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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    Seems like self defense to me
  2. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    Argh Jesus. Speaking of macross I bought a region 2 dvd of macross 2...AND IT WAS A DUB! And when I mean dub it has no Japanese track on it, or any subtitles. Its supposed to be a dvd not a fucking VHS. And I cant return it either since the store I bought it from is quite far away. *grumbles* that was 20 bucks well spent.
  3. I love front mission 1 and 3 so 4 will be on my list for sure.
  4. Renegade

    PS2 online

    I had a good laugh at that. Anyway I will get Resident evil outbreak and Planet gunsmoke (trigun game) when they come out.
  5. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    When Harmony Gold released Robotech, they actually merged 3 different anime series together: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross and two unrelated series Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada. The different series were changed to make one ultimate story so there are many changes in both story and names. For example Hirkaru Ichijo was changed to Rick Hunter in Robotech. So if you want to watch true macross watch SDF macros (and all its sequels). Robotech is not half as good as macross.
  6. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    Trust and Betrayal and both moving and visually stunning OVA's and I highly recommend them. The reflection OVA's on the other hand didnt go down with me that well. Anybody who wants to know the true ending to kenshin should try and track down the Jinchu arc of the manga (which is managed to obtain).
  7. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    My favorite characters are Sano and Soujiro. Soujiro's fight has easily some of the best episodes the in the kyoto arc. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): You can really feel Soujiro’s genuine confusion when he hears of kenshin’s ideals. When he says “you were never there to protect me” to Kenshin, I couldn’t help but feel for him.
  8. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    Lets try and keep this thread alive people. I've been trying very hard to download Boogiepop phantom. Anybody seen the series to give any comments on it? Makoto Shishio? Yes he is indeed badass.
  9. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    I actually always considered this a plus for Gundam- with its mobile suits that screamed more weapons of war than elegant robots, it always really helped Gundam's theme of "war is bad". Of course, the mobile suits became MORE elegant with each show, but them's the breaks I suppose. -Duo Gundams appear fat and chunky to me, plus I'm not really a fan of robots with lazer swords. To me Macross planes with machine guns and missiles add a bit more realism to the war theme.
  10. Renegade

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    After a second view didnt a wrench actually go through mario at some point?
  11. Renegade

    New XBL Content

    Like how? I'm guessing that means no roll canceling but what else?
  12. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    Not to mention Gundams lack the elegance and fluidity of a macross fighter. Give DC hubs a try for the movie.
  13. Renegade

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    ... NO FUCKING WAY! He didnt even take a hit! ...just wow.
  14. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    The movie has much more grain in the video but it Imo its better than the ovas. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): - Guld has a MUCH more incredible and intense fight with the ghost X-9. - There is more footage in the ending showdown, making it more complete. - Isamu doesnt go to rescue save Myung because he's having sex with Lucy during the fire scene - The test at the end of Part 2 is replaced with the test from Part 1. Some scenes are shifted around, which actually makes the movie easier to follow than the ovas. The ovas capture more the competition between Isamu and Guld where the movie captures the relationships between the characters. Oh and Macross > Gundam
  15. Renegade

    One and Only Anime Thread

    I'm currently watching the gungrave anime which is being fansubbed every week. Very slick and stylish accompanied by Tsuneo Imahori excellent score (my favorite outro ever). Also re-downloading hight quality versions of the original macross series. Speaking of macross where the hell is the third macross zero OVA? All time favorites: Trigun- Hands down my favorite anime ever. Trigun, to me its just a perfect balance of guns, humor and morale. It has one of the deepest, coolest and funniest protaganists in anime, a great sound track (again credit goes to Tsuneo Imahori) and some truly touching scenes. Macross plus (OVAs and movie)- The relationship between the characters is superb, backed up with lush visuals and Yoko Kanno’s sorcery to make it a fantastic drama. Overrated: Cowboy bebop- Seriously why does this series get so much love? I can’t stand Spike, Faye or Ed. None of the characters properly develop and the final two episodes are nothing short of laughable considering the whole series is just a bunch of filler (which is neither funny or exiting). Only thing that saves it is Yoko Kanno’s soundtrack with Tank being one of the best intro songs ever. Also on a related note, I've recently downloaded the entire 28 volumes of the kenshin manga (translated) and have been reading through the Jinchu arc and I love it. Possibly even better than the Kyoto arc.
  16. Renegade

    FF X-2 thread

    Jesus christ somebody close the thread. Oh and anybody who actually liked Gundam wing has deep deep issues.
  17. Renegade

    FF X-2 thread

    I can laugh just fine, but I don't see why there's any point to laughing when people are mocking something I enjoy. You and every other two-bit anime elitist I've ever met I watch quite a bit of anime, so I cant have a good larf? *Slips on banana peel*
  18. Renegade

    FF X-2 thread

    Then calm the hell down. The response about virtual flesh was not directed about anyone in this thread, and whether or not it makes sense into the story is completely irrelevant. The point is that regardless of the story its used to shift more copies because of fan service, a point which you already agree on.
  19. Renegade

    FF X-2 thread

    *ding, ding, ding* It's a brilliant stragety. Cover her up in the first game, then it's a much bigger deal when she's running around in skimpy clothes in the second game. Sad when people cant seem to grasp that, you know she's not real and all... I guess some people like that though. EDIT: That wasnt directed at Andrew, just the crazy foo's who like virtual flesh.
  20. Renegade

    Tokyo game show survey results

    You wouldnt happen to own the Macross ps2 game would you?
  21. Renegade

    Midway Arcade Treasures

    It feels all wrong playing on a computer to me. So haul your jaded, emulating, cheap ass out of this thread if you aren't going to add anything to the conversation. (kidding) I'd rather be able to select from a menu on a PS2 disc than boot up my computer, run the emulator, download and run the ROMs, and wrestle with my keyboard to play a game. You make it sound like its hours and hours of hassle. Plus there are things such as USB adapters you know (I never use the keyboard for emulation). If these games were classics to me then fine I would buy it but I'm not paying a craphouse like Midway 20 or above bucks to play some games I didnt even like in the first place. Also I'll say it again, I want Mappy
  22. Renegade

    Midway Arcade Treasures

    Robotron, Toobin', Rampage, both Jousts and Defenders, Paperboy, and Smash TV? Haven't played the others, but I'm sold on it already. *Yawns* Emulators can already provide you with all that, I'm not paying anything above five bucks for console ports of substandard games (although Smash TV and spyhunter are good). Now if namco released Mappy for the ps2...
  23. Renegade

    Guilty Gear XX players...

    I’ve had GGXX for a while now, and every couple of weeks I say that I will try and learn the game but I usually just pick it up, play for 15 minutes and switch back to something else. Since I’ve finished all my current PS2 games I’ve finally got some proper motivation to give the game another try. Problem is I am a rookie at this game, and have very little idea of what to do (being a very different engine to the 2D fighters I usually play). Could anybody help me with some faqs/strategies/character guides please? Playing too many Capcom/SNK fighters rots your brain I tell you…
  24. Renegade

    Wish MrZsasz Well!

    Uh...go Zsasz?