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Everything posted by CheesalaIsGood

  1. CheesalaIsGood

    Mexican Border Crossing.

    Mexico publishes guide to assist border crossers Chris Hawley Republic Mexico City Bureau Jan. 1, 2005 12:00 AM MEXICO CITY - The Mexican government is giving out a colorful new comic book with advice for migrants, but immigration-control advocates worry that some of the tips may encourage illegal border crossers. The 32-page book, The Guide for the Mexican Migrant, was published in December by Mexico's Foreign Ministry. Using simple language, the book offers safety information for border crossers, a primer on their legal rights and advice on living unobtrusively in the United States. Dramatic drawings show undocumented immigrants wading into a river, running from the U.S. Border Patrol and crouching near a hole in a border fence. On other pages, they hike through a desert with rock formations reminiscent of Arizona and are caught by a stern-faced Border Patrol agent. advertisement "This guide is intended to give you some practical advice that could be of use if you have made the difficult decision to seek new work opportunities outside your country," the book says. But immigration-control groups questioned some of the guide's advice. "This is more than just a wink and a nod," said Rick Oltman, Western field director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform. "This is so transparent, this is the Mexican government trying to protect its most valuable export, which is illegal migrants." Book distribution The book is being distributed as a free supplement to El Libro Vaquero, a popular cowboy comic book, in five Mexican states that send many migrants to the United States: Zacatecas, Michoacán, Puebla, Oaxaca and Jalisco. The government plans to print 1.5 million copies. The book comes with a yellow disclaimer saying it does not promote undocumented immigration, and it repeatedly warns against crossing illegally. But it gives no information about the steps for seeking a U.S. visa. Instead, it offers frank safety tips. In the section on crossing rivers, it notes, "Thick clothing increases your weight when wet, and this makes it difficult to swim or float." On crossing the desert, it says, "Try to walk during times when the heat is not as intense" and says migrants should follow power lines or train tracks if they get lost. The book warns migrants that they may have to walk for days to reach towns or roads in the desert and that they will not be able to carry enough water or food. But it also shows a woman adding salt to a water bottle and advises, "Salt water helps you retain your body's liquids. Although you'll feel thirstier, if you drink water with salt the risk of dehydration is much lower." Mexican authorities say they're just trying to keep migrants safe. "We are not inviting them to cross, but we're doing everything we can to save lives," said Elizabeth García Mejía, chief coordinator for the Nogales, Sonora, section of Mexico's Grupo Beta migrant protection service. Carlos Flores Vizcarra, Mexican consul general of Phoenix, said he had not seen the guide until a reporter showed it to him. He said the guide appeared to be only the latest attempt by the Mexican government to warn migrants about the dangers of crossing the border without proper documentation. The reality, however, is that many migrants will try to do so anyway, he said. "This is nothing new. It's a way to put it in very simple terms so people will understand the risks," Flores Vizcarra said. "The intention is out of concern for human rights. People are doing it anyway. We cannot ignore that there is a very big migration between our two countries, and people who are coming to work need to understand the risks." Mixed messages Some migrants from Mexico who have crossed the border illegally in the past said the guide seems to send a mixed message. "On the one hand they seem to be saying, 'Don't cross,' but on the other hand they are saying, 'Cross,' " Humberto Morales, 22, an undocumented immigrant from Oaxaca working as a day laborer in Phoenix, said after looking at a copy. He doubts the guide will keep many people in Mexico from crossing illegally, but he said it could help save lives. "We have lots of programs like this in Mexico, but people keep crossing," Morales said. No official at the Foreign Ministry headquarters in Mexico City would agree to an interview about the comic book, despite repeated requests through the ministry's media relations office. The book's pictures are drawn to match the style of El Libro Vaquero. They portray the migrants as strong and healthy men and women, wading into a river or walking through the desert. One section of the book urges caution when dealing with immigrant smugglers, known as coyotes or polleros. It shows migrants climbing into the back of a tractor-trailer, a possible reference to the 19 migrants who died in Texas after being sealed in a tractor-trailer in May 2003. On getting caught Another section warns migrants not to lie to U.S. authorities or use false identification, and it gives instructions on what to do if caught by the Border Patrol. "Don't throw stones or objects at the officer or patrol vehicles because this is considered a provocation," it says. "Raise your hands slowly so they see you are unarmed." A picture shows a group of migrants running from a Border Patrol sport utility vehicle, though the text urges them not to flee. "It's better to be detained a few hours and repatriated to Mexico than to get lost in the desert," it says. Seven pages are devoted to migrants' legal rights after they are detained and another four to living peacefully in the United States. "Avoid attracting attention, at least while you are arranging your stay or documents to live in the United States," it says. "The best formula is to not alter your routine of going from work to home." The Arizona Republic faxed copies of the guide to the U.S. Border Patrol, FAIR and two groups that support stronger controls on immigration. A Border Patrol spokesman said he does not think the book encourages illegal crossers. "If they've already gone ahead and made that decision to cross illegally . . . then anything that helps protect lives is worth it," said Andy Adame, spokesman for the Border Patrol's Tucson sector. Beyond protection But the immigration-control groups said some of the advice goes beyond protecting migrants and, instead, encourages them. "A lot of it is disclaimers, but then there's this part about if you're going to cross the desert, do it when the sun isn't so hot," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. "It's a mixed message." Said John Vincent, editor of a newsletter published by Virginia-based Americans for Immigration Control: "It really looks like the Mexican government is encouraging illegal immigration. It shows the contempt that the Mexican government has for our laws." The Mexican government produces a similar book aimed at Central American immigrants who try to enter Mexico illegally. The book covers much of the same information about legal rights and repeats many of the warnings. It even shows a group of migrants struggling to breathe inside a truck. But that book doesn't give the same kind of safety tips on crossing the border or advise immigrants on how to live peacefully in Mexico. Reporter Daniel Gonzalez contributed to this article. Reach the reporter at [email protected] The Mexican Govt. showing contempt for US laws????? I thought NAFTA was supposed to take care of that? Well at least the Border Patrol guys can have a looksee at this to help scope I suppose. Yanno, for all the fuss made about the billions of dollars sent back to mexico by illegals, perhaps if we made it somewhat EASIER for them to live here legally, it might pay itself off in tax dollars. Gotta watch out for how they vote though.
  2. CheesalaIsGood

