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Edwin MacPhisto

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Everything posted by Edwin MacPhisto

  1. Edwin MacPhisto

    This Week in College Fotball 12/26 - 12/31

    Jesus. This game is taking for fucking ever. The parts I've caught have been pretty good, though.
  2. Edwin MacPhisto

    A clip from Eli Roth's Hostil....

    That was the most hilarious shit I've seen in a while. Terrible make-up.
  3. Edwin MacPhisto

    King Kong

    That guy's good at what he does. Gollum moving around was the best part of the LotR movies. Kong was even better.
  4. Edwin MacPhisto

    Top 10 Shows of '05

  5. Edwin MacPhisto

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title as of 12/21/05

    <3 Muzz <3 King Holiday cheer, stables title, yeah, that's about it.
  6. Edwin MacPhisto

    19 yr old fucks mom's corpse

    That's where I live. Sarasota, at least. I need to start looking for dead chicks so I can get in style.
  7. Edwin MacPhisto

    King Kong

    Saw it tonight. Good, but I really felt the length. I liked most of the scenes, but the movie was a bit glutted overall. Kong was wonderful, as was the Anne/Kong interaction. I buy the Stockholm Syndrome idea, but there's also a gentle inquiry about what makes people people; is it being a human, or is it taking care of others, or what? Nothing brilliant, but a lot of quiet moments put together very well with the help of both Naomi Watts' face and Kong's. Kong on ice was wonderful. I dug Jack Black. Sleazy and only occasionally goofy. The natives were fantastic and imposing, and were used just the right amount. Jimmy is the worst name you can give to a character who's always going to be taught life lessons or given advice: "Well, you know Jimmy"; "You can't do that, Jimmy!" Oh, the passage from Heart of Darkness was really well-used too. I still don't think Peter Jackson is a particularly good filmmaker, though. I didn't like any of the Lord of the Rings movies (with Two Towers being the least offensive), and while this was better than any of them, it still suffered. His slo-mo is atrocious.
  8. Edwin MacPhisto

    Worst Song of 2005

    But No Doubt hasn't had anything to do with ska for years. Coming off their most recent album, which was very dancey, it didn't seem like that big a leap.
  9. Edwin MacPhisto

    The United States Military

    Yeah, that's all pretty commendable.
  10. Edwin MacPhisto

    The United States Military

    Infinitely powerful, of course, and incredibly amazing to me that we've maintained a volunteer army this long. No offense meant against intensifier's buddies, but I don't consider every person who dies in a war (especially one of such a confusing nature as this one) a hero, nor is every soldier a hero just for enlisting. They're unfortunate guys who died doing their job, especially in this case. Alas. It's a job with high risks, but it's a job nonetheless.
  11. Edwin MacPhisto

    Best Album of 1975

    Desire from '76 was really good though. "Hurricane" is good despite the STRONGPOLITICALMESSAGE!1 and "Isis" and "Mozambique" are top-notch. "Sara" sounds like it would belong on Blood on the Tracks, but it's great either way. The middle of the album is kinda dull, but I can look past it for the ultrastrong beginning and end. Yeah, lots of good songs on that. Not a full album of 'em, though. Blood on the Tracks is.
  12. Edwin MacPhisto

    This Week in College Football 12/20 - 12/24

    You could see in tonight's game the speed of some of UCF's players. They were blowing by Nevada's guys on their routes, and the hard hits from the safeties were really all that kept UCF from passing up and down the field. Obviously their talent level doesn't approach any of the big three Florida schools, but even getting the state of Florida's leftover recruits, UCF becomes a fast and pretty dangerous team. Good win for Nevada, and a really great season for both teams.
  13. Edwin MacPhisto

    Ebert's review of "Wolf Creek"

    His review of Just Friends was one of his recent best in that vein. Spends almost no time talking about the movie and most of it talking about other movies he hated.
  14. Edwin MacPhisto

    This Week in College Football 12/20 - 12/24

    I really dig Nevada's offense too. I've been really impressed with the running game they pull out of it. This one has slowed down a lot--700 yards of offense in the first half, and not much more in the third quarter.
  15. Edwin MacPhisto

    Best Album of 1975

    A Kiss album can not be the best album of any year. I'll say Blood on the Tracks. Heartbreaking. The last really great thing he did, I think.
  16. Edwin MacPhisto

    Ebert's review of "Wolf Creek"

    The pictures of the guy who directed it were hilarious. He wore white contacts and no shirt at test screenings, was roided up, and went around threatening people who didn't like his movie. Fucking great.
  17. Edwin MacPhisto

    Ebert's review of "Wolf Creek"

    Ebert does stuff like that, playing with words and syntax. It'd obviously deliberate. I see no problem with the review. He made clear that he was shirking what are seen as his typical responsibilities to point out that he found the film worthless and deplorable, while simultaneously noting what he considers example of good horror to be (i.e. his reference to Three Extremes). Overall, I think Ebert's far and away the best film critic in the country, whether or not you agree with his star ratings. Always justified, and even in the case of a film like this--one he's not interested in discussing--he'll still find something in it or about it to examine. Dig it. This is a fairly common refrain of his, too. His reviews for the TCM remake and Chaos say essentially the same thing.
  18. Edwin MacPhisto

    Hoff's Roommates are teh loud.

    I recommend never living with a couple, unless you don't like the guy and want to fuck the girl.
  19. Edwin MacPhisto

    Top 10 Shows of '05

    I saw the Wrens in a ballroom at my school, and they blew away anything else I saw this year. Go see them if you ever have the opportunity. Arcade Fire were second.
  20. Edwin MacPhisto

    Guiltiest Pleasure of 2005

    Do anyone more than like three people call each other "Massholes" or "Connecticunts"? Because I can't believe otherwise. Break out the Oregonpenises.
  21. Edwin MacPhisto

    Your favorite song of 2005

    I also don't think Kanye West is as bad a rapper as many make him out to be. He's perfectly acceptable, and his other abilities support that just fine.
  22. Edwin MacPhisto

    Your favorite song of 2005

    Slant rhyme loves you. And Anorak is right on about that Eels song. I ripped that album off a friend and have really enjoyed it a lot, 'specially the quieter moments.
  23. Edwin MacPhisto

    Worst Song of 2005

    It's punchy and fun. Musically it reminds me a lot of the first Weezer album. The lyrics are insipid but I enjoy it as background or when a song pops up randomly; it's an ideal shuffle-your-iTunes-library album, I think. Like you I'd never buy anything of theirs, but I like having some for free.
  24. Edwin MacPhisto

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    Only took seven minutes. She's in.
  25. Edwin MacPhisto

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    Everyone who wants to write for the site should have to pass a writing compentency test. I just want to tell you all that you suck.