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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Moore ripped to shreds in review....

    Erm. Sorry. And FYI, before saying "IT HASN'T BEEN POSTED BEFORE LOL", use that Search function that you so aptly referenced in your meandering introduction that belongs in General Chat. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=56886 Pow.
  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Moore ripped to shreds in review....

    HAHAHAHA. On second thought, don't leave.
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Moore ripped to shreds in review....

    Is this the dude that got kicked out of 411 for being a douche? If so, please leave.
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Demons made Clinton have an affair

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes. Mike has all the answers. Since it wasn't DISPROVED, it's OBVIOUSLY true. I forgot that Mike is allowed to use leaps of logic in his horribly intelligent debates, whereas no one else is.
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Jack Ryan drops out of Senate race

    This sucks. I'd have much rather had Ryan get slaughtered by Obama, ensuring an already ensured Senate pickup (not to mention a Kerry victory) in Illinois than to have to worry about a surprise candidacy by some rising star. Hopefully they'll nominate a boob that realizes he has no chance of winning and just get it over with.
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The Mini-camp/Preseason NFL Thread

    Fat chance. Miller gets off a huge boom every once in a while, but he holds onto the ball and inspects the signature for like 24 seconds before he kicks it. He'll get quite a few blocked, probably.
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, looks like the court tossed one out

  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The Mini-camp/Preseason NFL Thread

    McAllister top 2?!?! HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA He gets abused regularly when the Ravens play the Steelers. He's not even top 10. He's a highly overrated burner who plays horrible in big games.
  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Guess who's helping Moore's "film" in Lebanon

    Oh please. This is like that terrorist organization supporting Bush in the election.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Theorietical McCain VP-led Kerry ticket ruins Bush

    Too bad it'll never happen, but this is insane: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/14/...p.ap/index.html Does McCain really have that much drawing power? Is he even remotely beatable if he runs in 2008? If I were Kerry at this point, I'd be promising McCain as much promiscuous anal sex as he wants in exchange for him becoming the VP. 53-39 is freaking Dukakis territory.
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    You C*nt!

    For a second there, I thought Gangwars started up again.
  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Theorietical McCain VP-led Kerry ticket ruins Bush

    Because, as shown by the poll, he'd ruin Bush in the general election. Who cares if the man is a conservative in that case? The only way it'd ever matter is if Kerry were to die (again), or if there was a tied vote in the Senate. He's a figurehead that would help him get into office. Because, y'know, that'd be a bad idea... What, is the media all of a sudden going to start doing their job and reporting the fact that he's actually a staunch conservative? Fat chance. They're STILL going to paint him as a rebel, they're STILL going to show his glorious soundbites where he tears into Bush, and they're STILL going to play the war hero card. What, do you actually think anything more than a token 5% actually bothers to vote based on their principles? He'd draw more from across the aisle than he'd lose from the Democratic base. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are when you're hysterical?
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Theorietical McCain VP-led Kerry ticket ruins Bush

    Hmmmm... Thanks for the tongue lashing, Marney! BUT!!! So... BUT I THOUGHT I SAID IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN OMG! But... No, but... Oh. Wait. But... wait... Could it possibly be... ...that I wasn't suggesting he should run on Kerry's ticket?!?! The point of the post--which, oddly enough, you seem to have misinterpreted (OMG@!!!!!!!!! Call the fucking presses, Marney's misinterpreting a liberal's post for the sake of bashing it!)--was to remark that McCain seems to have a rather large base of support. Was it a McCain BJ thread where I sulk at the fact that Kerry isn't getting the hyper glorious McCain vice presidency? No. I'm well aware of the Senator's record; believe it or not, I actually like... FOLLOW these things. However, the unique prospect of a bipartisan ticket seems to have a lot of drawing power amongst the public. As shown by this, also in the........ Believe it or not, two people with names are not "unnamed democrat"
  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Kurt Kobain

    I bet you guys that Curt Kobain is still alive.
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Theorietical McCain VP-led Kerry ticket ruins Bush

    That was the other angle I was thinking about. If, at the convention, Kerry pulls the McCain rabbit out of his hat, doesn't Bush have to respond with Guiliani? And if he does, does that kill his Religious Right base considering Guiliani's stances on abortion and gay marriage? If not, does that remove some of Guiliani's allure as a moderate Republican? The thing about McCain is that he doesn't really have to do anything other than what he's already doing: railing about campaign finance and the like, and just being a thorn in Bush's side. Guiliani might have to reinvent himself just to keep Bush's base intact, but that might ruin some of his attractiveness as a candidate.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America


    Oh. My. God. Don't ever post again.
  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America


    Go analyze your girlfriend's laffer curve.
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Michael Moore Hates America

    I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?!?!?! lolololololololmikesc30024k!
  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Supreme Court Decision

    Yeah, that's fucking lame. Way to waste us a few more months of our time as someone else challenges it who actually has custody of their kids. It won't be heard before the election, though.
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Michael Moore Hates America

    Which is the same opinion that our administration had until very recently. (i.e. WE'RE DOING THIS ON OUR OWN!!! syndrome) In less flowery, antagonistic language, otherwise known as... "Once we're in it, we can't leave before it's over" You disagree?
  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Michael Moore Hates America

    WHERE WAS HE "ROOTING AGAINST AMERICA"?!?! Jesus Christ, stop making things up out of thin air! He said the people attacking US troops are being labelled as Baathists when they're really Iraqi citizens trying to rid the country of America. OMGROOTINGAGAINSTUS2K4? Not really. Stick to calling him fat and leave the real analysis to literates, please.
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Wow, a triple post.
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Not suprisingly, you're wrong there. France has one of the largest growing Muslim communities in the world (sorry about the source, it was the first one I could grab off of Google.)
  24. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    ....where the fuck do you hear that? DemocraticUnderground doesn't count. I'm pretty sure those people were talking about us setting our own example there, champ. France IS very anti-Semetic, but it's hardly the Athens of left wing thought, as Mad Dog is insinuating. He's just trying to figure out a roundabout way of calling us anti-Semetic, and it's not working.