    It's Official: No WMDs in Iraq.

    Least now you know why MikeSC isn't around anymore..
  3. CheesalaIsGood

    Ernie Cline is awesome

    http://www.ernestcline.com/spokenword/ Go here and give a listen to this man. Airwolf rules.
  4. CheesalaIsGood

    Are you a pilgrim in an unholy land?

    New Hampshire has always been known as the Anti-Massachusetts. since there is no sales or income tax so many of the baby boomers have moved and turned it into a blue state. Thats ok, they get it in the ass on the property tax though. I don't fit with the politcal leanings here even with the change.
  5. CheesalaIsGood

    You deserve to meet...

    http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactio...=20050109020153 Enjoy THIS!
  6. CheesalaIsGood

    You deserve to meet...

    I feel the same way.
  7. CheesalaIsGood

    International Bush supporters

    I'm SHOCKED! I thought those dirty commies that populate the rest of the world didn't get an opinion that mattered????
  8. CheesalaIsGood

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    I may be wrong, but I think he was talking about Fat Mike from NOFX.... Hes obsessed with big lesbians and has been a punk rocker for most of his life. I'm pretty sure it's all about Michael Moore. How long into 2005 did it take for the first "Mikey is fat" joke anyway? Round here, if one didn't happen I would think something was wrong.
  9. CheesalaIsGood

    Recommend each other some Pink Floyd.

