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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    Genesis/SNES Games

    Sunset riders, the Snes version was just so much better (being a more accurate port).
  2. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    It's weird after playing this I've gone back playing kof 98, going to try and finally learn Chris and Shermie.
  3. Renegade

    Xenosaga: Should I buy it?

    I thought it was a pretty neat game myself, not worth the full price but worth 20.
  4. Renegade

    Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu

    Just duck in the right places, throw the Batarang when the mouth is open, and avoid the pollen. Duck Ivy's arrows, too. The Gauntlet was pretty hard at first. Mainly it's a piece of cake if you learn Clayface's pattern. The Joker isn't very tough, neither is Penguin or Scarecrow. Catwoman can cheapshot you sometimes, though. I have managed to get to Joker without behind hit at all by any of the prior bosses. Unfortunately, I never beat it on hard. Easy and Normal yeah, but not Hard. Apparently that's how you get the "true" ending however. Regardless, why is it that the last good Batman game was made about a decade ago? I found manbat quite a hard boss in gauntlet. And Scarecrow will always be my bitch.
  5. Renegade

    Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu

    Oh the sega cd verison blows hard. I liked batman returns for the atari, and yeah konami's snes version was awesome. I remember having no clue how to beat Poison Ivy and that big ass plant.
  6. Renegade

    Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu

    A fun fact for Sakura about this game. Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa the voice of Shang Tsung in the Mortal Kombat movie voices Sin Tzu
  7. Renegade

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Yes, yes it is your fault.
  8. Renegade

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Aw dude please never do that again....
  9. Renegade

    Little Help With Emulators

    For snes the 9x series For nes try Jnes If you want games check the emulation thread, I made a post with lots of snes game links.
  10. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    Been playing 2k1 quite a bit now with my team of Terry, Vanessa and K' and was just wondering does anybody actually use super cancels? There are very few times where its actually useful and the fact that it uses a stock doesnt make it any more helpfull.
  11. The free space on my HD is slowly going down by 2mb with every website I browse even though nothing is being downloaded. I've already run a virus scan with norton and it didnt detect anything. Anybody have any ideas?
  12. Renegade

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Which carried on to the days of street fighter 3
  13. Renegade

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Not really, its probably because fanservice tickles your fancy.
  14. Renegade

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    I dressed up as captain N once, which is even better than cosplay!
  15. Renegade


    Some of his goods looked liked bootlegs to me
  16. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    Kofonline only gives summaries of the manga dont they?
  17. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    I agree with Thoth here, Igniz is the mother of all bosses. His DM makes you want to do bad things to your console. Talking about his DM I remember somehow avoiding it and from behind nailing him with Joe's tiger knee blast thing (damn that is a cool DM) to finish him off. "BRING IT FUCKHEAD!" Yeah alot of people were looking at me kind of funny when I errupted with that. I dont really accept the manga as anything but fan stories since its not canon (like the Kyo and Kasumi relationship), although I do like how badass they make Terry look even though the Fatal fury team has yet to win a kof. Its hard to say if Iori killed 2001 teamates, I cant see Vanessa dying since she's a very popular character. It all depends on how official Iori's ending is (or if he tripped up on a loose rock and was knocked out cold )
  18. Renegade

    Toning Exercises?

    Having a bad back I was wondering how do you do crunches? I cant do sit ups because of my messed up back and would like to tone the muscles in the mid section. It might sound like a really retarded question but I have no idea what crunches are.
  19. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    Wrong, that is is how Iori clenses his Yagami bloodline but he still wants to kill Kyo. Iori’s only motivation is to kill Kyo, ever since king of fighters 95 Iori has wanted to kill Kyo. When he finally gets his shot at Kyo the fight is interrupted by Chizuru Kagura who tells them that they need to help each other in order to stop orochi. Kyo disappears while Iori searches for him. He finds Kyo fighting Goenitz and kicks his ass as only he should have the privilege to kill Kyo. Iori goes through riot of blood, knocks off Vice and mature and goes missing. Iori enters kof 97 as a single entry, as wants to use all his focus to kill Kyo. Iori goes through riot of blood again but Iori clutches Orochi by the neck and lets Kyo lay the final punch. Somehow and somewhere Iori comes to and sees Kyo clones popping all over the place. Iori goes to tear NESTS a new one after they tamper with his plans for revenge. A revenge which he never gets since NESTS hq crashes into earth.
  20. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    heh, well it does. Using strikers is actually tactical rather than just throwing strikers out whenever. I didnt mind the NESTs storyline, its no Orochi saga but good enough. Not related to the two games in particular but I'm sick of the Kyo/Iori thing. Its gone on for about a full decade and nothing has happened. If you stick to the official storyline they have never actually fought each other properly. I think they should just have Iori kill Kyo in future games. This way Iori looks even more badass and it would give other characters a chance develop. And they could always keep Kyo in the games by making him a secret character.
  21. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    2k1 has sucky backgrounds and music, but I still stand by the fact that its just soooo much better in terms of gameplay than 2k. It has the best gameplay out of the striker games. Oh in case you didnt know Andrew they even used Nozomu Sasaki (Tetsuo's voice actor) for the voice for K9999.
  22. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    I'm guessing they havent removed any of the Angel bugs have they? Yeah I prefer 2k1 to 2k, the engine is much better and the strikers arent as cheap. Plus 2k1 has all my favorite teams, hero, japan, garou and aof. Also cant forgot Tet...I mean K9999 Oh and I cant fucking stand Kula or Foxy.
  23. Renegade

    King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

    Trading cards?! Is that an EB deal or does it come with the game anyway?
  24. Renegade

    Party coming up

    Well party over, played a bit of golden axe 2, sunset riders and after that took turns at snk vs capcom chaos.
  25. Renegade

    Party coming up

    I've got a party coming up and I need some mame four player games. I've already got x-men, TMNT, D&D and sunset riders. Could anybody help me with some more four player games?