’t going to get much for being in this match regardless if Taker is game for the match or not. Perhaps Foley as a surprise guest ref? Rey Rey vs Eddie: SHOULD HAPPEN: Both guys tease heel turns throughout the match (ala Pillman/Zenk from years ago) yet still have a good match nobody cheats (!) and they stay friends, yet rivals. WILL HAPPEN: Eddie turns on Rey with some evil heel tricks. The crowd boos Eddie but when he wins the match they cheer him cuz he is fucking cool. The following weeks are a blur as in spite of all their efforts to make him a heel the crowd continues to cheer him for awhile but slowly stops caring cuz the WWE isn’t giving them what they want. Ahhhh apathy. Trish vs. Christy: SHOULD HAPPEN: It shouldn't. WILL HAPPEN: It will. TBS vs. Akebono: SHOULD HAPPEN: At least not a SUMO match. Whatever. WILL HAPPEN: Put over Big Show and do it quick. No cruiserweight title match? No tag title match? Maybe they will announce SOMETHING in the next week or so.
  14. CheesalaIsGood

    The Official Sin City Thread

    Happy religious types like doing movie reviews too! Here is what they thought of the flick. *I* thought is was great. I laughed a whole bunch the chicks were hot and the action was just as comic booky as I hoped. Bruce Willis scores his biggest point with me since the first Die Hard. http://www.movieguide.org/index.php?s=reviews&id=6830 << Back to Reviews SIN CITY Depraved Movie Lives Up to Its Title Quality: Released: Apr 1st, 2005 Starring: Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Benicio Del Toro, and Brittany Murphy Genre: Thriller/Noir/Fantasy Audience: Older teenagers and adults Rating: R Runtime: 172 minutes Content: (PaPaPa, RoRoRo, AbAb, B, LLL, VVV, SSS, NN, AA, DD, MMM) Pervasive pagan moral worldview with murder, revenge, corruption, and prostitution, and strong Romantic philosophy that pits the individual against an evil society, as well as anti-Christian content includes two corrupt or evil priests, both of whom are murdered (one inside a confessional), and light moral element man risks life to stop a pedophile and end governmental corruption; 33 obscenities, but no ‘f’ words, and eight strong profanities; gory, bloody violence includes many people being fatally shot with some body parts flying off, man dragged from car, crooked priest shot in confessional, people hit in head with sledgehammers and hatchets, men impaled, decapitations with a head that is bandied like a ball, cannibal keeps decapitated heads on his wall, dog eats at dead person, corpses are cut into pieces so they can be dumped, murderer is electrocuted by the state, gun backfires and becomes lodged in man’s head, pedophile’s genitalia is pulled off, suicide, man almost hanged, woman lashed, grenade explodes, people punched, man jumps through windshield, people smashed into wall, and men’s heads are held in toilet bowls; fornication depicted, pedophile kidnaps a girl but is prevented from harming her, many characters are prostitutes, and reference to priests using hookers; upper and rear female nudity; heavy alcohol use; prescription drug abuse and smoking; and, heavy governmental corruption, heavy corruption in the Catholic Church, cannibalism, pedophilia, revenge, and kidnapping. Summary: SIN CITY is a blisteringly violent movie with an anti-social, anti-Christian perspective. It weaves together three stories of sadistic men pursuing their own warped brands of justice in a depraved city. Become educated about what’s in this movie and don’t support it. Reviewer: Eddie Turner Review: SIN CITY is a different breed of comic book movie. There are no flashy costumes, there’s no Batmobile, and there is no hero. Instead of triumph, there is an endless barrage of evil acts and anti-biblical hedonism. The movie is broken up into three parts which weave together loosely. Bruce Willis is John Hartigan, the only character who could be confused for a hero. Just before quitting the police force, he risks his life to stop a powerful man from molesting and murdering young girls. He succeeds in saving the girl, but he is framed for the crime and thrown into prison. The almost-victim never forgets his bravery and writes to him every week for twenty years. When he is released, he has to save her life again. Marv is a disfigured mutant with a bad temper played, with lots of makeup and prosthetics, by Mickey Rourke. A beautiful woman named Goldie seems to be suddenly in love with him, then after one night of passion, she is murdered in his bed. Marv canvases the city to find out who killed Goldie. When he finds out, he unfolds a huge conspiracy that involves the government and the Catholic Church. Lastly, Clive Owen’s character Dwight has to defend his girlfriend (Brittany Murphy) from her abusive and potentially insane ex-boyfriend Jack Rafferty (Benecio Del Toro). Dwight chases Jack all the way to Old Towne, which is policed by outlaws and a gang of hard-fighting prostitutes. After Jack pushes his luck and gets killed, Dwight realizes that Jack was a cop, and now he and the prostitutes have to hide the murder. Already, then, SIN CITY seems depraved, but the truth is more extreme. Even an essentially good intentioned character like Bruce Willis’s John Hartigan uses sadistic and horrifically violent methods to fight the bad guys. Marv, who is out for revenge, not justice, drags a man from his car and shoots a corrupt, lying priest inside the confessional. This