    Funny, I like The Final Cut as its my favorite PF record, but I don't care for Waters solo work.
  10. CheesalaIsGood

    EMO music: love it, hate it?

    Not even close to Emo. They (Nashville Pussy) are kind of a beer drinking, AC/DC type of garage band. They destroyed everybody from the 2nd stage of the Tattoo the Earth show I went to at Suffolk Downs in Boston. They ain't emo.
  11. CheesalaIsGood

    EMO music: love it, hate it?

    It's about time somebody mentioed Sunny Day Real Estate. Then again I never got past the first record. The rest can blow me but "Diary" is quite good. I must have got my fill of emo by that point cuz I don't own any other, unless you count The Sheila Devine.
  12. CheesalaIsGood

    HOPE for Ashlee Simpson

    Wait, his sister or Ashlee Simpson should be at the bottom of the river?
  13. CheesalaIsGood

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    What? Is Axl Rose performing?
  14. CheesalaIsGood

    Republicans demand Washington state....

    All they want is for you to shut up. Thats all. You see winning the election makes them think we should just shrink away and give up. You'd think the election results would be PERMANENT with all this mandate crap. Check the posts here. Filled to the brim with "Shut up, accept whatever Bush says, and go away" while they try and shovel poo down your gullet. No thanks. Conservatives may THINK they have the ball in their court, but there are too many left-wingers around ready to start enough legal trouble to give them headaches everyday. Don't like it? Tough shit. We are never going to go away. Ever. At least the left wing plan doesn't exclude YOU on the right. So you've got it made. NoCal: Good job. Keep making sense.
  15. CheesalaIsGood

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    Hey, you've got Fat Mikey, I wouldn't talk too much. Sweet! There will be good music and snacks for EVERYBODY!
  16. CheesalaIsGood

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    Hey conservatives!!! Fred's on YOUR team! HAW HAW!
  17. CheesalaIsGood

    An Open Letter to CE

    Bah, LOTR is the super-awesome-mega! Down with anyone who ain't... um... down with it. Seriously.
  18. CheesalaIsGood

    CNN axes Crossfire

    Here is a sort of link to an IFILM post of an old Crossfire with Frank Zappa right after he testified in Washington at the PMRC hearings. The show was SO "local access" at the time and Zappa whoops the conservative blowhard so damn bad. He even tells him to his face to "Kiss MY ass!". Zappa was the man. http://www.ifilm.com/viralvideo
  19. CheesalaIsGood

    Adventures in Right Wing Radio

    I catch Savage and Laura Ingraham on my way to work being the 3rd shift zombie that I am. Savage amuses me and sometimes I come OH SO CLOSE to agreeing with him and then he says something so ignorant I can't give him any credit. Ingraham is a dolt who relys too much on soundbytes taken out of context. I feel half compelled to call her up and crush her one of these days, if only I didn't want to fuck the sour puss off her face. Man, she wants to suck Hannitys dick. Everytime she is on TV she is scowling like somebody just kicked her dog. Good Ole' Rushbo can be a hoot once in awhile but keep in mind this: On the eve of the 98 election he told his audience in one of those 10 second blurbs between commercials that this election was "About President Clintons PENIS!" I nearly fell out of my chair. It was so awesomely stupid, and I'll never forget it. THIS is the guy whom all the rightys flock too? Thank you Rushy you crazy pill popping dope. Air America makes me wish Bill Hicks was still alive. He ate conservatives like candy. Good thing for them he is dead.
  20. CheesalaIsGood

    Mexican Border Crossing.

