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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    Lamest hero.

    I'm no DC buff so someboby sell me on the green arrow.
  2. Renegade

    Most dissapointing games ever

    What was wrong with Monkey Island 3?
  3. Renegade

    PSP or Nintendo DS

    PSP, it looks more stylish, less gimmicky and will probably have better games in the long run. Also it looks more hackable.
  4. Renegade

    Most dissapointing games ever

    Devil may cry 2 by a long way.
  5. Renegade

    Best rogues' galleries

    I concur, Norman can never go back to what he was; his legacy will end and he will die alone. His son was too “weak” and his grandson will probably be the same, but in Peter he sees all the right ingredients for a future villain (or green goblin as mentioned in some of the comics). The only thing that Peter lacks is the mind of a killer. Jealousy is also a big factor. Both Norman and Peter have lost people dear to them but they have gone in totally opposite directions. Peter still has a life of his own where Norman now only has his money and the green goblin.
  6. Renegade

    DDR Extreme USA Info

    Y.M.C.A on DDR? I'm so there!
  7. Renegade

    About Kazaa...

    The porn hubs suck on DC++...do you have any good hub lists to share?
  8. Renegade

    About Kazaa...

    DC++ and Bittorrent go hand in hand. The only thing it can't provide is porn.
  9. Renegade

    Star Wars Episode III Title Announced

    Fall of the Jedi would have been better.
  10. Renegade

    Did I overpay for a used copy

    This sounds like my dream console.
  11. Renegade

    Did I overpay for a used copy

    PSX emulators run on the x-box?
  12. Renegade

    Best rogues' galleries

    I thought Morlun was pretty good in the whole mystical spiderman arc, even though his weakness was somewhat lame. The issue where Morlun wipes the entire city with him is a very good read.
  13. Renegade

    Creator Of Final Fantasy leaves Square-Enix

    I see this as good news. Maybe the games will stop sucking now.
  14. Renegade

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    If only Ramos didn't do the art in it. When you say hunting for the first issue, you mean the actual issue or will a scan suffice?
  15. Renegade

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Here's some pics of his design: That looks much better than what they used in the film. The mask was just too chunky.
  16. Renegade

    sig test

  17. Renegade

    The one and only emulation thread

    Best bet is to use DC++ and use a sega hub, you might catch me on it if you go there. I have quite a few isos.
  18. Renegade

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    They didn't put a strong emphasis on it but you could see his arm was missing.
  19. Renegade

    Some questions on Spiderman

    With hobgoblin and Venom being later members.
  20. Renegade

    Best rogues' galleries

    The hobgoblin looks menacing where the green goblin looks like some sort of grinch character.
  21. Renegade

    Various Questions From a Manga Newbie

    The first arc of the kenshin manga is a very long snooze fest (minus the Saito fight) but if you really want to enjoy the two later arcs you have to push yourself to read it. It gets much better after the first arc. Also, the third arc is dare I say even better than the second.
  22. Renegade

    Some questions on Spiderman

    I think the part where I stopped reading was when MJ "died" in the planecrash. And after reading all this I have no intention to follow that bit up. I got a copy of amazing 509, I haven't had the chance to read it yet but the artwork is very sweet.
  23. Renegade

    Some questions on Spiderman

    Thanks for the info guys. Also could you guys please explain this "reboot" run?
  24. Renegade

    Some questions on Spiderman

    Not sure if my memory is right here but does 441 end with a cliffhanger continued in peter parker spiderman?
  25. Renegade

    Favorite Guns N Roses song?

    Locomotive, Rocket queen, Think about you and Bad apples.