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Everything posted by Karnage

  1. Karnage

    New Releases for 3/31/04

    AC COMICS Best Of The West #40, $6.95 A. D. VISION Aria Manga Vol 1 TPB, $9.99 Azumanga Daioh Manga Vol 4 TPB, $9.99 Full Metal Panic Manga Vol 4 TPB, $9.99 Ruler Of The Land Manga Vol 1 TPB, $9.99 To Heart Manga Vol 1 TPB, $9.99 ALTERNATIVE COMICS Rubber Necker #4, $3.50 AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Kid Blastoff (AA), $2.75 ANTARCTIC PRESS AP You Can Draw Manga #2, $4.95 Fist Full Of Dollars Neotopia Vol 3 #1 Incentive, AR Gold Digger #51, $2.99 Neotopia Vol 3 #1, $2.99 Ninja High School #115, $2.99 APE ENTERTAINMENT Make Your Own Comics Vol 1 TPB, $12.95 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie And Friends #81, $2.19 Betty & Veronica #199, $2.19 Betty & Veronica Double Digest #123, $3.59 ARIEL PRESS Sapphire Vol 1 Consequences TPB (AA), $14.99 ASPEN Aspen Sketchbook 3 Signature Ed, $19.99 AVATAR PRESS Alan Moores Nightjar #1 (Of 4), $3.50 Alan Moores Nightjar Platinum Foil Incentive #1, AR Alan Moores Nightjar Wraparound Cvr #1 (Of 4), $3.50 Frank Millers Robocop Lewis Cvr #4 (Of 9), $5.99 Hellina Companion Bold And Beautiful Ed, $5.99 Stargate SG1 Pow #2 Platinum Foil Incentive, AR Stargate SG1 Pow #2, $3.50 Stargate SG1 Pow Photo Cvr #2, $3.50 Stargate SG1 Pow Wraparound Cvr #2, $3.50 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND CBLDF Fancy Froglin Womans Top T/S LG New Ptg, $20.00 CBLDF Fancy Froglin Womans Top T/S MED New Ptg, $20.00 CBLDF Fancy Froglin Womans Top T/S SM New Ptg, $20.00 COMIC CAVALCADE Hellina Companion Bikini Cvr, $5.99 Hellina Companion Brown Nude Cvr, $6.00 Hellina Companion Brown Painted Cvr, $3.99 Hellina Companion Reg Cvr, $3.99 Hellina Companion Ryp Nude Cvr, $6.00 CROSSGEN ENTERTAINMENT Brian Pulido Lady Death Wild Hunt #1, $2.95 Negation War #1, $2.95 Sojourn #33, $2.95 DARK HORSE COMICS Fused #4, $2.99 Hellboy Movie Photo Coaster Set, $12.99 Megatokyo Vol 1 TPB, $9.95 Star Wars Infinities Return Of The Jedi #4 (Of 4), $2.99 Super Manga Blast #41, $5.99 Usagi Yojimbo #74, $2.99 DC COMICS Arrowsmith #6 (Of 6), $2.95 Avengers JLA #4 (Of 4), $5.95 Batman #625, $2.25 Batman Poison Ivy Cast Shadows, $6.95 Cartoon Cartoons #28, $2.25 Catwoman #29, $2.50 DC Comics Pocket Super Heroes Green Lantern Box Set, AR Flash #208, $2.25 Green Lantern #175, $3.50 Gregory Treasury Vol 1, $9.95 Hellblazer #194, $2.75 JLA #95, $2.25 Key To Fortress Of Solitude Replica, $195.00 Legion #31, $2.50 Light Brigade #2 (Of 4), $5.95 Maxx Book Two TPB, $17.95 Midnight Mass Here There Be Monsters #3 (Of 6), $2.95 Planetary #19, $2.95 Reign Of The Zodiac #8, $2.75 Superman #203, $2.25 Teen Titans A Kids Game TPB, $9.95 DEVILS DUE PUBLISHING GI Joe #28, $2.95 GI Joe Reloaded #1, $2.95 Hedge Knight Mike S Miller Cvr #5 (Of 6), $2.95 Hedge Knight Ted Nasmith Cvr #5 (Of 6), $5.95 Micronauts Pat Broderick Cvr #1, $2.95 Micronauts Steve Kurth Cvr #1, $2.95 Street Fighter Vol 1 TPB, $9.99 DONT EAT ANY BUGS