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Everything posted by Karnage

  1. Karnage

    Columbia House DVD club

    I'm a member. Its only a bitch if someone else in your apartment scammed them. When I signed up, they asked for all this stuff like where you work, etc.
  2. Awesome news. Hope they don't keep talking about J-Lo as a fly girl on the In Living Colour discs though.
  3. Its gonna take a while for NWA TNA to reach Canadian television. Its just been syndicated in the states and there is the Canadian content standards...(60% of all television in Canada must be Canadian).
  4. Karnage

    Stu Hart dies

    Man, I just heard this news coming back from school on the radio. RIP Stu Hart.
  5. Karnage

    New Releases For 10/15/2003

    I would cut and paste this week but...click here to see this week's comics just incase I get sued for copyright infringement or something.
  6. Karnage

    15 xbOX GAMES

    TechTV did a feature on it right? The host kept saying this could be illegal and then talked about how its convenient when taking your XBOX to someone else's house without carrying all the game discs. What an excuse.
  7. Karnage

    New Releases For 8/8/2003

    AC COMICS Best Of The West #38, $6.95 AIT/PLANETLAR Astronauts In Trouble TPB, $16.95 ALTERNATIVE COMICS True Porn Anthology TPB, $14.95 AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Happy Noodle Boy Baby Doll T/S LG, AR Happy Noodle Boy Baby Doll T/S MED, AR Happy Noodle Boy Baby Doll T/S SM, AR Hsu And Chan #1 (AA), $2.95 Hsu And Chan #2 (AA), $2.95 Hsu And Chan #4, $2.95 Outlook Grim #1 (AA), $2.95 Skeleton Key Vol 1 TPB Beyond Threshold (resolicited), $11.95 Slave Labor Peepshow Vol 2 #46, AR The City Vol 1 TPB, $10.95 ANTARCTIC PRESS AP Chillers, $3.95 AP How To Draw Shoujo Supersized Ed #1, $19.95 Courageous Princess Masterpiece Signed Ed HC, $29.95 Gold Digger Perfect Memory Vol 3, $5.95 Luftwaffe 1946 Technical Manual Collected Ed, $21.95 Mens Altered Wars Chronicles Annual #3, $5.95 Twilight X Storm #5, $3.50 ANTIMATTER / HOFFMAN INTERNATIONAL Mike Hoffmans Dust & Death Music CD, $9.95 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie #541, $2.19 Archie Digest #202, $2.39 Archie Halloween Ashcan 2003, AR Jughead #154, $2.19 Veronica #145, $2.19 ATTA BOY Gobler Toys Vol 1 Fun We Cant Remember TPB, $12.95 AVATAR PRESS Dicks 2 Box Set, $29.95 Hellina Crossovers Box Set, $49.95 Nira X Cybervixen Box Set, $39.95 Shi Sempo #2 Platinum Foil Incentive, AR Shi Sempo Adrian Cvr #2 (Of 2), $3.50 Shi Sempo Lopez Cvr #2 (Of 2), $3.50 Shi Sempo Lopez Wraparound Cvr #2 (Of 2), $3.95 Shi Sempo Tucci Cvr #2 (Of 2), $3.50 AWEFUL BOOKS Gypsy Lounge Lunchtime Variety Criminals GN, $13.95 BASEMENT COMICS/AMRYL ENTERTAINMENT Heavy Metal Live Vol 1 Photo Of Julie Strain Nude Tour Ed SC, $8.95 Heavy Metal Live Vol 1 Photo Of Julie Strain Tour Ed SC, $8.95 BLACK SHEEP COMICS Waterfall #1 (Cold Cut), $2.95 Waterfall #2 (Cold Cut), $2.95 Waterfall #3 (Cold Cut), $2.95 BONGO COMICS Futurama Comics #15, $2.99 BUD PLANT Naked Women TPB (AA)(adult), AR BZZZ BEE CAFE PUBLISHING Santa Says Vol 1 Smell Of Burning Dreams GN, $12.00 CG ENTERTAINMENT Crossovers #8, $2.95 Crux #29, $2.95 El Cazador #2, $2.95 Lady Death Laser Cel #1, $22.00 R A Salvatore Demon Wars Vol 2 #5 Eye For An Eye (Of 5), $2.95 Sojourn Laser Cel #1, $10.00 CLAYPOOL COMICS Deadbeats #61, $2.50 COMICSONE.COM Bride Of Deimos GN #5 (resolicited), $9.95 My Sassy Girl GN #1, $13.95 Storm Riders GN #12 (resolicited), $13.95 DARK HORSE COMICS Drawing On Your Nightmares Halloween 2003 Special One Shot, $2.99 Oh My Goddess #102 Dr Moreau (Part 3 Of 5), $2.99 Seraphic Feather Vol 4 Dark Angel TPB, $17.95 Trigun Vol 1 TPB, $14.95 DC COMICS 100 Bullets #47, $2.50 Adventures Of Superman #621, $2.25 Batman Absolution SC, $17.95 Batman Death And The Maidens #3 (Of 9), $2.95 Batman Legends Of The Dark Knight #172, $2.50 Demon Driven Out #2 (Of 6), $2.50 Doctor Fate #3 (Of 5), $2.50 Fables #18, $2.50 Fallen Angel #4, $2.50 Gen 13 #14, $2.95 Hero #9, $2.50 Human Defense Corps #6 (Of 6), $2.50 JLA #88, $2.25 JSA All Stars #6 (Of 8), $2.50 Mad Magazine #435, $3.50 Psh Series 2 Guardian & Guy Gardner, $9.95 Psh Series 2 Silver Age Speedy & Wonder Girl, $9.95 Psh Series 2 Silver Age Supergirl & Brainiac, $9.95 Scooby Doo #77, $2.25 Stormwatch Team Achilles #16, $2.95 Superman & Batman Generations III #10 (Of 12), $2.95 Tokyo Storm Warning #3 (Of 3), $2.95 Tom Strong #22, $2.95 Two Step #1 (Of 3), $2.95 Worlds Best Comics The Golden Age DC Archives Sampler, $0.99 DEATH RAY GRAPHICS The Great Taste Of Deep Fried TPB, $14.99 DIGITAL WEBBING Freakshow, $2.95 Gutwallow TPB, $12.95 DORK STORM PRESS Nodwick #22, $2.99 DREAMWAVE Transformers Armada #16, $2.95 Transformers Generation One Vol 2 #6 (Of 6), $2.95 Transformers Generation One Vol 2 Incentive Cvr #6, $2.95 Transformers War Within Vol 2 #1, $2.95 Transformers War Within Vol 2 Incentive Cvr #1, $2.95 DYNAMIC FORCES DF Amazing Spider-Man Unmasked Bust (resolicited), $129.99 DF Batman Sgn #609, $19.99 DF Elektra Premiere Ltd Ed Lunch Box W T/S, $15.99 DF Ghost Rider Ltd Ed Lunch Box W T/S, $14.99 DF Green Goblin Unmasked Bust (resolicited), $129.99 DF Punisher Premiere Ltd Ed Lunch Box W T/S, $14.95 DF Street Fighter Red Foil Cvr #1, $10.00 DF Ultimate War #1-4 Sgn Set, $89.99 DFE Tomb Raider Scarfaces Treasure Sgn #1, $19.99 EDICIONES LA CUPULA S A Kiss Comix #140 (adult), $7.99 X Coll #87 Miss 130 Vol 4 (adult), $10.99 FANBOY ENTERTAINMENT Angels Wing #4, $2.99 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Comics Journal #255, $6.95 FERRET PRESS AKA #1 (Cold Cut), $2.00 AKA #2 (Cold Cut), $2.00 GUTSOON ENTERTAINMENT Raijin Comics #38, $5.95 ICARUS PUBLISHING A G Super Erotic Anthology #8 (adult), $4.99 IDW PUBLISHING Dark Days #4 30 Days Of