    You conservatives SUCK! Where is all the outrage over those dirty mexicans pulling a fast one on your tax dollars?!?!?!?! Maybe you're all just fat and happy over the election? If so, please continue and disregard.
  21. CheesalaIsGood

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    http://ap.savannahnow.com/pstories/us/20050102/2694408.shtml January 2nd - 2:15 pm ET California Catholic school angers some parents and parishioners by admitting gay couple's sons The Associated Press COSTA MESA, Calif. — Some parents and parishioners have accused the Roman Catholic diocese in Orange County of violating church doctrine by allowing a gay couple to enroll their children in a church school. The group demanded that St. John the Baptist School in Costa Mesa accept only families that pledge to abide by Catholic teachings, the Los Angeles Times reported in Sunday's editions. Church doctrine opposes gay relationships and adoption by same-sex couples. "The teachings of the church seem to have been abandoned," John R. Nixon told the Times. "We send our children to a Catholic school because we expect and demand that the teachings of our church will be adhered to." School officials rejected the demand, and issued a new policy stating that a family's background "does not constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the school." The parents' demand would presumably prevent two adopted boys whose parents are both men from attending the school's kindergarten. The Rev. Gerald M. Horan, superintendent of diocese schools, said that if Catholic beliefs were strictly adhered to, then children whose parents divorced, used birth control or married outside the church would also have to be banned. "This is the quagmire that the parents' position represents," he said. "It's a slippery slope to go down." The boys' parents, who enrolled their children at the beginning of the school year, declined to comment to the Times. Some parents have promised to ask the Vatican to intervene and some have threatened to pull their children from the school. Others are worried the boys' attendance will set a precedent, saying their presence is part of a larger effort by the gay community to change the church. "The boys are being used as pawns by these men to further their agenda," said Monica Sii, who has four children at the school. Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  22. CheesalaIsGood

    Mexican Border Crossing.

    oops. my bad.
  23. CheesalaIsGood

    Gotta love those Halburton benefits....

    Haliburton acts like a bunch of assholes and nobody on the TSM has anything to say??? C'mon Mike come out of hiding and defend your boys! Oh I'm sure its been beaten to death. But if the shoe fits...
  24. CheesalaIsGood

    Mexican Border Crossing.

    Votes Votes Votes!!! Can't alienate all those potential pepsi drinkers y'all! Nice to see our government has a price.
  25. CheesalaIsGood