PRODUCTIONS Rqw #4, $2.95 DREAMWAVE Transformers Energon #21, $2.95 Transformers GI Joe #6 (Of 6), $2.95 DYNAMIC FORCES DF Flash Sgn #206, $10.00 DF Flash Sgn #207, $10.00 DF Superman Batman Loeb Sgn #2, $19.99 DF Superman Batman Loeb Sgn #6, $19.99 DFE Transformers Gi Joe Foil Cvr #1 Plus Bonus Comic Pack, $6.99 John Cassadays Captain America 8 Inch Bust Plus Bonus Bust, $89.99 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Comics Journal Library Vol 3 R Crumb TPB, $18.95 Comics Journal Winter 2004 Special, $22.95 FERRET PRESS Panel: Architecture (Cold Cut Distribution), $3.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING Donald Duck Adventures Vol 5 TPB, $7.95 GUTSOON ENTERTAINMENT Raijin Comics #44, $5.95 HARRIS COMICS Vampirella Witchblade #1 Set, $19.95 HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Anita Bomba By Cromwell And Gratien HC, $12.95 Heavy Metal Julie Strains Greatest Hits HC, $25.95 HIGH IMPACT PUBLISHING Bootie Parts (adult), $10.00 Bootie Parts Collectors Ed (adult), $20.00 High Impact Gold Museum Ed, $20.00 High Impact Gold Reg Cvr, $6.00 I-BOOKS Blacksad Vol 2 TPB, $12.95 IDW PUBLISHING Cal Mcdonald Casebook Savage Membrane Ltd Ed HC, $50.00 Guns Drugs & Monsters Cal Mcdonald Mystery Novel New Ptg, $16.99 Lore #2, $3.99 Savage Membrane Cal Mcdonald Mystery Novel New Ptg, $16.99 Shield Spotlight #3, $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Alternation Cvr A Barberi #2, $2.95 Alternation Cvr B Ladronn #2, $2.95 Darkness Vol 2 #8, $2.99 Legacy Green Cvr #4, $2.95 Legacy Rashid Cvr #4, $2.95 Mcfarlanes Sports NHL 3-In 2-Pk Ser 1 AF Asst, AR Spawn Series 25 Creech Dlx Fig Set, AR Trakk Monster Hunter Bisley Cvr #2, $2.95 Trakk Monster Hunter Tan Cvr #2, $2.95 JAY COMPANY Street Fighter #3 Gold Foil Ed, AR Street Fighter #3 Virgin Bison Cvr Ed, $12.99 JIM VADEBONCOEUR JR PUBLISHING Black & White Images Second Annual Collection, AR LAST GASP Checkered Demon Anthology Vol 1 TPB (adult), $19.95 Dori Stories Dori Seda Collection, $19.95 LITTLE ENGINE STUDIOS Monster Engine TPB (Cold Cut Distribution), 6.00 MARVEL COMICS 1602 Dr Strange MED Statue, $85.00 1602 Dr Strange Se MED Statue, $110.00 Alias Vol 4 Secret Origin Of Jessica Jones TPB, $17.99 Hawkeye #6, $2.99 Human Torch #11, $2.99 Incredible Hulk Motion Globe, $125.00 Marvel Minimates 2-Pk Ser 5 Asst, AR Marvels 10Th Anniversary HC (resolicited), $49.99 Pulse #2, $2.99 Spectacular Spider-Man #12, $2.25 The Punisher #4, $2.99 Thor Son Of Asgard #2 (Of 6), $2.99 Ultimates #13 (resolicited), $3.50 Wolverine Punisher #1 (Of 5), $2.99 X-Statix Vol 3 Back From The Dead TPB, $19.99 MDC COMICS Gabagool #5, $3.00 MOONSTONE Moonstone Monsters Witches #1, $2.95 NBM Drabble Drabblations (AA), AR Drabble Mallcops Ducks & Fenderheads (AA), AR Drabble Son Of Drabble, AR Drabble Who Wants To Be Fenderhead (AA), AR Fairy Tales Of Oscar Wilde Vol 2, AR Isaac The Pirate Vol 1 GN To Exotic Lands (AA), AR Jungle Book, AR Lady And The Vampire GN (AA)(adult), $10.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 1, $8.