Night Sequel (Of 6), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Agents #6 (Of 6), $2.95 Aria The Uses Of Enchantment #4 (Of 4), $2.95 Capes #1 (Of 3), $3.50 Feather #2 (Of 6), $2.95 Frankenstein Mobster Hughes Cvr #0, $2.95 Frankenstein Mobster Sketch Edition Variant #0, $2.95 Frankenstein Mobster Wheatley Cvr #0, $2.95 GI Joe #22, $2.95 GI Joe Frontline #15, $2.95 Heavens Devils #1 (Of 4), $2.95 Hellhounds #3, $2.95 Micronauts #11, $2.95 Paradigm #11, $3.95 Sword Of Dracula #1, $2.95 Top Cow Jam Poster 2003, AR Walking Dead #1, $2.95 KENZER & COMPANY Knights Of The Dinner Table #84, $3.99 Knights Of The Dinner Table Illustrated #27, $2.99 MARVEL COMICS Captain America Vol 3 Ice TPB, $12.99 Fantastic Four Vol 2 Unthinkable TPB, $17.99 Incredible Hulk #62, $2.25 Iron Man #73, $2.99 Kingpin #5, $2.50 Marvel 1602 #3 (Of 8), $3.50 Namor #7, $2.99 Nyx #1, $2.99 Paradise X X, $2.99 Punisher #33, $2.99 Runaways #7, $2.50 Sentinel #7, $2.50 Spectacular Spider-Man #5, $2.25 Spidey And The Mini Marvels Halloween Ashcan 2003, AR Ultimate Six #3 (Of 6), $2.25 Ultimate X-Men #38, $2.25 Venom #5, $2.25 Weapon X #13, $2.99 MOONSTONE Vampire The Masquerade Isabel, $4.95 NEKO PRESS Lily Vol 1 TPB When I Was Dead New Ptg, $12.99 NEW DIMENSION COMICS Spider Girl #61 Frenz Signed Ed, $14.95 Stan Lee Publicity Photo, $4.95 ONI PRESS Atomics Spaced Out & Grounded In Snap City TPB, $12.95 Midnight Mover #4 (Of 4), $2.99 Sidekicks Transfer Student TPB Digest Edition, $11.95 RADIO COMIX Furrlough #128, $2.99 Genus #61 (adult), $3.50 REBELLION 2000 AD #1357, $3.75 2000 AD #1358, $3.75 2000 AD Extreme Ed Judge Dredd Vs Judge Death, $5.99 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS Extinctioneers #1-3 Set, $7.00 SIMON & SCHUSTER Little Vampire Does Kung Fu, $12.95 Whos Got Game Ant Or Grasshopper, $16.95 Whos Got Game Lion Or The Mouse, $16.95 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT Halloween 5 Pack, $12.50 Kreeky Playground TPB, $9.99 Poison Elves Lusiphur & Lirilith TPB, $11.95 Poison Elves Poster, $5.95 TCZ STUDIO Celestial Zone Vol 2 #3 (Of 12), $9.50 THE NORM.COM The Norm Magazine #1, $4.95 TOKYOPOP Brain Powered Vol 3 GN (Of 4)(Cold Cut), $9.99 Brigadoon Vol 2 GN (Of 3)(Cold Cut), $9.99 Chobits Vol 8 GN (Of 8), $9.99 Dragon Hunter Vol 3 GN (Of 9), $9.99 G-Gundam Vol 3 GN (Of 3), $9.99 GI Joe Spy Troops Cinemanga GN, $7.99 Gravitation Vol 2 GN (Of 12)(Cold Cut), $9.99 Initial D Vol 8 GN (Of 23), $9.99 King Of Hell Vol 3 GN (Of 5), $9.99 Lupin III Vol 8 GN (Of 14), $9.99 Planetes Vol 1 GN (Of 3), $9.99 Ragnarok Vol 8 GN (Of 10), $9.99 Rebound Vol 3 GN (Of 10), $9.99 Rebound Vol 4 GN (Of 11), $9.99 Shaolin Sisters Vol 5 GN (Of 5)(Cold Cut), $9.99 The Kindaichi Case Files Vol 3 GN Death TV (Of 10), $9.99 Vampire Game Vol 3 GN (Of 12)(Cold Cut), $9.99 X-Day Vol 2 GN (Of 2)(Cold Cut), $9.99 TOPIC ENTERTAINMENT Marvel Comic Book Library CD-ROM Vol 1 (Cold Cut), $29.95 UNREDCOMICBOOKS Strange Tales From The Broken City GN, $11.95 VIZ Shonen Jump Vol 1 #11 Nov 2003, $4.95 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT GI Joe Destro Chrome Mini Bust, AR Muppets Super Hero Scooter Toyfare Exclusive Figure, AR magazines Animation Reporter Vol 2 #1, $5.50 Big Brother Nov03, $3.99 Comic Shop News #851, AR Crazy Hip Groovy Go Go Way Out Monsters Magazine, $5.95 Cult Times Special #27, $9.99 Dr Who Magazine #335, $6.80 Dune Buggies And Hot VW Nov03, $3.99 Easyriders Nov03, $7.99 Fangoria #228, $7.99 Femme Fatales Vol 12 #5, $6.99 Game Pro Nov03, $5.99 Games Unplugged Magazine #28, $4.99 Penthouse Variations Oct/Nov 03 (adult), $4.99 Protoculture Addicts #78, $4.95 Sci Fi Entertainment Dec03, $4.99 Screen Power The Official Jackie Chan Mag Vol 5 #4, $7.95 Scrye #65, $5.99 Sfx #109, $8.25 Sfx Special #16, $11.00 Shivers #107, $6.99 Tattoo Dec03, $5.99 Tattoo Savage Jan04, $5.99 Toy Cars And Models Magazine Vol 6 #11, $5.50 Toy Shop #317, $4.99 TV Zone #167, $6.99 Ultimate DVD #47, $7.99 XXL Nov03, $3.95 books 5 ? Il Numero Perfetto TPB, $17.50 Agitator Cinema Of Takashi Miike TPB, $24.99 Becketts Basketball Card Plus #8 TPB, $9.99 Bestiario Padano TPB (adult), $16.99 Black 4 SC, $18.99 BTVS Angel Fearless MMPB, $5.99 Citadel Of Chaos Gamebook, $6.99 Doctor Who Wolfsbane MMPB, $6.95 Essential Bond Revised TPB, $22.95 Fear Without Frontiers TPB, $29.99 Gamurakan 1 Dwelling Of The Incubi TPB, $17.50 Phobia TPB, $16.99 Playboy 50 Years HC (adult), $50.00 Pocket Guide To Collecting Movies On DVD MMPB, $7.99 Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror Fun Filled Frightfest TPB, $14.95 Star Trek New Frontier Gods Above MMPB, $6.99 Star Trek Signature Ed Q Continuum TPB, $9.95 Star Trek The Lost Era 2328-2346 Art Of The Impossible MMPB, $6.99 Star Wars New Essential Guide To Vehicles And Vessels TPB, $24.95 Sulis & Mezzaluna TPB, $16.99 Tolkiens Complete Guide To Middle Earth HC, $24.95 Warlock Of Firetop Mountain Fantasy Gamebook, $6.99 X-Men Legacy Quest Book 3 MMPB, $6.99 Xtreme Art Draw Manga TPB, $6.95 calendars Looney Tunes 12 Month 2004 Wall Calendar, $12.99 Star Trek Stardate 2004 Daily Box Calendar, $12.99 cards Benchwarmer 2003 Series 1 T/C Box, AR Topps 2003 Bowmans Best NFL T/C Box, AR Upper Deck 2003 04 Hardcourt NBA T/C Box, AR Upper Deck 2003 04 MVP NBA T/C Box, AR Xflipz Extreme Flipbooks Display, AR games British Army 1914 18, $14.95 Dark Ages Malkavian Clan Novel #7, $6.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Ametrine Earthlyte, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Baerwyn Male Elf Archer, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Egyptian Statue Anubis, $5.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Egyptian Statue Bast, $5.