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    http://americaforjesusland.blogspot.com/ Maddog just skip to the end. It's another one of those "long" posts. Tuesday, November 23, 2004 JESUSLAND by Max Gordon November 23, 2004 There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in his class. Undressing in the locker room for gym, he is terrified he will get an erection or his friends will notice him staring at the other boys and call him a homo. At night, he lies in bed. He promised God he wouldn't look at pictures of naked men having sex anymore, but he did it again after school. As a punishment, he pinches his penis between his fingernails until he breaks the skin. He believes the pain is good for him. It is only a fraction of the pain that sinners feel when they go to hell, or what Jesus must have felt on the cross. He sits in church on Sunday and knows the priest is referring to him: deviants whose unnatural desire will keep them from entering the Kingdom of God. When he takes communion, he prays that God will heal the sickness inside him and make him clean and perfect like his Son. He promises to try even harder not to sin than he's ever tried before. After failing again, he decides he has no more tries left in him. He cannot stop the thoughts or change them. He believes God is disgusted with him and that He refuses to help. He stands looking in the bathroom mirror and wonders if he is what a homo looks like. He thinks of his youngest sister coming home from kindergarten with school papers tucked under her arm, and wonders if the boy from his class is in bed sleeping. He lifts his father's gun and shoots himself in the head. On January 2, 1997, 14-year-old Robbie Kirkland committed suicide after struggling with his homosexuality for four years. His mother said at the time, "Our family loved, supported and accepted him but could not protect him from the rejection and harassment he experienced at his Catholic schools." On May 8, 1995, Bill Clayton, 17, took a fatal overdose after being hospitalized for depression. He'd been assaulted by a group of boys in his community because of his sexual orientation. Jacob Lawrence Orosco, 17, hanged himself on September 3, 1997, in his mother's home. When Jacob and nine of his friends tried to form a Gay/Straight student alliance at his school, a group of students at a nearby high school formed SAFE-Students against Fags Everywhere. Anna Wakefield, a lesbian in her 20's from Virginia, hanged herself on February 27, 1997, after being rejected and estranged from her family; Private First Class Barry Winchell, 21, of Kansas City, Missouri, was bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat on July 5, 1999 after rumors that he was gay spread around the post; Steen Fenrich, 19, was killed and dismembered by his stepfather in a homophobic rage, his body found March 21, 2000; Juana Vega, 36, shot in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 11, 2001 by her girlfriend's brother, for "turning his sister gay"; Gwen Araujo, a 17-year-old transgender woman from Newark, California, savagely beaten to death on October 3, 2002 by a group of boys at a party; Sakia Gunn, 15, fatally stabbed at a bus stop in Newark, New Jersey, May 11, 2003 after her assailant was told she was a lesbian; Fred Martinez, Jr., a 16-year-old Native American high school student from Cortez, Colorado, found beaten to death, June 21, 2001, his skull crushed with a rock. His 19-year-old killer was heard to have said proudly, "I bug-smashed a fag." A few days after Kerry's concession, Bill Clinton gave a speech at a conference of the Urban Land Institute in New York. The Daily News quoted him as saying that Kerry could have made more of an impact with small-town voters by emphasizing his opposition to gay marriage. "He said it once or twice, instead of 3,000 times, in rural communities. If we let people believe our party doesn't believe in faith and family, that's our fault." Clinton: our moral authority on marriage and sex. As a gay man in America, perhaps I am responsible for the unraveling of the moral fabric of this country, but I have never used a cigar in bed, and I absolutely draw the line at wearing a dress from the GAP. America listens to its presidents, present and past. The president sets the tone for tolerance in the land. When a president proposes discriminatory legislation or supports it, however unlikely it may seem that it will be voted into law, the message he sends to the rest of the country is clear: these are the people you have my permission to harm. George W. Bush's proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage is more than just a vindictive president's desire to deprive gay men of bridal registry; it is the legislation of hate, and its direct consequence will be the sanctioned murder of America's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens. I marvel at the vogue of hate today in this country; who you can freely hate these days and who you can't. You can hate women, and gays, and fat people. You can hate poor people, and the homeless. You can't, however, hate black people or Jews anymore, at least not on television or in print. (You can still hate blacks privately, but Jews are harder; some have blonde hair and it isn't easy to tell if they are in the room.) Black and white Christians have been revitalized by the same-sex ban, agreeing to suspend their hatred for each other in favor of a combined, galvanized hatred for gays. The GOP hates us all year round, but Democrats are "holiday haters," reserving their hate for special occasions - like close elections. Holiday hate never counts as real