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 2 Jack The Ripper SC, $7.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 3 Borden Tragedy, $8.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 4 Fatal Bullet, $8.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 5 Mystery Mary Rogers SC, $8.95 Treasury Victorian Murder Vol 6 Beast Of Chicago HC, AR ONI PRESS Courtney Crumrin In The Twilight Kingdom #3 (Of 4), $2.99 Julius GN, $14.95 RADIO COMIX Furrlough Presents Sex Kitten #1, $4.99 REBELLION 2000 AD #1379, $3.75 2000 AD #1380, $3.75 Banzai Battalion GN, $15.95 Judge Dredd Megazine #217, $10.99 RED EYE PRESS Mortal Coils Presents: The Line (Cold Cut Distribution), $1.00 SADDLE TRAMP PRESS Holliday Vol 1 TPB Cold Deck, $10.95 SERVE MAN PRESS Runners #3 Bad Goods (Of 5), $2.95 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT Dogwitch Vol 1 TPB Direct To Video, $14.95 Poison Elves #77, $2.95 SUMMERTIME COMICS Lil Red Stitch #2, $5.95 TITAN Wallace And Gromit Whippet Vanishes HC, $12.95 TOKYOPOP Battle Vixens Vol 1 GN (Of 4), $9.99 Confidential Confessions Vol 4 GN (Of 6), $9.99 Demon Ororon Vol 1 GN (Of 4), $9.99 Digimon Tamers Vol 1 GN (Of 5), $9.99 Dnangel Vol 1 GN (Of 5), $9.99 Fruits Basket Vol 2 GN (Of 11)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 Get Backers Vol 2 GN (Of 21)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 Gravitation Vol 5 GN (Of 12), $9.99 Happy Mania Vol 7 GN (Of 11)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 Initial D Vol 11 GN (Of 23), $9.99 Jackie Chan Adventures Cinemanga Vol 3 GN (Of 4)(Cold Cut), $7.99 Kindaichi Case Files Vol 6 GN Legend Of Lake Hiren (Of 10), $9.99 King Of Hell Vol 5 GN (Of 6)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 Les Bijoux Vol 2 GN (Of 6)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 Magic Knight Rayearth II Vol 2 GN (Of 3), $9.99 Mink Vol 1 GN (Of 4)(Cold Cut Distribution), $9.99 One Vol 1 GN (Of 5), $9.99 Peach Girl Art Book SC, $29.99 Priest Vol 11 GN (Of 15), $9.99 Ragnarok Vol 10 GN (Of 10), $9.99 Rebirth Vol 7 GN (Of 11), $9.99 Rebound Vol 7 GN (Of 11), $9.99 VIZ Dragonball Z Vol 15 TPB Shonen J Ed, $7.95 Naruto Vol 3 TPB Shonen J Format, $7.95 Nausicaa Of Valley Of Wind Vol 2 TPB 2nd Ed, $9.95 WELSH EL DORADO PRESS Things To Do #1 (Cold Cut Distribution), $5.00 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT Wizard Comics Magazine Daredevil Cvr #151, $4.99 Wizard Comics Magazine Wolverine Cvr #151, $4.99 magazines Beckett Hockey Card Monthly #162, $4.99 Beckett Yu Gi Oh Collector #11, $9.99 Biker May04, $5.99 Comic Book Marketplace #110 Alex Ross Cvr A, $6.95 Comic Book Marketplace #110 Norm Saunders Cvr B, $6.95 Comic Shop News #876, AR Comics Buyers Guide #1586, $3.99 Cult Times Special #29, $9.99 Dr Who Magazine #341, $6.80 Draculina #46 (adult), $6.95 Easyriders May04, $7.99 Fortean Times #182, $7.25 Game Informer Apr04, $4.99 Game Pro May04, $5.99 Hustler Jno0445 (adult), $7.99 Muscle Mag International Jun04, $6.99 