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Edwin MacPhisto

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Everything posted by Edwin MacPhisto

  1. Edwin MacPhisto


    Haha. Really good episode in and of itself, with cool character moments and some great throwbacks to the first season ("that was for taking the kid off the raft," mainly), but man, that could kill the series in like 8 different ways. Also, Charlie closing the door to drown himself when he and Des both could have easily gotten away was kind of retarded. I wonder if the writers will just gloss over a lot of the unsolved mysteries now that they have a huge "GOTCHA!" hook to possibly drive the rest of the show.
  2. Edwin MacPhisto

    Acapella songs

    There's always "For the Longest Time," which sucks ass. I'm getting some serious Andy Bernard vibes from this thread. As a rule I kind of hate a capella, but definitely love the hell out of the TV on the Radio cover, and their almost-as-good "Ambulance."
  3. Edwin MacPhisto

    On The Lot...

    I didn't watch this, but the notion of Brett Ratner evaluating anything critically is hilarious.
  4. Edwin MacPhisto

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Haha. Sorry, Ripper. Seattle and Portland win big!
  5. Edwin MacPhisto


    Whether or not Peter absorbed Ted's power seemed kind of irrelevant to me, and I wondered why they focused on that these last few episodes, except perhaps that Ted's power was particularly volatile. Peter was in danger of overloading/exploding even before he met Ted (remember, during training, when Claude just cold-cocked him to "shut him down," for lack of a better term?), simply from absorbing too much and not knowing how to handle it. Nathan had to fly him away, because whenever Peter's gotten in a situation where he's started to OD on power, he's either passed out, been knocked out, or just barely gotten himself back to stable. I don't think he was in any position to exert control over his powers at that point, and certainly in no shape to focus enough to fly himself out of there. Also, on Sylar: while I'm still of the theory that he is dead and someone else took his body down into the sewer, him not dying would wrap up the one big loose end in "Five Years Gone": that Sylar apparently managed to regenerate when FutureHiro stabbed him, despite the fact that Claire was alive at the time and he couldn't have taken her power. It's entirely possible that this was a point where Sylar realized the extent of whatever powers he'd taken now, and perhaps sewed himself back up telekinetically or done something we haven't seen yet to mitigate his wounds. In that case, the real impact of saving the cheerleader to save the world takes on an entirely different meaning, one that Nathan hinted at before saving the day: Claire not dying, meeting Nathan, and railing on him about the future not being written, what he's doing being insane, etc., changed his mind from helplessly following Linderman's plan to stopping the bomb (not to mention Peter getting his own invulnerability, which has helped him out quite a few times).
  6. Edwin MacPhisto


    If the episode spoilers are true, then I guess so, but still, lame, and certainly not meriting two hours. Remember how cool that first season finale was, when it wasn't really anyone's flashback in particular and most of the action took place on the actual island? I don't know why a flashback for God, those were some lame-ass episodes. (Those aren't episode spoilers, but what I typed does reveal whose flashback it is.)
  7. Edwin MacPhisto

    24 - Season 6

    The Jack and Heller scene should have been halfway through the season. As it was, it was close to the first time since the premiere 4 hours that the story had anything to do with, y'know, Jack's 20 months of torture in a Chinese prison.
  8. Edwin MacPhisto


    Cool stuff. Honestly not as balls-out explosive as last week's episode (the Peter/Sylar showdown was pretty lame, and Hiro just killing Sylar by running straight at him was weird too), but still pretty cool. I've been imagining that Nathan might fly Peter away ever since we first saw the vision of the bomb, but it was still a weepy little moment. If the show has any balls at all, Nathan will be dead. Love the character, but just having him be fine would be pretty lame, considering that they already pulled pseudo-fakeouts with DL and Parkman. Great job setting up next season already, especially the person who can see Molly when she looks for him. It'd be totally awesome if George Takei played Kensei too. As for Sylar, I think he's dead--to me, that's what the eyes showing everything that happened and then going white indicated--but I think he'll be back. Whoever dragged his body away probably has plans to resurrect him in some fashion, as comic books villains always do. I imagine then is when we'll get a real big Peter/Sylar blowout. The cockroach on the manhole cover was a nice touch.
  9. Edwin MacPhisto

