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Everything posted by treble

  1. treble

    SmartMarks Fantasy Hockey?

    2 points, not bad.
  2. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    I'm pissed, I'm going to be having Thanksgiving dinner this Saturday at my aunt's house, so I'll be missing most of Pedro/Clemens at Fenway, plus, they don't even get FOX, so I think I'll have to try and catch some of it on the french channel. Oh well, go Cubs.
  3. treble

    The One and ONLY FUCK THE YANKEES...

    No, Loria was the owner of the Expos. He bought them in either 1999 or 2000 (I'm not entirely sure) and promised that he'd build a new stadium, acquire talent, and pretty much be everything that the old owners weren't. I'll give him credit, he did at least attempt to get talent, but most of them didn't pan out (Hideki Irabu and Fernando Tatis being the 2 prominent and glaring ones). However, it became apparent that he wasn't committed to Montreal when he let the lease on the plot of land that the team was looking at building their new ballpark on expire. Then, after the 2001 season, Bud Selig decided that he needed to contract 2 teams in order to fix all the problems that baseball had. He basically worked out a deal where Loria would become the new owner of the Marlins, while the Marlins owner would move into the Red Sox ownership picture. The Expos, meanwhile, would be bought by MLB and, without any owners in place, would be free to be blown off the face of the baseball universe. So, basically, I despise the man and his new team because of the way he came into Montreal, promising to save baseball (which was very saveable at that point, but probably not so much now), and then skipping out of town the moment something nicer came up. It makes me sick to see the success that piece of shit is having with his new team. And, normally, I'd probably be rooting for an underdog team like the Marlins, just like I was cheering for the Angels in last year's playoffs.
  4. treble

    The One and ONLY FUCK THE YANKEES...

    Well, I'm not Barron, but any team remotely associated with that piece of shit Jeffrey Loria is automatically a disgrace to anything, let alone baseball.
  5. treble

    2003-04 NHL predictions

    Leafs got beat by the BRUINS? That's high comedy. Fuck, I want a re-count, that shit was close. They were up by less than a percent the last time I checked it yesterday.
  6. treble

    The Mullets

  7. treble

    My thoughts on baseball

    As for the Vazquez sitation, I found this article,, where it says this: Sources close to the situation have indicated that the Phillies' preferred replacement is Expos righthander Javier Vazquez. The snag, of course, is that he still has a year before he can become a free agent. And, at least for the moment, the official word out of Stade Olympique is that he won't come cheap. -But, there's no way that he's worth $9 million. Sure, he's played for some bad teams in his career, but the Expos have had winning records for the past 2 years, and I think he's been under .500 himself both those times.
  8. treble

    My thoughts on baseball

    I like Vasquez and all, but $9/10 million a year? No way he's shown that he's worth that.
  9. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Man. This is awesome.
  10. treble

    My thoughts on baseball

    Why, they already have a perfectly good one in Alex Gonzalez and they're farther along than Tejada took the A's. I know Gonzalez doesn't stack up to Tejada offensively, but he's one of the better defensive shortstops out there.
  11. treble

    My thoughts on baseball

    Baltimore's going to try and spend a lot this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see them take a run at Tejada or Guerrero.
  12. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    I like the fact that the ex-Jays and Expos are helping the Cubs out here. Just need Grudzieliekaneanknneneknknek to hit a homer and complete the hat trick.
  13. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Son of a bitch.
  14. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    You don't get FOX up there? Not here I don't. And since no over the air Canadian broadcasters are playing the games, I don't get them. I'm going home on the weekend for a few days for Thanksgiving, then the week after that is reading week, so I'll be home again, so I'll get to see most of the LCS and World Series.
  15. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Why doesn't ESPN Radio put Buck Martinez with Dan Schulman? Damn me and my lack of cable.
  16. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Well, Felipe couldn't beat the Marlins, so hopefully Moises can.
  17. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    You should go watch the game at a bar, senior.
  18. treble

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    If Boston loses (and I sure as hell hope they don't) then it will be because the Yankees are a better team, it won't be the fault of the umprires. You may lose a game because of bad referring/umpiring, but if you're the better team, you won't lose the series because of it.
  19. treble

    SmartMarks Fantasy Hockey?

    I've only got 1, but I've got a bunch of them getting started on Thursday. I hope Zubov has a big game against Anaheim.
  20. treble

    Hogan to work TNA on 11/30

    No one cares about watching Hogan on TV anymore. He'll pop a live crowd, so they may draw more people to the show, but by and large, people don't go out of their way to watch Hogan these days.