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Edwin MacPhisto

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Everything posted by Edwin MacPhisto

  1. Edwin MacPhisto

    Kinetic's Video Extravaganza

    Just regular glasses, usually. I like Kinetic's me even more, though.
  2. Edwin MacPhisto

    4,000 dead Americans

    Zobaie sums it up pretty nicely with "No democracy in Iraq. Ever." We accelerated a civil war in another country without even understanding that country, and we're now trying to win a civil war. Another country's civil war. Fucking retarded.
  3. Edwin MacPhisto

    4,000 dead Americans

    The level of Iraqi casualties is even more embarrassing. IraqBodyCount has it at 82,349 – 89,867 right now. That's using an extremely conservative standard of estimation, too--only reported deaths connected to insurgent or Coalition involvement. I guess they're all just worthless Muslims who deserve death anyway, huh? Go 'murrica. I actually do believe that the situation in Iraq is "improving," but that's kind of like the moment on Arrested Development when the Bluth Company gets upgraded from "Sell!" to "Don't Buy!" What a retarded disaster.
  4. Edwin MacPhisto

    Hybrid Vigor

  5. Edwin MacPhisto

    Kinetic's Video Extravaganza

    You really "hit" that one out of "the" park!
  6. Edwin MacPhisto

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Yeah, I was gonna say...Coat can definitely get one of those two picks of his, since it's his turn. Actually, we appear to have gone the entire weekend without any picks.
  7. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA Tournament Pick'Em.

    The bracket I spent 45 seconds on is #35 out of 8,000 in the SI.com blogpool on Facebook. I will never actively think again.
  8. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    Oh, that is gonna be so much fun at work tomorrow. Lot of Georgetown grads who (foolishly) thought this year's team was better than last year's Final Four squad.
  9. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    The CBS tech guys must be having multiple aneurysms trying to stay on top of all these games at once. Great afternoon of basketball.
  10. Edwin MacPhisto

    MSPaint Porn

    My favorite is either "T-Rex fucks Santa on an asteroid," or "Huge monster fucks the Twin Towers." The latter probably wins, cause it's titled "memorial.gif."
  11. Edwin MacPhisto

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    The only thing worse than the cover of Human Clay is the cover of the Creed album that came after that, where all their faces were in trees or some shit.
  12. Edwin MacPhisto

    Cream of Wheat gets blowjob as Bread plays saxophone

    Similarly, there's nothing about that video I didn't like.
  13. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    Great finish of the UCLA/A&M with the steal and FUCK YOU DUNK to ice it as the backboard goes red. That's an iconic image of this year's tournament for sure.
  14. Edwin MacPhisto

    4,000 dead Americans

    dies nuts
  15. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    West Virginia over Duke was my most confident 2nd round pick. I'm glad I'm getting at least one of them right at this point. Even gladder to see overseeded, ferret-led suckas go down. Also, this tournament has really highlighted for me how great an addition Kyle Singler is to the pantheon of Duke players with retarded faces.
  16. Edwin MacPhisto

    District of Columbia v. Heller

    I want the handgun ban in D.C. to stick. The last thing this area needs is drunk Hill staffers in boat shoes having another irritating thing to talk about. "My gun is so awesome man. So awesome. John McCain man. Hey, do you party?"
  17. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    The guarantee that we'll have a pair of 12/13 seeds in the Sweet 16 makes me a happy tourney watcher.
  18. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    A buzzer beater and a 13 over 4 in one afternoon. I am officially content with the first weekend of the tournament already.
  19. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    I oppose any expansion because the tournament as it stands is the best-organized and most satisfying playoff any any league. Three consecutive weekends, each pretty unique. The first is absolute saturation, with endless games and a whopping 3/4 of the field eliminated right off the bat. The second weekend yields some of the best matchups of the college basketball season, and you can watch every one of them. The third weekend is the culmination of it all and all three days have a sort of Super Bowl-esque hysteria about them. I think stretching it out much longer could put it dangerously close to exceeding most people's attention spans, though. Edit: I wonder if Morrison's look for the day was a pre-planned Good Friday costume. He nailed it.
  20. Edwin MacPhisto

    Campaign 2008

    That girl has a remarkably lumpish head.
  21. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    Good enough to interrupt my typing. Took 20 games, but we got a buzzer beater. Awesome game, absurd shot. Getting that game and Adam Morrison looking sad in the stands of Gonzaga/Davidson makes this the best flight of games so far.
  22. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    I like Verne Lundquist's endless puns on Josh Young's name, and the fact that Klayton Korver -s BUZZER BEEEEEEATERRRRRRR YEEEEAH
  23. Edwin MacPhisto

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    Medium rare at home or out. Olive oil, salt, pepper, that's it, and a small pat of butter on top afterwards while I let the juices settle throughout the meat. I like a nice porterhouse to get some variety in a single steak, though I probably do the best job cooking a New York strip.
  24. Edwin MacPhisto

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    And Davidson has come back on top of Gonzaga! Which game to chooooooooooose. Also, WKU has dominated Drake since the last 3 minute or so of the first half, so it looks we'll got the obligatory 12/5 upset out of the way.
  25. Edwin MacPhisto

    The Pit

    3 points for the least necessary thread in the history of thread-dom