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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    International Travel

    UK, Italy, France and Spain. Not been nor would I want to go to any other Euro countries.
  2. Renegade

    Animal Crossing DS...

    Are people actually playing this online (unlike Mario Kart)?
  3. Renegade

    New Girl....

    Kari easily, Jessi looks like she's hiding something with that emo cut.
  4. Renegade

    anyone seen bloodrayne?

    Ha, no. Btw the movie is bombing.
  5. Renegade

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Having played the shit out of 3, I'm glad DMC3 saves will work on the SE.
  6. Renegade

    Clerks 2 Trailer

    Clerks...2? WTF? Eh I'll still see it.
  7. Renegade


    Nope don't have any.
  8. Renegade

    downloading gamesaves for PS2

    You need something like a max drive or dex drive. I don't really recommend it though since it corrupted my memory card.
  9. Renegade

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I remember getting snatcher for 20 mint, ah it's good to scam ignorant little kids.
  10. Renegade

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Don't buy any other game besides Snatcher, cause it will set you back alot.
  11. Renegade

    Mario Kart DS

    Well the reason I don't do it is because I'm not that good yet. Otherwise I see no problem with it. Nintendo intentionally left it in there.
  12. Renegade

    Mario Kart DS

    Well all of my games have had disconnections so far, and I wasn't even winning or anything.
  13. Renegade

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well the game crashing bugs, the long process to getting your saber and the absence of an ending didn't really help things. Otherwise I thought it was pretty solid.
  14. Renegade

    Mario Kart DS

    Got my usb router thing today 085962 142729 I've added everyone here.
  15. Renegade

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    They are going to make more, but it's the end of the sands of time trilogy.
  16. Renegade

    The verses thread

    Spidey would beat Cass easily. She's great at h2h but Spidey outclasses her in every other way. I'd even question if she could beat Spidey in a straight out fight considering he has super strength/agility and spider sense.
  17. Renegade

    Scrubs season 5

    JD will make some nerdy jokes in his head and sometimes say them out loud. If you're lucky sometimes a black joke here and there. And if there is some celebrity guest on the show at the time he'll hook up with her. The Janitor will get up to some wacky antics trying to annoy someone. Elliot will lack confidence and talk about how she was called (insert name) in highschool, later on gaining confidence only for it to reset the next episode. Dr Cox will have at least one insanely long monologue about what annoys him. Ted will always be a loser/suicidal and every episode will cement this further Seriously you don't have to watch this show consistently at all to get it, it will just help fill in some of the blanks story wise, but it's nothing like AD. I loved the first season of scrubs because it was fast paced and original, but the last 3 seasons were pretty dull IMO. The show seemed to rise again during the last half of season 4 so I'll download this and see.
  18. Renegade

    The verses thread

    Well it was voted by the fans. Lots of crazy shit happened in those issues.
  19. Renegade

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    He does love his monies...
  20. Renegade

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    I dunno, I felt that this episode was really all over the place. I really liked the Lindsay/Buster scene though, I don't think they've ever had a proper scene together until this.
  21. Renegade

    Mega Man X Collection

    Yes, although you have to unlock Zero in X6.
  22. Renegade

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    So they are attempting everything besides making the last 3? Which they will do anyway...
  23. Renegade

    Mario Kart DS

    I'm waiting for my wifi usb thing to arrive then I'll add the people here. Until then I'm trying to figure out this snaking thing. I mean it's doable on long corners, but on a straight I just keep crashing into the walls.
  24. Renegade

    52 Spoilers about DC's 52* from Wizard

    This better not mean Batwoman.
  25. Renegade

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    Stealth kills are completely pointless and are pretty rare in the final stretch of the game since you get a one hit kill weapon.