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Fingal Winkbeard, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Inquisitor Of Malvernis, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Male Halfling Monk, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Mephisto Arch Devil, $5.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Thora Sweethumb, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Thull Evil Male Fighter, $2.99 Dark Heaven Miniatures Yuri Female Monk, $2.99 Dork Tower Miniatures Set, $24.95 Exalted Sidereal, $29.95 Gaming Frontiers V5, $19.95 Harley Davidson Dominoes In Tin, AR Legends And Lairs Portals And Planes HC, $24.95 Lord Of The Rings Backgammon, AR Milky House Memorial Coll CD Rom (adult), $24.95 MTG CCG Mirrodin Booster Pack, AR MTG CCG Mirrodin Fat Pack, AR MTG CCG Mirrodin Theme Deck, AR MTG CCG Mirrodin Tournament Pack, AR Of Beasts And Men, $25.00 Orpheus Haunting The Dead, $6.99 Pop Smarts (AA), $19.99 Scarred Lands Campaign Termana, $29.95 Simpsons TCG Booster, AR Simpsons TCG Theme Deck, AR Snow Drop CD Rom Game (AA)(adult), $34.95 Vampire Overseer Brujah 2 MMPB, $6.99 Vampire Players Guide, $29.95 Warhammer Miniatures Chaos Minotaur With Add Wpn, $15.00 Warhammer Miniatures Chaos Minotaur With Great Weapon, $15.00 Werewolf Past Lives, $19.95 t-shirts Baka Gaijin T/S L, $17.99 Dz Gotenks Fusion T/S LG, $16.95 Dz Lethal Saiyan T/S LG, $16.95 Dz Lethal Saiyan T/S XL, $16.95 Elektra VI By Bill Sienkiewicz T/S LG, $17.95 Elektra VI By Bill Sienkiewicz T/S MED, $17.95 Elektra VI By Bill Sienkiewicz T/S SM, $17.95 Elektra VI By Bill Sienkiewicz T/S XL, $17.95 Elektra VI By Bill Sienkiewicz T/S XXL, $20.95 Halloween Mike Myers LG T/S (AA), $16.95 Halloween Mike Myers XL T/S (AA), $16.95 Robin Logo T/S LG, $17.95 Robin Logo T/S MED, $17.95 Robin Logo T/S SM, $17.95 Robin Logo T/S XL, $17.95 Robin Symbol T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Robin Symbol T/S MED (AA), $17.95 Robin Symbol T/S SM (AA), $17.95 Superman 3D Symbol T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Superman 3D Symbol T/S MED (AA), $17.95 Superman 3D Symbol T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Superman 3D Symbol T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Wolverine Snikt T/S LG (AA), $17.95 Wolverine Snikt T/S MED (AA), $17.95 Wolverine Snikt T/S SM (AA), $17.95 Wolverine Snikt T/S XL (AA), $17.95 Wolverine Snikt T/S XXL (AA), $20.95 Yu Yu Hakusho Rough Yusuke T/S LG, $16.95 Yu Yu Hakusho Rough Yusuke T/S XL, $16.95 videos/soundtracks Angelic Layer Vol 1 DVD W/Artbox, AR Angelic Layer Vol 1 DVD, AR Arc The Lad Complete Collection DVD, AR Argentosoma Vol 5 DVD, AR Bandit King Jing Vol 3 DVD, AR Darling DVD (adult), AR Edens Bowy Vol 4 DVD, AR Farscape Season 3 Collection 5 DVD Dub, AR Full Metal Panic Mission 4 DVD, AR Kikaider Vol 2 DVD, AR Mutant X Season 1 Vol 5 DVD, AR Neo Ranga Vol 5 Ghosts Of Days Gone By DVD, AR Ninja Scroll 10Th Anniversary DVD (resolicited), AR Saiyuki Vol 5 Sting Of The Scorpion DVD, AR Star Trek V The Final Frontier Collectors Ed DVD, AR Steel Angel Kurumi 2 Vol 2 Earths Guardian Angels DVD, AR Witch Hunter Robin Vol 1 DVD, AR Witch Hunter Robin Vol 1 Limited Edition DVD, AR X Tv Series Ost Vol 2 CD, AR assorted stuff A Christmas Story 20 Inch Leg Lamp, $46.99 A Christmas Story Lunch Box With Thermos, $19.99 A Christmas Story Old Man Head Knocker, $11.99 A Christmas Story Ralphie Head Knocker, $11.99 Adult Swim Frylock Plush, $14.99 Adult Swim Master Shake Plush, $14.99 Adult Swim Meat Wad Plush, $14.99 Animal House Ser 1 AF Asst, AR Astro Jax Plus, $9.99 Batman Black Mesh Cap, $12.95 Batman Navy Stripe Steep Hat, $8.95 Cat In The Hat Cotton Candy 24 Ct Display, AR Cat In The Hat Sour Gummies 14Ct Display, AR Charlie Brown X-Mas Ser 1 AF Asst, AR Charlie Brown X-Mas Ser 1 AF Box Set Asst, AR Charlie Brown X-Mas Ser 1 Dlx Playset, $22.49 DBZ Red Baseball Cap, $12.95 DBZ Vegeta Stretch Fit Black Cap, $14.95 Di Gi Charat Foil Sticker Asst, AR Di Gi Charat Pearl Sticker Asst, AR Dr Suess Cat In The Hat Time Teachers Watch Set, $19.99 Draculas Castle Lighted Facade, $65.00 Dragonball Z Energy Ser 4 AF Asst, AR Easy Rider Lunch Box With Thermos, $19.99 Eternal Warrior Bust, $49.95 FFX-2 Paine AF, $14.99 FFX-2 Paine AF, $14.99 FFX-2 Rikku AF, $14.99 FFX-2 Rikku AF, $14.99 FFX-2 Yuna AF, $14.99 FFX-2 Yuna AF, $14.99 Friday The 13th Jason Mask Prop, $99.99 GI Joe Cobra Commander And Storm Shadow Poster (AA), $6.95 GI Joe Dlx Hawk Statue, $119.99 GI Joe Life Size Snake Eyes Bust, $300.00 Godzilla Realistic Plush, $24.95 Godzilla Rodan 1956 12 In Resin Statue, $150.00 Hulk Digital Watch Time Teacher Watch Set, $21.95 James Bond 12-In Ser 3 Pussy Galore AF (resolicited), $40.00 Justice League 5-Pk, $8.75 LOTR Edoras Golden Hall 3D Puzzle, $25.99 Manga University Pro Art Paper 20 Ct Pk, $4.99 Mickeys X-Mas Carol Ser 1 AF Asst, AR Mini Cooper 3-In R/C Asst, AR Minnie Mouse Vinyl Doll, $9.49 Nbx 26 Inch Pewter Wallet Chain, $16.49 Nbx Diary Set, $8.99 Nbx Jack And Sally Barrel Pen Set, $5.49 Nbx Jack Skellington Oversized Resin Night Light, $5.49 Nbx Oversized Hardbound Coloring Book, $16.49 Osbournes Showtime Ozzy Fig (resolicited), $13.99 Peanuts Snoopy Dome Tin Tote, $12.99 Puffy Amiyumi Smiti Box Set, $12.50 Retro Disney Wood Push Puppets 24 Ct Display, AR Spider-Man 2003 Collectible Playing Cards Tin, $9.99 Spider-Man Digital Watch Time Teacher Watch Set, $21.95 Superman Navy Mesh, $12.95 Superman Royal Piped Baseball Cap, $12.95 Superman Royal Sport Visor, $10.95 Superman Shield Knit Hat, $8.95 Superman White Piped Baseball Cap, $12.95 SWAC Hailfire Droid, AR Transformers Shockwave Bust, $49.95 Transformers Sticker Box (resolicited), AR Transformers Unicron Universe Dlx Asst Wave 2, AR Transformers Unicron Universe Ultra Asst Wave 2, AR WWE 1st Raw Ppv Winners AF Asst, AR WWE Adrenaline Ser 3 AF 2-Pk Asst, AR WWE Ruthless Aggression Ser 5 AF Asst, AR
  8. Karnage