PC Gamer Magazine W/CD-Rom May 2004, $7.99 Playboy Presents Apr May 2004 (adult), $7.99 Playboy Private #42 (adult), $7.99 Screen Power The Official Jackie Chan Mag Vol 5 #6, $7.95 Shivers #111, $6.99 Sirens Of Cinema #7, $4.95 Starburst #308, $6.99 Starburst Special #62, $9.99 Swank 86-04(adult), $7.99 Ultimate DVD #52, $7.99 WWE Raw Magazine (#14-04), $5.99 Xpose #84, $6.99 books Black 5 TPB, $19.99 Comics Values Annual 2004 TPB, $19.99 Donne & Motori Milo Manara HC, $26.99 Empire Nozone IX TPB, $19.95 Incidents Of The Night TPB, $15.99 Mad About Dad HC, $12.99 Mickey Mickey TPB, $16.99 Plasmando Riplasmando HC (adult), $39.99 Reading Sex And The City TPB, $19.99 Science Fiction Best Of 2003 MMPB, $7.99 Science Of Superman TPB, $14.95 Science Of The X-Men MMPB, $7.99 SF Social Fiction TPB, $16.99 Smallville Young Adult #10 MMPB Sparks, $6.99 Smallville Young Adult #3 MMPB Flight, $5.99 Star Hawks The Complete Series HC, $49.99 Star Hawks The Complete Series TPB, $29.99 Taxista TPB #2, $16.99 Weird But True Comic Factoids HC, $2.99 cards Benchwarmer 2003 Series 3 T/C Box, AR Hellboy Movie T/C To Hell And Back Press Sheet, AR Pacific 2003 04 Heads Up NHL Sweater Ed T/C Box, AR Quotable Star Trek Original Series T/C Album, AR Quotable Star Trek Original Series T/C Box, AR Topps 1986 Wacky Packages Test Issue Sticker Set (AA), AR Upper Deck 2003 04 Sp Authentic NBA T/C Box, AR games Arab Mig19 & Mig21 Units In Combat, $19.95 Boer Commando 1881 1902, $16.95 Britains Air Defences 1939 45, $16.95 Celtic Dragon Tarot Boxed Set, $34.95 Dark Ages Inquisitor Companion, $22.99 DC Heroclix Unleashed Bstr Pack, $6.99 Demon The Fallen Assortment, $59.99 Empire Builder New Edition, $38.00 Exalted Players Guide, $29.99 Gamma World Game Masters Guide, $29.99 Gavitts Stock Exchange, $11.99 Italian Arditi 1917 20, $16.95 Norman Stone Castles 950 1204, $16.95 Ogl Ancients HC, $39.95 Olympus Tarot, $19.95 Orpheus Endgame, $21.99 Quintessential Cleric II, $21.95 Relics & Rituals Excalibur, $34.99 Santa Annas Army, $16.95 Slayers Guide To Ogres, $9.95 Spanish Galleon 1530 1690, $14.95 Top 10 Game, AR US Armored Divisions 1944 45, $21.95 Waffen SS 6Th To 10Th Divisions, $14.95 Warlord CCG Campaign Edition Str, AR World At War Expansion, $29.95 Yu Gi Oh TCG Invasion Of Chaos Sp Edition, AR t-shirts Bad Cat 3/4 Sleeve Raglan Wmn T/S LG, $24.95 Bluntman & Chronic V T/S MED (AA), $17.95 Hellboy Head Cloisonne Pin (AA), $6.95 Hellboy Logo Cloisonne Pin (AA), $6.95 Hello Kitty Rule The School Wmn T/S LG, $21.95 Hello Kitty Rule The School Wmn T/S MED, $21.95 Hello Kitty Want A Bite Ringer Wmn T/S LG, $23.95 Hello Kitty Want A Bite Ringer Wmn T/S MED, $23.95 Kingdom Come I By Ross T/S LG (AA), $20.95 Kingdom Come I By Ross T/S XL (AA), $20.95 Kingdom Come I By Ross T/S XXL (AA), $23.95 Kingdom Come Superman Symbol Long Sleeve Shirt LG (AA), $23.95 Kingdom Come Superman Symbol Long Sleeve Shirt XL (AA), $23.95 Kingdom Come Superman Symbol Long Sleeve Shirt XXL (AA), $26.95 Kingdom Come Superman Symbol T/S