betrays not only a sociopathic thirst for violence from the filmmakers, but a cynical, extremely hostile view of religion. The bad guys are even worse, the highlight of which is Elijah Wood as a demon-like cannibal. Perhaps more disturbing than the violence is the line of thought that undergirds this movie, that each man is utterly alone and therefore pitted against the rest of society. That is the lie of Romantic individualism. The Bible tells us that we are all part of the body of Christ and, by extension that we should exist in communities. As adopted sons of God, we are not individuals in the Romantic sense, but actual members of a family network. The dangerous individualism of SIN CITY teaches us that we cannot trust any man, which results in the amorality and paranoid violence exhibited in the movie. On a craft level, SIN CITY is fairly accomplished. The black and white cinematography, with little splashes of color, is engrossing and truly succeeds in creating an alternate world for the audience. The three stories are stitched together very similarly to the three episodes in PULP FICTION, with some characters reappearing and a twisted chronology, and the maneuver is again effective. It adds some complexity to the otherwise straightforward plot. Although the dialogue is intentionally stilted, to ape film noir, the actors do some exceptional jobs bringing humanity and realism to their characters. Bruce Willis is especially good. His Detective Hartigan is not a cardboard cut-out but a real person struggling to do what he thinks is right. For all the flack he takes, Willis is actually a convincing actor who’s often very fun to watch. Most of the performances are good, which speaks to the directors’ and actors’ seriousness about this movie. Filmmaking virtuosity aside, SIN CITY is despicable. It glamorizes and justifies its violence and anti-social behaviors to a highly successful degree. It is important that we who are educated about the issues to not support vile-spewing movies like this one. In Brief: SIN CITY is a different breed of comic book movie. There are no flashy costumes, no Batmobile, and no hero. Instead of triumph, there is an endless barrage of evil acts and hedonism. Three stories weave together: a retiring cop risks his life to stop a pedophile, a mutant goes looking for revenge but uncovers a huge conspiracy, and a violent man teams with prostitutes to hide a policeman’s murder. Even the good guys are horrifically violent, and the bad guys are revolting. The evil in this movie, which is shot in black and white with splashes of color, is shocking. Filmmaking virtuosity aside, SIN CITY has a sociopathic thirst for violence and contains a cynical, extremely hostile view of religion. Also disturbing is the movie’s philosophy that each man is utterly alone and pitted against the rest of society. That is the lie of Romantic individualism. The Bible tells us that we are part of the body of Christ and, consequently, we should exist in communities. The dangerous individualism of SIN CITY teaches us that we cannot trust man, and it results in the amorality and paranoid violence exhibited in the movie. Address Comments To: Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein Dimension Films 99 Hudson Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 219-4100 Fax: (212) 941-3836 Website: www.dimensionfilms.com Distributor: Dimension Films/Miramax Films Director: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino Executive Producer: Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein Producer: Elizabeth Avellan Writer: Robert Rodriguez
  15. CheesalaIsGood

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    Yes, we're ALL about dropping nukes. Tenet's "fuck up" was the same "fuck up" EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH MADE. Yep, WE were supposed to have "super-secret" info that nobody else had. Yes sir! Do you need a Mydol? Because this is bitchier than normal for you. It's just as brainless, but it is bitchier. -=Mike Well at least you admit it was a fuck up. Which for you is progress I guess. AND YES I know its not the first time but you didn't counter-point a thing I said. So I'll leave it at that.
  16. CheesalaIsGood

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    Feel free to skip this one KKK. Once again, the "threat" from Iraq not quite as immediate as we were led to believe. And oh those poor soldiers that are going to get fucked when and if they finally do get to come home. Oh and I almost forgot! Firing Tenet doesn't exactly qualify as holding him accountable when there are 1500 plus dead AMERICAN SOLDIERS as a result of his fuck up. Call it hindsight bias if you want. You'll see how much water it holds coming from the crowd that tells welfare mothers they should get no money for no other reason than they should be held ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. OK, fair enough right? So if we were to hold this issue up to your "conservative standards of accountability" then I would expect that since so many AMERICAN SOLDIERS are DEAD that you Mike (and people who think as you do) would... hmmmm EXPECT that Tenet, Wolfyboy, and perhaps even your beloved Bush be taken out back and shot. Sound about EVEN? That IS how you (and people like you) think about things correct? Nuke the whole area and no more problem? RIGHT? Trust in that? Fuck that!
  17. CheesalaIsGood