    Movie budgets:

    Do cameras eat up a lot of the budget too? Clerks was made for $27,000 which still sounds like a lot to me for a black and white movie filmed mostly inside a convenience store where the actors and actresses probably worked for little to nothing.
  9. Karnage

    The One and Only Rundown Thread

    I just watched it today and well, it's pretty good but not the greatest action movie ever. That scene where he closed his eyes sure reminded me of Bloodsport.
  10. Karnage

    Epic games

    True dat. True dat.
  11. Karnage

    15 xbOX GAMES

    You can mod an XBOX and replace the 8 gig hard drive with something larger. Once that's done, you can emulate almost anything you want and rip XBOX games onto the hard drive. But this isn't good if you go on Live.
  12. Karnage

    15 xbOX GAMES

    If so, he won't be able to use it. Yes, and Microsoft is always one step ahead; those modded XBOXs with the switch that turns on and off the modchip will also be detected.
  13. Karnage

    News on new WWE DVDs...

    They can always double side the discs to fit more stuff. All that is sacrificed is the disc artwork.
  14. Karnage

    New Releases For 8/1/2003

    AARDVARK VANAHEIM Cerebus #294, $2.25 ACTOR Actor Earth X Captain America Statue, $149.99 Actor Green Goblin Classic 8 1/2 Inch Bust, $99.99 ALTERNATIVE COMICS A Sort Of Homecoming #1 (Of 3), $3.50 AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Happy Noodle Boy T/S LG (AA), AR Happy Noodle Boy T/S MED, AR Jhonen Vasquez Roadkill Tour T/S MED, AR Serenity Rose #1, $2.95 ANARCHY STUDIOS Vampi Vol 1 & 2 Dlx HC Set Switchblade To Tainted Love, $39.95 ANTARCTIC PRESS Courageous Princess Masterpiece Ed HC, $24.95 Dragon Arms Pkt Manga Vol 1 TPB, $9.99 Gold Digger #45, $2.99 Shoujo #3, $5.95 ANTIMATTER / HOFFMAN INTERNATIONAL Mike Hoffmans Tigress Vol 1 Journey To Caldathera, $9.95 New Realms Of Sorcery Art Of Mike Hoffman Sketchbook, $16.95 ANTIPODES PUBLISHING Knuckles The Malevolent Nun Vol 1 No More Mrs Nice Nun TPB, $19.95 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Betty & Veronica #193, $2.19 Betty & Veronica Digest #142, $2.39 Holiday Fun Digest #6 (AA), $2.19 Holiday Fun Digest #7 (AA), $2.19 Jugheads Double Digest #98, $3.59 Sonic & Knuckles Mecha Madness Special Current Prtg #1 (AA), $2.25 Sonic & Knuckles Special Current Prtg #1 (AA), $2.25 Sonic In Your Face Special Current Prtg #1 (AA), $2.25 Sonic Presents Knuckles Chaotix Sp Curr Prtg #1 (AA), $2.25 Sonic The Hedgehog #128, $2.19 Sonic Vs Knuckles Battle Royal Special 2nd Printing (AA), $2.25 AVATAR PRESS Frank Millers Robocop #2 Platinum Foil Incentive, AR Frank Millers Robocop Miller Cvr #2 (Of 9), $3.50 Frank Millers Robocop Ryp Wrap Cvr #2 (Of 9), $3.50 Warren Ellis Strange Killings Strong Medicine #3 (Of 3), $3.50 Warren Ellis Strange Killings Strong Medicine Wrap #3 (Of 3), $3.95 BASEMENT COMICS/AMRYL ENTERTAINMENT Heavy Metal Live Vol 1 Photo Of Julie Strain Nude Ed SC, $8.95 Heavy Metal Live Vol 1 Photo Of Julie Strain SC, $8.95 BONGO COMICS Bart Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror #9, $4.99 Heroes Anonymous #2 (Of 6), $2.99 BROADSWORD COMICS Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #18 (AA), $2.95 BUD PLANT Erotica Ill Anthology Of Sexual Art & Lit (adult), AR Indian Lover Tales From Texas Set, AR International Museum Of Cartoon Art Set SC, AR CARTOON BOOKS Bone #52, $2.95 CG ENTERTAINMENT Brian Pulido Lady Death #8, $2.95 Ruse #23, $2.95 Way Of The Rat #17, $2.95 CLAYPOOL COMICS Elvira #125, $2.50 COLONIA PRESS Ultra Klutz Book 2 TPB, $24.95 COMICSONE.COM Black Leopard GN #1, $14.95 CPM MANGA Call Me Princess TPB New Ptg, $9.99 Nadesico Book One TPB New Ptg, $9.99 Popcorn Romance GN, $9.99 CYBEROSIA PUBLISHING Steven Grants Damned TPB, $19.95 DARK HORSE COMICS Astro Boy Vol 19 TPB, $9.95 Chronicles Of Conan Vol 1 TPB, $15.95 DH Dlx Stationery Attaboy Candy Coated Eyesore, $4.99 DH Dlx Stationery Jim Woodring Quacky, $4.99 DH Dlx Stationery Rachel Williams Penny Dreadful, $4.99 Galactic #2, $2.99 Go Boy 7 Human Action Machine #3, $2.99 Kiss Vol 3 TPB Men And Monsters, $12.95 Mac Raboy Flash Gordon Vol 2 TPB, $19.95 Nextworld Vol 1 TPB, $13.95 Star Wars Tales Photo Cvr #17, $5.99 Star Wars Tales Udon Cvr #17, $5.99 Super Manga Blast #35, $5.99 Syn #2, $2.99 Tim Burton Toxic Boy L/S T/S LG, $24.99 Tim Burton Toxic Boy L/S T/S MED, $24.99 Tim Burton Toxic Boy L/S T/S XL, $24.99 Tim Burton Toxic Boy L/S T/S XXL, $25.99 Ultraman Tiga #2 (Of 10), $3.99 Usagi Yojimbo #69, $2.99 DC COMICS Action Comics #808, $2.25 All Star Archives Vol 9 HC, $49.95 Arkham Asylum Living Hell #6 (Of 6), $2.50 Astro City Local Heroes #4 (Of 5), $2.95 Authority Vol 2 #6, $2.95 Bad Girls #3 (Of 6), $2.50 Batman City Of Light #1 (Of 8), $2.95 Batman Superman Movie DVD, AR Detective Comics #787, $2.75 Extinction Event #4 (Of 5), $2.50 Formerly Known As The Justice League #4 (Of 6), $2.50 Harley Quinn #37, $2.50 Hawkman #20, $2.50 Justice League Adventures #24, $2.25 Looney Tunes #107, $2.25 Robotech Love And War #5 (Of 6), $2.95 Sleeper #9, $2.95 Superman Batman Secret Files 2003, $4.95 Superman Birthright #4 (Of 12), $2.95 Superman The Man Of Steel Vol 2 TPB, $19.95 Teen Titans #2 Second Printing (Pu#589), $2.50 Y The Last Man #15, $2.95 DRAWN & QUARTERLY Drawn & Quarterly Showcase, $14.95 DREAMWAVE Darkminds Macropolis Vol 2 #2, $2.95 Pat Lees Transformers Generation One 2004 Calendar, $14.