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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    From where did this bullshit come? http://miller.senate.gov/speeches/030101jjdinner.htm Just in case you didn't see that the first time I posted it. That Senate record really must've changed! ... Zell Miller: Making Howard Dean Like A Teddy Bear With Each Breath He Takes I just felt the need to repost that, by the way.
  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    Hahahaha. Look at this crazy shit. From where did this bullshit come? http://miller.senate.gov/speeches/030101jjdinner.htm
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    A red-faced, hysterical rant is what the convention is supposed to be?
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    Zell Miller has just done what Pat Buchanan did for the 1992 campaign. Republicans everywhere had better hope that the ratings for this convention are catastrophically low, or this is something they may never recover from. Absolutely abominable performance by the "democrat"; between his hysterical accusations and negative vibes and the fact that he was flat out lying half the time, he and whomever booked him (not to mention whomever approved his speech) should be rendered irrelevant ten times worse than Howard Dean was ever made. This was a hilarious performance to top off one of the weakest conventions ever. Even better, not even the laughably conservative CNN analysts could do anything but bash the fuck out of that tool. I'm so proud to not be a Republican tonight.
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    1001 Things to Hate About The Convention...

    Mike, he linked to a parody piece. Stop menstruating and laugh, you twat.
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    This girl's parents need to be flogged.
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Or we could just stop giving all married people benefits and just privatize marriage altogether.
  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Learn to read plz thx
  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    I got this letter from someone from eBay...

    Do it.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    200 Children and Teachers taken hostage in school

    That's because most, if not all, of the major Islamic figures subscribe to the radical Wahhabist sect. Since Saudi Arabia has become the center of all things Islam, Islam has become more and more perverted. Coincidence?
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

    Hey there, sport. You're all up in my grill right now. Please remove yourself from my grill or post about it here. I'll be happy to address you further there by mocking you severely and referring to you as a snivelling little twit.
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

    He's a guest at the Republican Convention. He doesn't have press creds. He's not a delegate. He's a Republican.
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

    Your paraphrase of my argument is laughable, considering I said that Zell isn't even a DINO. He's a Republican.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Who's not voting in this presidential election?

    God, I love the United States and all of its citizens!!!!
  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Celebs

    He was talking about Zell Miller, but the question remains: Who is GreatOne and why does he have such a hard-on about me? I don't even remember talking to this kid and he seems to carry the most vengeful grudge in history.
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Multiplayer video games on the net?

    America's Army.
  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    Nor do old grudges ever die. One day I shall have my revenge. And I'm a Republican now, so I can be as vengeful and mean as I want with very little public outcry.
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    It's obviously just a scar now.
  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    I am a Republican!
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    I was thoroughly bored with this night's speeches, but according to Arnold, I'm a Republican. And probably a girly-man, but I didn't ask.
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Protests in NYC

    It'll likely have no effect either way. But hey, it's their choice. If they want to waste their week marching and shit, they can go right ahead.
  24. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    Seriously, what is this? A stand up routine?
  25. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Republican Convention

    I was actually rather underwhelmed by McCain, although Rudy was spectacular.