    Guitar Wolf Bassist Dies

    this is indeed the suck.
  18. CheesalaIsGood

    Celebrity Deaths that got to you

    Sam Kinison. The guy was my hero growing up.
  19. CheesalaIsGood

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Yeah, well you can't expect logic and common sense from fuckheads who just can't help but stick their nose in other peoples business.
  20. CheesalaIsGood

    What if they?

    Actually, this is a interesting idea. I like it. It would take some brass balls to do it too.
  21. CheesalaIsGood

    The Pope

    The guy has hung in there for a loooooooong time. Not even bullets could stop Robo-Pope.
  22. CheesalaIsGood

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    Brilliant... Absolutely brilliant.
  23. CheesalaIsGood

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    I think he wanted the rest of the Middle East to believe he had them, to thwart any attempted invasions, however the minute it looked like America was thinking about going to war, it seemed pretty evident that he didn't actually have them. He was still a threat to the enter stability of the Middle East, whether it or not he had them. A man committing with a bank robbery with a convincing replica is committing robbery just the same as a man with a real gun. There's no point in second guessing with information we didn't have previously. It's just too bad nobody will be held accountable for fucking up the intel as bad as they did. Alas...
  24. CheesalaIsGood

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I still say this was a private matter that had no business being on the news. Hopefully, it was a peaceful passing.
  25. CheesalaIsGood

    Do you need a "FOX Blocker?"

    Top Stories U.S. World Business Personal Finance http://staging.hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stori...-03-25-15-36-44 Mar 25, 7:40 PM EST Man Sells Device That Blocks Fox News By EMILY FREDRIX Associated Press Writer It's not that Sam Kimery objects to the views expressed on Fox News. The creator of the "Fox Blocker" contends the channel is not news at all. Kimery figures he's sold about 100 of the little silver bits of metal that screw into the back of most televisions, allowing people to filter Fox News from their sets, since its August debut. The Tulsa, Okla., resident also has received thousands of e-mails, both angry and complimentary - as well as a few death threats. "Apparently the making of terroristic threats against those who don't share your views is a high art form among a certain core audience," said Kimery, 45. Formerly a registered Republican, even a precinct captain, Kimery became an independent in the 1990s when he said the state party stopped taking input from its everyday members. Advertisement Kimery now contends Fox News' top-level management dictates a conservative journalistic bias, that inaccuracies are never retracted, and what winds up on the air is more opinion than news. "I might as well be reading tabloids out of the grocery store," he says. "Anything to get a rise out of the viewer and to reinforce certain retrograde notions." A Fox spokeswoman at the station's New York headquarters said the channel's ratings speak for themselves. For the first three months of this year, Fox has been averaging 1.62 million viewers in prime-time, compared with CNN's 805,000, according to Nielsen Media Research. Kimery's motives go deeper than preventing people from watching the channel, which he acknowledges can be done without the Blocker. But he likens his device to burning a draft card, a tangible example of disagreement. And he's taking this message to the network's advertisers. After buying the $8.95 device online, would-be blockers are shown a letter that they can send to advertisers via the Fox Blocker site. Latest TV News Schwarzenegger to Tout Solar on TV Show Records: Letterman Suspect Faced Polygraph Guest Lineup for Sunday's TV News Shows Trump Gives Sassy Lawyer the Kiss Off 'Beverly Hillbillies' Creator Dies at 93 "The point is not to block the channel or block free speech but to raise awareness," said Kimery, who works in the tech industry. Kimery doesn't use the device himself; his remote is programmed to only a half-dozen channels. Plus he occasionally feels the need to tune into Fox News for something "especially heinous." Business could pick up since the blocker was alluded to in a recent episode of the ABC drama "Boston Legal." The show's original script mentioned Fox News, but ABC had the references removed. The boisterous conversations on Fox News may be why the station is so popular, said Matthew Felling, media director for the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media watchdog group. And despite a perception that Fox leans to the right, Felling said, that doesn't mean people who lean left should tune out. "It's tough to engage in an argument when you're not participating in it," Felling said. "It's just one more layer in the wall that the right and the left are building in between each other. Sweet.