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pat Lee Litho, $19.95 DYNAMIC FORCES DF Ross Marvel Unleashed Litho Sgn, $49.99 DF Salvador Laroccas X-Women United Litho, $19.99 DFE Transformers Gen One Vol 2 Alt Cvr Double Sgn #1, $49.99 Transformers Generation One Vol 1 HC Remarked, $199.95 Transformers Generation One Vol 1 HC Sgn, $89.95 EDICIONES LA CUPULA S A El Vibora #280 (adult), $7.99 French Kiss #7 (adult), $9.95 EUREKA PRODUCTIONS Graphic Classics Vol 7 Bram Stoker, $9.95 EUROCOMICS Bordello Nights Vol 1 GN (adult), $9.50 FANBOY ENTERTAINMENT Angels Wing #3, $2.99 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Alice In Sexland Extreme #4 (adult), $3.95 Barbarienne #7 (adult), $3.50 Bazongas Vol 2 GN (adult), $9.95 Casual Sex #2 (adult), $3.50 Dame Darcys Meat Cake HC, $22.95 Eros GN 49 Hells Mistress (resolicited)(adult), $15.95 Housewives At Play Wedding Album GN (adult), $9.95 FELIX COMICS Felix The Cat House Of 1000 Ha Has, $2.50 FIERY STUDIOS Vogelein Clockwork Faerie TPB, $12.95 FRIGHTWORLD STUDIOS Fleshrot Tales From The Dead Vol 1 TPB (Cold Cut), $12.99 GEEK PUNK Super Hero Happy Hour #4, $3.00 GHOSTWERKS COMICS Ghostwerks Comics #1, $2.95 GRAHAM CRACKERS COMICS GI Joe Transformers #1 Graham Cracker Ed, $4.20 GI Joe Transformers #1 Graham Crackers Ex Gold Foil Ed, $6.00 HARRIS COMICS Vampirella Halloween Horror Set, $21.95 Vampirella Lives Dlx HC (Star14520), $19.95 HORSE PRESS Giant THB Vol 2 #1, $6.95 I-BOOKS Honour Among Punks Signed Px HC, $34.95 Vic & Blood Signed Px HC, $34.95 IDW PUBLISHING CSI Bad Rap #2 (Of 5), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Cursed #1 (Of 4), $2.99 Distant Soil #36, $4.50 Noble Causes Distant Relatives #2 (Of 4), $2.95 Powers #34, $2.95 PVP #4, $2.95 Rotogin Junkbotz #3 (Of 8), $2.95 Sam And Twitch #25, $2.50 Savage Dragon #111 (resolicited), $2.95 Victory Demon Attack Cvr #2, $2.95 Victory Victoria Cvr #2, $2.95 Witchblade Jr Deluxe Boxed Action Figure Set, $19.99 JAY COMPANY Aphrodite IX #4 Ltd San Diego Con 2002 Cvr, $19.99 Battle Of Planets #7 S/N Variant, $14.99 Tomb Raider #21 S/N Variant Cvr Ed, $29.99 Witchblade #60 Wizard World East 2003 Ltd Con Ed, $19.99 Wolverine Witchblade Devils Reign Turner S/N Alt Cvr #1, $24.99 KENZER & COMPANY Dungeons & Dragons Where Shadows Fall #2 (Of 5), $3.50 KILLING INK Killing Cupid #1 (Cold Cut), $4.50 LAST GASP Double Duce MMPB, $6.50 Hardcore California TPB, $24.95 Robert Crumbs Zap Comix #5 (AA)(adult), $3.95 Robert Crumbs Zap Comix #6 (AA)(adult), $4.95 Robert Crumbs Zap Comix #7 (AA)(adult), $2.95 Robert Crumbs Zap Comix #8 (AA)(adult), $3.95 MARVEL COMICS Alias #27, $2.99 Avengers #70, $2.25 Dr Octopus Negative Exposure #1 (Of 5), $2.99 Elektra #28, $2.99 Exiles #35, $2.99 Incredible Hulk #34 Marvel Comx3D, AR Marvel Masterworks Avengers Vol 1 2nd Ed HC, $49.99 Marvel Masterworks Avengers Vol 1 HC Var Dust Jacket, $54.99 Marvel Series 1 Comx3D, AR New Mutants #5, $2.50 New X-Men #147, $2.25 Spider-Girl #65, $2.99 Supreme Power #3, $2.99 Thanos #1, $2.99 Thor #69, $2.99 Thunderbolts Vol 1 How To Lose TPB, $14.99 Ultimate Six #2 (Of 6), $2.25 Ultimate Spider-Man #47, $2.25 MOONSTONE Mr Keen Tracer Of Lost Persons #1 (Of 3), $2.95 MVCREATIONS Masters Of The Universe Ltd Holofoil Ed #1, $19.99 Masters Of The Universe Ltd Signed Holofoil Ed #1, $29.99 NEW SUIT New Thing Vol 2 Secrets (resolicited), $9.95 ONI PRESS Blue Monday Vol 3 Inbetween Days TPB, $9.95 Hopeless Savages Vol 1 TPB Curr Prtg, $11.95 Midnight Mover #3 (Of 4), $2.99 Queen & Country #18, $2.99 Too Much Hopeless Savages #2 (Of 4), $2.99 OVERCAST COMICS The Gift #2, $2.95 PLASTIC FARM PRESS Plastic Farm #3 (Cold Cut), $2.95 RANDOM HOUSE Will Eisner Fagin The Jew GN, $15.95 SATYR PLAY PRODUCTIONS Satyr Color Special #1, $2.95 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT Dogwitch #7, $2.95 SSSCOMICS.COM Sss Comics Presents Eclipse And Vega #1 (Of 3), $2.95 STUDIO G Jalila #1, $2.95 Zein Ghosts Of Heliopolis #1, $2.95 SLEEPOVER COMICS Sugar Free Days #1 (Cold Cut), $3.00 Sugar Free Days #2 (Cold Cut), $3.00 TOKYOPOP Fake Vol 3 GN (Of 7), $9.99 Transformers Armada Cinemanga Vol 1 GN (Of 3)(Cold Cut), $7.99 Transformers Armada Cinemanga Vol 2 GN (Of 3)(Cold Cut), $7.99 TONY RAIOLA Dick Tracy Large Feature Comic #3 Reprint Edition, $9.50 Krazy & Ignatz Dailies Vol 4 Pacific Comic Club Ed, $9.50 Phantom Dailies 2 Pack #3, $10.00 TOO HIP GOTTAGO GRAPHICS Wahoo Morris Singles Collection, $7.95 TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Panel Discussion 2nd Printing TPB, $21.95 VIZ Animerica Oct 2003 Vol 11 #10, $4.95 Dance Till Tomorrow Vol 7 TPB, $12.95 Hamtaro 1 2 3, $5.95 Inu Yasha Vol 15 TPB, $8.95 Maison Ikkoku Vol 1 TPB 2nd Ed, $9.95 Vagabond Vol 7 TPB, $9.95 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT Inquest Gamer Magic Mirrodin Cvr #103, $4.99 Inquest Gamer Yu-Gi-Oh Cvr #103, $4.99 WONDERELLA Ogner Stumps One Thousand Sorrows GN, $9.00 magazines Beckett Hockey Card Monthly #156, $4.99 Beckett Yu Gi Oh Collector #8, $9.99 Club International Dec03P (adult), $8.99 Comic Art Magazine #4, $9.00 Comic Shop News #850, AR Comics Buyers Guide #1560, $3.99 Game Trade Magazine #44, $1.99 Hustler Barely Legal Nov0338 (adult), $7.99 Juxtapoz Nov Dec 2003, $4.99 Muscle Mag International Dec03, $6.99 Official Xbox Magazine W/CD Nov 2003, $9.99 Penthouse Forum Oct03 (adult), $4.99 Penthouse Forum Variations Special #8403F (adult), $5.00 Playboy Nov 2003 (adult), $5.99 Scary Monsters Magazine #48, $7.95 Tomarts Disneyana Update Jul Aug #53, $6.00 Ultimate DVD #46, $7.99 WWE Magazine (#40-03), $4.99 books According To The Rolling Stones HC, $40.00 Akiko And The Journey To Toog HC, $9.95 Alias Close Quarters MMPB, $5.99 Alias The Pursuit MMPB, $5.99 Beyond Horror Holocaust TPB, $22.95 Boondocks A Right To Be Hostile TPB, $16.95 Charmed Seasons Of The Witch Vol 1 TPB, $7.99 Dark Art Of Tony Mauro TPB, $14.95 Fangorias 101 Best Horror Movies Youve Never Seen TPB, $13.00 Femme Digitale TPB (adult), $29.95 Fox Trot Whos Up For Some Bonding TPB, $8.95 LOTR Return Of The King MMPB, $7.99 Lurker At The Threshold TPB, $10.00 Manga Mania Fantasy Worlds TPB, $19.95 Micronaughts Book 2 Time Traveler Trilogy MMPB, $6.99 Misadventures Of Dreary And Naughty HC, $13.99 Princess Bride TPB, $14.95 Stan Lee Rise And Fall Of The American Comic Book HC, $24.95 Star Trek Signature Ed Pantheon TPB, $9.95 Stray Toasters TPB (resolicited), $19.95 Video & DVD Guide 2004 TPB, $19.95 WWE Lita It Just Feels Right HC, $26.00 Yakuza Movie Book TPB, $19.95 Zombie Survival Guide TPB, $12.95 calendars Shakira 12 Month 2004 Wall Calendar, $12.99 Star Trek Nemesis 12 Month 2004 Wall Calendar, $12.99 cards BTVS Season 7 Premium T/C Box, AR BTVS Season 7 T/C Final Battle Mini Press Sheet Parallel, AR BTVS Season 7 T/C Final Battle Mini Press Sheet, AR Complete Highlander T/C Box (AA), AR In The Game 2003 04 Action NHL T/C Box, AR Kelloggs LOTR Fellowship Of The Ring 3D T/C Set, AR Topps 2003 Bowmans Best MLB T/C Box, AR Topps Beyblade Punch Out And Build Spinners T/C Box, AR Upper Deck 2003 04 Mvp NHL T/C Box, AR Upper Deck 2003 Sweet Spot MLB T/C Box, AR Upper Deck 2003 Ultimate Collection NFL T/C Box, AR games