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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Column on Dean

    Oh, yes, I'm a hypocrite. I often post editorial hit-jobs on Bush in the main forum for the sake of "discussion" (read: bashing the shit out of someone for a snip job quote like this) that consists of seventeen replies of "LOL HOWERD DEEN IS STUPID!@~!~" Political speculation is, quite frankly, no better than "man puts penis in blender" because quite frankly, this adds NOTHING to the discourse of this forum. It's pointless, because posting random right wing editorials -- just as if I were to post random left wing editorials -- only serves to conjure up a few one line "LOL STUPID DEMS" or "LOL BUSH IZ DUM" replies. I'm sorry, but that's fluff. Am I in RAYGE!@LKJ~!!!LKJ!:j right now? Hardly. It's a stupid editorial and I felt like ripping into Mike a little bit for being a fucking tool. Yes, both of you have had "kittens" (as you like to say it) about the Reagan movie and called it a SHAMELESS HIT JOB BOO KILL and then, simply "hah, we gotchoooooooo!!! LOL" when I respond similarly to a retarded topic that Mike posts. I'm sorry, hypocrisy? It's all yours in this case, sweetheart.
  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Column on Dean

    This is pretty interesting, too! Hey, look at that! We can both post editorials!
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Column on Dean

    Oh, and weren't we supposed to be keeping the fluff out of CE? This is the fifth "HMM INTRIGUING INTERESTING" nonsense that Mike has posted.
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Column on Dean

    Emphasis mine. GEE, NICE SNIP JOB, ASSHOLE. HOW ABOUT WE SHOW A FULL TRANSCRIPT OF WHAT HE SAID, MMKAY? Yes, direct question and answer there, sir! This kind of moronic misquoting is just what assholes like this tend to do; they twist his words and turn a lighthearted comment ("From an ideological perspective") into a threat that GOD DAMN SALTY COCKS, HE'S GOING AFTER OUR O'REILLY! KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL And hey, if I could check it (I can't; I'm not paying money to get the transcript), bet me a hundred bucks that the other quote that prompted the first half of this bullshit editorial hit job (because you're AGAINST HIT JOBS, apparently, right? after all, look at the Reagans thread!) was overblown, too! After all, this moron compared Dean's comment ("The President ignored warning signs..." WHICH HAS BEEN WIDELY SPECULATED AND ISN'T A HAIRBRAINED IDEA) to Cynthia McKinney's ("President is doing this for oil interests!" or other like conspiratorial nonsense) is the epitome of a screed-filled moronic hit job. There IS quite a bit of evidence that the government ignored warning signs about an attack, regardless of whether they could have stopped it or not. GOD DAMN HIM for actually stating it! Mike, if you have ANY credibility left in you, you'd stop posting bullshit editorials by utter idiots. Of course, you DON'T have any credibility left, so...
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    The point was (if you knew your history) that France in the late 1600's used tariffs to their great advantage by ensuring very exacting standards on all of their exports, while maintaining high tariffs and flourishing their local industries. The system fell apart once Louis left the throne, but while he was at his zenith, France's mercantille system made their economy the most productive one in the world.
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    For those of you who are unfamiliar with the situation... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2003Nov30.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/12/02/...f.ap/index.html Personally, I think Rove & Co. made a huge mistake by issuing the tariffs to begin with. While I may not look like much of a free-marketer to most people (and, to some extent, I'm not; I'm often horrified when I read about the damage the WTO and World Bank do to third world countries), I acknowledge that tariffs and trade wars are a thing of the past. When Bush decided to pander to the steel interests and raise protective tariffs, some of us acknowledged that this could throw us into a trade war with Europe, and it's still quite possible that this still might happen. However, if he removes these tariffs, he risks losing Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia (steel producing states) in the 2004 election. On the other hand, if he starts a trade war, he could cede Florida, Iowa, and another state which I have currently forgotten. The reason for that being that the EU has threatened to tariff major products in those countries. If you were president and inhereted this problem (assume for a moment that it was already in affect; answering "not issue them in the first place" isn't the point), how would you get out of it? Personally, I don't think Bush has any choice but to bite the bullet and revoke the steel tariffs. He absolutely cannot afford to lose Florida -- as was proven in 2000 -- and he's damned either way. Thoughts?
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    Well, to a certain extent, it is. It's going to cost him electoral votes either way, thus the snarky attempt at defaming Bush that is this topic.
  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    We already knew that
  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    "All authority must be questioned" (strongly agree) -- That, IMO, is the very fabric of our democracy. "Significantly congenitally disabled people should not be allowed to reproduce." (strongly disagree) -- Personally, the thought of such Hitleresque "rules" etc. appall me.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    I only used it twice this time, I think.
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Miserable Failures....

    Atrios mentioned this last week, I think. Funny stuff.
  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    Economic Left/Right: -1.52 Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.11 Well, that was unexpected. I guess I made more use of the "strongly agree" button last time.
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    We weren't OUTVOTED by anyone. The WTO is flagrantly pro FREE TRADE. WHY IN GOD'S NAME WOULD THEY VOTE ON OUR SIDE WHEN WE TRIED TO IMPEDE FREE TRADE?!? You can't MAKE this shit up.
  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    WTF. Stupid people hijacked my argument.
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    That comment just shows how little you understand economics. Overwhelmingly, the WTO/World Bank agreements favor us. Just because one thing didn't go our way doesn't mean that this thing is a sweetheart deal for Europeans. Please read up about things about which you plan to comment. Thanks.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    WTO still frowns upon subsidies.
  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    You still haven't addressed Louis XIV, Popick.
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    Yeah, because it would be STUPID to try to reach out more into the mainstream, wouldn't it? SILLY LIBRULZ
  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    I don't disagree, but I don't think Rice will have it much better.
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    Rice has plenty of enemies after all of the lying nonsense.
  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Ah yes, notice once again that with all those cars to choose from, he picked a Ford. (not that I'm knocking it... I love Mustangs) How much do you suppose Samsung/Sprint and Ford paid to have their products plastered all over the place this season? Not to mention Dell.
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Windows XP woes..

    *shudders* Win98 is worse than WinXP...
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    Sorry. By the way, they changed that site quite a bit. They actually have the democratic candidates and stuff up there now, it's somewhat interesting.
  24. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Well, They're Actually Going Through With It

    You're a God, do you know that? Fucking racist.
  25. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Bush's Tariff Conundrum

    Uh, right.