hate, of course, it's just politics, like little white (water) lies, and promises (fingers crossed) to pass legislation protecting gays in the military once voted into office. And finally, the passive-aggressive haters know a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage based on religious belief is wrong, not to mention unconstitutional, but since they are not "personally" affected by it, they’ve decided to watch from the sidelines. Newsflash: there are no sidelines in America anymore. Civil liberties in this country are an endangered species. We may not care that the Texas red wolf is almost extinct in North America, but, living in the same ecosystem, it might be worth noting, as we may be next. Jesusland, can you honestly say, with all that is wrong in the world today, with millions of people infected with HIV and thousands of new infections each year, with record unemployment, families with no healthcare and billions spent on war, that the greatest moral challenge we face in America today is symbolized by a wedding cake figurine of two grooms? Is homosexuality contagious or reaching epidemic proportions? How else can the sexuality of one section of the American population singly decide the outcome of an entire presidential election? Only one conclusion can be drawn: Gay people in the heartland are doing some serious fucking. I only wish someone had let me in on it. I thought we were supporting Kerry by voting for him. If gay sex is really that powerful, screw the oil in Iraq, Halliburton should be hooking us up to generators. Is homosexuality so irresistible that straight men and women are leaving their homes, mesmerized and in droves, to join the gay ranks? The few straight friends I tried to seduce in my post-coming-out insecurity remained politely, but resolutely, straight. To all those who tried to manipulate me into being heterosexual to further their agendas (my mother), I remained resolutely, sometimes impolitely, gay. One might conclude from this that people are what they say they are and we can all get on with things. Not in Jesusland. Three little words, one tiny sentence, and the best friend's face closes forever, the child is lifted from the lap of the favorite aunt, a mother sends her son his baby pictures with a note saying she no longer has a child, a girl runs away from home to escape her parents' attempts to "beat the devil out of her", a boy is forced to see a psychiatrist and take medication to fix his "problem", a transgender teen hangs herself to avoid being ridiculed at a school assembly the next day. America: you do not have the right to throw your lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens in the garbage. You have a responsibility to protect us whether you like us or not. If you do not approve of gay marriage, do not attend gay weddings. It is not your prerogative to decide who is worthy of your care, or to deny protection to anyone. As American citizens our protection is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. We are in a holy war, a fundamentalist Christian jihad, where the possibility exists as never before that Jesusland will finally become Jesusworld. (I wonder what the rides will look like.) With a faith-based president who doesn't respect the Constitution as separate from his belief in God, there is no difference between extending democracy and extending Christianity. Once you free a citizen for elections, you have to free a soul for salvation. Accosted by Christians on subway cars when I first came to New York City, I never ceased being amazed at the chutzpah of a stranger suddenly asking me about my relationship with God; not to mention being deeply insulted by the lack of subtlety that announced the intrusion. "That chocolate ice cream looks delicious; do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?" I knew that no one would ever have the audacity to say to me, "Excuse me, Sir, how much money is in your bank account?" or "Pardon me for asking, how many times did you make love this week?" Yet somehow just anyone can demand to know on the spot what your relationship is with Jesus, which, if you have one, is arguably the most intimate relationship of them all. I admit it crossed my mind on more than one occasion to reply, "Why yes I do, actually, a pretty good one, and fuck you for asking such a personal question." The most exasperating religious experience ever may be the attempt to convince a born-again Christian that God will allow someone into heaven that isn't "saved" through Jesus Christ. After a brief exchange, I inform the stranger that while I was “saved”, or at least baptized as a child, and my grandfather was a minister of his own church, I have no intention of being part of a religion that doesn't accept me because of my sexuality. My inquisition on the A-train ends and my Jesus interrogator trots off to his next victim, reminding me that "we’re all sinners." He hasn't achieved a new convert, but he's watered that seed of insecurity in me that maybe homosexuality is evil, that gay people do end up in hell and because of what I am, God doesn't like me anymore. It's a child's fear, like dark closets and monsters under the bed, but it can rule a life and last a lifetime. During the six months after college that I ran around cracking people over the head with my Bible, I remember the extraordinary relief that came from finally having the Answer to Everything. No longer circling endlessly on the parking ramp of life, I had finally found a space. Trying to forge a gay identity on my own was too rangy and uncertain, and if I didn't succeed, what could be more disheartening than failing at