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Posts posted by Downhome

  1. I have no idea what its supposed to mean but its the term Joe's been using since his "return." So it wasn't Tenay's idea. Just him using Joe's line.


    Part of me dreads whatever Samoans are free agents showing up as a new stable, or something.




    I find it ironic how over the years people had always been glad Joe is in TNA and not in WWE because they feared that the moment he entered WWE he would become something along the lines of Umaga, or other type of typical wrestling Samoan, and now in TNA it's happening before our eyes.


    Only it's so much worse than what I would have imagined for him in WWE.

  2. It wouldn't shock me to see them pull TBS out of this match tonight after "spoiling" the match last week.




    Well, if they did that they may not be able to do so until next week since SD this week has already been taped. I guess it depends on what they taped for this coming SD.

  3. JBL does a good thing.


    This is from JBL's latest blog:




    I am the sponsor of OVW, it is true. Danny Davis is my good friend and I hate to see anyone lose their dream. Danny has mortgaged his home to make this work; I mortgaged my home for Layfield Energy. I understand passion, I understand love. I believe in the American spirit, I believe that if you want to achieve, you can.


    My company is doing well, and I can promise you I don't take one account or one customer for granted. I am going to sponsor what Danny is doing. It will be much more than just wrestling. Trust me; we are going to do some really cool things. This will unfold in the next few months, I have big plans for what we are doing.


    But for now, I am funding all of OVW, because I believe in what they are doing. One day I will tell all, but for now, I will say that I am doing what is right.


    I started in places like OVW; these places have to be protected. These places are sacred, and I don't do this for nostalgia, I do it as a business decision. This is not just my BS plan to give back; I have a plan-believe me.


    By the way, can I tell you-Wrestlemania, I am doing something historic. Write this down, put it in stone; I am doing something that will shock the world of wrestling. I am doing something that will change the WWE forever. Mark my words.


    The big story here is the entire OVW deal, and nothing will likely come of the "something historic" deal.

  4. TNA believes they're doing good.


    That's not a joke. They honest to god believe they are producing a good weekly product. And Dixie Carter doesn't know enough, or doesn't try to learn enough to realize that only the people in the TNA creative bubble think it's going good.


    No shit. That interview with Dixie Carter that came out over the steroid mess explains everything you need to know about TNA.

  5. Where did Joe get a uniform identical to theirs?


    How did the cops not realize there was an extra guy walking out to the ring with them?


    Now that I think about it, I'm going to imagine from this day forward that he fucking murdered a random cop, cut his head totally off with his weapon, and left it in a closet in the back of the Impact Zone.


    If you're going to go there, go all the way with this bullshit.

  6. This company is so fucking weird.


    I'm starting to go from hating almost everything about TNA, to loving it in the same way I loved WCW in its dying days.


    I like how they can't just have the guys keep their suits and just have to have Angle beat them up to take it back for no good reason other than to make the MEM look that much more dominant over the Frontline once again.


    I wish I had never been told that "The Governor" is Daphne.

  7. Lets just say Beer Money Inc. period is the highlight of all of TNA.


    Yep, they're about the only thing in TNA I care about at all other than the weird curiosity I have in where the MEM angle will go.


    I wish all three of them could get out of TNA, head to WWE, and have a year long feud with Miz & Morrison.

  8. He shouldn't be going over Steiner. He got to have a competitive match though.


    Exactly, hence why Petey wasn't really "fucked over" or anything like that.


    I fully expected him to win, that's not that I'm talking about. I just don't see a reason to squash him post match as well after the big finish to that match.


    Great match, the guy went over I expected, but I didn't see the purpose of the post match squash. Why couldn't the Joe music start as Steiner went to go grab him?


    It's just a TNA moment, that's the only explanation for it.


  9. Any word on the Best Buy exclusive version of the Legends of Wrestling six disc set?


    I hear that the 3 discs will be the same ones included everywhere else, but the 3 additional discs will be Piper & Funk, Hogan & Backlund, and Andre the Giant & Iron Sheik. I can't wait to hear which matches are on the three bonus discs, if any at all.