XXL, $20.95 Mage II T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Mage II T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Powers II T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Powers II T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Powers Police Dept T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Powers Police Dept T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Powers Police Dept T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Powers T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Powers T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Powers T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Punisher I T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Punisher I T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Punisher I T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Punisher II T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Punisher II T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Punisher II T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Punisher Symbol Long Sleeve T/S XXL (AA), $26.95 Punisher Symbol T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Road Construction T/S L, $17.95 Road Construction T/S XL, $17.95 Roman Dirge Cat W Big Head It Hurts T/S LG, $21.95 Roman Dirge Cat W Big Head It Hurts T/S XL, $21.95 Roman Dirge Dark Cooties T/S LG (AA), $21.95 Roman Dirge Skull And Cross Bone Kitty T/S LG, $21.95 Roman Dirge Skull And Cross Bone Kitty T/S XL, $21.95 Roman Dirge The Cat With The Big Head Really Big Head T/S LG, $21.95 Roman Dirge The Cat With The Big Head Really Big Head T/S XL, $21.95 Roman Dirge The Cat With The Big Head Stupid Looking T/S LG, $21.95 Roman Dirge The Cat With The Big Head Stupid Looking T/S XL, $21.95 Roman Dirge Zombie Bunny T/S LG, $21.95 Roman Dirge Zombie Bunny T/S XL, $21.95 Ruby Gloom Doom Kitty Babyrib Cap Sleeve T/S LG, $21.95 Ruby Gloom Gloomsville People Scare Me Px T/S LG, $21.95 Ruby Gloom Gloomsville People Scare Me Px T/S XL, $21.95 Ruby Gloom I Know I Belong Alternate Ghost Baby Doll T LG, $21.95 Ruby Gloom Thorn Heart Flocked Wmn L/S T/S LG, $26.95 Ruby Gloom Thorn Heart Flocked Wmn L/S T/S MED, $26.95 View Askewniverse T/S LG (AA), $17.95 View Askewniverse T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Voltaire Deadly Bear Cute On The Outside T/S LG, $21.95 Voltaire Deadly Bear Cute On The Outside T/S XL, $21.95 Voltaire Deadly Bear Deady Loves Kids T/S LG, $21.95 Voltaire Deadly Bear Deady Loves Kids T/S XL, $21.95 videos/soundtracks Baberellas DVD, AR Behind Closed Doors DVD (adult), AR Best Of Muppet Show George Burns DVD, AR Big Boobs Buster DVD, AR Black Jack Ova Vol 2 Seizure DVD, AR Chobits Vol 7 Chat Room DVD, AR Critic The Entire Series DVD Box Set, AR Dilbert Complete Series 4 Disc DVD Set, AR Futurama Vol 3 DVD Box Set, AR Galerians Ost CD, AR Godzilla Giant Monsters All Out Attack DVD, AR Godzilla Vs Megaguirus DVD, AR Hack Sign Vol 6 Terminus DVD, AR Heat Guy J Vol 5 DVD, AR Jem Season 1 DVD Box Set, AR