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Red Baron

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Everything posted by Red Baron

  1. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    I don't know. Erik Johnson ACL injury is right up there too
  2. Red Baron

    The YouTube comments thread.

    Is this from MikeSC?
  3. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    Everybody knows the greatest hockey game ever played was the Miracle on Ice, and the reason it was great was because of how they WON THE GAME. I'm not indulging any more half-baked standings proposals. They're all going to be retarded. Post one and it will be deleted. That could have been said about Canada/USA in 02, but its not. The 1975 New Years Eve game between the Montreal Canadiens vs The Red Army was a dream come true. It was the best hockey team in the history of professional hockey versus the best International Hockey Team. The Red Army was suppose to have a lethal power play, able to out skate the Flying Frenchman, make every pass 100% with little error, and have spectacular Goaltending from Vladislav Tretiak. The Habs out played them, out skate them, and had a better system, but Tretiak stood in the way. If you haven't seen the game Czech, then maybe you should, and maybe you might have a little more respect for our niche little game that we call hockey.
  4. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    If anyone was wondering it was the Montreal Canadiens vs USSR on New Year's Eve.
  5. Red Baron

    The sports coverage and announcing thread

    Woody Paige needs to be taken out behind the barn. The man admitted he just wanted a vacation, he wasn't being serious in the least. Seemed like a nice thinly veiled shot at all the sports reporters who are already complaining about Philly. By 2015, all Staidums must have a dome. [/sarcasm]
  6. Red Baron

    The sports coverage and announcing thread

  7. Red Baron

    The sports coverage and announcing thread

    ESPN should just get rid of hockey all together. When you mention, "50 Most Memorable Montreal Canadiens Players" and leave off Guy Lafleur and Ken Dryden, but add Mark Recchi and Kirk Muller, there is a problem.
  8. Red Baron

    Halloween Candy

    I remember in grade six I smashed up a bunch of rockets and made the kid next to me snort it. I fucking hated those things as a child, but now I love them, and I go buy dozens of them after Hallowe'en
  9. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    The Devils-Rangers game I went to was fun, but not THAT good. I hope you were joking.
  10. Red Baron

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I'm pretty sure the 1.89 was a number from someone's GAA and they forgot to edit it.
  11. Red Baron

    Pictures I Like

    LMFAO Hi-larious
  12. Red Baron

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em - Week 9

    THURSDAY Auburn SATURDAY Texas Tech Illinois Miami Boston College Cincinnati Georgia Michigan State Virginia Tech Texas Texas A&M Penn State Oregon USC Tiebreak 1: 51 Tiebreak 2: 275
  13. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    Arguably, the greatest hockey game that has ever been played ended in a 3-3 tie.
  14. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    It seems that the Wild have given up on Gaborik. The two teams that are showing interest in grabbing Gaborik are Montreal and Los Angeles.
  15. Red Baron

    First "CD" you ever bought

  16. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

  17. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    Weren't you against ties anyways?
  18. Red Baron

    Your city's most-loved team

    While it seems that Nashville has decent attendence, its one of the cheapest places, if not the cheapest NHL team to get tickets.
  19. Red Baron

    Xbox 360

    Nadda. It's not working.
  20. Red Baron


    I'm no fan of Lasanga. Hell I might think its one of the most overrated food dish out there. Now Cannelloni is fucking awesome.
  21. Red Baron

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    I always get confused when people talk about Obituary. Every time some one mentions it I always think of Overkill for some odd reason.
  22. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    I wouldn't say cheap, but he did get away with an elbow there. Canadianguitarist and I are two diehard Habs fans, and neither one of us thinks its a cheap hit. I don't think TSN is making it a big deal, obviously the Habs are since its one of their better players, but there is no need to rush Andrei back. After Florida on Monday, they don't play again till Saturday against Anaheim.
  23. Red Baron

    The Hockey Thread - October

    And of course, you have the Canadiens and the media playing it up like it was a cheap shot. Kostitsyn had his head down. Like I said earlier, he got the worst of it when he landed on the ice.
  24. Red Baron

    Xbox 360

    So after buying new Cables, I'm still having the same problem. It's gotta be the TV and hopefully not the X-Box
  25. Red Baron

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    I concur.