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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    By the way, can you wish death on people even in obvious jest? Like, if I just randomly said "LOL DIE BANKY" I'd get banned? Don't ban me
  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Yeah, actually. I'd mark out like crazy.
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Banky is showing compassion? Say it ain't so. But seriously, this is a message board. People don't come on here to read your life story, as sad as it may or may not be. This is stupid.
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Uh, this is truly bizarre. First, TNM is Prince Paul, whatever, don't care... but how the hell did this turn into a whiny "my dick is bigger than yours" marathon?
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    What the fuck?
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Character developing survey...

    It's fascinating how people incorporate their own lives into their characters'. I do it too, but no one cares about my non-SWF character; so, I won't bother you
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    Naw, this is the Chaos who was Angel in this very fed. He's pretty good too, though. Flesher isn't facing him in this round, but might face him in the finals (the next round is a big battle royal for the tournament).
  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    Tom Flesher: The True Path Friendly Advice (JD Lawson said that "The Truth Path" was the highest rated roleplay in bracket two, and he really digged both of your roleplays. Congratulations. You moved on to round three.) Michael Craven: The Rising Tide The Pitch Roadkill (Didn't talk to Lloyd, but judging by participation in your bracket, I'd guess you moved on, too) Christian Atwater: (myself) Chapter 4.3 ("Be Strong") Chapter 4.4 ("Visitation") (I'll probably win, too, but you never know. I'm probably on the shakiest ground here, sadly )
  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    Brackets are up, everything was as I'd expected. Tom, Michael Craven, and I all advanced. MVS didn't, as he no-showed. BRACKET 1 (Davis) 1.) Pete Ebdon vs. "Scythe" LaTroy Morletto 2.) Michael Craven vs. The Soldier 3.) Los Gringo X vs. Erick Caine (Don't know who that is, sorry. Davis is a pretty straight judge, though) BRACKET 2 (Lawson) 1.) Kevin Jones vs. Dustin Iler 2.) Nicholas Jaxx vs. Meat Rod Vex Badbed 3.) Christian Atwater vs. "The Bullet" Brian Adkins vs. Brock Williams (I dunno who Adkins is, but Brock is an old school FWFer. I should be alright) BRACKET 4 (Saotome) 1.) Black Traveler ZK vs. Memphis Gray 2.) Johnny Storm vs. Tom Flesher 3.) Chaos vs. Andrew Hurley (Oy. Oy. Good luck! Johnny Storm writes a fuckload and he will max out. His insults are weak and you'll be able to put a chink in his armor for sure... but it's gonna be tough) This round is single elimination, meaning it's either you or your opponent, not 50%. Good luck, guys... especially Tom.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    All night rave/reverse-filibuster in Senate

    According to Orrin Hatch, it comes from the Spanish word "filibustero" which means TO HIJACK! I know this because he had that stupid fucking billboard behind him every time he spoke.
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Try THIS one on for size...

    They were supposed to be debating a black principal of an elementary school, and the solution -- according to the executive and Cam'ron -- was to get the parents more involved with judging what their kids are and aren't allowed to watch and listen to. The message was a good one, the delivery was poor, of course. O'Re-- err, the media whore who hosted said show also called the Terminator and violent movies "cartoons" which have no influence on the kids, certainly not as much influence as rap music does.
  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    All night rave/reverse-filibuster in Senate