being a pervert? The world was much easier to understand with my new faith and broken down into two distinct groups; those who were wrong, and us. I did exactly what they told me to do: love God, accept Jesus, and, like courting Santa Claus, try not to be naughty and always be nice. Because my homosexuality, however, is dictated not by fashion or trend, but biology and DNA, I couldn't warp or mutilate myself into the desired new result. My naughtiness eventually outweighed my niceness and I was in deep shit. I wasn't told to leave, exactly, but knew that if I wanted to, I could stick around for a sort of exalted pervert status; the old "God loves you, homosexual, because He loves us all - even child molesters, rapists, and serial killers" line that some Christians think is generous. Certain minds are vulnerable to fundamentalist thinking. Closet gays, immigrants, poor blacks, rich white women with philandering husbands--it draws so many. It's not easy to talk about why fundamentalism is attractive, why a heart might crave it. There comes a time in a life when the world simply becomes too painful for nuance, when it's freezing out and you just want to come inside and have someone say, Relax, we'll take care of you; in fact, we've been waiting for you. Here is the rulebook, no need to ask any questions: just sign here. There isn't an oppressed person alive who at one point or another hasn't felt the seductive gravity of capitulation. The decision to resist always means thrusting oneself into the vast, unknown and dangerous wilderness of truly being free. One is tormented, at the same time, by the grim suspicion that while a secure existence may never be found in self-determination, a designated place always awaits one who will succumb to the State. The violence against gay people, religious, emotional, physical or political, has done what social violence is supposed to; it's driven us underground, afraid to demand our rights or protect them when they are threatened. One good, well-publicized, gay murder can do wonders. Those of us who aren't brutalized or obliterated in elaborate campaigns by strangers or our families, are perpetually trapped in nets of chronic shame; our internalized hatred simplifying the work of the bashers by beating them to it. I was astonished the day I discovered that I was a gay-killer. Indignant over the nationally publicized murders of Matthew Shepard and Brandon Teena, I'd demand a stop to gay bashing, leaving the rally or dinner party for a bashing session of my own with unsafe sex, alcohol and drugs. I had to finally consider the idea that my self-destruction wasn't fabulous or gloriously tragic; it was predictable, and (this hurt the most) not very imaginative. I was complicit with the anti-gay agendas that were aimed at me with the precision of a sniper’s bullet; an accomplice to my own gay assassination. I made a decision that although I wouldn't be able to save every gay life, I could definitely save the one I'd been given. (I'm still saving it; the mistaken assumption being that you only have to save your life once.) I was a thirteen-year-old boy in East Lansing, Michigan on his way to school in 1983, attracted to a boy in my class, and flooded with the shame and terror that I was gay. My father also kept a Smith & Wesson in his closet. I don't believe I would have used it on myself, but a gun in any house has an aura of potential, waiting for the fatal chemistry of an escalating argument or a very, very bad day. What I did have was a lesbian friend in high school, who, one could say, "died for my sins." She came out of the closet first and when I saw that the coast was clear, I came out after her. She was humiliated daily by notes shoved in her locker or jokes made as she walked down the hallway. Girls came up to her in groups during lunch and asked, "Are you gay?" to which she replied, "Why, are you interested?" Leaving a gas station one night, a boy, spurned by her refusals, called her a dyke and punched her in the face. She didn't allow the violence to derail her. I don't think Jesusland would have approved of her - a sassy, courageous, I'm-scared-to-death-but-you'll-never-know- it, 17-year-old black lesbian - but Jesus himself might have. If Jesus is with us, I think he stands beside the black man who faces the lynch mob, the midwife who is brought before the church for being a witch, the bewildered and naked prisoner cowering against his cell wall in Abu Ghraib, the transgender teenager who has decided to dress as herself, no matter what her parents or the kids at school do or say. Jesus stands with all of us, but He especially knows what it's like to be innocent, to be violated and murdered for telling the truth, to face a violent mob and be alone. America. If only you would purify your hate. When we walk into someone's country and wish to take what they have, let's just take it. Why call it liberating the Iraqi people or Operation Iraqi Freedom? Call it stealing and steal it. If you want to kill someone, don't refer to pre-emptive strikes or wars on terror. Kill them. And if you want to hate homosexuals, Jesusland, just hate us. But don’t call it a "moral" or "family" issue, or try to legislate it and say, “I still support civil unions." And for Christ's sake, please stop dragging Jesus into it. Hasn't that poor man been through enough? Whether we believe He was the Savior or not, I think we probably all agree that He was a pretty nice guy that loved all kinds of people and never meant harm to anyone. If He were alive to see this land today, I don't think He'd claim it. © Max Gordon http://maxgordonworks.blogspot.com [email protected]