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Everything posted by CheesalaIsGood

  1. CheesalaIsGood

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Typical. Which is kinda funny since Jesus wasn't exactly fond of the ladies.
  2. CheesalaIsGood


    And from the AMikeSC file of "Hey you may think this guy sucks but THIS guy is WORSE" file: Good Ole' Joey Stalin! They both killed lots of people, both are dead, and both ruined cool moustaches for guys for what will become centuries. Both are assholes for doing all of the above. Including, the dieing before somebody could kill them part. Dicks. More Anal Cunt references please. Maybe some "Body by Auchwitz"
  3. CheesalaIsGood

    Chevy Chase goes off on President Bush.

    So who is mad about this? Anybody?
  4. CheesalaIsGood

    Iran may attack US

    Keeping in mind also Iran is probably still recovering from (2 if I'm not mistaken) devastating earthquakes they had there the past couple of years. You'd THINK they would have that as a topic #1. From what I remember reading those earthquakes killed alot of people and caused a shitload of damage.
  5. CheesalaIsGood

    Social Security privatization "certain to fail."

    I am happy. I am as indifferent as you are. Ooh the irony!
  6. CheesalaIsGood

    Ivory makes some Racist comments

    Get it now? EDIT - I know...he was being sarcastic. When was this again?
  7. CheesalaIsGood

    Iran may attack US

    Maybe they will just attack Texas... I could live with that.
  8. CheesalaIsGood

    ACLU strikes again

    So conservatives are mad about this? Ok, then I'm for it. Whatever it is. I am a liberal and I love my assault rifles, even the illegal ones.
  9. CheesalaIsGood

    McCain: No Confidence in

    http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...ain_interview_3 White House - AP Cabinet & State McCain: 'No Confidence' in Rumsfeld Mon Dec 13, 3:33 PM ET White House - AP Cabinet & State By BETH DeFALCO, Associated Press Writer PHOENIX - U.S. Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) said Monday that he has "no confidence" in Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, citing Rumsfeld's handling of the war in Iraq (news - web sites) and the failure to send more troops. AP Photo AP Photo Slideshow: Sen. John McCain McCain, speaking to The Associated Press in an hourlong interview, said his comments were not a call for Rumsfeld's resignation, explaining that President Bush (news - web sites) "can have the team that he wants around him." "I have strenuously argued for larger troop numbers in Iraq, including the right kind of troops — linguists, special forces, civil affairs, etc.," said McCain, R-Ariz. "There are very strong differences of opinion between myself and Secretary Rumsfeld on that issue." When asked if Rumsfeld was a liability to the Bush administration, McCain responded: "The president can decide that, not me." McCain, a decorated Navy veteran and former Vietnam prisoner of war, is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (news - web sites), which has oversight of military operations and considerable influence over the Pentagon (news - web sites) budget. Pentagon spokesman Larry Di Rita said McCain "has frequently expressed his views regarding troop levels in Iraq, and he is an important member" of the committee. Rumsfeld has "relied upon the judgment of the military commanders to determine what force levels are appropriate for the situation at hand," Di Rita said. ___ On the Net: McCain's office: http://mccain.senate.gov/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gotta give the man credit. He is trying like hell to keep them honest. Then again, this could just be politico speech for "hurry the fuck up" with the war and get it over with.
  10. CheesalaIsGood

    Intelligence Reform Bill

    Sigh. To eliminate an enemy there has always been one and only one way. Make them your friend. Plain and simple. It's only idealism if you don't try.
  11. CheesalaIsGood

    I get to see the Pixies tomorrow night.