Attack (AA), $29.99 Battletech Miniatures Aegis Heavy Cruiser, $9.50 Battletech Miniatures Spirit Mech, $6.95 Battletech Miniatures Verfolger Mech, $8.50 Big Eyes Small Mouth D20 Character Folio, $4.95 Big Eyes Small Mouth Dungeon, $16.95 Chieftain Main Battle Tank 1965 2003, $14.95 D&D Miniatures Entry Pack, $19.99 D&D Miniatures Harbinger Exp Pack, $9.99 D20 Mecha, $19.95 Dying Earth Maps, $25.00 Hackmaster Female Gnome Illusionist, $3.99 Hackmaster Male Dwarven Thief, $3.99 Indy Heroclix Starter Set, $19.95 M60 Main Battle Tank 1961 91, $14.95 Modelling The Messerschmitt Bf 110, $17.95 MTG CCG Mirrodin Deck Box, AR Opaque 16Mm 50 Ct Dragon Dice Bag Assorted, $37.50 Opaque 16Mm 50 Ct Dragon Dice Bag Red, $37.50 Opaque 16Mm 50 Ct Dragon Dice Bag Yellow, $37.50 Opaque 25 Ct D10 Vampire Dice Bag Assorted, $12.50 Operation Barbarossa 1941, $18.95 Orpheus Crusade Of Ashes, $21.95 Penquin Ultimatum, $19.95 Promised Sands RPG, $36.95 Shriek Bloode Island, $8.95 Stargate SG1 RPG HC, $50.00 Timeline, $4.00 Warcry CCG Siege Of Darkness Booster, AR Warhammer 40K Cadian Command Group, $30.00 Warhammer Miniatures Khazrak The One Eye, $10.00 Warhammer Miniatures Pestigor Champion, $8.00 WWII Medal Of Honor Recipients, $16.95 Yu Gi Oh TCG 2003 Collector Tin Case, AR t-shirts Baka Gaijin T/S XL, $17.99 Green Lantern Symbol Women Top XL, $17.95 Hand Maid May Plug & Play T/S LG, $17.95 Hand Maid May Plug & Play T/S XL, $17.95 Lain Fenced Junior T/S LG, $17.95 Master Of Universe Skeletor He-Man Fight Scene T/S XL, $16.95 Princess Of Power She-Ra Ringer T/S LG, $16.95 Princess Of Power She-Ra Ringer T/S XL, $16.95 Simpsons Bart Underachiever Ringer T/S LG, $16.95 Simpsons Bart Underachiever Ringer T/S XL, $16.95 Simpsons Dysfunctional Shield T/S LG, $16.95 Simpsons Dysfunctional Shield T/S XL, $16.95 Super Friends Distressed Ringer T/S LG, $16.95 Super Friends Distressed Ringer T/S XL, $16.95 Superman Krack Ringer T/S LG, $18.95 Superman Krack Ringer T/S XL, $18.95 Thudercats Flame Logo T/S LG, $16.95 Thudercats Flame Logo T/S XL, $16.95 Tim Burton Oyster Boy Babydoll T/S LG, $17.99 Tim Burton Oyster Boy Babydoll T/S MED, $17.99 Wonder Woman Babydoll T/S, $17.95 videos/soundtracks Aura Battler Dunbine Vol 3 DVD, AR Beast Master Season 2 Complete DVD, AR Charlie Brown Thanksgiving DVD, AR Dark Myth DVD, AR Demon Beast Ressurection 3 & 4 Soul Survivor DVD (adult), AR Demon Beast Ressurection Ova Collection DVD (adult), AR DNA 2 DVD Collection, AR DNA 2 Vol 5 Epiphany DVD, AR Doctor Who Ep 134 Ressurection Of The Daleks DVD, AR Doctor Who Ep 66 Carnival Of Monsters DVD, AR Fawlty Towers Complete Collection DVD Set, AR Gene Roddenberrys Andromeda Season 2 Collection 5 DVD, AR Giant Robo Ost Vol 2 CD, AR Happy Tree Friends Vol 1 First Blood DVD, AR Hellraiser Chronicles Sdtrk 3 CD Box Set, AR Initial D Volume 2 DVD, AR Inu Yasha Vol 10 Scars Of Battle DVD, AR Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown DVD, AR L/R Soundtrack CD, AR Legend Of The Dragon Kings Red Dragon DVD, AR Lexx Series 4 Vol 4 DVD, AR Nightmare Campus Vol 5 DVD (adult), AR Patlabor Mobile Police Ova Collection DVD, AR Princess Nine Ost 2 CD, AR Rgu Revelation DVD, AR Rob Zombies House Of 1000 Corpses DVD, AR Star Trek DS9 Season 5 DVD Set, AR Starblazers Bolar Wars Vol 4 DVD, AR Starblazers Bolar Wars Vol 5 DVD, AR Street Fury Inferno DVD, AR Thunderbirds Television Ost CD, AR Time Stranger Ova DVD, AR Vanilla Series Endless Serenade DVD (adult), AR Youre Under Arrest Tv Vol 12 DVD, AR Youre Under Arrest Tv Vol 13 DVD, AR Yu Yu Hakusho Vol 17 The Dark Tournament Uncut DVD Sword And Dragon, AR Yu Yu Hakusho Vol 17 The Dark Tournament Uncut Video Dub Sword & Dragon, AR assorted stuff Barbie Armani Doll, $140.00 Barbie As Elle Woods Legally Blonde 2, $29.99 Bionicle Guurahk, AR Bionicle Kraata, AR Bionicle Kurahk, AR Bionicle Lerahk, AR Bionicle Panrahk, AR Bionicle Turahk, AR Bionicle Vohrak, AR Bond Roger Moore AF, $40.00 Bond Tee Hee AF, $40.00 Brak Sculpture, $59.00 Brass Skull Helmet, $160.99 Cobra AF 2 Pk Cobra & Doctor, $18.99 Cobra AF 2 Pk Lady & Robot, $18.99 Cutie Honey Dollgure, $17.99 Cutie Honey Honey Kisaragi Dollgure, $17.99 Cutie Honey Sister Jill Dollgure, $17.99 Devilman Resin Bobble Head Asst, AR Dick Tracy Mez-Its 2-Pk Asst, AR Fast & Furious Vehicle & Fig Ser C Asst, AR Freddy 12-In AF, $40.00 Harry Houdini Bobber, $10.99 Harvey Birdman Sculpture, $69.00 Homies Family Poster, $5.49 Hot Wheels 2003 Basic Asst Wave 4, AR Hulk Movie AF Asst Ser 4, AR Hulk Rotocast Figure With Bobble Action, $8.99 Jason 12-In AF, $40.00 LOTR Aragon Legolas And Gimli Perfalock Poster Puzzle, $13.99 LOTR Frodo And Sam Perfalock Poster Puzzle, $13.99 LOTR Gandalf The White Perfalock Poster Puzzle, $13.99 LOTR Isengard Orthanc Tower 3D Puzzle, $19.99 LOTR Rohan Perfalock Poster Puzzle, $13.99 Madman Action Mask, $4.95 Marvel Legends Urban Legends Gift Pack, $34.99 Marvel Legends X-Men Legends Gift Pack, $41.99 Marvel Superhero Sour Serum Ct Display, AR Mbx Tv Heroes Single Pack Asst, AR Mickeys X-Mas Carol Ser 1 10-PC Pvc Clip-On Set, $22.49 Mickeys X-Mas Carol Ser 1 10-PC Pvc Fig Set, $22.49 Mickeys X-Mas Carol Ser 1 3-Ghost AF Box Set, $22.49 Mickeys X-Mas Carol Ser 1 Clip-On Pvc Fig Asst, AR Monty Python & Holy Grail Black Knight Plush (AA), $18.95 Nbx Jack And Sally Pewter Candle Sticks, $40.99 Pez Pal Hand Puppets Assortment, AR Predator Mez-Its 3-Pack, $13.25 Resident Evil 0 Rebecca Chambers Japan AF, $29.99 Resident Evil 1 Tyrant Japan AF, $34.99 Resident Evil 2 Hunk Japan AF, $29.99 Resident Evil 2 Leon Jacket Japan AF, $29.99 Resident Evil 2 Licker Japan AF, $34.99 Resident Evil 2 Nemesis Type 2 Japan AF, $34.99 Resident Evil 2 Poison Ivy Japan AF, $34.99 Space Ghost Sculpture, $89.00 Spider-Man & Friends AF Asst Wave 6, AR Spider-Man 2003 Ser 4 AF Asst, AR Spider-Man Adv Style Recalled Original Movie Poster, $413.99 SW At-At, AR SW Mini Coll Vehicle Asst Ser 2, AR T3 T-850 Battle Damaged Mini Bust, $45.99 T3 T-850 Mini Bust, $45.99 T3 T-X Mini Bust, $45.99 T3 Terminatrix Mini Bust, $45.99 Teddy Roosevelt Bobber, $10.99 Thunderbirds Tinibiz Fig & Vehicle Asst #1, AR To Do List Poster (adult), $5.49 Tomb Raider 2 Lara Croft Stand Up, $29.95 Ultraman Tinibiz Building Block Asst #5, AR X-Men 2 Movie Ser 2 AF Asst, AR Zorak Sculpture, $59.00
  15. Karnage

