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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    Riots in London and people force their way into

    Both sides are twats.
  2. Renegade

    SF Anniversary Collection

    Hori Stick or controller?
  3. Renegade

    So... Zsasz was banned

    Say "batman sucks" five times in front of the mirror.
  4. Not even close to the awesomeness of the 90's spider-man.
  5. Renegade

    Happy tree friends

    Not sure if this is funny fucked up or just fucked up http://www.happytreefriends.com/watch_episodes/#08
  6. Renegade

    TSM Ninja Tournament Round 2

    Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF) Galford (Samurai Shodown)- TMNTs are not videogame characters Hanzo (Samurai Shodown) Ibuki (SF3) Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi) Leonardo (TMNT) Psylocke (X-Men) Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) Strider Hiryu Venom (Guilty Gear)
  7. Renegade

    Someone change my name

  8. Renegade

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Just came across an interview with Bendis about current and new avengers http://www.comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=4176
  9. Renegade

    Martial Arts Advice Anyone?

    Just take up boxing. You'll probably have easier access to boxing training.
  10. Renegade

    What's Shipping

  11. Renegade

    Yoko Kanno

    Probably the only thing that I liked about cowboy bebop.
  12. Renegade

    What's Shipping

    If you have DC++ there is a comics hub which should have it.
  13. http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/ If I were in Square I would actually hire these guys to make this game, I mean just take a look at the trailer, it looks ten times more appealing than the FF shit being churned out.
  14. Renegade

    Video Game Ninja Tournament!! Round 1!

    Pirates > Samurais > Ninjas
  15. Renegade

    GTA: San Andreas

    I'll probably play the game solid for a week then throw it on my pile of unloved and barely used GTA games.
  16. Renegade

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Regarding Avengers 501 IM taking out a raged she-hulk with one punch? Tony must have really juiced up his armor
  17. Renegade

    Eddie Murphy Delirious Vs Raw

    The Stevie Wonder gags had me in tears.
  18. Right now I have to recommend the Pulse. Another hit from Bendis.
  19. Renegade

    "The Batman"

    The animation looks nasty.
  20. Renegade

    Video Game Ninja Tournament!! Round 1!

    Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF) Black Bomber (Bomber Man) Dou Lon (KoF)- Eiji Kisaragi (Fatal Fury/KOF) Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter) Hanzo (Samurai Shodown) Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge) Ibuki (SF3) Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi) Kagemaru (Virtua Fighter) Mai Shiranui (KoF, Fatal Fury) Ninja (Ninja Warriors) Raikoh (Otogi) Rikkimaru (Tenchu) Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) Sub-Zero (MK series) Strider Hiryu Takashi (Shadow Dancer) Venom (Guilty Gear) Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)
  21. Renegade

    Daredevil Director's Cut

    From http://www.dvdanswers.com/index.php?r=0&s=1&c=4672 Not sure what to think of this, one of the main things that made the 2 disc set worthwhile were the interviews with the comics writers/artists.
  22. Renegade

    What's Shipping

    MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN #6 SHE HULK #7 - A surprisingly good series so far PULSE #5
  23. Renegade

    Daredevil Director's Cut

    Is there any chance that they might have changed his origin in the directors cut? Would it have killed them for Matt to get his powers by doing something heroic rather than running away crying and getting hit like an idiot?
  24. Renegade

    So, you want to share files with your friends?

    I think DC++ should be on that list. I've written a mini guide/review in the videogame folder. Sixth post on the this link http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=49484