Kinos Journey Vol 2 Emerging Lanes DVD, AR Kung Fu Complete First Season DVD Set, AR Last Exile Vol 2 Ost CD, AR Love Hina Best Collection CD, AR Memories DVD, AR Patlabor Mobile Police Tv Collection 2 DVD, AR Patlabor Mobile Police Tv Series Vol 8 DVD, AR Puni Puni Poemy DVD, AR Returner DVD, AR Saint Seiya Vol 5 DVD, AR Saint Seiya Vol 5 W Artbox DVD, AR Screaming Dead DVD (adult), AR Sibling Secret DVD (adult), AR Spirit Warrior Castle Of Illusion DVD, AR Steam Detectives Case 5 DVD, AR Transformers Armada Vol 1 Best Battles DVD (resolicited), AR Transformers Armada Vol 2 Flashback DVD (resolicited), AR Vampire Effect DVD, AR Yu Gi Oh Season 2 Vol 3 The Esp Duelist DVD, AR Yu Gi Oh Season 2 Vol 4 The Master Of Magicians DVD, AR assorted stuff Bleeding Edge Goths Ser 2 12-In Doll Asst, AR Chained Angel Resin Statue, $45.00 Chobits Chii 17 In Plush, $28.99 Classic Star Trek Enterprise Ncc-1701 (AA), $24.50 Cleopatra Betty Boop Wacky Wobbler, $10.99 Doom Kitty With Skull 5 Inch Plush, $10.99 Dot Hack Grunty Plush, $19.99 Freddy Vs Jason Action Figure 2 Pack, $24.99 Hellboy Magnet Set (AA), $6.95 Hellboy Movie 8-In Ser 1 AF Asst, AR Hello Kitty Teen Attitude 10 Inch Plush Assortment, AR Hello Kitty Teen Attitude 3 Inch Plush Keychain Asst, AR Hello Kitty Teen Attitude 6 Inch Plush Assortment, AR Hello Kitty Teen Attitude Scooter Kitty 6 In Poseable Plush, $16.99 Hellraiser Full Size Chatterer Resin Bust, $319.99 Hellraiser Lament Configuration Puzzle Box Prop Replica, $49.99 Hellsing Logo Embroidered Tech Bag, $39.99 Inu Yasha 8 Inch Plush, $10.99 Lain 8 In Dj Doll With Keyboard, $24.99 LOTR Dlx Miniatures Asst Wave 4, AR LOTR Miniatures 3-Pk Asst Wave 4, AR Mage Hero Discovered 7 PC Pvc Set, $35.95 Mage Kevin Matchstick Action Figure (AA), $17.95 Masters Of The Universe Heroes Wave 6 Fig Asst, AR Maximo Vs Army Of Zin AF Asst, AR Mr Monopoly Wacky Wobbler, $10.99 Mr Peanut Wacky Wobbler, $10.99 Muppet Show 24 PC Beanie Assortment, AR Muppets Gobo 12 Inch Plush Doll, $12.99 Muppets Red 12 Inch Plush Doll, $12.99 Panzer Girl Pre Painted Polystone Statue, AR Ren 12 Inch Poseable Plush Doll, $15.99 Roman Dirge Evil Needs Candy To Mini Courier Bag (AA), $18.95 Ruby Gloom Small Frame Purse, $22.95 Ruby Gloom Thorn Heart Vinyl Mini Messenger Bag, $26.95 Starcraft Zerg Hydralisk 2017 Model Kit, $10.00 Stimpy 12 Inch Poseable Plush Doll, $15.99 SW Anakin Ltd Ed Lightsaber, $360.00 SW Millennium Falcon Die Cast Model, AR SW Millennium Falcon Display Case, AR SW Mini Luke Skywalker Lightsaber, $37.00 Teen Titans Battling Machines Wave 1 Asst, AR Unreal Tournament AF Asst, AR Van Helsing Ser 1 Basic AF Asst, AR Winged Lady Warrior Resin Statue, $48.00 WWE Adrenaline Ser 6 AF 2-Pk Asst, AR
  2. Sorry to get off topic, but it also makes no sense how Disney releases all these Ghibli movies uncut with the original language tracks and a ton of DVD features while they have the rights to a bunch of excellent Hong Kong movies and do nothing with them or release them cut and dubbed.
  3. Karnage

