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Red Baron

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Everything posted by Red Baron

  1. Red Baron

    What sort of grill

    The broiler that we use at work to cook Steaks and Burgers blow. Like most propane grills they have their hot spots and mass quantity during peak times hinders the quality of the product. I haven't used Charcoal in a while and my dad has one at his place. It's a relic but man there is nothing wrong with a quality steak coming off the stones. What is also best that I like is it gives a nice smoke flavour when its done. Propane I find works best with Chicken and Vegetables. Charcoal with Beef, Potato and Fish. I'm not a fan of Pork on the BBQ though.
  2. Red Baron

    Country Draft

    Richard, you must pick again. I have taken China already.
  3. Red Baron

    Country Draft

    Wait? Do you mean, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo or Serbia?
  4. Red Baron

    Pictures I Like

  5. Red Baron

    Country Draft

  6. Red Baron

    Food Network and food shows thread

    I don't get the Food Network where I live, but when I go to civilization I try to watch it, and almost every time I do watch it it features Gordon Ramsey in one of his three shows. I love Kitchen Nightmares though.
  7. Red Baron

    NHL Thread - December

    They want to get their own sloppy seconds. *suspended indefinitely* HA! Maybe they'll bring back Erik Cole and Artus Irbe
  8. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I just hope that if they do go into another election again and Harper still gets a minortiy, Peter MacKay needs to leave the party. He's the only person I actually like in the party.
  9. Red Baron

    NHL Thread - December

    There are other ways to get under the skin of your opposition. Being an asshole like he is, and with a sexist comment like that, then NHL had to take a stand.
  10. Red Baron

    List Things That Bother You

    Grizzled men? Hah, they are full of Newfie's that eat well-done beef and don't know what Veal or even Rice is, and if they are not Newfies its Acadians who think they are the greatest people in Canada, but are more ignorant than someone from Quebec.
  11. Red Baron

    List Things That Bother You

    This. Sorry Rocket, but looks like you need to be re-trained in picking up female hints. Nah. I just can't stand chicks that play with their hair. 95% of the time they air heads anyways. Life must be lonely for you. No man, if you live back in the Niagara Region where I am from, you tend to stay away from these types of girls. They carry some type of bagage, with most of it being more than what most men would like to carry. As VX stated, my job isn't as lonely as other places. The camp has now capped right now because of the economy. There is roughly 3,000 people here now with expansion going up to almost 8,000 by 2010 if the economy starts to get stronger and Canada stays a right-wing country.
  12. Red Baron

    NHL Thread - December

    Cup winning? C'mon coaches have a short shelf life as is, and Laviollette was doing a mediocre job since the cup win in 06. It's much easier to fire a coach than rebuild a team. As for coaches, there isn't many on the market. Paul Maurice was probably the best choice with John Tortorella right behind him. Other than that, there are some slim pickings out there.
  13. Red Baron

    Taylor Swift melts my ice-cold heart.

    Nah, the worst is her debut single, Tim McGraw
  14. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    You know, I would have no problem if Harper took Canada into a dictatorship and refuse to sell oil/water to the rest of the world except for China. Somewhere out there, Peter Lougheed wants to bitch slap Harper right now.
  15. Red Baron

    NHL Thread - December

    The NHL had to suspend him. If not then you have women rights groups going after the NHL making giving the league another black eye that they don't need. The real debate now is how long they suspend him. Personally he should be banned from the league, but I've been tooting this horn for a while now.
  16. Red Baron

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    No, but my service fees and all other access fees will help pay for his funeral.
  17. Red Baron

    List Things That Bother You

    This. Sorry Rocket, but looks like you need to be re-trained in picking up female hints. Nah. I just can't stand chicks that play with their hair. 95% of the time they air heads anyways.
  18. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    Harper wants a majority government.
  19. Red Baron

    Food Network and food shows thread

    Average food at best though at his restaurants.
  20. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    Ken Dryden would be my personal choice, but his personality is dull.
  21. Red Baron

    NHL Thread - December

    I can't believe any of you guys are actually defending Avery.
  22. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I would completely support this if Stephane Dion was not involved.
  23. Red Baron

    List Things That Bother You

    Girls who play with their hair. Not by combing it, but using their fingers to straighten the hair or curl the tips of the hair. It bugs me more when you are striking up a conversation and the chick is always playing with her hair.
  24. Red Baron

    I hope Frank Caliendo dies soon

    I believe he was playing at either The Hilton or Treasure Island in Las Vegas when I was down there this past week. I should have bought tickets and openly mocked him during his show.
  25. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    Alberta is basically against this. It's quite funny that the majority of Albertans are pissed at this notion because their boy, Harper might get overthrown. However Alberta didn't complain when The Progressive Conservatives and The Reform/Alliance/Preston Manning Personal Fun Party joined and overthrow the Liberals on the second attempt.