    Feel my envy.
  12. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    Unbalanced? No. I just figured when I posted your quote once you were too damn thickheaded to read it, so I figured doing it multiple times would, get you to ACKNOWLEDGE that you did indeed claim that everyone in the military joins for "the college money dood." Which is a pretty stupid claim. P.S. If you want to talk more about military service, PM or IM me. It's better than duking it out here since it is off topic. Never met a person who DID join for honor, country, service, and all that happy horseshit. Sorry. But its true. Yeah, I said what I said. Hell, its a big world. But seriously, you didn't need to tweak out... dood. PM you? For what? So some Navy guy can bash my time being in the Army? No thanks, I get enough of that from my marine friends.
  13. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    Well then I GUESS we joined up for differing reasons. Fair enough. Too bad you seem a bit... unbalanced about the whole thing. Should I repeat it a bunch of times so you can read it? Would you prefere I argue that YOU indeed did it too. Nah, that'd be something Mad Dog would do.
  14. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    This is coming from the guy who was crying for my insight a couple weeks ago.
  15. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    "And by the way, you're a dumb shit if you think the GI Bill is the only reason that people join the military." Yes, you were.
  16. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    Yeah good for him for being a total douchebag. He has no problem serving the country when it's paying the bills but God forbide he actually do what's expected of him. Canada had better keeps it's nose out of this. Yeah, ok. I'm sure Canada is really worried what you think. If this guy wants to bail out then let him. Better that he not be in a combat situation where he might put someone else at risk. See??? It's BETTER that he NOT be there! I mean how much will it take to convince you that regardless of pride and honor people just want to fucking live their lives. Military people even! That ALOT of people do not support this war. Finally, if the Military wants to promote itself using the GI Bill as its number one perk than nobody should be surprised that the ONLY reason anybody might think of joining is so they can pay for college. Clothes, food, and shelter are requisite. Nobody joins up HOPING they can sent over seas even for a war that makes sense. Mad Dog get a clue. Cerberus... c'mon you are smarter than this. No its not better we put him in a combat situation. It's better we put his ass in jail for going AWOL. And by the way, you're a dumb shit if you think the GI Bill is the only reason that people join the military. I never needed the college money to join the Navy, more than a few people I know actually gave up promising careers to join the military. Hell my brother-in-law turned down a full ride to Boston University to join the Marines and is serving as we speak in Iraq. So anyone here who wants to talk about military familes and how they "should" feel or claim they know what they think should give me and my wife a call, or at the very least have the balls to PM or IM me. If not, just keep your fucking dumb ass mouths shut on the subject. What makes you the spokeman for for everyone that joins up?
  17. CheesalaIsGood

    US oks gaining evidence through torture

    So let me get this straight.... Cuba + torture = BAD. Saddam + Torture = Invasion. The USA + Torture = making everything right with the world?
  18. CheesalaIsGood

    I know where Jobber, Tyler and friends are going

    This is hardly like the old commercial: "Oh you got your chocolate in my peanut butter! Wow! They really DO taste great together!"
  19. CheesalaIsGood

    AWOL US Soldier seeks asylum in Canada

    Yeah good for him for being a total douchebag. He has no problem serving the country when it's paying the bills but God forbide he actually do what's expected of him. Canada had better keeps it's nose out of this. Yeah, ok. I'm sure Canada is really worried what you think. If this guy wants to bail out then let him. Better that he not be in a combat situation where he might put someone else at risk. See??? It's BETTER that he NOT be there! I mean how much will it take to convince you that regardless of pride and honor people just want to fucking live their lives. Military people even! That ALOT of people do not support this war. Finally, if the Military wants to promote itself using the GI Bill as its number one perk than nobody should be surprised that the ONLY reason anybody might think of joining is so they can pay for college. Clothes, food, and shelter are requisite. Nobody joins up HOPING they can sent over seas even for a war that makes sense. Mad Dog get a clue. Cerberus... c'mon you are smarter than this.
  20. CheesalaIsGood

    Now that MikeSC is gone...

    Nah, fuck Bush. He has nothing to offer. Nothing. Then again some people just love being lied to. Which he and his handler Cheney have done. There's a Kamala joke in there somewhere...
  21. CheesalaIsGood

    It's here....The Team America......

    fuck yeah!
  22. CheesalaIsGood

    United Church of Christ commercial

    If those other churches don't like this ad tough. They exclude, its the truth, and I hope it tastes like shit now.
  23. CheesalaIsGood

    Hi, I banned Anglesault

    Why? Did he do something... wrong?
  24. CheesalaIsGood

    The Conservative Contradiction

    Oh c'mon! It's a good piece of writing.