    Some XBox games price drop

    Platinum Hits is just a price drop with fancy packaging. I don't think WWF Raw and Star Wars: Obi Wan were "hits". As for the price drops, that's awesome, I've been meaning to pick up PGR 2 for a while now.
  4. Karnage

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow

    Theres already a patch coming out in a few days that will fix the bug where it freezes at the Optimatch screen after 15 seconds for anyone else who has that problem.
  5. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    Acclaim has just updated their site again and here is the next group of wrestlers officially added to the roster. Click here to check them out. Acclaim has also released a teaser video. The movies look a lot better than the ones IGN put out. Click here to check the video out.
  6. Karnage

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow

    I just played a bit of the multiplayer mode and I gotta say this. The maps are huge!
  7. Karnage

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Its annoying how people know how to do all those crazy combos in fighting games by heart.
  8. Karnage

    Brute Force @ Best Buy for XBox.

    Brute Force is a third person shooting game where you use different characters for different tasks. The graphics are pretty good and theres downloadable content. There's no Live play though, but even if it had Live I still wouldn't enjoy it. There are a lot better games at the 20 dollar US range out there on XBOX.
  9. Karnage

    Favorite DVD commentaries

    Clerks the movie had a boring commentary even with Jay passing out. Clerks the animated series on the other hand had awesome commentaries with all the stories like Korean animator Han and K.I.T.T. working in the Quick Stop.
  10. Is this similar to the UHF dvd where Al pops up on the screen while the movie is playing? Because the way Al did it was awesome.
  11. Karnage

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow

    Walk very slowly and crouched and keep to the left.
  12. I hate it when commentaries say "we're gonna talk about that later on" and by the end on the commentary, they never do.
  13. Karnage

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow

    I just got it today. My name is Thuganomics on Live. The new little additions in the single player mode are awesome.
  14. Karnage

    One and Only console/developer/game hatred thread

    I hate how games push new or annoying characters that no one cares about. Like most of the SSX characters are really annoying and no one cares about those third string characters that are in with say a Crash Bandicoot or Sonic game.
  15. I haven't played EWR in a while and now I'm lost. Could someone help me get 4.2 with the picture packs and banners and logos and everything?
  16. Karnage