    24 - Season 6

    I've found the post-nukes part of the season very intriguing, but it still all seems way too rushed, and I wish the stupid Bauer family drama wasn't a part of it. The season fell apart as soon as we got back into the same ol' CTU formula around hour 7 and introduced yet another "we're going to unseat the president from within!" plotline. Seeing the direction it all went--a whole bunch of stalling, comas, and powergrabs, the removal of Assad, the stupid "look, it's Logan and Martha and Aaron!" episode--I would have much preferred the nukes to be stopped within the first third of the season and have the rest be Cheng v. Jack. We could have had a much more natural progression from the intimate (Cheng kidnaps Audrey) to the global (the threat of war with Russia due to the Chinese getting the chip) rather than the hypercondensed version we got this year. Instead, the whole Cheng/Chinese/Jack story got wasted in about 8 episodes that were very distinctly separated from the 16 that preceded them.
  10. Edwin MacPhisto

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Wouldn't it properly be the other way around? And I thought that from the first time I heard the song, and always thought it was a conscious choice on the part of that fat guy who OD'd to play on a pretty famous vocal melody line.
  11. Edwin MacPhisto

    John Rambo

    That actually looks like a great premise for how to get back to the character and update the franchise without being truly retarded.
  12. Edwin MacPhisto

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

  13. Edwin MacPhisto


    It actually looks like Terry O'Quinn in a shitty wig.
  14. Edwin MacPhisto


    Silly magical room with invisible man! Go Lost go!
  15. Edwin MacPhisto

    The Shield

    Yeah. That was fantastic. I did not expect Shane to confess, but I probably should have, because this show never, ever takes the route I expect in terms of stuff like this. Talk about a great location in that spot down where Lem died--there have been three scenes there over the past two seasons, and they've been three of the best scenes ever on this show. I hope they go back to that spot at least once more before the series ends.
  16. Edwin MacPhisto

    Hey mods & admins

    If I have coffee in the morning, I feel my eyes bouncing around in my skull all day. And if I don't have a soda by 2 or 3, I generally get a nice-sized headache. I don't think I mind being addicted to diet soda, though.
  17. Edwin MacPhisto


    It does? I watched it and I came away not feeling like I knew a ton. Really like how they've given us three possible bombs. I always figured they'd have two possibilities (Peter and Ted), but having Sylar into the mix makes it a real wtf as to what might happen.
  18. Edwin MacPhisto

    Campaign 2008

    I did. Well, the speech he gives in Hunt for Red October about how Jack Ryan was a marine and survived a helicopter crash, and that maybe they should give the kid a chance.
  19. Edwin MacPhisto

    Two young boys

  20. Edwin MacPhisto

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Yeah, I don't know what the deal was there. Tony P really sold that one well too. This has been an extremely physical game and that was just disappointing.
  21. Edwin MacPhisto

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Great game, but Nash being out with the bloody nose is making this finish feel a little flat after all of this.
  22. Edwin MacPhisto

    Spider-Man 3

    Pretty disappointing. The first 30 minutes was insanely hyperkinetic and really fun, and all the Saturday Night Fever aping and big pimpin' Peter Parker stuff was hilarious. Also, the Sandman effects were fantastic, and the first scene with Sandman post-transformation was a great argument for the sort of thing fancy digital graphics can add to a movie beyond explosions and fight scenes. Overall though, it was Spiderman-by-the-numbers all crunched up way too much. Better than X3, which was atrocious, but suffered from the same problem--unsure if this is going to be the end of the franchise, the creators cram way too much in and can't really round things off properly.
  23. Edwin MacPhisto

    The Office, Season 3

    Exposed balls, more or less.
  24. Edwin MacPhisto

    The Shield

    It was good to see Carl Weathers' character back. I dug his original appearance a few seasons ago, and he worked really well in this episode. Vic's seeing more and more what his life can turn out like if he really does get forced out in a few weeks. The only thing I love more than Apollo Creed is that Billings is actually turning out to be a pretty damn good detective in his weird laissez-faire way. Also, great casting of Clifton Collins as Hernan. I hope he sticks around this season, as he's been pretty good in everything I've seen.
  25. Edwin MacPhisto

    The Office, Season 3

    For Angela, a heart. For Kelly, a brain. Good episode.