    They've approved 163 judicial nominees. They've blocked 6 radical justices through perfectly legal means. On disputed justices, the rules require 60 senators to vote "yes" to bring him to a vote. MMKAY. By the way, Chaffee, McCain, etc... while they're more neutral than the rest of conservatives, still have a very conservative record on social issues. We like McCain for his fiscal ideas and straight talk, we like Chaffee because he'll speak out against the Republicans occasionally, and we like Jeffords because he's basically a Democrat anyways. And by the way, you people are bitching at the Democrats about this when the GOP was the party who decided to back up debate in the Senate for OVER two days, when there's important business on the docket that ISN'T getting done. Congratulations, your blatant partisanship in nominating 6 justices who are severely right wing and trying to muscle them through by your 51-48 margin (really 52-47 though, since Zell Miller is a de facto Republican -- he votes with the President 93% of the time) in the Senate is now backing up the business that affects everyone, including the medicare reform, some economic programs, and apparently an infrastructure bill that I heard a few Democrats mention during the debates. So it's REALLY worth it to get six ideologues on the bench, right? These guys couldn't be... say... less partisan, like the other 163? In other words, STFU and stop complaining. Your President brought it on himself.
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    I think that's the idea. I was yelling at the screen trying to tell Palmer not to do it, but of course, he did it and the other candidate is probably "in" with Anne's ex-husband. It's a ploy to get him to payoff the guy and start a scandal.
  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    The guy had to create a diversion for Kyle to get out, that's why he shot Tony. There's no possible scenerio in which Tony is infected, methinks.
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    WTF WHY MUST WE WAIT ANOTHER WEEK They should just show them all in one day. I'd fucking watch.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    When Worlds Collide Round 1 Roleplays

    Round two brackets are up, everyone advanced... but Korgath. Sorry http://www.iwfefed.net/tournaments/wwcx.html
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Reds release Ryan Dempster

    Having Tommy John surgery is not too much fun. That being said, I know from personal experience that not even halfway through the rehab process (I had the surgery over the summer), I can already tell that my arm is going to be a ton stronger than it was before the surgery. The reason for that is that these injuries aren't usually a sudden thing that happens in one instant, they're the result of several years of punishment on your elbow. In effect, they probably had the injury for a while before they noticed it (I know I did), and the surgery can be beneficial. Not always, of course, but it can.
  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    One & Only Week Ten Football Thread

    JAX wins!
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    One & Only Week Ten Football Thread

  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    When Worlds Collide Round 1 Roleplays

    Chapter 4.2 -- "Culmination" Interlude -- "Pushing Onward"
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Is the draft coming back?

    http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2003/11/03/draft/ I'm aware -- before all of the conservative talking heads on this board lambast me with "BUT TYL0R, THEY'RE JUST HIRING PPL CAN'T U SEE THAT IT'S NOT THE DRAFT?!? LOL DUMBY" -- that this is simply a move to staff the draft boards, as ominous as that prospect is. However, this is something that some people (me, actually) have predicted since before the war in Iraq started, and as several experts (regardless of their credentials) in that article had stated, it's not as far fetched as we'd like to think. Here's the page in question: http://www.defendamerica.mil/articles/sss092203.html Anyone have any thoughts on the issue? I think that sadly, if we're going to undertake multiple occupations of foriegn countries, that this might be necessary, although I'm far from an advocate and far from an expert. And by the way, yes, I'm aware that this was proposed by a DEMOCRAT LOL.
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Crash Holly passes away

    Erg. Anyone who thinks that painkillers are "necessary" is either incredibly deluded or weak minded as hell... First of all, pain killers are the worst thing you can use when you're in the midst of physical competition, because the very nature of them will make your injuries far worse by making you think you can do things you can't. I played football for most of my life, and like someone else in this thread, I always refused pain killers because it's just not good for you. It's not always the most productive thing to try and fight through the pain and whatnot, and there were times where I played when I shouldn't have... but I never took painkillers. It has to do with mental toughness, and quite frankly, it's sad to see those who don't have it. What they don't realize is that they're shortening their careers and their lives by numbing the pain at that very moment. I don't watch wrestling anymore, but when i did, I remember Crash being quite entertaining. It's sad to see him go.
  24. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    A tournament.

    If anyone's interested in giving RPing a try for a few weeks and competing in one of the biggest tournaments on the 'net, they're accepting applications now. http://www.iwfefed.net/wwc_app.htm
  25. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Is the draft coming back?

    I've heard I couldn't be drafted because I recently had elbow surgery on a torn ligament, but I dunno.