    New Releases for 3/24/2004

    ABOUT COMICS Factor Vol 1 TPB, $9.95 ACTIVE IMAGES Temptation TPB, $8.95 ACTOR Actor Hulk Vs Prime Mail Away Comic, $5.00 Actor Tolkien Years Fellowship Litho, $10.00 AIT/PLANETLAR Demo #5 (Of 12), $2.95 ALL THUMBS PRESS True Travel Tales #3 (Cold Cut Distribution), $3.95 AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Love Fights Pussy With Attitude T/S XL, AR ANARCHY STUDIOS Vampi #7-10 Ltd Cvr Set, $27.95 Vampi Digital Complete Set, $8.95 ANGEL GATE PRESS Zak Raven Esq Vol 1 Code Alpha MMPB, $7.95 ANTARCTIC PRESS Dragon Arms Chaos Blade #2, $2.99 Legends From Darkwood #4 (Of 4), $2.99 Luftwaffe 1946 #18, $5.95 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Digest #206, $2.39 Archie Mysteries #34, $2.19 Sabrina Vol 2 #56, $2.19 AVATAR PRESS Alan Moores Hypothetical Lizard Preview Wrap Cvr Ed, $2.99 Alan Moores Hypothetical Lizard Preview, $1.99 Alan Moores The Courtyard Delux HC Set, $34.95 Cyberangels Preview Angelic Nude Cvr, $6.00 Hellina Vs Pandora #1 (Of 3), $3.50 Hellina Vs Pandora Amorim Adult Cvr #1 (Of 3), $6.00 Hellina Vs Pandora Brown Nude Cvr #1 (Of 3), $6.00 Hellina Vs Pandora Hilinski Cvr #1 (Of 3), $3.50 Hellina Vs Pandora Platinum Foil Incentive #1, AR Hellina Vs Pandora Ryp Adult Cvr #1 (Of 3), $6.00 Hellina Vs Pandora Ryp Cvr #1 (Of 3), $3.50 Hellina Vs Pandora Wraparound Cvr #1 (Of 3), $3.99 Shi Crossovers Bagged Set, $15.99 Shi Poisoned Paradise Set, $11.99 Shi Sempo Bagged Set, $11.99 Stargate SG1 Pow Tealc Photo Cvr #1, AR Warren Ellis Strange Killings Necromancer #1, $3.50 Warren Ellis Strange Killings Necromancer Platinum Foil Ince, $3.75 Warren Ellis Strange Killings Necromancer Wrap Cvr #1, $3.50 Yuggoth Cultures Necrocomicon Burrows Cthulu Sketch, $29.99 BECKETT ENTERTAINMENT Ruule Ganglords Of Chinatown #5 (Of 5), $2.99 BONGO COMICS Radioactive Man The Movie Adaptation (resolicited), $2.99 BON-VUE ENTERTAINMENT Sweet Gwen & Diamond Caper GN (adult), $19.95 BROADSWORD COMICS 3 Little Kittens #1 (Of 3)(AA), $2.95 3 Little Kittens #2 (Of 3)(AA), $2.95 3 Little Kittens #3 (Of 3)(AA), $2.95 Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #25, $2.95 CHANTING MONKS STUDIOS Bernie Wrightson Fan Club 2004 Membership Kit, $20.00 Zacherleys Midnite Terrors, $3.95 COMIC CAVALCADE Stargate SG1 Pow Drake Painted Cvr #1, $5.99 COMICSONE.COM Black Leopard GN #3, $14.95 Shaolin Soccer 2 GN Set, $24.55 Storm Riders Part 2 Invading Sun Vol 3 TPB, $9.95 Weapons Of The Gods GN #8, $14.95 DARK HORSE COMICS Conan #1 New Prtg, $2.99 Conan #2, $2.99 Crush #4, $2.99 Freaks Of The Heartland #2, $2.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy Profile Black T/S LG, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy Profile Black T/S MED, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy Profile Black T/S XL, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy Profile Black T/S XXL, $19.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy With Gun Black T/S LG, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy With Gun Black T/S MED, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy With Gun Black T/S XL, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Hellboy With Gun Black T/S XXL, $19.99 Hellboy Movie Kroenen Black T/S LG, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Kroenen Black T/S MED, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Kroenen Black T/S XL, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Kroenen Black T/S XXL, $19.99 Hellboy Movie Logo Black T/S LG, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Logo Black T/S MED, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Logo Black T/S XL, $17.99 Hellboy Movie Logo Black T/S XXL, $19.99 Hellboy The Corpse One Shot, AR Lone #5, $2.99 Star Wars Republic #62, $2.99 Ultraman Tiga #6 (Of 10), $3.99 DC COMICS Authority Harsh Realities TPB, $14.95 Batgirl #50, $3.25 Birds Of Prey #65, $2.50 Caper #6 (Of 12), $2.95 Green Arrow Straight Shooter TPB, $12.95 Harley Quinn DC Classic Animation Maquettes Btas, $89.95 Hawkman #26, $2.50 Human Target #8, $2.95 JSA The Liberty Files TPB, $19.95 Kinetic #1, $2.50 Losers #10, $2.95 Outsiders #10, $2.50 Powerpuff Girls #48, $2.25 Smax #5 (Of 5), $2.95 Teen Titans Go #5, $2.25 Vamps TPB New Printing, $19.95 Wildcats Version 3.0 #19, $2.95 DEVILS DUE PUBLISHING GI Joe Frontline Vol 2 TPB Icebound, $12.95 GI Joe Vs The Transformers Vol 1 TPB, $15.95 DREAMWAVE Devil May Cry #1, $3.95 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  17. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    There are more videos of Showdown in action out. The first is Bret Hart VS Eddie Guerrero from IGN. Click here to check it out. I really can't stand that shaking noise that's heard every second. Team XBOX got some videos. These look like more updated versions and are a lot better in quality, but the titantrons have nothing on them. http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/content.php?id=590 http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/content.php?id=591
  18. Karnage

    Renting DVD movies

    Its a mixed bag for me, sometimes I get discs in great condition and sometimes they are horrible. Games always seem scratched up for me. I really don't know what some people do with their discs. It seems like they use them as coasters or frisbees when they rent them.
  19. Tiny Toons. Muppet Babies.
  20. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    Andre doing the Rikishi BUTT slaps and spinning in mid-air from a clothesline needs to be fixed. Also, that ringing noise you hear every second is annoying. But IGN says its still very early, lets hope it isn't like this in the final version.
  21. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    IGN's got 5 more videos up. Click here to check them out.
  22. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    I'll be honest, back in the day I did enjoy WWF Attitude and War Zone. As for games that haven't aged horribly, Royal Rumble/RAW from the 16 bit days were pretty fun.
  23. Karnage

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    Acclaim has been making games since the NES days. The people alongside Tony Schiavone on commentary are Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and...Larry Zbysko. As for the video, I really hope its just an early version of the game. I think they should know Sting's Scorpion Deathlock shouldn't be called a Sharpshooter.
  24. Karnage

    Shopzone's New Releases...

    Atleast its better than this attempt.
  25. I don't remember clearly, but did Brandi raise the roof on his way to the ring?