    25 most UNDERrated games of all time

    With that Criteria, they should include all those SEGA games that were released on XBOX and that are now being sold at bargain bin prices.
  16. Click here if you can't see the image. It looks very ugly.
  17. Karnage

    The Horror Channel?

    Canada already has a horror channel on Digital Cable called Scream. We even have a channel called MenTV way before Spike called themselves the first network for men.
  18. Karnage

    The creepy "super fans"

    What about those two fans who were created by the WWF in the mid 90s? I remember them getting locked out of an In Your House and stuff.
  19. Karnage

    Tokyo Gaming Show

    There better be some Shenmue III news or announcements at TGS.
  20. Karnage

    New Releases For 9/23/2003

    AARDVARK VANAHEIM Cerebus #294 (Cold Cut), $2.25 ABSTRACT STUDIOS Strangers In Paradise Vol III #60, $2.95 ACTIVE IMAGES Hip Flask Unnatural Selection Widescreen Ltd Ed HC, $29.95 ACTOR Actor Blade Movie Bust, $59.99 ADHOUSE BOOKS Southpaw GN, $9.95 AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Gloom Cookie #17, $2.95 Little Gloomy Halloween Special (AA), $3.50 Skully Underpants #1, $2.95 ANTARCTIC PRESS Ninja High School #109, $3.50 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Jughead With Archie Digest #187, $2.39 Pals N Gals Double Digest #79, $3.59 Sabrina Vol 2 #50, $2.19 ARIEL PRESS Raven #3, $1.95 AVATAR PRESS Frank Millers Robocop Jacen Burrows Cvr #1 (Of 9), $3.95 Hellina Seduction Preview Bad Girl Ed, $5.95 Jungle Fantasy Back To The Hunt Ed #3, $5.95 Jungle Fantasy Prehistoric Nude Ed #3, $6.00 Shi Sempo Prism Foil Cvr #1, $12.95 Shi Sempo Royal Blue Cvr #1/2, $75.00 Stargate SG1 Convention Special First Prime Ed, $5.95 BLACK LIBRARY Warhammer Monthly #72, $3.50 BLUE LINE PRODUCTION How To Break Into The Comic Book Business #2, $5.95 BON-VUE ENTERTAINMENT Long Cruel Winter SC (adult), $21.95 Mirandas Cherry Blossom Assignment SC (adult), $21.95 BROADSWORD COMICS Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #22, $2.95 BUD PLANT Helmut Newtons Illustrated TPB (AA)(adult), AR CG ENTERTAINMENT Brath #7, $2.95 Path #18, $2.95 Silken Ghost #5 (Of 5), $2.95 Solus #6, $2.95 COMICSONE.COM My Sassy Girl GN #1 (Cold Cut), $9.95 Saint Legend GN #6 (Cold Cut), $13.95 Storm Riders GN #12 (Cold Cut), $13.95 CPM MANGA La Blue Girl Manga Ed Book 4 Desire GN (adult), $16.95 DARK HORSE BTVS #61 A Stake To The Heart (Part 2 Of 4) Art Cvr, $2.99 BTVS #61 A Stake To The Heart (Part 2 Of 4) Photo Cvr, $2.99 Grendel God & The Devil #8 (Of 10), $3.50 Hot Stuff Aw Shucks 3D Pvc Keyring, $4.99 Hot Stuff Dreamland 12 Cm Polyresin Figurine, $24.99 Hot Stuff Dreamland 3D Pvc Keyring, $4.99 Hot Stuff Here We Go Large Polyresin Statue, $49.99 Hot Stuff Hot Tub Polyresin Figurine, $24.99 Hot Stuff Perplexed 17 Cm Polyresin Mini Statue, $49.99 Hot Stuff Perplexed 3D Pvc Keyring, $4.99 Hot Stuff Perplexed 3D Sculpted Pvc Pin, $5.99 Hot Stuff Teachers Pet Polyresin Mini Statuette, $34.99 Lone Wolf 2100 #9, $2.99 Star Wars Republic #57 Battle Of Jabiim (Part 3 Of 4), $2.99 Usagi Yojimbo Duel At Kitanoji Ltd Ed HC, $59.95 DC COMICS Batman #619 Heroes Cover, $2.25 Batman #619 Newstand Edition, $2.25 Batman #619 Villians Cover, $2.25 Batman Legends Of The Dark Knight #171, $2.50 Batman Tenses #2 (Of 2), $6.95 Cartoon Cartoons #22, $2.25 Catwoman #23, $2.50 Empire #3 (Of 6), $2.50 Fables The Last Castle, $5.95 Flash #202, $2.25 Green Lantern #169, $2.25 Hellblazer #188, $2.75 JLA #87, $2.25 JLA Z #1 (Of 3), $2.50 Legion #24, $2.50 Losers #4, $2.95 Promethea #27, $2.95 Reign Of The Zodiac #2, $2.75 Smallville Season One DVD, $45.99 Superman #197, $2.25 Superman Day Of Doom TPB, $9.95 Sweatshop #6, $2.95 Terra Obscura #4 (Of 6), $2.95 Thundercats Dogs Of War #4 (Of 5), $2.95 Tor Vol 3 HC, $49.95 Vertigo Merv Pumpkinhead Mini Bust, $45.00 Wildcats Version 3.0 #14, $2.95 DORK STORM PRESS Dork Tower Coll TPB Vol 5 Understanding Gamers (resolicited), $15.99 Nodwick Chronicles Coll Nodwick Vol 3 TPB, $15.99 DREAM CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS The Changers Vol 2 GN (Of 2)(Cold Cut), $8.95 DREAMHAVEN BOOKS Leonard & Larry Vol 4 How Real Men Do It TPB, $12.95 DREAMWAVE Transformers More Than Meets Eye Official Guide #6 (Of 8), $5.25 DYNAMIC FORCES DF Amazing Spider-Man Full Size 13 Inch Bust Mp Edition, $299.99 DF Bug 8 Inch Bust (resolicited), $89.99 DF Loki 8 Inch Bust (AA), $129.99 DF Street Fighter Alt Cvr #0, $6.99 DF Street Fighter Black Foil Cvr #0, $10.00 DF Street Fighter Chun Li Cvr #1, $6.95 DF Supreme Power Sgn #1, $29.99 DF Trouble Sgn #1, $19.99 DF Wolverine Sgn #1 (AA), $19.99 DFE Tomb Raider Scarfaces Treasure Cvr B #1, AR DFE Transformers Gen One Vol 2 Alt Cvr Lee Sgn #1, $29.99 DFE Transformers GI Joe Alt Cvr #1, $6.99 Transformers Generation One Vol 1 HC (AA), $49.99 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Blowjob #7 (adult), $3.50 Dame Darcys Meat Cake HC (Cold Cut), $22.95 Young Witches Vol 4 Eternal Dream TPB (adult), $16.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING Uncle Scrooge #322, $6.95 Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #637, $6.95 GHOSTWERKS COMICS Champion Of Children Afterschool Special #1, $2.95 GRAHAM CRACKER COMICS GI Joe Transformers Graham Crackers Ex Poster, $7.99 GUTSOON ENTERTAINMENT Guardian Angel Getten Vol 1 TPB, $9.95 H-BOMB COMICS Taylor Wanes Vamptrix Nude Cvr #1 (adult), $6.00 Taylor Wanes Vamptrix Reg Cvr #1 (adult), $3.50 HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING Dormant Beast SC (Star10936), $10.95 IDW PUBLISHING Wake The Dead #1 (Of 5), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Heirs Of Eternity #5 (Of 5), $2.95 Magdalena Con Preview #1, AR Magdalena Con Preview Sgn Ed #1, AR McFarlanes Sports Picks NFL Ser 6 AF Asst, AR Paradigm Vol 1 Segue To An Interlude TPB, $13.95 Spawn #128, $2.50 Strangers Garcia Cvr #6 (Of 6), $2.95 Strangers Louis Cvr #6 (Of 6), $2.95 Street Fighter Chen Cvr #1, AR Venture #4, $2.95 Witchblade #69, $2.99 INKBLOT FARM PRESS Misa #1 (Cold Cut), $4.00 LAST GASP Visions Of Giovanna SC (adult), $14.95 MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #58, $2.25 Avengers & Adversaries Scarlet Witch Medium Statue, $75.00 Born #4 (Of 4), $3.50 Captain America #18, $2.99 Captain America Vol 1 The New Deal TPB, $16.99 Crimson Dynamo #2, $2.50 Domino #4 (Of 4), $2.50 Exiles #34, $2.99 Fantastic Four #504 (#75), $2.25 Hulk Nightmerica #4 (Of 6), $2.99 Human Torch #6, $2.50 Incredible Hulk #61, $2.25 Inhumans #5, $2.50 Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four Vol 3 2nd Ed HC, $49.99 Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four Vol 3 HC Var Dust Jacket, $54.99 Marvel Previews Oct 2003 Extras, AR Mystique #6, $2.99 Punisher #32, $2.99 Thor Vikings #3 (Of 5), $3.50 Ultimate Nightcrawler Bust, $50.00 Ultimate Thor Se Bust, $70.00 Wolverine Claws Replica, $250.00 X-Treme X-Men #31, $2.99 NBM Dungeon #8 (Of 8), $2.95 How Loathsome #4 (Of 4), $2.95 ODDGOD PRESS Big Dumb Fun SC, $19.95 ONI PRESS Courtney Crumrin & The Coven Of Mystics TPB, $11.95 Jason & The Argobots Vol 2 Machina Ex Dues TPB, $11.95 Love Fights #4, $2.99 One Plus One Vol 1 TPB, $14.95 RADIO COMIX Liberty From Hell #1, $2.99 REBELLION 2000 AD #1355, $3.75 2000 AD #1356, $3.75 Judge Dredd Megazine #210, $10.99 RED ROBOT PRODUCTIONS Malinky Robot #1 (Cold Cut), $3.00 SECOND TO SOME STUDIOS Fade From Blue #8, $1.50 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS Circles #4, $5.00 Shanda The Panda #38, $4.99 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT Poison Elves Hot Rod T/S LG, $19.95 Poison Elves Hot Rod T/S MED, $19.95 Poison Elves Hot Rod T/S XL, $19.95 Poison Elves Hot Rod T/S XXL, $19.95 SKUNK COMICS Ita Code Of The Dragon #1, $2.95 TITAN Transformers Px HC GN Cybertron Redux, $24.95 Wallace And Gromit SC Catch Of The Day (resolicited), $8.95 TOKYOPOP GI Joe Spy Troops Cinemanga Vol 1 GN (Cold Cut), $7.99 Kim Possible Cinemanga Vol 3 GN (Of 4)(Cold Cut), $7.99 VAMPEROTICA Vamperotica Original Art Gift Pack #4, $25.00 VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS Nightstand Chillers SC, $16.95 VIZ Animerica Extra Oct 2003 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  21. Karnage

    Rumored Star War DVD changes list

    If Lucas really wants to do all these additions, he should just release the new versions along with the original trilogy versions like Spielberg did with ET.
  22. Karnage

    Ultimate Spider-Man

    I haven't bought comics in a long while and the only title that I picked up all the time was Ultimate Spider-Man. I haven't picked up an issue since the whole Venom thing. What's going on now in Ultimate?
  23. Karnage

    Mega Wrestling Comp on CDR

    Is this like a VCD that can be played on DVD players or no?
  24. Karnage

    Triple H's hat

    I think they are called berets. Anyone know where to get those ones that Dave Chappelle always wears?
  25. Rush Hour is his only good American movie? Hey the Shanghai series is pretty good, but The Tuxedo and The Medallion weren't. Yeah, thats what I meant.